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After receiving the invitation, the stall owner felt a bit inexplicable: he used to earn more than 3,000 yuan when he sold it earlier, and now the two people exchanged his booth, and then let him do it earlier and return it every month Give him a salary of 3,000 yuan. Isn't this the same as setting up a stall? Sure enough people are stupid and rich!

But the stall owner was also very savvy, and he accepted it without complaining. If you have already read this chapter, please go to "Biquge" to read the latest chapter. You can also search for "biquge" or "" directly on Baidu. Please remember our new website pen√quΩge. Although the two were silly, it was a great thing for him! He used to set up a stall with his wife to sell earlier. Now he can do it alone, and his wife is idle. Then he can do some other work and make a profit. Why not?

Xiao Xing didn't care about these things. She was still a little uncertain at first. Although she said that the stall was selling dough sticks, the appearance of the young couple did not know. What if Xiao Chen wasn't? But this morning I saw Lin Ke'er looking for it, and that's what I decided.

Just now she was whispering with Qian Qianxue, analyzing whether Lin Ke'er had recognized Xiao Chen after passing by. As a result, two people rushed into it rashly and asked her for protection fees as soon as she spoke.

"My mother has a leg, I can't see your dog, she's as thin as a wire pole, and she's pretty temperament?" Squint-eyed thin man was scolded, and suddenly burst into fury, glaring at the punishment girl Roared silently: "Less nonsense, hurry up! Take out five thousand dollars, I'll think about this matter or not! Otherwise you don't want to stay here!"

"You ..." Punishment is to cultivate genius. When have you heard such dirty words? Suddenly the eyes turned black, but glanced at Xiao Chen's booth, and she reluctantly put up with it. She couldn't take the shot rashly. In case Xiao Chen saw it through, it was troublesome.

Qian Qianxue was sprayed for no reason, and it was also displeased, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart and pointed at Xiao Chen's booth and asked: "Their booth has just opened, why don't you go to them Collect money? What are you looking for? Really sick! "

"Lao Tzu is willing! Lao Tzu is looking at you for bullying, so you deliberately sought you, what happened?" Squint and thin man with nostrils, eyes round, look at the couple's anger and dare not speak, they must be afraid of things, and they will be rash. Xiaorou said without a smile: "Otherwise, you little girl, you can play with our brothers for a few days. As long as you are happy to serve us, the protection fee will be written off!"

Qian Qianxue was stunned. She had never seen such a shameless person. She was furious in her heart, but she could not react for a while, just standing there stupidly.

Squinting the skinny man didn't see any response from Qian Qianxue, and he was so impressed that he stretched out his hands and wanted to take advantage of Qian Qianxue, and he jerked up and said, "That's right! You look so beautiful, but just stay here and sell early, isn't it bad?" Did you get your face? "

With a "snap", the squinting thin man's hand had not touched Qian Qianxue's chest, and was shot away by the tortured girl with a wave of her hands, but she was not harmed.

"Smelly boy, I'm two people soaking your wife, that is worthy of you, don't you give me a shame!" The tall man glared and yelled.

The punishment girl completely ignored him. She just shoved it just because she was afraid she would be too heavy, and she killed the person directly. After thinking about it, she gently instructed Qian Qianxue to say, "Go and teach these two guys. , But do n’t be too ruthless, do n’t kill anyone, just die a half. ”

To change the usual time, the punishment girl was afraid of shocking Xiao Chen, she certainly wouldn't say that, but she had just seen it, Xiao Chen's booth was already filled with a lot of customers waiting for early breakfast, and it was impossible for him to stop. For a while, I have no time to take care of the situation here, so they don't have to taboo.

"Yes!" Qi Qianxue had already returned to her heart at this time, and she was suffocated with fire. Since Xiao Xing had already spoken, she was also unambiguous. She directly took the two to a corner, raised her hands and crackled. Hit hard.

"Ah! Woman ... Rao ... Rao life!" The squinting skinny man and the tall man only felt a sudden flower in front of them, and fell heavily to the ground, and then a sudden pain came from their bodies. The stormy attack made them both There is no chance to get up.

The two curled up in the corner and kept wailing and begging for mercy, but the miserable shouts were soon overshadowed by the shouts of the stall owners around, and basically no one heard what happened here.

After beating for a few minutes, Qi Qianxue finally felt almost out of breath, and then stopped and returned to his booth. However, the punishment girl has not yet breathed out, and walked over with her arms folded, and said coldly, "What? You two can not stand very big? Why not? Then jump! I want to see what you guys do I can jump to death! "

"Big ... heroes ... for your life! We ... just like you ... hiss ... just kidding, you ... don't take it seriously, let's let us go!" The words were unfavorable, and I could only spit out a few words intermittently, how miserable it looked.

"Yeah ... yes, your grown-ups do n’t care about villains, do n’t care about us, please!” The tall man is also terrible, the plaster that was originally wrapped on his right hand has been broken, and there is no good meat on his body. , Talking mouth leaking.

"Want me to let you go? Okay! Don't you like to blackmail others? Then I will let you taste the taste of being blackmailed!" Xiao Xun curled up her sleeves, made a teapot shape with her hands on her hips, and then glared: " Hurry up, pay 5,000 yuan in protection fees! Maybe Ben Xiao ... Master Ben is in a good mood and can spare you a life! Hurry up, don't ink!

In the past few days, when Xiao Xing was staring, she often saw Cheng Mengying in this pose to teach Xiao Chen, as if she was very imposing, so she was curious and imitated it subconsciously, and she really felt very big when she tried it. Fan's.

绫 Qianxue was looking at Xingzi strangely on the side. How did this guy look like a woman? However, she only dared to mumble in her heart, and did not dare to speak directly, but she secretly felt that the people in Wu Marin had quirks?

"Okay ... I'll give it, I'll give it all to you!" Squint-eyed skinny man couldn't care less about the attitude of the tortured chick, and he didn't dare to refute it. All the brains were in the hands of the young girl.

The tall man shuddered aside, his heart was miserable: What happened to this morning's market? Where are so many martial arts high-profile people suddenly appearing? Even a woman can fight like this, it's really evil!

"Okay, the number is correct, I'll let you go this time. Before Master Ben has changed his mind, let's get together and get round!" Xiao Xun saved the money in her hand, and was too lazy to count it carefully. , Put it directly into his pocket, and continue to do his own tracking work.

Squint-eyed slim man and tall man saw Xiao Xing let go of them, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. After the two of them stood up and supported each other, and helped each other to leave, the stall owner who worked for the punishment chick was grinded and carefully. Walked back.

Just now, he just saw the two little punks coming from afar. He has been standing here for a long time, and he knows the power of these two people. He is afraid of swelling the pond fish, so he made an excuse to go to the toilet the first time and walk away Watching quietly in the distance.

The previous scene was all in his eyes, and the stall owner couldn't help secretly whispering: I said they are not afraid of anything at all, it turned out to make money by this! At first, I still thought that this couple was a fool! Now it seems that people are just hiding!

At this time, not far from the stall, although Xiao Chen was constantly busy, his staff had already noticed the movement here.

When Qian Qianxue just started, he unconsciously released the breath of some warriors. Xiao Chen keenly felt that there was something weird in the corner of the opposite side, so he calmly released his consciousness and checked it. Then he suddenly found an old acquaintance. !!

Xiao Chen was not known to others, but Xiao Chen's appearance was still very familiar. Although this guy had put on his makeup, he raised his hand and cast his foot in a gesture of a shemale, and Xiao Chen immediately recognized it.

As for the other chick, she is estimated to be her follower, and her strength is the martial arts level.

It depends on the situation where the stalls are set up, and the two idiots who have no idea of ​​life and death provoke them and are being blasted by a meal.

However, although Xiao Chen had found them, they did not immediately reveal them. Although she didn't know what the punishment girl was doing, as long as they didn't bother themselves, Xiao Chen was too lazy to deal with it for the time being.

Because of using the ability of a true practitioner to do it earlier ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, Xiao Chen did not spend much time to make a lot of churros and fried cakes, enough for Cheng Mengying to sell for a while.

At this time, there was not much passenger traffic. Xiao Chen simply stopped and continued to release his consciousness. He wanted to find out whether there were any suspicious people nearby besides punishing the young girls.

Since returning to Songning, Xiao Chen has lived with a sense of horror every day, for he fears that Ma Xuzhi will suddenly appear.

If he alone is better, the problem is that the young lady is still around and her strength is not high. So Xiao Chen had to worry about whether she would be attacked, and it was not convenient for the two to escape.

After the investigation of the consciousness, Xiao Chen found that the "fight" on the side of Xun Xiao was over, and the two were walking back dimly, while the side of Xing Xiao began to pretend to sell earlier if nothing happened, and his eyes were still from time to time Go here.

Xiao Chen touched his chin, pondered for a while, and suddenly came up with an idea, could not help but "hehe" laughed a few times. r1152

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