The owner of Yue Yue also said in a low voice: "Yes, Xiao Xiao, you can rest assured! We promise not to use any crooked brains. Besides, although some of us in Neiwulin are not Taishan Beidou, anyway, they are also famous No., we and your friends have no injustice and resentment. No matter how we fight against them, we ruin our reputation! "

"Yes, Xiao Xiao ... Xiao Xiaoxia, we are only interested in Xiuxian Realm, and we will never embarrass your friends!" Tang owner nodded immediately, adding.

几个 After seeing Xiao Chen ’s shot and launching Situ Qitian Fanfei, they are all very afraid of his strength. Xiao Chen can thank God for not having trouble with them. How dare he take the initiative to provoke Cheng Mengying? Isn't that eating the bear heart leopard gall and killing yourself?

Jia Yutou, who was hiding behind her, was even more embarrassed. She didn't even dare to put a fart, and her head was sullen.

In terms of his current strength, he ca n’t even beat soy sauce at all. If it were n’t for the other two homeowners insisting on staying, he would have greased his feet and drove off early.

"Oh, let's do it, then I will trust you once!" Xiao Chen stopped, glanced coldly at the crowd, suddenly burst out of boundless momentum, and warned word by word: "You better not mess around. , Otherwise I will definitely let Qitianmen, Tang's and Yue's families be removed from the martial arts! "

The cold sweats of those people slumped from behind, their legs shook like sieve braces, and they nodded extremely hard.

Xiao Chen saw the warning had effect, so he gathered his momentum and turned to Cheng Mengying and Jia Musen to briefly explain a few words, and instructed Jia Tuyu and the remaining girls to pay attention to safety, and then took the punishment chick and turned over to ride Bai Ze Ling Beast, ready to leave for Qitianmen.

Bai Ze Ling Beast just walked two steps forward. Before Elder Sun and his party had time to relax, Xiao Chen stopped suddenly, thought about it, and turned around, and walked to Elder Sun's side.

Taking advantage of Elder Sun's efforts, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to lift him up and hung on the side of the spirit beast. He said lightly: "Anyway, there is nothing you can do to stay here, just walk with me Come on! Just to testify to Gongzi, the new head of Qitianmen! "

"Ah ?! This ... this is not appropriate, in fact, as long as Xiaoxia you go alone ... Ah!" Just as Elder Sun wanted to refuse, but the voice did not fall, he felt a sudden flower in front of him, strong wind blowing around, Flowers, trees and trees passed by in an instant!

At that moment, Elder Sun felt like he was flying in the sky, so scared that his voice was distorted. The whole person was very stiff and stuck on the edge of Bai Ze Ling Beast. He didn't dare to move at all. Become meat.

Driven by Xiao Chen, Bai Ze Ling Beast shuttled through the inner martial arts at its fastest speed.

Because he usually lives in the mysterious realm of the Venerable, Bai Ze Ling Beast is very curious about the outside world, and it is not honest to rush on the road. Or he suddenly got into the woods and strolled around. When he came out, he was still chewing unknown herbs, or So I climbed up a hill, and then rushed down quickly, entertaining myself and having a good time.

Bai Ze Ling Beasts played very joyfully, Xiao Chen didn't pay too much attention, anyway, he had become accustomed to the virtues of these two Spirit Beasts, but elder Sun exclaimed from time to time, making him feel A bit noisy.

After two hours, Bai Ze Ling Beast gradually slowed down, and finally stopped steadily outside the gate of Qitianmen.

Estimated the time, Xiao Chen was surprised from the bottom of my heart. I did not expect to use this guy instead of Feijian, which actually saved a lot of time than before! And this guy is still playing all the way along the way, it can be seen how fast it runs during the period!

But the hardest one is Elder Sun. He was hung on the side of the spirit beast, his eyes, ears, nose, and throat were filled with cold wind. At this time, he felt that his eyes were blowing on Venus, and his hair was blown. It stood up backwards, and his clothes were ragged and covered with bruises. Obviously he was hit lightly along the way.

Xiao Chen shook his arm and left Elder Sun at the side of the road before holding the punishment chick. He leapt off the horse and commanded Elder Sun: "Hurry up, give all the disciples at Qitianmen to I called out, first came to see the new head of Xing Gongzi, and then took me to find the elder elder too and see where that old thing was hidden! "

"Eh ... Okay ... Okay, I'll ... get someone ... hey !!!" Elder Sun stood up staggeringly and walked around the road a few steps back and forth, not waiting When he found the door to Qitianmen, he felt a sudden burst of stomach in the stomach, his legs softened, and he knelt on the side of the road and vomited.

"It's a useless thing! You have experienced the speed of a high-level spirit beast for free. You are still motion sick ... No, you are still motion sick! How about you as a respected master? It's a waste! Really! There is no life to enjoy! "Xiao Chen coldly sarcastically ~ ~ That being said, but Xiao Chen also took the elder Sun off, and can only stand side by side with the punishment girl, waiting for this guy to finish Besides.

The gauntlet girl covered her nose in disgust, scorned Elder Sun for a while, and then stepped a little further away, apparently unable to accept the disgusting smell and wanted to find a place to breathe.

"Who! How dare you dare to scatter in Qitianmen? Are you tired and crooked?" Elder Sun's vomiting quickly led a team of guards patrolling nearby, and saw the leading guard captain stride with a weapon. He approached and asked with a vigilant look.

However, as soon as he asked, it seemed that the person kneeling on the ground seemed a bit familiar, and after a close examination, he found that this man was wearing tattered clothes, covered with scars, and looked like a man named Huazi, not his grandson. Elder?

"Sun ... Elder Sun? What's the matter with you? What happened? Would you like me to find a doctor for you?" The captain asked in surprise.

"No ... no need ... you have to assemble all the disciples ... I have something important to announce ... to everyone ... vomit !!" Elder Sun waved his hand, labored to explain the words, stomach There was another tumbling, and the wow continued to spit.

"Uh ... Okay, I'll go." The captain of the guard frowned slightly, although it seemed a bit inappropriate for Elder Sun to vomit outside the door of the martial arts, but he was just an ordinary disciple and did not dare to disobey the elder Order, he immediately turned around and ran to the gate, ready to enter Qitianmen and let people go. [To be continued] []

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