High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1187: Hong Zhu and Hong Yan

Looking at the big word "Hong Yan" on the screen, Hong Chan hesitated for a moment, or pressed the answer button and walked aside and said lightly, "Hong Yan, is there something wrong with me?"

"Well, Hong Zhuan, are you going well there? I encountered a little situation here." Hong Yan's tone was also very flat. Although her voice was soft, she didn't have the slightest emotion, it sounded like a stranger People speak like.

"It's not bad! I have found two auratic women. What happened to you? Shouldn't you mess up the task?" Hong Chan pouted and smiled.

"I don't want to quarrel with you. I just want to remind you by making this call. Take a closer look at the woman you found. I have two people missing here. I speculate that it may be the people who cultivate the ghosts." Hong Yan But did not continue, said still coldly.

"What ?! Missing two?" Hong Chan frowned, finally realizing the seriousness of the problem, put a smile on his face, and Shen Sheng said, "I have one missing here, if you say so , That should also be the hand of the ghost cultivation people! "

"It seems that our situation is the same, the action of the ghost cultivation faction is really fast ..." Hong Yan sank in her heart, muttering.

不过 "But ... how could they still have people in the secular world?" Hong Chan groaned for a while, and said confused, "I remember, haven't they been cleaned up by the Song family before?"

"Song Qingshu also thought that at the time, but it turns out that there are still disciples in the secular world!" Hong Yan sighed slightly: "It's not only the secular world, but even the foreign martial arts. I had a hard time before Two women were found in Tianfang and Moxingzong, and their whereabouts are now unknown. "

"Foreign martial arts? The ghost repair faction is really a hundred-footed worm, dead and not stiff. After so many sweeps, they have not been able to kill them!" Hong Chan said resentfully.

"That's the situation," Hong Yan warned again, "Hong Zhuan, you'd better pay close attention to the last woman, don't let them succeed."

"I know, I don't need you to repeat this repeatedly, I will naturally do this, is there anything else?" Hong Chan was a little impatient and asked coldly.

没 No one spoke on the other end of the phone, but there was a rapid breathing sound, apparently Hong Yan was annoyed by Hong Zhuan's indifferent attitude.

However, Hong Yan calmed down quickly, pondered for a moment, and said calmly: "Sister, the Xiuxian faction has reached the most critical moment. You might as well think about it and participate in the sacrifice!"

"Yo, do you finally recognize me as my sister? I thought you would never call me a sister again in this life!" Hong Zhuan's mood at this time was a bit complicated. I can feel my eyes getting wet.

"There is a blood relationship, and I naturally won't deny it." Hong Yan's voice was also a little trembling. She took a deep breath and pulled the topic back: "Sister, think about it carefully! If this If the people who are secondarily trained by the ghosts are one step ahead and enter the Xiuxian Realm, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous! "

Hong Zhuan's emotions lingered in his throat, and he didn't squeak "Baidu · Kaihang Text", his face finally cooled down, and he bit his teeth and laughed: "Oh, let's talk, you are just a good girl For the benefit of the family! "

"Sister ..." Hong Yan just shouted, Hong Chan said without mercy: "I admit that I am not as great as you. Since there are other people who can substitute, why should I go to be a sacrifice myself?"

"Sister, you don't have to be ridiculous to me, I'm not as great as you said!" Hong Yan's voice was also agitated: "Anyway, we are born in such a family, we can't decide our own destiny, so why bother to embarrass others What about people? "

"Difficult? Are we burning and looting? Were we being intimidated?" Hong Zhuan immediately retorted: "We only allow them to participate in the sacrifice when others voluntarily. How can this be considered difficult? Needed! "

"But after all, it's just our family affairs. It would be a little cruel to let a few innocent outsiders take on this responsibility!" Hong Yan's tone was a little angry.

"My dear good sister, did you use the wrong word again, where did cruelty come from?" Hong Chan sneered: "Not to mention that sacrifices may not lose their lives, and we all give enough rewards. This is pure It's just a deal! "

"But in this situation, what time is there for you to trade slowly with others?" Hong Yan also couldn't hold back her emotions, and said angrily, "If the Xiu Gong faction entered the Xiu Xian realm ahead of time, it would be a disaster How much damage have you ever thought about? The Xiu Ghost faction is lost in such a kind of ethics, and it does nothing evil, but how much **** wind will it bring? "

"Oh, it seems that our values ​​are still different!" Hong Zhuan shook his head again and again and asked unwillingly: "Do you think that the family wants to open the Xiuxian world just to curb the development of Xiuxiu? If Xiuxian doesn't want to get Resources and strength in the Xiuxian Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as you devote all your energy to the Xiu Ghost faction, it is good to cut the grass and root out in advance. Why do you need to spend so much manpower and material resources to enter the Xiuxian Realm? "

Ji Hongyan replied naturally: "This is the fate of the family. Since we are younger, we naturally have no right to ask questions and resist, you should know ..."

Before Hong Yan finished speaking, Hong Zhuan became angry and interrupted impatiently: "Okay, you don't have to teach me the family's set. In short, I don't want to trade my life for that family's Interest, that's it! "

Immediately after the speech, Hong Chan hung up the phone and his face became unsightly.

Every time I make a phone conversation with my obedient girl sister, it ’s like quarreling. Although they do n’t have a real conflict, they ca n’t co-exist in some ideas. This makes Hong Chan very uncomfortable, so she usually He will not take the initiative to contact Hong Yan.

In the eyes of everyone in the Hong family, Hong Yan will always be the obedient and obedient, obedient and obedient girl. No matter what kind of task the family proposes, she will perform it without hesitation, even risking her life as a sacrifice. Hong Yan also never said nothing.

Although Ji is a sister, Hong Zhuan's personality is very different from Hong Yan. She is synonymous with "rebellion" in the eyes of family members.

Hong Zhuo ignored the Hong family ’s objections from an early age, insisted on learning Meishu, and had a big fight in his family. He did not want to be a sacrifice to start the cultivation of the immortal world. He would rather sneak away to the worldly world and the foreign martial arts. Power to find other suitable candidates. [To be continued] []

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