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Chapter 922: Try again

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"That's good, usually you pay more attention." Seeing Cheng Mengying agreed, Ling Qianyu didn't say much ...

Qian Qianxue returned to the dormitory alone, with a look of confusion. Her heart was still a little unacceptable to the series of incidents that had happened to her recently.

First, she was taken away by Xiao Chen for the first time without any awareness. Now she still has to turn her gun to help Xiao Chen deceive the Sakura team and Xunzi. It also makes her feel helpless and often immersed in tangled emotions. among.

Actually, even Qian Qianxue himself was not clear. Why did he vaguely agree to Xiao Chen's request at that time. Although she also knew that she really had a good impression on Xiao Chen, she had always been conservative!

Since she was a child, she has been taught that she must serve the Sakura team wholeheartedly. For so many years, she thought that she would not have the chance to fall in love again. She had already made preparations for loneliness, and even gave her life for the organization. Such an accident.

"What are you doing? I shouted that you didn't talk back several times, did you run into any trouble?" It didn't take long for Wu Qianxue to return to the dormitory, and the punishment girl returned, and when she saw that she was sitting on a chair, she wanted to find her Ask the latest situation.

I didn't know what Qian Qianxue was thinking, but I didn't respond for a long time.

"Ah ... it's okay, do you want to drink water? I'll go and pour you a glass." 绫 Qian Xue looked back and saw the punishment girl staring at her, then stood up absently.

"What kind of water do you drink?" The young girl frowned and was dissatisfied with Qian Qianxue's condition, and asked coldly, "What the **** is going on? Is it not going well with Xiao Yi? I tell I've been to you many times, and I will do everything possible to find out his true identity! I can't be in the world for too long, you better get things resolved quickly! "

"But I have done my best! I seduce him as you instructed, even for the first time ..." Qi Qianxue was very grieved, thinking of this made her feel sad, the girl is the most precious For the first time, it disappeared without any awareness ...

"Don't give yourself a reason. These are excuses. I gave you the task, and you must do your best to complete it!" The punishment girl was hard-hearted and reprimanded.

"But ... but it's not that simple. How do you know that I didn't do my best? I'm more anxious than you!" Qi Qianxue's grievance was a little more angry, how did the punishment son always look high? Don't take her seriously?

Because of the choice between Xiao Chen and the Sakura team, Qian Qianxue was already troubled. Unexpectedly, the punishment girl continued to urge persecution, and finally made her bear the pressure for a long time. All martyrdom.

"What is your attitude ... 咦? You broke through ?!" Xun Xiao was first surprised by the yelling of Qian Qianxue, who wanted to get angry, suddenly stared at it, and asked in amazement.

"Why ... what?" 绫 Qian Xue rarely had any control over her emotions. Her mind was hot just now, and she took it easy now. After hearing what the young lady said, she asked subconsciously.

"I remember that you were barely a martial arts level a few days ago, right? Now you are a martial arts tenth-level consummation, half step martial commander level? How did you do that?" The punishment girl was very puzzled, and Qian Qianxue was in a mood just now During the fluctuations, the strength was unintentionally released, and it was actually a half-step general. This span can be a bit large!

"Ah? I ... I don't know too well." Wu Qianxue finally understood the words of Xun Gongzi, and she was also stunned. She has been struggling with Xiao Chen and the organization these days, and she never noticed that she had upgraded Now, after looking it up, it turns out that he was really as surprised as Xingzi said.

"Forget it, I just don't care about you just now. In short, if you speed up the progress, I'd better report to Shangfeng." Xing Xiaoniu looked at Qian Qianxue with a stunned look, and thought she didn't seem to be cheating. Keep asking, this girl is really under pressure recently, so she did n’t even know that she had been upgraded.

"Xiao Yi ... I was a little vigilant. I tried several times and he was not fooled. I think I might have to think of a way and try it in other ways." 绫 Qianxue was helpless, and explained with a small face.

"Then you can let him relax his vigilance and try again!" Xing Xiaoniu sternly instructed: "For example, I know that when men think about that, their willpower is very weak, as long as you don't give it to him suddenly, Ask him a few questions along the way, maybe you can come up with a word! Next time you can try as I said! "

The gauntlet girl looked eloquent, in fact, she had no experience in this area at all, and she looked at it from the Internet.

"Oh ... okay! I'll try it another day." 绫 Qian Xue nodded and was very entangled!

Qian Qianxue knew that Xiao Chen really practiced it. How could he not give him at that time? Although she has been promoted to a half-step general, she really annoyed Xiao Chen. When the two started to work, she couldn't take advantage of it!

And at that moment, Xiao Chen wasn't sure she was playing with fun, and then clicked on her ... then it was a tad!

So the method of the punishment son ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ simply does not work! The most important thing is that she doesn't have to test. She already knew the answer, but how did she come back to flirt with the punishment son?

After receiving the money, Hong Mao immediately instructed Du Rongwei to ask him to gather all the students who had come to the karate class, explain the situation briefly, show the portrait, and instruct them to pay more attention on campus, even if they explain things. Go on.

As for Hongmao herself, she took the young ninja everywhere to drink and eat, and she did not take the matter of looking for someone at all, and she often did not see people for several days.

When I started the Extreme Karate Museum, although I had tuition income, I was busy every day. I was tired after a day, and I did n’t have the energy to go out to play.

Now that there is such a large amount of money, there is no need to live on protection fees. Red Hair simply left the "career" behind and enjoyed the days of extravagance.

However, he did not forget the two masters of Hu You, who arranged in advance delicious and delicious, and a group of high-quality peripheral women, to serve the two uncles.

Although the monks of the two Jia families have high strengths, they do not understand anything about the worldly affairs and the human world.

At the beginning, they also stared at Hongmao for a few days, seeing that he did come out early and return late, and sometimes he did n’t even come back. They thought Hongmao was trying hard to find someone for them. (School Flower's intimate master online drama, iQiyi went online on August 10th, for more news, pay attention to the fisherman public prestige yuren22) (This text is provided by Qihang Killing Qianmo @ 陌 丶 小 攻 男 神)

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