"Well, you're too encouraging, you can't even fly? Let the heroes educate you today, take you pretending to take you to fly!" Xiao Chen shook his head, put down his glass, and The slap slaps over the dragonfly's face.

"Pop!" A crisp sound came, and Ma Longfei let out a sorrowful sorrow, and was directly blown into the sky by a fan.

"Oh, Miss, look at that! The little dragonfly is flying high, hasn't it been flying to the sky?" Xiao Chen pointed at the direction in which the dragonfly flew away and said in surprise.

"Hmm ..." Cheng Mengying almost couldn't hold back the laugh and sprayed out, but when he heard Xiao Chen say a plane flight, he glared at him with a blush. This Xiao Chen is really true. He never forgot to play hooligan!

With a speechless expression on Ma's face, he was so angry that he couldn't break out, but cursed in his heart: Let your boy sip Xiao Chen! Now, not only does he ask East and West with impunity, but he has also gone up all day! The most important thing is, I can't find a place for you, it's really depressing!

"Pop!" "Ah!" I heard another muffled sound, even with the scream of the horse dragonfly-he finally fell from the sky, and fell directly dizzy, his face covered with blood, lying on the ground for a long time Failed to get up.

"Yo, you can still make two noises. It turns out that you are still a kicker!" Xiao Chen stood up and took Cheng Mengying's hand: "Miss, let's drink this wine too The artillery battle has also been released. Is it time to go back to rest and sleep? "

"Oh, let's go!" Cheng Mengying agreed casually. Then he glared at Xiao Chen and motioned him to release his hand. Xiao Chen didn't respond at all, as if he was really drunk.

Cheng Mengying had no choice, and she was afraid that if she let Xiao Chen go away, in case he was really drunk and no one would help, he had to let Xiao Chen hold his hand and leave the dining room.

Looking at the back of the two men leaving, Ma Yan grinned with teeth. But there was no other way, so that people had to take his son to heal first, and the banquet ended like this.

After stumbled back to Cheng's home, Xiao Chen immediately released his sense of consciousness to the surroundings, glanced around, and determined that no one was monitoring himself, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Stretched a lazy waist, restored the original mental outlook.

"Xiao Chen? Are you okay?" Cheng Mengying froze. Xiao Chen was still holding her hand just now, and walked about one step at a time. How did she seem sober now?

"It's okay! I teased the two silly boys before, otherwise how can I find out where my father is?" Xiao Chen shrugged. The tone was clear, and the pronunciation did not continue to put on a big tongue.

"Ah? You pretended it? I thought you were really drunk, and you pretended to be too much!" Cheng Mengying was a little surprised, and could not help thinking of the conversation between Xiao Chen and Ma Bingchen before, and then she realized come. It seems that he is really telling each other!

The young lady's heart was a little emotional, Xiao Chen was indeed a man of affection. Although he usually does not put his father near his mouth, he will try his best to investigate whenever he has a chance.

"How can you cheat them?" Xiao Chen scratched his head and said apologetically, "Sorry, in order to pretend, I just held your hand without your consent just now, and you won't be angry ? "

"Hmm! Forget it, for the sake of inquiring about Uncle Xiao's news, this lady reluctantly forgives you once! Besides, I was originally your fiancee, and it was normal to hold hands." Cheng Mengying saw Xiao Chen's confession and sincerity, She snorted with satisfaction, but to be honest, when the young lady felt that she was being led away by Xiao Chen's big hand, she seemed to feel pretty good.

"Hey! Now that you've said that, I'll look for opportunities a few more times in the future!" Xiao Chen grinned and walked towards the room.

"You want to be beautiful! Miss Ben let you go in a good mood, and you gave it some sunshine to shine!" Cheng Mengying glanced at him angrily and said dumbly.

At this point, Xiao Chen had already sent Cheng Mengying to the door of her room and did not stay. She smiled and said, "Okay, Miss, it's getting late, you should go back to bed early to have a good sleep! I should also go back to the room to wash up I went to the bath and drank so much wine, my body tasted too heavy. "

Having said that, Xiao Chen waved his hand and walked to his room without looking back.

Cheng Mengying opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she did n’t say it for a long time. She stomped with anger, pushed the door open and went in, muttering resentfully as she walked: "Dead Xiaochen, smelly Xiaochen. Miss, I'm faster than the monkey, and I don't chat with others for a while, I'm so angry! "

After being sent back, Ma Dragonfly quickly awakened. The wound on his body was basically some skin trauma. Although it looked serious, he recovered quickly under the doctor's treatment.

However, although the wound was healed, Ma Dragonfly was scolded by Ma Xingzi's head and covered his face, and he scolded him for half an hour.

"Abominable, help me call Cheng Zhongfan!" After the horse left, Ma Dragonfly turned from blue to white, roaring fiercely. He can't wait anymore. Tonight, we must win Cheng Mengying!

Although Xiao Chen had been teased for so long and slapped, but at least his purpose was achieved-Xiao Chen had been drunk, and must have fallen back to sleep when he went back, no longer on Cheng Mengying's side!

The thought of being able to topple the goddess tonight, Ma Dragonfly was so hot that he had prepared everything. After Cheng Zhongfan arrived, he planned for a while, seeing the moon and the sky, he quietly touched to the Cheng family's courtyard.

After Cheng Tianqiu and Cheng Zhongming left, Cheng Mengying and Xiao Chen were left in the Cheng family's courtyard, living in different rooms.

At this time it was late at night, and the whole courtyard was quiet, with no sound at all.

The two looked at each other and started preparing for the action as before.

Ma Dragonfly came directly to the door of Cheng Mengying's room, while Cheng Zhongfan turned the wind around to prevent someone—especially Xiao Chen from coming to bother.

Although Xiao Chen looks drunk, it is better to have double insurance.

Ma Dragonfly looked around, and after confirming that there was no one else, he quietly put some smoke in Cheng Mengying's room, and then stood outside the door and waited patiently for a while. It is estimated that almost all the smoke in the room had dispersed. After that, he gently opened the door and walked in.

"Mengying ... Cheng Mengying ..." Ma Dragonfly tiptoed to the bed, glanced at the moonlight, and found out that Cheng Mengying was indeed asleep, and whispered a few words.

Cheng Mengying closed her eyes as if she hadn't heard them at all. Ma Dragonfly pushed her twice again and found that she was motionless and determined that she had been faint. Then she pulled a small porcelain bottle out of her arms and pulled out the stopper. A black pill poured out of it.

While sending the pill to Cheng Mengying's mouth, Ma Dragonfly murmured excitedly: "Hey ... Xiaolang hoof, usually dare to pretend to be pure with me, do you pretend ... uh? Who?"

Before it was too late to plug the pill into Meng Ying's mouth, Ma Dragonfly suddenly felt that he had been patted on the shoulder, and was shocked, turning his head around!

But after turning his head, Ma Dragonfly found that there was no other figure besides some furniture behind him. He looked around and found nothing.

While wondering, Ma Dragonfly felt a little cold in his heart, but before he responded, a cold voice came from behind him.

"Ma Dragonfly, how old are your kids? How dare you use this method to deal with my fiancee?" Said a ghastly voice.

"Not ... fiancee?" At first he heard the words "fiancee", Ma thought that it was Yao Bowang's corpse. He suddenly scared the entire scalp, his legs were soft, and he turned his courage and turned suddenly, but See Xiao Chen sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I wanted to stay with you for a few more days, but now it doesn't seem necessary." Xiao Chen sat there leaning on Erlang's legs, staring blankly at Ma Longfly.

"Xiao Chen? You ... Are you drunk?" Ma Dragonfly saw that it was Yao Bowang's corpse, and then he recovered from the fright. He couldn't help wondering: "No! Why are you here? Is it Cheng Zhongfan? Has the kid slipped? "

In fact, Ma Dragonfly did not know. Although Xiao Chen had been practicing in his room after returning to his room, his room was a little far away from Cheng Mengying's room, but he did not relax his vigilance and released the monitoring of consciousness anytime, anywhere. The movement of Cheng Mengying's room, in order to avoid any difference ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When he noticed that someone had infiltrated the room, he immediately stepped on it with a flying sword, and the flying sword made from the iron outside the sky was too fast. It was almost like a ghost image, so that Cheng Zhongfan never found his trace.

"You don't need to worry about it. At this time, you might as well think about your last words!" Xiao Chen stood up and turned his mind to reveal the second-level cultivation of the Demon King. He slowly walked towards the dragon dragon and his body. Murderous burst.

"You ... you don't want to mess around! Otherwise, my father will never spare you! At that time you ... you, the Xiao family, and the Cheng family will all be dead!" Felt Xiao Chen's great coercion and killing intentions, Ma Dragonfly cold sweat, straight back, constantly threatening in a bluff.

"Is that all right? Then you can die!" Xiao Chen sneered, the magic of his body suddenly skyrocketed, he raised his palm and patted Ma Longfly's chest fiercely: "Dark Flame Palm!"

"Ah!" Ma Dragonfly did not expect that Xiao Chen actually dared to take a shot, and he caught a firm slap before catching a surprise, and flew out in a terrible cry. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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