High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1151: It's over

"Xiao ... husband Xiao Chen, this sour sister is going to be finished! Sour sister is going to be disfigured ohhhhh ..." Tian acid soured, and took Xiao Chen's hand and said babblingly, saying, Later, tears rolled in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, sour is all right!" Xiao Chen comforted her a few words, waiting for Tian sour to be a little calmer, and then said quietly, "Is there anything that happened just now? Tell me Okay? "

"I ... I just realized suddenly that I started to practice the lower half of the five poisonous cheats! And I couldn't stop if I wanted to stop!" Tian Suanci said with a cry, "What can I do?" Don't you be sour like Tang Qianling, with black mist all over your body, that's terrible! "

I felt cold on my back, and Tian Tianran touched his hand subconsciously, and found that his entire clothes had been wet with sweat. He could not help but flatten his mouth, and finally couldn't help crying "Wow".

"Don't cry, sour, don't be too nervous first, I'll check it for you." Xiao Chen helped Tian sour to dry her tears, and then opened her senses to look closely around her body, but did not find a trace of black gas Rising out of her body, she couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

"Husband Xiao Chen, hasn't I started to have black fog on my body? Isn't it ugly?" Tian Suanci saw Xiao Chen's face a little confused and asked with a hesitation.

"No, you are not angry ... Come, I will give you a pulse." Xiao Chen shook her head, pulled Tian Tianshou's hand to hold it, then injected a hint of vitality, flowing in her body. A circle.

After checking it again, Xiao Chen found that there were no other problems in the sour body. Only Dantian seemed strange, and he felt it carefully again. He could notice that there was a circle of breath around Dantian, but there was no other. Strange.

I was a little puzzled by Xiao Chen. This breath actually made him have a familiar feeling of "Baidu · Kaihang text", but for a while he was not sure what it was.

Xu pondered for a while, Xiao Chen turned around, and Tang Tang's body was also not black. He observed for a while, and grabbed Tang Tang's hand again.

Injecting a little vitality into Tang Tang's body, Xiao Chen looked inward again, and found that her dantian and Tian Tian sour had a familiar breath lingering, but the Tang Tang body's breath was even more It is strong, but the smell of sour is slightly weak.

I probed back and forth several times, Xiao Chen found that although this breath was strong and weak, it still existed in their bodies, but fortunately, no harm was done to their bodies.

I touched my nose, Xiao Chen was a little depressed, and I checked for a long time. Except for that breath, I didn't find anything unusual at all! Is it this breath that prevents the black mist from rising out after the sour cultivation?

In desperation, Xiao Chen had to ask Tian Lao for help: "Oh Lao, what's the smell in their Dantians? It doesn't seem to mention such things in the five poisonous cheats!"

"Stupid, isn't that breath the elixir you gave Tang Tang before?" The old lazy lesson said: "After the elixir was absorbed by Tang Tang, it became a secret of cultivation five poisons. It ’s true, or you can call it magic! ”

"That's it!" Xiao Chen's eyes brightened, but he was a bit puzzled: "How can there be sour body in that sour body? Is it ..."

"Finally, it's not too stupid, yes, it's because of the double repair just now!" Tian Lao slowly explained: "Tang Tang took the whole elixir, so the breath in her body was thick and thick. In the process of double repair, it blends with Tang Tang's breath and exchanges, so it also absorbs a small part, but it is not as good as Tang Tang's absorption, so the breath will be weaker. "

"If so, Tian Suantian can practice the lower half of the five poisonous cheats? And she won't have a black mist all over like Tang Qianling?" Xiao Chen overjoyed and kept asking.

Since the breath in the two women's Dantian is transformed by the medicine, then there is no problem. If the inference of Tian Lao is correct, you don't need to worry about it!

"Nice! But the two of them are too low to absorb the medicine by their own strength, so the elixir has not yet fully functioned." Tian Lao nodded and added: "Now Tang Tang has learned five anyway. The second half of the poisonous cheats is here. Next, you can work with them two times, and quickly improve their strength, while helping them digest and absorb the medicinal power! "

After I finished speaking, Tian Lao stopped talking, anyway, Xiao Chen was already familiar with San Xiu, and he didn't need any help from him later.

"Oh, I understand." Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, turning her head to look at Tian acid, she had recovered from the emotions just now, and was staring at Xiao Chen with "Xingmeng · Qiaowu · Feiyang" at this moment.

"Husband Xiao Chen, has Sour Sour been cured?" Tian Suan acid blinked and pursed his mouth and said, "If it doesn't work, take advantage of the fact that the black mist has not yet emerged. I dedicate myself to you ... "

"Stop and stop, you're okay, don't worry about it blindly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is how things are ..." Xiao Chen shook her head with tears of laughter and laughed, explained the ins and outs of the matter, and simply explained it in a sour way.

After listening, Tian Suan finally let out a sigh of relief. Since he doesn't have to be the ghost like Tang Qianling, and at the same time can have higher strength than now, why not?

After thinking about everything, Tian Suanci prepared to undergo three repairs with Tang Tang under the leadership of Xiao Chen.

Because I had tossed for a long time, at this time, the night was about to pass, and the sky was white, Xiao Chen thought about it. Before the practice, I called the women Cheng Mengying cautiously, and made them clear. Then arrange them to guard the law outside the door.

Although Cheng Mengying and others were still a little sleepy, they heard that they were trying to help Tang Tang recover, and they did not complain. They agreed and Xiao Chen simply instructed them to close the door and returned to the room. Ready to start the third repair.

Putian acid and Xiao Chen have already cultivated many times, so they are very familiar. Just now, the flavor of Tangtang and Tian acid has also been running smoothly, so the three soon entered the cultivation state.

Cultivation is unknown, and I don't know how long, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a strong breath erupting in Tang Tang's body, wandering wildly in her meridians, constantly expanding her meridians!

In addition, Tang Tang ’s magical energy is also increasing geometrically and is constantly increasing. Each time she runs a large Sunday, her magical energy is doubled and expanded by another breath. Swim among the meridians! [To be continued] []

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