Boom boom boom— thick and long black tentacles rose from the ground.

All the buildings in the city center were entangled by the tentacles and immediately turned into ruins.

The warriors guarding the city heard the movement behind them and looked back in shock.

More than a dozen hundred-meter-long tentacles kept waving, and all the buildings within a hundred meters were cut in half.

"Starting to increase the intensity"

"This boss is at least an S-level"

"The garrison commander must be halfway there, why hasn't he arrived yet?"

"Very good, Juba is now as short as his younger brother"

"Don't be discouraged, big brother, small ones are actually very cute too"

"It’s open now, it drills directly into the center of the ground and blooms, is there anything else to do?"


The clones complained crazily, unanimously agreeing that this was not the strength that a novice village should have.

The city lord looked ashen:"SS-level."

He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

His idea was too naive.

He wanted to defend the tide with the power of the city alone?

Wishful thinking.

Qin Ze frowned.

Sure enough, the tide couldn't always be full of rotten fish and shrimp.

This high-level beast alone was enough to sweep across the entire Jiangcheng.

"Look at the sky."

The voice of the Dharma King sounded in the local area network.

Qin Ze looked up.

The five whirlpools in the sky were gradually shrinking, and the light curtain projected on the ground also disappeared, which meant that the tide was over.

But the warriors defending the city were not very happy.

Although the five whirlpools were disappearing and no more strange beasts were released.

But there were still hundreds of thousands of strange beasts outside the city.

Not to mention that there was a BOSS wreaking havoc underground in the city.

This tide could not be defended after all.

Bang- the ground in the center of the city suddenly sank, and a huge octopus head drilled out of it.

At the same time, countless densely packed small octopuses flew out of the pit, covering the sky and the sun into one piece.

These small octopuses are one meter long on average, and each has the strength of a first-level warrior.

Tens of thousands of small octopuses condensed into a black tide in the sky and pressed towards the city wall.

For a time, the warriors defending the city were attacked from both sides, and the defensive position became precarious again.

""All of you die!"

The King of France turned on the power to full.

The violent electric current swept towards the octopus group.

The moment they touched the electric current, the small octopuses kept falling.

However, there were too many of them, more than ten times the number of flying beasts in the sky, and the King of France's attack was just a drop in the bucket.

The anti-aircraft guns on the city wall output frantically, forming a dense barrage in the sky.

But it only lasted for a few seconds before being broken through by the octopus group.

The goals of these octopuses were very clear. The first to attack were the anti-aircraft positions and the locations of the city defense guns.

As one cannon after another was destroyed, the beasts rushed up the city wall again.

Because the city defense firepower was greatly weakened, nothing could stop them this time.

Niu Zhida's face was pale:"We can't hold it."

Some warriors defending the city could no longer hold their spirits, dropped their weapons and ran down, immediately forming a chain reaction.

Large sections of the city wall lost their defense, and more and more strange beasts rushed up.

The clones hurriedly filled the gaps to delay the fall.

Brother Swallowing slapped the head of the strange beast that climbed onto the top of the wall and said lightly:"Stand back, I'm going to take action."

Niu Zhi was stunned.

At this time, do we still have to continue to struggle in vain?

Brother Swallowing took off his suit jacket and threw it to Niu Niu

"This is my favorite piece, don't get it dirty."

Leaving this section of the wall to his clone, Brother Devourer strode towards the octopus.

Niu Zhida looked at Brother Devourer's back and couldn't help asking,"Aren't you afraid of death?"

As a mercenary merchant, he had traveled all over the country for so many years, and had never seen anyone who disregarded life and death like this.

Brother Devourer waved his hand coolly.

"We have no way out"

"Some things, after all, need someone to step up and do them."

Niu Zhida was stunned.

His mood was more complicated than ever before.

It seemed that something was about to burst out of his eyes.

"Keep my coat for me. I'll come back to get it after I win the fight."

Brother Devourer suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the Dharma King.

Niu Zhida hugged his suit coat tightly and took a deep breath.

He turned to face the endless beast tide, and the flames of war rekindled in his red eyes.

"You are finally here. My blood is running out."

The Dharma King in the sky was a little out of breath.

Brother Swallowing threw him a piece of blood crystal, and the Dharma King took it and absorbed it quickly.

Looking at the crazy counterattack of the octopus group, Brother Swallowing's mouth curled up.

"Now is the time for the Dark Night Lion King to perform."

Brother Devour's body swelled rapidly, dozens of arms stretched out from his body, and his abdomen opened up like an abyss.

Dozens of fists were thrown out at the same time, forming a rain of fists above Brother Devour's head, and all the small octopuses that approached were blasted into pieces.


Brother Devourer roared.

The abyss in his abdomen opened and sucked deeply into the sky.

Hundreds of small octopuses fell uncontrollably and were swallowed by the abyss.


"The taste is really bad."

After absorbing the blood crystal, the king flew into the air again and played a set of silky five whips.

"Your Dharma King is back again!"

The corpses of the alien beasts have piled up several meters high at the gate of the city.

But the alien beasts outside are still rushing in frantically.

Boom - accompanied by a loud noise, a seriously injured first-level clone exploded, taking away two unlucky guys.

Originally there were more than a hundred clones guarding this place, but now less than a third are left.

The giant tyrant grabbed the back of the neck with his right hand, dug his five fingers into the flesh and pulled hard, pulling out a spine more than five meters long.

"Kneel down!"

The spine was whizzing in the giant's hand.

If the F-level beast was touched, it would explode into a ball of blood mist in an instant.

"You'd better think of a solution quickly."

"It's been fifteen minutes, and the dog garrison commander hasn't arrived yet."

The giant said to Qin Ze

"Thinking about it again."

Qin Ze's CPU was about to smoke.

In desperation, Qin Ze released the shelter space. The octopus group instantly changed direction and flew towards him quickly.

The big octopus also went crazy, and more than a dozen tentacles volleyed in an attempt to knock Qin Ze down.

At the critical moment, Qin Ze opened the source of the world again.

The big and small octopuses became headless flies and turned around to attack the human warriors again.

Without the hunting beast lit up, the beasts during the tide could only smell the key outside the shelter space.

Qin Ze closed the source of the world again, and the beasts changed their targets.

When they were about to rush to his face, Qin Ze closed it again.

This repetition can be regarded as relieving some pressure on Brother Devourer and the others.

However, after more than a dozen rounds, the beasts were not fooled.

Qin Ze was in a state of panic.

He accidentally glanced at the five whirlpools the size of basketballs left, and he suddenly thought of the space whirlpool left after the Void Beast disappeared.

【Beast Tamer: @Yao Yuan, did the Void Beast you killed last time create a space vortex?】

【Yao Yuan: After each void beast is killed, the space gate will be forced to close, and space turbulence and space vortex will be generated. The space vortex will recycle all the alien beasts that have been released. The specific reason is still unknown.

Qin Ze's eyes lit up.

There is a chance.

Only alien beasts have access to the space gate opened by the void beast. If we don't recycle them, who will we recycle?

Qin Ze has a bold idea in his mind.


"Let's give it a try!"

"Key, open the door for me"

【There are fifteen units of World Origin remaining, which is not enough to open the space gate.]

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