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Chapter 889: Put money here

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Fortunately, his range of motion was small, and everyone's attention was on Zheng Xiding and Tian Suan, so no one noticed him.

"You ... don't spit people out of your blood!" Zheng Xiding rushed to explain to Ling Qianyu: "Qian Yu, don't listen to the nonsense of that surname Xue! I will definitely treat you well in the future, and I will never be rough Rest assured! If ... if you don't believe me, I can swear! "

Zheng Xiding, who was busy explaining, was really frightened, and scolded in his heart: The death thirty-eight, it must be colluding with Xue Gao! He deliberately stabbed himself, beating himself, and wanted to shame himself in front of Ling Qianyu! You must look for someone to teach the **** woman!

Zheng Xiding didn't want to think about it. If he had not satirized that he was a sister-in-law, how could Tian Tianruan turn against each other? Anyway, it was his fault!

"Zheng Xiding, what are you talking about? I have nothing to do with you! I just want to have a meal with my classmates, don't you make trouble?" Ling Qianyu frowned, his face was very bad.

She was so hated that Zheng Xiding was about to die. This guy was talking nonsense in front of the whole cafeteria. If anyone really spread it out, it would be troublesome!

"Yes, yes! Let's eat first." Zheng Xiding thought he had grasped Ling Qianyu's key point-implying that he should not quarrel with the public, quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said to the waiter: "You still What are you doing? Don't hurry up to open the box and let the chef prepare some dishes! Don't fret, hurry up! Didn't you see that we were all hungry? "

The waiter standing aside stupidly awoke suddenly, and did not dare to neglect. He nodded again and again. He was just a part-time job. No one could offend him. He could only do as Zheng Xiding said, and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Xue Gao stopped the waiter's way, and said calmly: "What do you mean? This box master paid a thousand yuan deposit, how dare you transfer it to him privately? Have you asked me to agree? ? Believe me or not? "

"Special! There are fewer big-tailed wolves out there! Isn't it just a thousand dollars?" Zheng Xiding pulled out a stack of money directly from his arms and handed it to the waiter, grinning, "Here, here is five thousand For a few dollars, you return the kid's deposit to him, and then pay him a thousand dollars for the brain damage loss, and the rest will be used as money! "

Zheng Xiding said while holding his chin and nodded Xue Gao, he gave a scornful hum from his nose.

"Why are you sending me a meal? I'll give you 10,000 yuan! This box belongs to me, and you can leave within one minute!" Xue Gao didn't even care about the image of the ice-cream senior at this moment, roaring his teeth.

He is more afraid than financial resources? He and Zheng Xiding are both sister-in-law of the Langcheng Family. The family strength is great, and it is all right to spend money to death! The main thing is that Xue Gao is also a warrior with four strengths.

"I get 20,000 yuan!"

"I get 30,000 yuan!"

The two of them fought with red ears and red eyes. Xiao Chen and others, as onlookers, looked at the two guys as if they were stupid and kept raising prices there. They must not have taken medicine before going out.

Lin Lingqianyu and Cheng Mengying looked at each other, both saw helplessness in each other's eyes, and then smiled at the same time. It seems that the relationship between the two of them suddenly got closer because of such enemies.

Xu Chuxia lowered her head, and seemed to want to see the floor of the cafeteria, while Tian Tianran looked around bored, and wanted to see if there was a handsome guy in the cafeteria of Langcheng University ... but there must be no Xiao Qiang handsome ,forget it.

After her eyes turned around, she fell on Jia Musen's face, and she couldn't help looking at it. Jia Musen felt the sour eyes and looked over. The two eyes were opposite each other.

I don't know why, Tian Tianci suddenly hid behind Xu Chuxia and hid her face.

Seeing that Tian Tiansuan no longer looks, Jia Musen's gaze is also closed, but I feel a little strange in my heart. The sexually beautiful girl just seems familiar, just where did you see it?

However, Jia Musen quickly shook his head and denied his thoughts. He just came to Langcheng University. How could he have seen each other? Maybe in the island country action movie I watched before, there is a wheat-skinned actress who looks very similar to sour, so it will feel like you have known each other!

"I said, two young masters, we are still hungry! Otherwise, let's eat together? Anyway, the box is also big enough that so many people can sit down. How good are we to eat directly with these money? "Zheng Xiding and Xue Gao are still raising prices there. Xiao Chen really can't stand it anymore and speaks out to stop it.

恩 "Eh?" The two people who stopped bidding finally stopped and thought that Xiao Chen was justified. After all, they are all children of the family, the net worth Yin hòu, who is worse than whom? If you continue to call it like this, it will be vain until it gets dark.

Moreover, the purpose of the two of them was to invite the goddess to eat. At this time, they finally found that the faces of the three little girls, Ling Qianyu, Xu Chuxia, and Tian Shuang, were not very good. What is it? Hurry up and eat the food first, to make the goddess happy is the right thing.

"Okay! Today, in the face of the younger brother, the young and old will not care about you." Zheng Xiding waved his hands and went straight to Ling Qianyu, and invited her and Cheng Mengying to the box diligently.

Ling Qianyu was more lazy to say. For the sake of Xiao Chen's coming together, she and Cheng Mengying did not object, and walked towards the box. Jia Musen secretly gave Xiao Chen a thumbs up and then followed him. .

"Huh!" Xue Gao Leng hummed. "This box was originally the young master. Today I was in a good mood, and I will give you some points!" After speaking, I quickly greeted Xu Chuxia and Tian Tian sour and went into the box. I'm afraid it's too late to grab a good place.

Xu Xuxia wanted to refuse, but considering that there was no other place to eat right now, he had no choice but to agree with Xue Gao's invitation.

But the waiter was a little depressed. When Zheng Xiding and Xue Gao raised their prices each other, she also expected to make more money! The price was really going to go up, and she had a lot of commissions, but she didn't get a single point! Knowing this, it would be better to promise 5,000 yuan Zheng Zheng settled!

"Waiter, come here, I'll take your order!" Xiao Chen greeted him at the door of the box.

After everyone sat down in the box, Xiao Chen ordered some good food and walked in. He stepped to the table and said, "I have already ordered the food. The two young masters were very atmospheric just now, but now Showing the sincerity and boldness of the two, please take out all your cash, otherwise everyone will look down on anyone who has no money and wants to play tricks. "

"This is nature!" Xue Gao and Zheng Xiding nodded in a hurry. They dare to say that they have no sincerity, are they not bold? Besides, maybe two people will have to fight again when the bill will be settled. It is better to put the money together now.

Both of them took out their pockets, not only putting their own money on the table, but also asking the younger brother behind to take out the spare cash. It didn't take long for the pile of banknotes on the table to be hòuhòu.

"Oh, it seems that the two young and old masters are very heroic! Yes, yes, in order to prevent you from turning back and wanting to withdraw the funds, I will keep the money first, and I will go to checkout after eating. Several students at the scene can Being a notary, is it okay? "Xiao Chen moved quickly, and without waiting for the two to agree, he put all the money on the table into his pocket while talking.

当然 "Of course! Of course!" Both Xue Gao and Zheng Xiding were embarrassed to oppose it. The money was taken out. Who cares where? Besides, the goddesses of both were watching from the side! Definitely can't be too irritating, otherwise how can I raise my head in front of the goddess?

Xiao Chen's mouth slightly raised, and Xue Gao and Zheng Xiding were scorned in his heart: These two dumbfounded, they really want to face their lives and suffer. It seems that when they have no money, they can find another opportunity to pit them. !!

It didn't take long before the money was collected, and the waiter brought the vegetables one after another. Everyone stood for so long that they were so hungry that they pressed their chests against their backs, and they were no longer polite. They raised their chopsticks in front of them. The dishes launched an attack ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Among them, Xiao Chen and Tian Tuan were eating the most fiercely, regardless of what they were eating, it was almost as hungry as a tiger.

"School girls in early summer, after lunch, I will take you around the school, right? When you first arrived, you must be unfamiliar with the environment of Langcheng University. I just have time to be a guide for you." Xue Gaoban With a smile on his face, he volunteered to Xu Chuxia.

Judging from Xue Gao ’s judgment of girls, he thinks that Xu Chuxia is definitely not a worshiper of gold. He cannot rely on money to capture his heart. He can only slowly and gradually build his image of a gentle and intimate gentleman. She soaked her hands.

As for that sourness, it may be easier. As long as you spend money to buy her a few meals, and you can buy her some luxury goods, it is estimated that you will be able to get it, so Xue Gao pondered for a while, ready to start with the difficult to start .

"This ..." Xu Chuxia was thinking about how to quit. Unexpectedly Tian Tianci suddenly rushed to say, "In early summer, Sour Sour wanted to eat that plate of braised beef. You can help me turn the dishes over."

"Sour sour, eat slowly, and no one rushes with you." Xu Chuxia took the opportunity to shift the subject, glanced at Tian Tian sourly, and reached out and turned the glass turntable on the table.

I looked at Tian Suantian holding fried chicken legs in my left hand, and quickly grabbed a piece of beef in my right hand and stuffed it in my mouth, as if I had been hungry for a few days and hadn't eaten anything. Xu Chuxia couldn't help but be angry and funny. "Unfinished To Be Continued" [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group @ Past Fei Ah Ah] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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