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Chapter 1157: Before you go

Chapter 1157

Li Xianer nodded his head and looked eagerly at the landing and asked, "Miss Lu, can you promise us? We have been searching for a long time. If we don't find it again, we are likely to be seized by some cruel and martial arts. If you let them enter the Xiuxian Realm first, it will be too late by that time! "

In the face of Li Xianer's hot eyes, Lu Shuang both bowed his head, pondered for a moment, bit his lower lip and asked, "I have a few more questions ... I'm going to do this. Is there any risk?"

Although I heard about each other for a long time, I can understand their strength and sincerity, but if I do n’t understand some problems, Lu Shuangshuang's heart will always be unreliable, and there is no way to agree to it.

仙 Li Xianer glanced at Hong Zhuan, hesitated, and said truthfully: "Girl, Lu, we will not lie to you. There are definitely risks. After all, no one has tried this before, so we cannot guarantee 100% success."

"Yes, to be honest, you may be killed because of this, but you may also become a master." Hong Chan patted the cake residue in his hand, adding.

这样 "Well ... then I have one last question ... if I go, what good can I get back?" Lu Shuangshuang nodded and asked tentatively.

Lu Shuangshuang wanted to come and go. If it was for the sake of others' martial arts, they would dedicate themselves. It seems that they can't be justified, and they don't know what kind of chips they will come up with to win their consent.

"Oh, the benefits are bound to be there." Hong Chan raised his head and stared at both landings, and continued: "As for the benefits, you can just mention them! Whether it's money or natural treasures, you can just speak, we are sure Can meet all your conditions! "

"I ..." Lu Shuang opened his mouth and hesitated a little bit. He didn't know what to say for a while.

If you change a while ago, Xiao Chen has not healed the grandmother, and he will certainly hesitate to agree!

But now it's different. Now that grandma's illness is better, and she has a huge amount of deposits with her, is it necessary to take this risk? What if grandma dies?

"It's okay, I know it's going to be very difficult." Hong Chan saw Lu Shuangshuang's hesitant look and didn't want to force her anymore, and said, "You don't have to choose to agree or refuse immediately, go back Think about it for a few days and give us a reply. "

"Really? That's great!" When she heard Hong Chan say that, Lu Shuangshuang was relieved. If she was to make a decision immediately, she couldn't make that determination!

Hong Zhuo nodded, took out his business card, and handed it to Lu Shuang: "This is my phone number. When you think about it, you can call me again. I will stay in Songning City in the short term. . "

"That way, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first! Xianer, we will return and contact." Lu Shuangshuang closed his business card, said goodbye to Hong Zhu and Li Xianer, and then turned to leave the room.

Lu Lushuang's mind is still a little tangled. Naturally, she doesn't think that she can live a lifetime by selling telescopes.

By that time, my life would be gone. What use is there for money?

And if I go to the Immortal World, who will take care of my grandma? Does it depend on Xiao Chen? But now he has no news, he has not seen him for a long time!

"Sister Hong Zhuan, I think that with a little more effort, Lu Shuangshuang should agree, why did she let her go so quickly?" Looking at the back of Lu Shuangshuang, Li Xianer asked a little wonder.

I have searched for so long and haven't found one, but now I find a suitable one, and let her go like this, Li Xianer feels a pity!

"No way, her aura is not enough, only about 30%, far from our goal." Hong Chan shook his head: "Did you not hear me just now? We still have to be Stay in Songning for a while and try to find out if there are any suitable Reiki women! "

"Ah? How come there are so few?" Li Xianer was surprised when he heard the words. Could this aura still be lost?

"I guess she has been broken before! If it is still complete, the aura is full and I will certainly not let her leave so easily!" Hong Chan sighed, his expression a little annoyed.

I don't know which **** bastard, I have ruined such a good girl, so that it is not enough to find her, and I have to find other people!

At this moment in the Jia family in Wulin, Xiao Chen, who was sitting beside Tang Tang's bed, suddenly sneezed for no reason. It was strange to me that he was already in infancy, how could he catch a cold?

"Xiao Chen, aren't you uncomfortable?" Cheng Mengying and the other women were packing their luggage in the room. When Xiao Chen suddenly sneezed, she asked quickly and caredly. The other women also looked worried.

"It's okay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ who is probably talking about me behind me! After all, I am also a master of the Supreme Master, how could I catch a cold?" Xiao Chen waved her hand and said with a smile.

Cheng Mengying was still a bit uneasy. She simply walked over, reached out and touched his forehead, and felt it for a while. After confirming that there was no headache and brain heat symptoms, she relaxed and said, "You haven't slept for several days! , You go to sleep for a while, Tang Tang has us staring here, there will be no problem! "

Xiao Chen turned her head to look at the mountains of clothes and cosmetics piled up on the girls' beds. She shook her head and smiled, "I will not sleep anymore. You should hurry up and pack up your luggage! The punishment girl is now She ’s still training in the room, and her luggage is a parcel and she has finished packing in half a day. You guys are better. I can only prepare four or five suitcases! ”

"But ... Tang Tang's side ..." Cheng Mengying was a little embarrassed, but looked at Tang Tang with a worried look.

"It's okay, we will set off to the Venerable Secret the day after tomorrow. If Tang Tang hasn't woke up, I'll take her with me." Xiao Chen understood Cheng Mengying's meaning and turned to stare at Tang Tang's cheek and said. .

It's been three or four days since Tang Tang passed out of sleep, and the girl hasn't moved at all. If it wasn't for her, she would still make a slight breathing sound, and her chest would be slightly undulating. Xiao Chen would think she was so faint. Already.

In fact, Xiao Chen was also very clear in his mind. Tang Tang recovered his mind at first, and his brain suddenly poured into too much memory. The brain cells could not handle such a huge amount of information, so they could only be in a dormant state for the time being.

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