High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 862: Back to the villa

But he couldn't control that much anymore, and once again pushed the palm with one hand, and pushed back in the past: "Boy, let my son be buried! Next year, today is your sacrifice day!"

"Ahem ... old man, can you hurt me to say it again!" Xiao Chen did not fall in love, but quickly backed away and offered a flying sword directly. She took Cheng Mengying's hand and jumped up, escaping quickly. Kui Shan faction, galloping in the direction of Songning City.

"What!" Ma Ye looked at the palm of his hand, and was surprised. Xiao Chen still had such a magic weapon?

"Huh!" Ma Yizhi snorted coldly, staring at Xiao Chen's rapidly moving back, chanting in the sky: "Xiao Chen! No matter if you go to the ends of the earth, I will kill you and take revenge for my son!"

The words did not end, he quickly chased after Xiao Chen left.

However, even though Ma Xiu was a ten-story monk with great success, he could not run as fast as Feijian. After struggling to catch up for a while, I found that the distance between him and Xiao Chen was getting farther and farer, and he stopped and returned to Kuishan faction resentfully.

Since he couldn't catch up, Ma Zongchang simply changed his method. As soon as he returned to the martial arts, he immediately issued an endless hunting order, scattered all the disciples, and ordered them to track in the direction of Xiao Chen's escape. Once there was a clue Report immediately.

And Ma Lingzhen stayed in the martial arts, waiting for news at any time, and set about handling the funeral of Ma Dragonfly.

As Xiao Chen and Kuishan faction broke down formally, Ma Xunzhi also issued a hunting order, so the crusade naturally disappeared. The news soon passed to Qitianmen, and to Ma Mazhen's surprise, Qitianmen was not right. He reproached severely, but stood still, as if he had no idea about it.

After thinking about it and thinking about it, it should be that after Fengfeng learned of his situation, he sympathized with his experience, so he let him avenge his son.

In fact, Situ Qitian did not care about any dragonflies and butterflies. He just had the mentality of watching a movie. He wanted to know if Xiao Chen was chased and killed by the ten-story Ma Maquan who was a great successor, would those behind him jump out? help.

After that, Situ Qitian quickly convened a martial arts meeting. He was worried that such a thing would happen. The other martial arts in Neiwulin would use the strength of Ma Zhizhen to find faults in Qitianmen, so they must immediately discuss the future countermeasures.

At the meeting, Situ Qitian first issued a big fire, severely rebuked Ma Zhezhi for disregarding the overall situation, and was confused. Even if he wanted to avenge his son, he should slowly map it, instead of exposing his strength easily, causing Qitianmen to The pressure on Nebulin has greatly increased.

You have to know that Ma Zhizhen is a chess piece of Kaitian Gate located in Waiwulin. Situ Qitian originally let him enter the Kuishan faction and served as the gatekeeper in order to better control Waiwulin and provide sources for Kaitian Gate. Constant funding and outstanding disciples for more stable development of Qitianmen.

But now that Ma Yanzhen has accidentally exposed his strength, he will not be able to stay in the foreign martial arts for too long. According to the rules, Situ Qitian will call him back to Qitian Gate sooner or later, otherwise other Martial arts martial arts will certainly not give up.

Originally, it was reasonable that Ma Xunzhi should return to Neiwulin immediately, but Situ Qitian also wanted to see what happened after Xiao Chen was chased, and Ma Xunzhen was unwilling to let go of his murder.

Therefore, after discussions in the martial arts conference, Situ Qitian conveyed the latest order to Ma Fuzhen: let him act in a low-key and careful manner, and do not leave any handles for other martial arts to notice, so that he can toss for a while and promise Ma After all, wait until everything is done before calling him back.

After all agreement, Situ Qitian found Elder Sun and arranged a secret task for him.

"Xiao Xing, how are you recovering? The head has a new task to be assigned to you." Elder Sun received an order from Situ Qitian, and immediately called the young girl.

"Elder Sun, my strength has basically been restored!" Xiao Xun said calmly on the phone.

"Well, your mission this time is to go to the Kuishan faction, and secretly monitor every move of Ma Jizhen to see how he will deal with Xiao Chen. If he is about to start against Xiao Chen, you will secretly help, understand?" Elder Sun commanded solemnly.

"Ah? I remember, Ma Zongzhu should be the tenth-level consummation of the Devil King? His strength should be more than enough to deal with Xiao Chen, so as not to ask me to help?" Xun Xiao was wondering, wondering: Is it Xiao Chen's Strength has increased again? Even the horses can't help it? Even if I go there, I ca n’t help you!

"It seems you don't understand. The purpose of this mission is to protect Xiao Chen. You can't let Ma Zongji kill him. If necessary, you'd better take a shot to help him. Otherwise, how can Xiao Chen really die? Those people lead? "Elder Sun said blamefully.

"Oh ... that's the case, I know, then I'll start!" Xiao Xun came to understand this, and quickly agreed, but her heart was a little depressed, and she could not teach this apprentice, but she must protect him! That's right.

At this moment, Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying stood tremblingly on the flying sword.

"Xiao ... Xiao Chen, we ... where are we going?" Cheng Mengying helped Xiao Chen stand on the flying sword, her voice trembling.

She wasn't frightened by Ma Xuzhen, but she doubted whether the narrow sword body under her feet could bear the weight of two people. When she flew up, she felt that it was a little shaky. When she looked down, it was a scene of rapid movement. She was a little panicked.

"Cough, cough!" Xiao Chen coughed with her left hand covering her mouth, and clutched Cheng Mengying's arm with her right hand, Shen said, "Miss, let's go back to the villa on the lead water bank first! It should be safe there . "

Looking down at the palm of his left hand, a red glow came into view, Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seems that this time he was really hurt. I didn't expect that Ma Zhizhen also concealed his strength. He knew that he was the tenth-level consummation of the Devil King. He had already run away with the young lady.

"Does your injury matter? Otherwise, let's go down first? I think Feijian seems to be unable to hold it." Cheng Mengying could feel that Xiao Chen beside him was very weak, and could not help but said with anxiety, the speed of Feijian under his feet seemed to be Slower and slower, it seemed to stop.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry, we will be here soon." Xiao Chen reassured a few words, he also felt that the vitality in his body was steadily weakening, and he had to shout in the space of consciousness again: "Tian Lao Are you there? I don't seem to be able to support it. Can you help me control the flying sword for a while? "

When Xiao Chen first escaped from the Kuishan faction before, Xiao Chen knew that his injuries were serious. He wanted to call Tian Lao out to help drive Fei Jian, but he did n’t know why, but he called several times and the other side did n’t respond. Now he only Can you try to shout again without hope.

"Master ... Master!" A weak voice suddenly came from the space of consciousness: "I'm ... Xiao You, just now I joined with Tian Tian ... and Fire Wolf and the Old Devil ... to help you hold your palm and consume With a lot of ... consciousness, they have entered ... a dormant state. "

It turned out that Xiao Chen had just received a full blow from Ma Xi's anger, but did not die. It was because Tian Lao, Fire Wolf Lao Mo and Jiu You Ming Fire helped him to block most of the attacks.

Because Tian Lao and Fire Wolf Lao De are more proficient in defense, they share most of the damage, and go straight to hibernation under a single blow. Nine Nether Fire is not good at absorbing damage, so it still survives. Some mental power.

"What! How about the two of them? Doesn't matter?" Xiao Chen fluttered, feeling very shocked. No wonder Tian Lao hadn't talked back, it turned out to be dormant!

"No ... it's okay, they're ... tired, recuperating for a while ... it's good." Jiu Ning Huo replied very hard.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Chen reluctantly said, "Well, it seems that I can only stop using Feijian. Otherwise, with my current vigor, I ca n’t fly to the villa at all, and accidentally falling down from the sky is really troublesome. . "

"Master, you don't need to ... stop, I can send you back with mental energy, but ... I will also exhaust my mental energy to enter the dormant state, and then ... I can only rely on myself ..." The sound of Nine Nether Fire was getting lower and lower, and finally it was silent.

Xiao Chen was startled, and was about to stop, but the flying sword at his feet suddenly shocked, and seemed to have regained vitality, speeding up to fly towards the Songning villa.

After half an hour ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fei Jian stopped at Song Ning's villa smoothly, Xiao Chen took off his sword, dragged his tired pace, opened the door and went in.

Cheng Mengying looked around the periphery of the villa, and followed Xiao Chen behind. Recalling the good time that everyone had spent in the villa, the young lady couldn't help but be filled with emotion. I didn't expect that after many days, she and Xiao Chen came back first.

"Ah! Xiao Chen, something got into the back of the sofa!" As soon as she stepped into the lobby, Cheng Mengying saw a dark shadow passing by at a rapid speed, not far away, and she was scared. Jumped and screamed.

"No? Did you read it wrong? No one has lived in the villa for so long, even if there is a mouse, it should have starved to death." Xiao Chen said disapprovingly, and was about to reach out to turn on the light, but felt that there was Something came closer to where they stood, and the speed was very fast.

"Wang!" Just when Xiao Chen's hand just turned on the light, the thing roared, a flutter flew over him, and then he stayed a moment, suddenly wag his tail!

Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying took a closer look. The stuff was a **** dog ... r1152

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