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Chapter 950: Qiang Shaotuo

Regarding this change, Cheng Mengying was also a little surprised. After thinking for a while, she felt that she had begun to become a cultivator, as if she had made trouble with Xiao Chen as unreasonably as before. Maybe this cultivation can make people more mindful. For broadness!

In fact, the young lady didn't know that her tolerance had nothing to do with whether she became a true practitioner, but because the two had supported each other for a long time, she had developed a deep sense of trust and dependence on Xiao Chen. But she didn't notice it.

"Ding Dong!"

When he came to the door of the room, Xiao Chen pressed the doorbell, and soon there was a sound of footsteps in the room.

"Welcome and welcome, are you all here?" As soon as the door opened, Tian Tuan's enthusiastic greeting came immediately. When she saw a large bag of fruit in Jia Musen's hand, she even laughed and couldn't see her eyes. Whoops, Four Eyes also brought papaya. How do you know that Sour Sister is using papaya for breast enhancement recently? It ’s so intentional! Come on, come in and sit down! Do n’t hesitate to treat this place as your own home Oh, it ’s so heavy! "

The last exclamation was because Tian Tianci just wanted to take the fruit from Jia Musen, but he felt a sudden sink in his hand, and his arm was almost not dislocated!

"Let's do it. Where do I put these fruits?" Jia Musen quickly took the fruits in his hands, took off his shoes and entered the door, and smiled and turned to ask Tian Tian sourly.

"That way! Just put it in the refrigerator over there!" Tian acid acid pointed to the refrigerator in the corner of the hall, and then commanded: "The top is the fresh-keeping layer, you put the fruits one by one for the acid acid sister, by the way Take out the vegetables and beef, right! Also take the prawns, crabs and ribs in the frozen layer below! "

"Wealthy fans, it's almost twelve o'clock, will you not have cooked the food yet? Are you going to let us drink the northwest wind? I'm almost hungry and flattened!" Taking out a bunch of fresh vegetables from the refrigerator and sending them to the kitchen, Xiao Chen suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Are you stupid, Counterattack Man? Sour sour sister and early summer are two people. How can you cook so many dishes?" Tian Suanxi said with a look of course.

"I'm going ... What are you going to do?" Xiao Chen almost didn't collapse. What kind of meal did you ask us to cook without cooking? Anyway, if you order KFC McDonald's, that's fine!

"Rest assured. Sour sour has long thought about it! Now that you are here, we have six of us, and each of us will make a special dish, so that is enough! And it ’s a little bit hilarious to eat. Sour sour is Not very talented? "Tian sourly explained.

"... It's so talented, I've taken it!" Xiao Chenmao didn't say a word, but nodded speechlessly. The wealthy fan is really sour, and even the cooking time is saved! Where is this treat? It is clearly a collective dinner!

"You still say sour!" I heard the voice of dissatisfaction from the early summer Xu came from the kitchen: "You invite everyone to come over. You do n’t even want to cook, do n’t even wash the vegetables. Come, hurry up and help me wash and cut vegetables! "

"Well, Sour Sour will pass right away." Tian Suan spit out his tongue and winked at Xiao Chen: "Counter-attack man, did you hear that we were asked to help in the early summer? Don't worry about it, Hurry up! Opportunities don't wait for anyone! "

"Come on, let's do it together, otherwise we don't want to eat hot food today!" Xiao Chen shook her head with a bitter smile. He took the lead in rolling up his sleeves and went into the kitchen, looked around left and right, picked up the fish in the bucket, and gathered them up skillfully.

Others didn't mind that much, rushed into the kitchen and started helping to wash fruits, pick vegetables and cut meat.

Although the place in the kitchen is not large, six people are still in it all at once, but fortunately, everyone is very slim and performs their duties, so it does not look so crowded.

These people come from different places though. Each has their own background, but in the final analysis, they are just carefree college students. In addition, the performance of the martial arts club and the early stage of Xu Chuxia were particularly exciting, so everyone has a lot of topics. Soon they went to chat together. From time to time, there were laughter and laughter in the kitchen. Everyone was busy and happy.

As the saying goes, people are so powerful that they spend an hour back and forth, and the table in the living room is finally full of delicious food. The tableware is all set and ready to start.

Except for the poor workmanship and simple making of green onion and scrambled eggs, everyone else basically has two dishes. The table is full of dangs and looks particularly attractive. Everyone has been busy for a long time and is hungry. The front chest was stuck to the back, and a few words were casually set, and then sat down and picked up chopsticks to eat.

After a circle of tasting, everyone agreed that Xiao Yi's dishes were the most delicious, while Cheng Yaoyao's two dishes were not very good, but the taste was very good, just behind Xiao Yi!

Although Xiao Chen and Mengying Cheng are very humble in their mouths, they each know what is going on. The main reason is that Xiao Chen has fried deep-fried dough sticks and learned to cook. The craftsmanship has always been good, and the cooking skills of the young lady are average Now, we can only rely on vitality to feed.

As soon as Xu Chuxia and Tian Tian sour were seated, they saw Xiao Chen's dishes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can't help but feel a little surprised. The two looked at each other and accidentally took a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs made by Xiao Chen and took a bite. Suddenly filled with familiar taste.

"This ..." The two were extremely shocked. The sweet and sour pork ribs are exactly the same in color, taste and fragrance as Xiao Qiang did before! what 's wrong?

"Hey, counterattack man, how do you know that Sour Sour loves sweet and sour pork ribs? Have you been a chef before? How can you make it so delicious?" Tian Suan swallowed and bite half in his mouth The sweet and sour pork ribs, and quickly put two pieces from the plate into the bowl, and then licked his lips and asked.

"Oh, someone named Qiang Shao Tuomeng told me. After I specifically wrote down the cooking method and the heat, I thought of burning it and trying it, but it was so delicious!" Xiao Chen said with a smile.

I don't know why, Xiao Chen seems to have a special intuition for the spiritualists! He could feel that he didn't have many days in college, so he also chose the method of half-joking and no longer concealed his identity.

"Yeah! Really fake?" Tian Suanci couldn't even eat the ribs, and asked with a wide open mouth, but looking at Xiao Chen's smile, she was a little skeptical: "You won't Are you being sour? "(To be continued.)

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