There is no boss behind the door, but a wider and brighter passage.

"Please follow the instructions."

An arrow pointing forward was projected from the ground.

Every time Qin Ze took a step forward, the arrow moved forward.

This feeling was a bit like the novice tutorial at the beginning of the game.

Following the guidance of the arrow, Qin Ze quickly went deep into Shelter No. 10.

Unlike the situation outside, the facilities inside were obviously more abundant.

Power plants, water stations, rest areas, fitness areas, canteens, dormitories, and even a super-large swimming pool.

All the facilities that can be used in life are available here. However, the strange thing is that Qin Ze did not see a single resident of the shelter along the way.

The huge shelter was quiet, with only the rhythmic footsteps of Qin Ze.

"We have arrived at the manager's office."

As the arrow disappeared, Qin Ze stood in front of a tightly closed alloy door.

Qin Ze hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his hand and knocked on the door.~


No response from the door.


"Hello, is anyone there?"

Qin Ze knocked repeatedly, but there was no sound in the office.

"How dare you ignore my brother Ze!"

"Kick the door open"

"This shelter is so weird, we better be careful"

"Now that I'm here, I have to see what kind of person that manager is."

After brainstorming with his clones, Qin Ze decided to break in. Concentrating his energy and blood, he raised his foot and kicked with his left foot.


""Oh my gosh!"

Qin Ze held up his foot and jumped back on one leg.

It hurts!

It hurts so much!

The alloy door didn't move at all, and Qin Ze's foot was almost broken.

After studying the door for a while, Qin Ze found a handle on the side of the door.

He twisted it gently.


The door opened.

Qin Ze was stunned.

There were a thousand MMPs in his mind, but he didn't know whether to say them or not.

Pushing open the door, a rotten air rushed towards him.

The manager's office is very large.

Two of the walls are covered with display screens, and every corner of the shelter can be seen.

There is a desk in the middle of the office, and a corpse with only a skeleton left is lying on the desk.

Qin Ze stepped forward and saw a pistol on the right hand side of the skeleton, and a charred mass on the right temple of the skull.

Obviously, this person shot himself.

"Could this guy be the manager of the shelter?"

Qin Ze's thoughts were soon confirmed.

There was a yellowed diary on the desk.

Although it had been several years and the diary was somewhat oxidized, the handwriting on it could still be vaguely recognized.

【February 21, 2053】

【Today is the first day that all residents move into the shelter. The residents are very depressed and confused about the future, including me as the manager.】

【To fight���Time, I decided to start writing a diary from today】

【Who writes a diary?

Qin Ze was sure.

This guy was the manager.

But why did he commit suicide?

Where did the residents of the shelter go?

Qin Ze continued to read.

【February 25, 2053】

【In order to improve everyone's mood, I decided to hold a social gathering.】

【The shelter is full of handsome men and beautiful women. After all, they are carefully selected to reproduce excellent offspring.】

【At the party, everyone was in high spirits and regained hope for their future lives.】

【March 10, 2053】

【There was a problem with the power generation module. Although the power was cut off for half a day, fortunately the problem was finally solved.】

【The shelter relies on nuclear reactors to generate electricity, which is planned to last for a hundred years.】

【Please, don't let the reactor have any problems. All the food and vegetables grown without soil rely on the power system.】

【March 25, 2053】

【People are becoming more and more restless. Life in the shelter is not as good as imagined. After all, the scope of activities is limited, and it is no different from being in prison.】

【Some residents wanted to hibernate in a cryostat, but unfortunately, there was no cryostat in Shelter No. 10.】

【The freezer consumes too much electricity and the shelter cannot maintain power.】

【Today, at the daily meeting with nine other shelter managers, I learned the good news that the Abyss is closed and there will be no more strange beasts.】

【It would be great if the aliens could disappear together with the beasts.

Qin Ze saw a special term.


Specially distinguished from the beasts.

Are they referring to those humanoid beasts outside?

Since they are not beasts, where do the aliens come from?

【April 13, 2053】

【Bad news came, Shelter No. 3 was captured by the aliens】

【Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!】

【I deserve to die!】

【April 27, 2053】

【Shelters 1 and 5 have also lost contact.】

【Some managers began to question the shelter’s decision. Can one really survive by being a coward?】

【The manager of Shelter No. 6 has contacted Sky Island and wants to open the shelter to join the resistance.】

【In the past, I might have advised him that joining the resistance would lead to his death, but now we are just struggling to survive.

Seeing this, Qin Ze found that the manager had become very depressed.

【June 1, 2053】

【Shelter No. 9 is the only one that can maintain stable contact with me now】

【To the residents of Shelter No. 10, I began to report good news instead of bad news.】

【I have repeatedly told everyone that the shelter is absolutely safe and alienated people cannot enter.】


【October 15, 2053】

【Shelter 9 has also fallen. The shelter plan is a joke.】

【During my last call with the manager of Shelter No. 9, I learned that Sky Island has developed humanoid combat weapons, and it seems that living people are no longer needed on the front line.】

【Do you want to join them?】

【November 20, 2053】

【After a month of careful consideration, I decided to contact Sky Island】

【Damn, the antenna is broken and someone has to be sent outside to fix it.】

【November 21, 2053】

【The aliens rushed in when the door was opened. The east dormitory had already fallen, and 4,000 residents who were unable to evacuate in time died.】

【November 23, 2053】

【The gate isolated the east dormitory area. The mutants started digging holes. Fortunately, I injected the corrupting poison into them in time.】

【November 25, 2053】

【The refuge became an island】

【December 30, 2053】

【It's over. It's all over.】

【The rainwater collection device was destroyed by the alienated. There is only one result waiting for us: death by thirst.】

【January 1, 2054】

【To make matters worse, the soilless cultivation equipment broke down and we had nothing to eat.】

【January 7, 2054】

【Residents spontaneously formed a stormtrooper team, but they couldn't even leave the East Dormitory Area】

【January 23, 2054】

【All residents of the shelter voted to commit mass euthanasia】

【January 24, 2054】

【I personally pressed the switch to release the hypnotic gas, and 13,000 residents of the shelter will die peacefully in their sleep.】

【I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn't developed Alpha Reagent.】

【There is no Alpha Agent, no Reverse Alpha Agent, and no Alienator.】

【But without the reverse alpha reagent, how can we deal with the alien beast?】

【Perhaps the end of mankind is destruction.

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