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Chapter 946: Find someone!

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好 "Okay! With your words, I'm absolutely assured! As long as you do things beautifully, come to me for money!" Xue Gao was very happy and filled a glass of wine boldly.

Hongmao was ecstatic in his heart. This stupid bubble is really a stupid person with more money! Quickly poured another wine, and took the opportunity to flatter Xue Gao a few words, holding Xue Dasha fluttering, even his own name was almost unknown.

In a harmonious atmosphere, Hongmao put down the wine glass, touched the breast of the tender model, and spit out the wine and asked: "Master Xue, let me ask, what is your hatred with Xiao Yi? Can't wait Want to fix him? "

Xue Gao frowned, patted the table and scolded: "It's not because the school spent Xu Chuxia and her girlfriends field sour! The two chicks are both very good! If this young master is not because of them, why would he find Xiao Yi? The trouble of this slick man? Even if this boy took Ling Qianyu's advantage, even the woman whom Ben rarely looked at dare to touch, wasn't he trying to die? "

"That's it ..." Hongmao touched his chin, and the thief smiled. "That's also simple, otherwise we can help you make a hero to save the beauty? It's simple and convenient, and it's easy to implement. Without so much worry, we can pretend to be foolish. If you are a flower care hero, you will end up! "

I glanced at Hongmao, and Xue Gao secretly said, "You two are still pretending to be farts!" It's always lumpy! However, this is a good way to avoid researching other tricks.

"Yes, just do what you say! By the way, I'll show you the pictures of the two chicks first, but don't make mistakes." Xue Gao immediately agreed, took out his mobile phone and flipped out a photo, above It was Xu Xiaxia's sour group photo. Xue Gao pointed at the two women in the photo: "It's them!"

"啧啧. It's really pretty good, and they are all really beautiful women. The style is not the same." Red fur glanced rudely and didn't see anything. But after looking at it carefully for a while, I suddenly felt something wrong: "Hey? This woman seems a little familiar, where have you seen it?"

"Of course you are familiar, Xiao Yi and her grand finale singing show just now!" Xue Gao said angrily, recalling that Xiao Yi and Xu Chuxia just sang love songs on the stage, frowning, flirting, Xue Gao My heart was extremely upset, and the person who stood there should be him! I didn't expect to let that filigree take advantage!

"No, I'm talking about another ..." Hong Mao blinked drunkenly. Pointing at the sour murmur in the photo.

Du Rongwei was sitting on the other side of Hong Mao, and Wen Yan also put his head together.

"Familiar? She often appears near the school and it's normal ..." Xue Gaozheng was about to continue. Du Rongwei suddenly stunned, and the chopsticks in his hand fell on the table with a squeak, exclaiming: "Hong Mao! It's her! The little girl we're looking for is her! That's right !!! "

I was yelled at by Du Rongwei. The faint red hair suddenly woke up with wine. With a close look, I rubbed it! Isn't this what the two experts are looking for? It's too coincidental, right? Although they did not break the iron shoes. But it really has to come without any effort!

After stunning Hongmao, he calmed down immediately and immediately thought of something wrong! If you find people all at once, won't you be able to continue to make money later?

I thought of it here. Hong Mao immediately glanced at Du Rongwei, and said, "Why are you shouting? Huang Tang is pouring more?

"Oh. Right, yes, I was excited when I saw the beauties. Haha! I punish myself for a drink!" Du Rongwei was not a fool, and he reacted quickly. Quickly cover up a few words, pick up the glass and pour into your mouth.

"You, Da Du, you can't do it! Just drink a few bottles of wine and get on top of it? This amount of wine is also embarrassing to mix up?" Xue Gao was also a little dizzy, so he had no doubt at all, but he looked down on Du Rongwei a little No one was like him, startled, almost scared to death.

"It's okay, don't bother him, he'll just seduce it!" Hongmao quickly took out a cigarette and shoved it into Xue Gao's hand, and took the opportunity to pick up the topic: "I can recognize these two beauties, but I After thinking about it, I have already made an appearance today. I don't think I can come forward to help your hero save the beauty, otherwise it will be easy to wear. "

"What then?" Xue Gao frowned, and the red hair wouldn't shrink back?

"Hey, Master Xue, don't worry! Of course I have another way!" Hongmao laughed and said, "When I go back, I will call the two men and let them come forward, and they will definitely not be attacked. doubt!"

"Well, it's still thoughtful of you, that's it!" Xue Gao's eyes brightened, and he nodded deeply, feeling very satisfied.

"Mr. Xue, don't worry, this time you will definitely not drop the chain for you, and you will be guaranteed to be beautiful!" Hong Mao picked up the wine glass, and the two of them drank with pleasure.

Xue Gao put down his glass and turned to look at Du Rongwei disdainfully, "Oh Roewe, learn more about your elder brother in the future. What is the most important thing in the 21st century? It is IQ! Don't be surprised all day, go back and practice the amount of alcohol first. Well, come out and mix up, otherwise you won't know how to die! "

"Yes, Xue Daxue learned the right lesson, I must go back to read more and read more newspapers ... and drink more." Du Rongwei was flattened by Xue Gao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I was very depressed, but again Not afraid to refute, I had to perfunctory a few words, bowed his head and continued to drink.

After drinking enough food and drinking, Hongmao remembered the sourness of the field, and had no intention to play with the tender model. He said goodbye to Xue Gao, and returned with Du Rongwei and the young ninja.

The three of them returned to their place of residence, and then they sat down and started a meeting to discuss whether this sour person was the one they were looking for? Several people have seen portraits. The people above are really similar to Tian Gao in the photo of Xue Gao. They are carved out of a mold.

Can I report it? After all, their current financial resources are all supported by the two masters. If you tell them that you have found that little girl, I am afraid that there will be no happy days in the future, and you will have to go to the street to charge.

In the end, Du Rongwei came up with an idea, so don't tell the two masters first, so as not to lose the long-term meal ticket, just lock the target first and stare at the person and don't run away.

Wu Hongmao agreed with the plan decisively, and it was too late to go to the sky, and immediately went to the residence of Hei Yu and Bai Qi.

Bai Qi and the two also just came back from drinking outside. One of them was carrying a young model in the room to make a fuss, and was disturbed by the red hair. It was a little unpleasant, but after he reported that he was about to lock on his target, the two immediately woke up. Hongmao was instructed to focus on observation, try to avoid contact with the target as much as possible, and then report to them when they can be sure.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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