High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1128: No antidote

In desperation, Elder Chen could only bite his head and greeted him with a wave of his hands!


The two gave each other a firm hand, and Elder Chen obviously underestimated Xiao Chen's strength. Coupled with the sudden change, he was unable to resist when he was caught off guard, and was immediately blasted out and opened his mouth in the air. He spit out blood, and then fell heavily on the side of Jia Yubian's body.

Xiao Chen only stepped back, staring at Elder Chen coldly, without changing his expression at all.

"Master, these five biochemicals have been taken away by me, and now they are no longer controlled by Qitianmen. You can directly order them and let them do anything, but only temporarily." An Xiao The monster got out of the head of the last biochemical man, came to Xiao Chen, and reported respectfully.

Because An Xiaomo and Jiuyouminghuo have the same level as Xiao Chen ’s breakthrough, he can now take back and forth, so he can control all the biochemical people without thought in a short time.

But unfortunately, the brains of these biochemical humans have been destroyed, so An Xiaomo can only leave a trace of the spiritual power of the gods in their brains, so that they can be controlled for a while, after the mental powers dissipate, No effect.

"Oh? Really fake? So fun?" Xiao Chen was very interested, and gave some inexplicable instructions to the biochemical people, and they all really did, blindly, walking around the yard, There are people who danced around and danced. In the yard, people danced in a crowd for a while.

长 Elder Chen was lying on the ground, and he couldn't help looking pale when he saw this scene. He couldn't figure it out. How could the biochemical man developed by his own martial arts be so controlled by Xiao Chen? Who the **** is he?

Xiao Chen controlled the biochemical man for a while and played with it for a while, then remembered one thing, and asked An Xiaomo with curiosity: "This thing is quite interesting, but just now you said that you can only control it for a while? Then what if What happens when my control over them fails? Will they be controlled by Kaitianmen again? "

"No!" An Xiaomo was very proud of his masterpiece: "I have completely cut off their connection with Qitianmen, and now their brains have been destroyed. It won't be long before my psychic energy dissipates. , They will become idiots. Although they still have good strength, they can only stand dumbfounded. "

"Oh, that's it! Good job!" Xiao Chen gave a heartfelt compliment and immediately gave an order to let a group of biochemical people follow him and come to Elder Chen in a mighty manner.

Elder Chen looked at all the biochemicals who had just obeyed his orders. Now standing on Xiao Chen's body, looking down at himself, cold sweat rolling down behind him, and his legs were too soft to crawl for a while.

Xiao Chen looked down at him, and said slowly: "Elder Chen, it's really hard for you. I have sent so many test articles. I won't say any more than that. Now, I want to ask you some questions. You It's best to answer honestly, otherwise ... "

Xiao Chen didn't finish talking, but raised an eyebrow and made an expression you know ...

"Don't ... don't hit me, I'm forced to helplessly! If it wasn't for the martial arts to let me come, I don't want to go to this muddy water! I don't have any feelings for Jia Yubian, it's just an order! Elder Chen had no choice but to whisper for mercy.

Looking at the biochemical man who was originally controlled by Qitianmen, they all turned their guns and stared at him with great courage. Elder Chen's mind was quite unpleasant.

"Less nonsense! As far as I know, Qitianmen has developed a medicine that can control the minds of others. I suppose you should be very clear about this?" Xiao Chen looked at Elder Chen with narrow eyes and asked coldly.

"I know, I know!" Elder Chen gave a subconscious glance at the biochemical man, secretly said that it was not the breed before these biochemical people? First controlled by potions, then commanded by tokens, it is the first generation of biochemicals!

"Very good, do you have this antidote for the potion? Have you brought it with you? Hurry up and hand it over!" Xiao Chen leaned down and stared at Elder Chen fiercely.

"This ... I know the antidote, but those medicines are kept in a sectarian laboratory and strictly guarded. Without the order of Situ, no one dares to use it privately, let alone take it with you!" Elder Chen explained bitterly.

Although he didn't know what Xiao Chen was going to do to cure the drug, he didn't dare to ask. He could only answer honestly, and his heart was disturbed.

这样 "So, don't you have no use value?" Xiao Chen stood up, raised his eyebrows, and prepared to direct the biochemical person to kill Elder Chen.

长 Elder Chen heard what Xiao Chen said, and he was almost scared of peeing. He secretly said that he was dead and didn't plan to make unnecessary resistance again. He closed his eyes tightly and waited for the next attack.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

Elder Chen's heart was stunned for a long time, but he didn't wait for the clapping wind, he couldn't help but opened his eyes in surprise, but saw Xiao Chenzheng looking at him with a complicated look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ originally ordered Before, Xiao Chen suddenly thought of the punishment girl, remembering that this guy just said that he only obeyed the martial arts instructions. Isn't it the same as the punishment girl? Thinking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't help moving his reclusive heart for a while and simply waved: "Before I change my mind, get out of here! Don't let me see you again!"

He said, Xiao Chen no longer cares about Elder Chen, but first goes to loosen Jia Musen, then takes him back to the room, and closes the door.

And the control time of those biochemical people has ended, at this time is standing stupidly, no longer obeying Xiao Chen's instructions.

长 Elder Chen looked at the closed door. Just now he thought this guy was going to kill himself, but when he heard what he said later, he was stunned again. Is this what happened? Xiao Chen is too puzzled, right? It's weird!

Confused and confused, Elder Chen climbed up with a grunt, the thief did not die, and tried to give the standing biochemical person an order, and tried several times, only to confirm that they were really useless, and had no choice but to sigh. Choose to give up.

Seeing that the door of Jia Musen's room was still closed and silent, Elder Chen was going to leave Jia's house as soon as possible and return to Qitianmen. When he walked to the side of Jia Yu's body, he suddenly stood still, pondered for a moment, and looked around. People, secretly carried Jia Yubian's body and took it with him.

As soon as Jia Musen entered the room, he saw Jia Jinyan sitting on the sofa, closing his eyes and recuperating. Although he didn't look good, his spirit was pretty good. [To be continued] []

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