High Energy QR Code

Chapter 227: Use value

Five minutes later, the system refreshed the location information to show that Xing Ye was still in the No. 1 car. One of Shao Lin's teammates Qiao Yu frowned: "Why didn't he stay in the No. 1 car? Are you afraid we will find an ambush? "

Shao Lindao: "I'm afraid he just intends to defend himself. The current form is different from the previous one. It used to be 19 people against him. As the hunter continues to be eliminated, he can still be his enemy. Probably only a few of us are left. Now. "

Teammate No. 2 Ye Ziju said: "I really can't figure out how he defeated Tan Feng and the flight attendants. Either of them can directly kill both of us. 30 million players can even eliminate them. Really so amazing."

Ye Zirou hugged his arm after speaking, looking a little scared.

Shao Lindao: "If you can get 30 million players from the system, do you think you will be weak? From this game, everyone should know that our teammates are not simple, at least the system thinks that he can be one enemy nineteen. "

Qiao Yu said: "It is a terrible opponent, and it is obviously 19 to 1, but some people are willing to be his teammates. Although these players may be companions of his previous world and help him out of morality, but you can also watch The temptation that his prestige in his companions can exceed 30 million points is not a little scary? "

After knowing that Tan Feng and the flight attendants had been killed, the two girls actually resigned, and some did not want to fight.

This is a common problem for obedient players. It is held by the system smoothly. It has never encountered a world that is too difficult. After dozens of worlds, it is easy to produce a shrinking mood. It is not a big deal to lose in one world. Anyway, they are lucky, and the next world will win as well.

Some obedient players may still have the motivation to fight at first. Later, when they find that the results of their hard work are not as useful as the luck given by the system, they will gradually give up thinking.

Once obedient players' minds fall into this misunderstanding, they are not far from becoming obedient props.

Shao Lin despised the thoughts of the two girls, but he was not in a hurry. He picked up a piece of chocolate and put it in his mouth, swallowed it vigorously and said, "If you fail, you will deduct three-quarters of your points; he will be killed in the battle. If you die, three-quarters of your points will be deducted. Since the results have not changed, why not fight for one, think about 30 million points, three billion yuan, and the three of us split equally are one billion people. With this Do n’t worry about eating and drinking in your life, is n’t that bad? ”

The two girls had originally resigned, and their thinking was in a shaken phase. After hearing what Shao Lin said and adding the effect of "sweet talk", they agreed to continue fighting.

Ye Ziju said: "Thirty million traps are set up in carriage 1. What should we do?"

Shao Lindao: "Don't worry, Tan Feng and the flight attendants did not sacrifice in vain. I already know the capabilities of 30 million players and teammates. He has three teammates, one woman has died and one player has no resistance to women All three of us are girls, and he will not fight with us. There is also a male player, who is quite strong, but I already know his ability, and it is easy to deal with under the premise of preparation.

"At the moment, there are two important points. First, they can use some initial skills to shield our vision. This ability cannot see where the other person's trap is. It must be a hindrance. Someone may call the police. We need to get them out. "

Ye Ziju said: "Don't worry about it. My initial skill,‘ falling out of the rock ’, can crack the eye-blocking method that blocks vision. He used it several times to crack it.”

Seeing her actively responding, Qiao Yuxin also said, "Coincidentally, the second point is that I have a way. I have a world prop called" Cadman ", which allows the unconscious npc to act like a corpse. Far away, we can rush them to the dining car and let them make a dinner party. After these passengers have eaten and returned to the carriage, the battle is over. By then we have killed 30 million, and the game won, we are not afraid to be found by the police. "

Shao Lin pretended to be astonished: "So clever? The two of you are just capable of restraining each other."

As he praised himself, Qiao Yu smiled proudly: "We are obedient players, and our abilities are special. Almost every opponent in the world will be restrained by our abilities, and we will smoothly enter the high-level world."

Shao Lindao: "What are you waiting for? Let's do it. There are too many 30 million ghost ideas. I worry that we won't attack as soon as possible, and he will come up with a new way. A former teammate of mine, I do n’t know if he was What kind of ability did he use to cut people everywhere, so he was taken away by the police. He has just fought with Tan Feng, his skill consumption must be great, it should be in the cooling down, we ca n’t give him time to recover his skills, Tan Feng and the flight attendants ca n’t Sacrifice for nothing. "

"That makes sense." Ye Zirou glanced at his cell phone. "Let's go to Car No. 2 to stand by. If the next time the position is refreshed, he is still in Car No. 1 and act as planned."

"Okay!" After the three of them discussed, they got up and went to No. 2.

Ye Zirou and Qiao Yuxin are very beautiful girls. Shao Lin's appearance in this world is not bad. The three walked in the carriage without encountering too many obstacles. They only went to the second carriage to find a friend, and the flight attendant let go.

The three came to No. 2 compartment. At this time, it was the time to refresh the location information. Qiao Yu looked at the phone and saw that the location information was no longer displayed. This represented 30 million in the 5 compartments (including the front, 1, 2,3,4, 5 in total), they have just passed by cars 2-4, and they also observed the passengers in the car. No suspicious persons existed.

The three arrived at the junction of No. 2 and No. 1 cars, and whether there was any obstructive eye method in No. 1 car, Ye Zirou used "falling out of stones" for insurance reasons.

At the moment Ye Zirou used the "fall out of the water", Qiao Yu used her initial skills to "sleepy". She was actually just a high school student, her grades were not very good, and the pressure of her studies made her feel that life was too boring. When she was drowsy in class, she kept nodding her head and woke up on the table. She found that a QR code appeared on the chemical book spread out on the table. Qiao Yuxin secretly scanned while the teacher didn't notice. QR code enters the game world.

Therefore, one of her initial skills is "drowsy", the ability to control other players and npc to fall asleep, but because she is awake during class, this skill can only let people enter a light sleep state, and will be awake with a little movement Qiao Yuxin doesn't think that this skill can make 30 million really fall asleep. Another disadvantage is that "Drowsy" can also make users sleepy, but the companion will be awake.

However, the advantage of this skill is the group attack skill, and the consumption of points is particularly small. In a certain range, no matter how many people will be caught in this state at the same time, and only 50 points are deducted, it will not increase points due to the increase in the number of people.

After using "Drowsy", Qiao Yuxin was so sleepy that she fell directly on Ye Zirou. Ye Zirou slaps her to wake her up. After sober Qiao Yuxin doesn't look like a normal person wakes up, but quickly and accurately takes out "Person" prop, this is a convenient spell, she launches a spell outside the carriage to communicate with the prop, so that she can all the sleeping people to the 8th dining car to order meals and bring them back after eating.

After the props came into effect, the door of Car No. 1 opened shortly, and 9 stupid passengers came out and walked stiffly towards the dining car.

When the carriage door opened, the three saw a trendy man, a man in uniform, and a strong man sitting in the carriage.

With the exception of 30 million players, the rest did not see the remaining number of hunters, but now the number in the compartment exactly matched their guess. Qiao Yu said nothing and launched the second initial skill "chemical reaction".

She entered the game by scanning the QR code on a chemistry book. The second initial skill is naturally related to chemistry.

"Chemical reaction" refers to the process by which molecules break up into atoms, and atoms rearrange and combine to form new molecules. This ability will be very strong, but the premise is that the user must be good in chemistry and be able to clearly understand the molecular formula of the chemical reaction item and the chemical formula of the transformation. Qiao Yuxin is a science slag, otherwise he will not be in the chemistry class. sleep. She doesn't know many chemical formulas. After becoming a obedient player, she didn't bother to learn to strengthen her power. This time, she chose to change the carbon dioxide in the air of No. 1 compartment into toxic carbon monoxide and oxygen.

Excessive carbon monoxide and oxygen will poison the player, but this is a slow process, and it will also affect the Shao Lin three who also entered the first compartment.

However, Qiao Yuxin was not afraid. When she clicked a QR code with her mobile phone at the same time, the QR code became a stack of 10 masks. Qiao Yuxin quickly divided the masks between Shao Lin and Ye Zirou. This is a props QR code. "Anti-poison masks", one mask lasts for 10 minutes, for a total of ten. Since it is a prop-type QR code, it does not affect the use of other QR codes.

Therefore, Qiao Yuxin's hand did not stop, she did not see it, and she just clicked a QR code. After opening, she saw that the ability was a delay-type QR code that "damaged double rebound", that is, during the battle. Once the other party launches an attack to cause damage to the other party, then the other party will take twice as much damage. If it is reflected in the game's blood bar, that is, if you kill me 50 points of blood, then you will also lose 100 points of blood unless your The blood is more than twice that of me, otherwise you will lose no matter how you fight.

And this QR code works with three people, Shao Lin, Ye Zirou, and Qiao Yuxin all added a buff of "double damage to the rebound", all of which become unbeatable Xiaoqiang, with an aging of 5 minutes.

After completing all this, Qiao Yu retired. Her initial skills, props, and QR code can no longer be used. The best choice is to watch the game behind the scenes. Do not join the battle to avoid injury.

Shao Lin, who was watching from the side, sighed lightly. The luck of the obedient player is really jealous, and there are many QR codes in his hand.

Well, it's a waste of luck to stay with them.

Shao Lin smiled and patted Qiao Yuxin's shoulder, "We are going, please be careful yourself."

Qiao Yu smiled gratefully at Shao Lin, not knowing that at this moment of clapping her shoulders, her luck had shifted to Shao Lin.

For Shao Lin, Qiao Yuxin, who has already used skills, can no longer fight, and her luck is useless. It is better to give Shao Lin to make Shao Lin's QR code more handy.

As for whether Qiao Yuxin, who was taken away from his luck and could not use the QR code, was affected by the battle because of his bad luck, it has nothing to do with Shao Lin.

After all, this person has no use value.

The author has something to say: I don't know where to hide Xing Yan: The three paper substitutes on the opposite side, you fight hard, call me after the fight, come on!

Q & A Today

Questions about whether Randy and Tan Feng's obedient props will be picked up and used by others

A: Why didn't I mention it? Because I thought the player was eliminated, it is common sense that the item automatically follows the player back to the system space _ (: 3∠) _

2nd before 8pm! 2k novel reading network

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