High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 854: It's better to leave

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"How? Any comments?" Xiao Chen asked indignantly.

"No ... no! I'll turn it over for you! You can check the account later!" Ma said, twisting his face and gritting his teeth.

Ma Yanzhen was angry and hate, but he did not dare to refuse, in case Xiao Chen could not annoy him, he blame sinned on the peak, but he could not bear it!

"Hurry up!" Xiao Chen hung up the phone after a sentence, and walked towards the dormitory leisurely.

Ma Fuzhen first cursed at the sky three times, then reluctantly turned the money around, and then quickly called Xiao Chen.

As soon as the phone was connected, before waiting to speak, Xiao Chen said, "Okay, I have already paid the appearance fee, and you are not used to picking me up. I will call a Didi special car to pass by. Do n’t forget to reimburse me. That's it! "After speaking, Xiao Chen hung up the phone directly.

"Xiao ..." As soon as Ma Yanzhu opened his mouth, he heard the busy tone of "beep" coming from the other side of the phone, and immediately he was so angry that the Buddha got out of the air and the phone was smashed.

"What kind of egg is this? You're reimbursed for so much money? Wait for you to come and see how I'll straighten you up!" Ma Yizhen shouted fiercely at the broken cell phone.

Although Qi Tianmen strictly ordered him not to fight against Xiao Chen, Ma Yizhen believed that he had a way to rectify it, as long as he didn't kill him!

Xiao Chen only stayed in the dormitory for one night, and he was going to set off the next day to go to Kuishan Pie.

Although it is said that there are still some days before the convening of the crusade, the purpose of his trip to the Kuishan faction is to visit Miss Cheng Mengying, not to participate in any Laozizi conference, so he simply passed early.

While the sky is still not shining. Xiao Chen did not alarm anyone and urged Feijian to come directly to Kuishan faction. After confirming that he was not tracked, he took off the take-off sword. Swayed to the gate of Kuishan School.

"Stop! Who are you? Which school do you have? What's the purpose of coming to Kuishan School?" The disciples who watched the door saw a young man come over and stopped him directly.

"Oh, I'm Xiao Chen, a disciple of Mo Xingzong, and I'm here to attend the crusade." Xiao Chen replied unhurriedly.

"Magic Sect? Xiao Chen?" The disciple disciple felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment, so he pulled out the list of guests he had just got in the morning. I checked it several times, and found that there was no record of the name of the magic star.

"Don't watch, I'm the distinguished guest invited by Ma Jiuzhu. Just tell him directly and let him come out to greet me!" Xiao Chen waved his hand and said, this Kuishan faction is too eyesightless As masters of the magical gates, they didn't know them at all, and didn't know if they were really pretending.

"Yeah. You're not bad? You want our doorkeeper to come out and greet you, it's just arrogant! There is no such thing as your magic star on this list, so you're ashamed to join in the fun." The guardian confirmed again It was determined that Xiao Chen had come to muddy waters to find fish. Immediately impatiently urged: "Hurry off! Otherwise don't blame me!"

Xiao Chen sneered: "What big-tail wolf do you have as a gatekeeper? Hurry up and call out the horse, otherwise you will take it at your own risk!"

The goalkeeper suddenly jumped up like a cat with a tail on his tail. What he usually hated most was someone calling him a guard. Now being so insulted by a stinky boy who didn't know the source, he was so angry.

"You scared me?" The goalkeeper disciples stared. Pointing at Xiao Chen, he cursed, "This is Kuishan faction, not the small rural place of your magic star ancestor! Look at the ragged shirt you wear, and really treat yourself as a character! Get out of here!"

"You can look down on my people. You can look down on my clothes, but you can't look down on my martial arts!" Xiao Chen's words made the guard somewhat inexplicable, but the next second, a foot flew over.

"嗷 ——" The guardian disciples were flying in horror, cursing happily. One hand also pointed and pointed out, and after being caught off guard, he was directly flew out and landed on the ground not far away, spurting blood. After that, he didn't move.

This time the movement was so loud that many of the students who had been training in the Kuishan School were shocked. When they came out, they found that the disciples were lying on the ground like dead dogs, and there was a guy who looked like a dangling man standing outside the door. .

Someone hit the ground? The disciples rushed over immediately and surrounded Xiao Chen, while others ran inside the martial arts and informed the master, Ma, to go.

"Boy, you are very brave! Dare to send trouble in Kuishan, don't you want to live?"

"Blind your dog's eyes! Kuishan faction is also a place for you to go wild? Is your trick not wanted!"

"My fellow brothers take good care of this guy, and wait for the doorkeeper to come and pack him!"

Everyone yelled and scolded, but no one dared to come forward and start to do it, and the gatekeeper was still lying on the ground! They are not stupid, knowing that they are not Xiao Chen's opponents, so they are just far away.

Xiao Chen was besieged by a group of people, but he completely dismissed it, looked around, smiled scornfully, and turned away.

The disciples saw Xiao Chen and turned around without a word, thinking that Xiao Chen was afraid of them, and the anger suddenly rose, and they laughed louder and louder.

"Encouraging the package! Do you know what you are afraid of now? Thought how bad it was!"

"Dare to bully and bully the weak, and be fooled when you see too many people, junk stuff!"

"Will the disciples who are hurt by the Kuishan faction still want to leave? Wait until the doorkeeper comes to unload you eight pieces! Scum!"

"That is, it is useless to run again. The doorkeeper catches up with you in an instant!"

"Shut up for me!" A thunderous thunder rang from behind the crowd, and the curse immediately came to an abrupt halt. It turned out that the master, Ma Yan, came, and the disciples quickly gave way to him.

Ma Zhuzhen strode quickly to Xiao Chen. The disciples felt very good at first sight. The master was amazing. Sure enough, he would not let Xiao Chen go. A disciple who spoke before said: "Look, I say the master Seconds chasing this bag? "

Ma Zhizhen really chased after all, but after catching up, he turned around and scolded the disciples: "Are you blind? Even the new Momen master dares to offend, and is still ashamed here, hurry up Get back to me! All my detention and confinement today! I thought about it! "

"Ga!" The students of Kuishan faction originally planned to sue. Several of them had already prepared the draft, but when they heard the words of the doorkeeper, they were stupid in the spot, staring open-mouthed and horrified.

"Don't you hear me!" Ma Xuan saw his disciples so out of anger, and immediately became angry.

The disciples then came back to their hearts, and they were frightened by the violent doorkeeper. They were scattered as birds and beasts, and rattled away, returning to the school to meditate.

"Ma Ma, it seems that the Kuishan faction doesn't seem to welcome me as a guest! In this case, I'd better go away, lest I be scolded here! Hey, thanks to the good quality of the master, if this is for me When I was young, I slapped these people with a slap! "Xiao Chen sighed and was about to leave.

Ma Lingzhu's heart was defamatory, and he cried to death, your mother's egg, cried to death, you almost cried to death by Cheng Mengqiang and Cao Yuliang! If it hadn't been for your sudden surge in strength, it's gone now.

However, when he saw that Xiao Chen was really going to leave, he was suddenly anxious, and quickly grabbed Xiao Chen's arm, with a charming look: "Master Xiao Chen, don't say that! You have a lot of adults, don't follow those People generally see it because they don't know Taishan, and I haven't recognized you as a great god, and I have cleaned them up! "

Hearing the news just now, Ma Xizhen was really scared. He was mad to drive here. This group of small beasts, if Xiao Chen was really driven away, I am afraid that his master would be taken seriously!

"This way ..." Xiao Chen looked a little hesitant, but finally nodded his head and said calmly: "Okay! Then I will look at Grandpa Cheng's face, and barely forgive you Kuishan faction, I hope I won't have any more Next time! "

"No, absolutely not!" Seeing Xiao Chen finally promised to stay, Ma Yizhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a look of gratitude: "Master Cheng has been treated as a guest here, since Xiao Chen said so, I'll have to visit him sometime the other day! "

Although Ma Chenzhi did not know why Xiao Chen sold Cheng Tianqiu's face, it was not important. Since Xiao Chen was willing to stay, of course he had to follow along.

Xiao Chen snorted and nodded.

Ma Yanzhen smiled diligently: "Major Xiaochen, you came too suddenly, our servants have not had time to clean up your accommodation, or ... let's have lunch first? I have already prepared Dish ... "

"Oh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No need to bother, you take me to Grandpa Cheng, and then prepare for the crusade!" Xiao Chen waved his hand to Ma Xiji like a messenger, faint He said, "I'll live with Grandpa Cheng, did you just say that you are ready for wine and drinks, right? Then people will take it. I just want to have a meal with Grandpa Cheng and Miss Cheng."

The horse was so irritated that its roots were itchy: How often did he suffer from such neglect? In any case, he is the leader of the crusade, and Xiao Chen didn't give any face at all.

But he couldn't have the attack, so he had to accompany the smiley face, tell the matter to go, and then took Xiao Chen to the house of Cheng's family.

Now that Xiao Chen is willing to live there, Ma Xizhen also enjoys leisurely, anyway, he has been busy recently, and one thing is better than one thing. Where Xiao Chen falls in love, go! Just stay in Kuishan Pie!

Xiao Chen has not yet arrived at the Cheng Family House. The disciples have brought the meals over. Cheng Tian stood there quizzically and wondered what happened. Isn't Kui Shan sending a kind attack and preparing to improve their meals? (To be continued ...) r1292

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