High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 883: Escape to Langcheng

Did she monitor herself for so long just to save him? Could it be that she had come to repay her because she had healed her before?

"You ... you're not from the Daxia Kingdom?" Ma Xizhen was a little horrified. Where did this guy come from? Robin Hood is a foreign name! And it's still a thief ... Why do foreign thieves have such a profound repair?

"Hum! There is less nonsense! Do you want to live or do you want to know where I am?" Xiao Xun asked, expressionless.

In order to monitor Xiao Chen at all times, she and Yan Qianxue rented a house in the neighborhood where Xiao Chen lived and lived there.

Just now she just felt Ma's murderous spirit, so she rushed over and watched. I thought Xiao Chen was able to escape with the help of Feijian, but I was surprised that Ma Fuzhi caught him with the Tianluodi net. As a result of the help of the punishment girl, she could not help but hurriedly changed into a night uniform that was embarrassed by Qian Xue, and came to help as a thief.

"Wow, yeah, ya! You dare to talk to your husband, I want you to die without a burial place!" Ma Yan was so angry that he smoked from the top of his head, and felt a little healed, so he screamed angrily Flying towards the executioner!

Although it seemed that Ma Zongju was brave and rushed under the fury, he actually secretly used a dark trick and caught a hidden weapon between his index finger and thumb when he waved his palm! Without careful observation, it is basically difficult to distinguish.

Seeing Ma ’s behavior, the punishment girl suddenly hesitated: just now when she faced Ma ’s palm, she obviously felt that he was injured more severely than himself. I did n’t expect that he dared to take the initiative to attack now. Does he have special recovery skills? Healed the injury?

But it's unlikely. What good is Kuishan faction, can Qitianmen not know?

Although whispering in her heart, Xiao Xing's movements were not hesitant, and she greeted Ma Xuan again with her palm, but at this moment, she suddenly heard Xiao Chen behind him shouting: "Shemale! Don't touch Ma Xuan Palm of your hand! "

It turned out that at that moment, Xiao Chen took advantage of the moonlight and saw Ma Ling's palm flashing a light, and immediately understood his intention.

It's just that Xiao Chen's reminder is too late, and the words haven't finished yet. The young girl and the palm of Ma Xingzhen's palms have been pasted together.

"Bang!" Another loud noise, a stronger airflow than before, spread out between the punishment young girl and Ma Xuzhen.

Under the impact of the air flow, Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying were blown out immediately and fell to the ground not far away, but fortunately, Tianluo Dinet had burned a hole by Cheng Mengying. The two just broke free and got rid of Tianluo Dinet. control.

"You ... You are so despicable! Actually using such a poisonous hidden weapon!" Under a pair of palms, the punishment chick was shocked, her skin was like a current passing through the numbness, her legs collapsed to the ground with a soft leg, and she found on the palm of her hand She was gritting her teeth with a dangling barb.

"Yeah!" Ma Xuan spit out black blood. He had already suffered severe injuries and his skills were greatly reduced. As a result, he and the punishment girl met each other, not only failed to kill each other, but also aggravated his injuries.

But his trick was still successful. Although the punishment girl was not seriously injured, the poison of the paralyzed nerve was coated on the hidden weapon. As soon as she entered the body, she could not move for a short time.

As long as this weird night thief is under control, he can make time to kill Xiao Chen!

Ma Lingzhen didn't care about the punishment **** the ground. She braced the remaining magic and chased him in the direction of Xiao Chen's escape!

At this time, Xiao Chen was still running distantly, with Cheng Mengying limping beside him.

After breaking away from the Tianluodi net, Xiao Chen had a few barbs deep in his body, which was difficult to get out in a short time, so there was no way to fly the sword, and he just stumbled forward.

It's just that Xiao Chen can't run fast no matter how hard he tries, and only runs a little distance, he will be overtaken by Ma Ling.

"Hahaha! Xiao Chen, don't do unnecessary struggles, or be good at your hands ... what?" Ma Xingzhang enjoyed the feeling of hitting the water dog, and laughed wildly.

His attention was originally focused on Xiao Chen. Unexpectedly, a dark shadow suddenly appeared around him, shocking Ma Ling.

Ma Lingzhu glanced down and found that the black shadow was a black dirt dog. The original nervousness suddenly relaxed, and he lifted his foot indifferently, trying to kick the dog, but he did not expect that the speed of the dog was super fast. The surface of his feet, biting directly into his crotch!

"Ye--" Ma Yi whispered in pain, knelt straight, knelt on the ground with a flesh-colored lower body, and kept rolling. And the soil dog did not stop after biting, and chased Xiao Chen's back and ran away.

"Wow, invincible dog, what a beautiful job! Sure enough, I raised you so well and rewarded you with a can of premium dog food!" Xiao Chen praised the invincible dog with a thumbs up.

He also saw the thrilling scene just now. If it hadn't been for the invincible dog's pen, I am afraid that today he and the young lady really have to explain here.

"Badty Barra! The invincible dog made great achievements this time, even if he gave him high-grade dog food for a lifetime!" Cheng Mengying snorted and ran away while not forgetting to touch the head of the invincible dog twice. Show encouragement.

"Wang!" The invincible dog screamed loudly, shaking his tail while running, looking very proud.

At this time, the punishment girl finally pulled out the barb on the palm, and her numbness disappeared. She's dying, how can she say that she is a ten-layer great strength of the Demon King, and she would be planted on such a low-level hidden weapon. If it wasn't for Ma Xingji's rush to chase Xiao Chen just now, I'm afraid she has already been dropped !!

The younger Xing Xing became more and more angry. She looked up and saw the horse rolling not far from the ground, and immediately stood up and rushed directly to the horse. It was a punch and kick in front of the horse, venting her anger.

"Yeah!" Ma Yizhen had serious internal injuries, and was bitten by the invincible dog just now. At this time, he was unable to resist the stormy fist of the prisoner, and was directly spit with blood. He could only protect him. Head and face, passively beaten.

After being beaten fiercely, the punishment girl could only stop when she looked at the horse's scaly wounds. She can't really kill this guy, otherwise she won't be able to explain to Elder Sun after returning!

"Huh! Uncle Ben is in a good mood today, for the time being to save you a dog!" After the beating, the young girl was almost out of anger, gave a cold hum, and kicked Ma Maji once again, and disappeared directly into the darkness. , Chased in the direction of Xiao Chen escape.

Ma Ling, who was beaten up with a beard and covered his face, was very depressed! What the **** is going on here? Not only did he fail to kill Xiao Chen, but he also jumped out of the Devil King's ten-story conquest to confront him, and a spirit beast dog on the ten-story peak of the magician appeared!

When did the worldly world come up with so many sturdy gadgets? Did he go the wrong way and went to Neiwulin?

In desperation, Ma Zhichen could only admit that he was unlucky, resisting the pain of his body and climbing up hard, and ran back to Kuishan to retreat overnight, intending to wait for a while before going to Xiao Chen for trouble.

However, the injury can be recovered, and Ma Zhi's "male hero" can no longer be restored. The invincible dog didn't know where to drop the bite. He found it for a long time but couldn't find it, so he left in a humble way.

"Xiao Chen, where are we going? In the future ... can't you sell dough sticks anymore?" Cheng Mengying was now standing on the flying sword controlled by Xiao Chen, holding an invincible dog in her arms, her face dignified. Asked.

In fact, Cheng Mengying missed the days of selling fried dough sticks. Although she was tired from getting up early every day, she had to worry about being seen through, but she had a very fulfilling life.

The young lady felt that her life was more stable than the old lady who had nothing to worry about. She could not sell dough sticks now, but she was a bit lost.

Originally, she wanted to take a trip back to her home to report a peace to her family, but she never had a chance to go. She felt very unpleasant in her heart and did not know how her father and grandpa had been.

"Let's go to Langcheng first to avoid it. Ma Suzhen was seriously injured and can't treat us for a while, but we can't take it lightly. It would be too dangerous to stay in Songning." Xiao Chen replied lightly, but in his heart Thinking about another thing.

Xiao Chen really felt a little surprised to help Xiao Xun's help beforehand. Qitianmen is clearly the backer of the Kuishan faction in Neiwulin. She should work with Ma Yizhen to deal with herself! As a result, instead of shooting, she blocked her own attack and wounded the opponent. What kind of inside story was hidden in it?

"But ... we went to Langcheng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We didn't even have a place to live, and we had tens of thousands of dollars left. What do we need to maintain our lives?" Cheng Mengying asked worriedly. Now that their only source of income has been cut off, are they going to live by begging in the future?

"Take a step and look at it! It really doesn't work, I'll use the money to do some small business. Rest assured, Miss, there will be a day when I will not make you starve." Xiao Chen shook his head with a bitter smile. When I was down, I could n’t even afford a bowl of noodles. There is nothing to be accomplished, only determination not brave enough.

"Well, that's all it can be." Cheng Mengying nodded helplessly.

It was already late at night when he arrived in Langcheng. Xiao Chen found a quick hotel at will. In order to save money, he opened only one of the cheapest standard rooms with two people and two beds.

Cheng Mengying did not express any objections. She was used to sleeping in a room with Xiao Chen. If she really separated, she would not be used to it.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying both woke up and came to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. r1152

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