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Chapter 898: Can't suffer

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Item 0898

"It's okay, Sour Sister is not sick." Tian Suan looked down at the ocher-colored earrings, and suddenly said angrily: "No! Sour Sister can't eat this loss, this stuff is worth 60 yuan Money! My one-day living expenses! The sour sister should not be so ugly, it doesn't meet my beautiful temperament at all! "

"This classmate, since the goods have been sold, there is no quality problem, they will not be returned." The stall owner just heard the conversation between the two of them, and then saw Tian Suan came over, knowing that she must be returning the goods, squinting. Rejected directly.

The stall owner secretly sneered and sneered, joking, the money was in my pocket, and he wanted me to spit it out? dream!

"What? You obviously have the overlord clause! How can there be ..." Tian Suanci wanted to argue, but the stallman waved his hand with a smile, saying: "Less those terms, we have no culture in small businesses, listen I do n’t understand. Anything sold is definitely unrefundable! "

After waiting for Tian Tuan to speak, Xiao Chen came over with Cheng Mengying's purple earrings and asked straightforwardly, "Boss, what did you say was made of 925 sterling silver just now? Are you sure? Then you have Is the material identification of the studs? "

Xiao Chen originally didn't want to make a little noise between Tian Tiansuan and Cheng Mengying, but just now the stall owner made it clear that he was robbing the fire and reporting the price with conscience, and they did not notice it at all, and they were stupid. Give money.

Although he has also set up stalls, they are all operating in good faith. The most uncomfortable thing is to make money with fakes. As long as he releases a little mental power, Xiao Chen can feel that the earrings are not pure silver. The stall owner's attitude towards Tian Suan was so bad, Xiao Chen was so angry!

"Of course I have! Our businessman is talking about honesty. This is the appraisal certificate. Please look at it!" The stall owner seems to have seen it strangely. I do n’t know where to find a booklet and hand it over. Xiao Chen took a look at it, and found that the typeface on it was very vague, and there was nothing about the anti-counterfeiting mark and barcode, which was obviously counterfeit.

"This kind of money can copy a stack of appraisal certificates, do you dare to fool them? You can only lie to those little girls." Xiao Chen frowned, and threw the booklet directly to the ground.

"You don't talk nonsense over there!" The stall owner jumped up like a cat with a tail on his tail, looked up and down Xiao Chen, and screamed, "What evidence do you have to prove that I'm fooling? Don't talk nonsense when you have evidence, believe it or not, I will sue you for slander and let the security guards clean up you? "

Cheng Mengying and Tian Suan were also watching from the side at this time. Although they were not pleasing to each other, they also knew that Xiao Chen was now supporting them, so they did not squeak.

Xiao Xiao Chen sneered, took out a purple earring from the box, and squeezed it with his hand.

He only heard a click, and the earrings were broken by Xiao Chen, exposing the metal inside. The metal is rusty and greenish yellowish yellow. At first glance, it is made of inferior copper, but it is only plated with silver on the surface.

I held the earrings in front of the stall owner, Xiao Chen asked coldly, "Don't you say that it's pure silver? Then you explain to me, what kind of metal is this?"

"Ah? This ..." The stall owner didn't expect Xiao Chen's strength to be so strong, he just smashed the earrings. He was startled, his face was red and white, and he couldn't speak.

"What's this or that? Aren't you going to the market management office? Let's go, I'll see if I sell you fakes and punish you for everything!" Xiao Chen grabbed the staller's wrist and pulled it. Dragged him out.

"Wait, wait! We have something to talk about. I was fooled when I bought it, and I was a victim like you! Big deal ... Big deal, I will give you the money back, and the earrings are like Good for you! "The stall owner first struggled a few times, but found that his wrists were locked like iron hoop, and he couldn't get rid of them, so he had to whisper and beg for mercy.

"It's pretty beautiful, do you know that it's fraud? Little nonsense, hurry up, go to the market management office with me! Otherwise I'm not polite!" Xiao Chen threatened relentlessly.

"Don't! There's something to say! Let's have something to say!" The stall owner's face was bitter, and his heart was even more bitter. Today, it's really bad! I didn't expect to encounter such a tough client like Xiao Chen. This was really a trouble for him to go to the market management office. The penalty was a secondary matter. The key is that the stall will definitely be banned. Where can I find such a good money? Where to go!

Seeing that Xiao Chen couldn't cope with it, the stall owner turned around and saw Cheng Mengying standing beside him. He suddenly came to a spirit and said to her with a sad face: "This beautiful classmate! I was really deceived, not intentionally Yes! Otherwise, I'll send you a pair of earrings, and if you don't collect extra money, it will be treated as compensation. Can you see it? It is not easy for us to do small business! "

"Xiao Yi, he was deceived by the purchase, and he is also one of the victims. Since he is unintentional, let's just forget it!" After all, Cheng Mengying was not deeply involved in the world. She saw the stall owner begging and thought he said All the truth is true. I feel that he is very pathetic. He asked Xiao Chen for him without much thought.

"Yeah, I blame me for being confused for a while, and I can't tell the truth, and this little girl also interceded for me, brother, don't care about it, just tolerate me a lot!" Climb up.

"Oh, okay, listen to you!" Xiao Chen let go of his hand and warned with a cold face: "Only once, not as an example, and then I found that you are fully charged, don't blame me for turning my face into disregard!"

The stall owner nodded again and again, and there was a cold sweat behind him. If I meet you again, I won't do your business if I buy more things!

Xiao Chen just nodded with satisfaction. In fact, he was frightening and frightening each other. Now that he is so short of money, one hundred and fifty yuan is a large number. How can he spend it indiscriminately? The sisters, big and small, are really right. They will forget everything when they fight with others.

"Slow, Sour Sour will have to change a pair! You can't send her but don't send me, right? We are together!" Tian Suanci saw Cheng Mengying picking her ear studs, and hurriedly frowned.

"Uh ... well, I'll give you a pair!" The stall owner returned the money to Cheng Mengying, and he had no choice but to agree.

He was anxious now that these people took things and hurriedly left. Anyway, the purchase price of earrings was only a few dollars. It would be nothing to send an extra pair. It would be enough to send away these "plague gods".

Tian Tianci was very happy, and stood there with a big smile, and picked it up. Unfortunately, the purple earrings were only the pair of Xiao Chen's hands. In the end, she picked them and chose only a dark green. of.

"Hum! Really shameless, follow someone else's boyfriend to take advantage, learn to grow white hair with others, and walk with others is a puppy!" Cheng Mengying snorted, Asada rolled her eyes.

"Well, how do you know that Sour Sister wants to take advantage of your boyfriend? It seems that you are very aware of being a little wife!" Tian Suan acid didn't think it was sloppy, and asked with a smile, and she didn't care about Cheng Mengying's ridicule. .

"You ..." Cheng Mengying was so speechless that she clenched her fists, not knowing what to do. Arguing with people has always been her weakness, otherwise when Ye Xiaoye could not be said before, she would not ask Kim Babe to help.

"Haha, it's funny for you. Your silky boyfriend looks too ugly, so you can be regarded as a silky girl, sour sister dismissed you! Don't worry about it!" Tian acid Seeing Cheng Mengying's words blocked, she said very proudly.

"You ... hmm! This is what you said, don't regret it in the future!" Cheng Mengying's ghost made God say such a word.

"Hey, Sour Sister never regrets it!" Tian Suan waved carelessly.

"Okay, sour, let's go back to school, and there will be lessons in the afternoon!" Xu Chuxia looked at the matter and came to an end, pulling Tian sour away, she was afraid that sour would say something wrong again, and then Conflict with Cheng Mengying is troublesome.

Looking at the back of Tian Suan sour, Cheng Mengying's suffocation had disappeared, but he was proud in his heart: Hum! I have long felt that you and Xiao Chen have some problems. This time, you said it yourself, and I will see you in the future!

"Xiao Yi, let's go back to school too! I was so troubled by Tian acid so much ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I don't have time to buy anything. I'm leaving now, you guys hurry up!" Jia Musen stood by the side for a long time, At this time, it was almost afternoon, and he ran away after hurriedly explaining. He was also worried that he would not be able to catch up with the afternoon class.

Xiao Xiaochen and Cheng Mengying were not in a hurry, and walked towards the school in a leisurely manner. They were originally arranged through relationships, and it wouldn't be a problem if they didn't take a class at a time.

On the way back, Cheng Mengying's expression was a little glum, and she was very sorry! The purple earrings are actually very beautiful, but they were broken, but you ca n’t blame Xiao Chen. If he did n’t do this, he would spend 150 yuan for fakes, but if the thing was sold For fifteen dollars, I would still buy it ...

"Hey, this is for you." Xiao Chen seemed to see through Cheng Mengying's mind, and turned a magic box from her pocket and reached out to her.

Cheng Mengying looked down—he found that the purple earrings just now, but they were intact!

"Oh! Haven't you crushed the earrings? How are you okay?" Cheng Mengying asked unexpectedly. She just watched Xiao Chen break it with her own eyes, and now she is fine again?

"Oh, I just used illusions just now, didn't you control the sour mind of Tian Tian?" Xiao Chen shrugged, not caring.

"This is what it is!" Cheng Mengying nodded suddenly and realized what Xiao Chen said behind her face, dismissed: "Do you think I like it? It's all Tian Tian's fault. If she doesn't oppose me, How could I control her with mental strength? "(To be continued) []

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