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Chapter 917: I am Jia family

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小 This small news is also spreading wildly. Many people still doubt that martial arts clubs have such great capabilities? However, after they ran to the student market and saw the notice hanging out by the martial arts club in front of the training hall, they finally believed that the rumors were not groundless.

After the rumors were confirmed, the popularity of the martial arts club that had been hit hardly gradually began to pick up, and more and more new members were registered to join, and the rumor that the martial arts club was not as good as the karate club was broken.

In addition, Du Rongwei paid a high enough fee to cover the medical expenses of Wang Zhengtian's treatment in the hospital. Both of these things were resolved, and Jia Musen was relieved. The haze of the past was also wiped out.

That ’s why he decided to invite everyone to have a good meal to celebrate, and by the way, plan how the martial arts club will develop in the future after it is hot.

"Xiao Yi, you are all here ... eh? Why didn't Xing Gongzi come?" Jia Musen saw Xiao Chen come up, looked back, and asked casually.

"I don't know why I went, maybe I went to the toilet!" Xiao Chen wrote lightly, holding Qian Qianxue in one hand and Cheng Mengying in one hand.

"That's ... I wiped it! Keke ... Xiao Yi, your relationship seems ..." Jia Musen retracted his gaze and looked at Xiao Chen and Qian Qianxue very closely. They couldn't help but be surprised. A bit unclear.

Xiao Chen saw Jia Musen staring closely at the hand he was holding with Xun Qianxue, and he proclaimed: "As the saying goes, good birds choose wood to live in, and Xiao Xiaoxue has kicked that thing. , She will follow me in the future and enjoy a beautiful and happy life. "

"Go to you! What is a good bird? Do you think that I and Ji Xiaoxue are birds?" Cheng Mengying gave Xiao Chen an unhappy glance, turned her head and said to Qi Qianxue, "Xiao Xue, ignore him, There is no serious person in this mouth, so he likes to talk nonsense. "

"Hmm ... no ... nothing." 绫 Qianxue blushed a little, and looked a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Xiao Chen to be so direct, and she was surprised and moved, and a little sweet.

"Brother Xiao Yi, you are really awesome! It took only a few days to catch up with our class! And it seems that the two are still getting along very well, my brother really admires it!" Jia Musen gave a thumbs involuntarily. , Sighed with envy.

At this time, footsteps came from the second-floor stairs. It turned out that Tian Suantian and Xu Chuxia had just come up for dinner.

Xiao Chen's voice was not soft just now, so the two of them just happened to hear the words. Xu Chuxia didn't have much reaction, but Tian Tianci had widened her eyes, and three steps and two steps up, it was difficult Confidence looked at Xiao Chen up and down.

Qian Qianxue knows Tian Tian acid, and met her in the early summer against Xu.

I now see Tian Tian acid suddenly appear, and Qian Qianxue is still a little strange how this person is here, but she didn't ask much, anyway, it is not the previous Qian Qianxue anymore, and I don't want to inquire about these.

"What are you looking at? I have flowers on my face?" Xiao Chen couldn't help asking when Tian Tian looked sour.

"Xiao Yi, your boy can! Can you give someone a cap?" Tian Suan patted Xiao Chen's shoulders with a look of surprise.

"What do you mean? I don't even know how to play basketball, and whose cap is covered?" Xiao Chen was a little puzzled, totally unaware of what Tian acid was talking about.

"Of course I've covered you with a green hat for your classmates!" Tian Suanci snorted and sighed again and again: "Sour sour sister really didn't see it! I can't think you're kind of awesome! It's just that in the novel. It's a kind of counterattack against the goddess! "

I also heard about the relationship between Xing Gongzi and Xun Xiaoxue when he was in a relationship with Jia Musen. It was just that Tian Tian was so desperate that Xiao Yi, who looked so silky in front of him, could successfully counterattack and beautify her!

And the most important thing is, Xiao Yizheng's girlfriend Cheng Yaoyao standing next to him does not seem to be too opposed! It's amazing! Is there anything that Xiao Yi can do to control a woman?

"Oh, a man like me who loves people and flowers who want to see flowers is very easy to capture the goddess. You must be careful when you are sour, and my goal is you." Xiao Chensha With a shrug, the thief smiled at Tian Tiandao with a smile.

"Cut! Want to capture Sour Sister? Do you have a super run? Are there villas and private yachts?" Tian Suan Tuan stood tall, disapprovingly said: "You can't handle Sour Sister like you Aura, so don't let yourself be delusional! Tell you, the sour sister's vision is not as short-sighted as some people! "

When Speaking of "some people", Tian Suan acid glanced at Cheng Yaoyao intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes full of disdain.

她 In her opinion, Cheng Yaoyao was not only unprepared for Xiao Yi's behavior of seeking flowers and asking Liu Liu openly, but he also frankly accepted it, basically, he will be abandoned sooner or later!

"You ..." Cheng Mengying didn't expect to lie down and was shot. For a while, she was so speechless that she could only give Tian Tian a sour glance as a counterattack.

"You got it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't heal the scars and forget the pain, who drilled under the table in the morning? And it seemed to be too scared to urinate and went directly to the toilet!" Xiao Chen naturally wanted to maintain the size and sister , He said with a joke.

As Putian's sour face changed, she was angry at the thought of the morning, and her whereabouts were almost exposed. She also drilled the table in front of everyone and was forced to urinate. This is her shame!

Turning his head around, Tian Suan stared at Jia Musen fiercely, grinning his teeth, and said, "Hey! Four eyes, we are not in a circle, are you honest, are you telling me? Tell you, Sour Sister is not good either It ’s a big deal, let ’s just show the showdown directly and get a fishnet! ”

啊 "Ah? You ... what are you talking about?" Jia Musen was startled by the sour eyes, and then he heard a fog of water, innocently blinked and asked.

He really didn't understand. Tian Suanci just spoke well with Xiao Chen. Why did he suddenly get him involved again?

"Fill me less garlic! You said, are you from Jia's family? Then, after seeing Sour Sister, you should ventilate and report, right?" Tian Suan acid pointed at Jia Musen and asked aggressively.

"Uh ... I'm from the Jia family! Is there any problem?" Jia Musen was more puzzled, full of question marks in his head. This sour man didn't know himself on the first day. How about it?

"Look, do you admit it? Tell you, Sour Sour is not so easy to cheat, don't think you can fool me!" Tian Suan was so pleased and proud. (This text is provided by Qi Hang Killing Qianmo @ 陌 丶 小 攻 男 神)

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