
The phone is ringing.

"Qin Ze, I bought a chicken, come and eat later?"

Every time Ma Yan buys delicious food, she will think of Qin Ze.

Last time, when she found the money Qin Ze left, she also forcibly returned it.

In Ma Yan's words, I have hands and feet, and I don't need charity.

"Are you giving out bonuses again?"

"How do you know?"

From the excited tone on the phone, Qin Ze guessed it.

"I participated in a new project of the company before, and there has been new progress recently. This is the second bonus!" Ma Yan said happily.

Qin Ze smiled.

It turned out that he came to share his joy with him.

"I have to practice tonight, so I won't go over."

"Leave me a chicken drumstick, I will go eat it tomorrow."

After eating with them for free several times, the two have become close friends.

Ma Yan said:"Okay, then I will leave you one."

"Practice hard and become a warrior!"

Qin Ze wanted to say,"After tonight, I will be a first-level warrior."

But when the words came to his lips, he changed them to"I will."

After ending the call with Ma Yan, Qin Ze put his right hand into the bone-quenching water.

This was the last one.

After a week of hardening bones day and night with his clones, the bone-quenching liquid had been completely exhausted.

But dawn is just around the corner!

Qin Ze condensed his blood and continued to refine the thumb of his right hand.

Bone-quenching with blood and qi is actually very painful, just like repeatedly crushing your fingers with a heavy object.

But the bone-quenching liquid is very comfortable, almost like a sedative.

This experience of ice and fire lasted for more than two hours.


Qin Ze raised his right hand.

The last finger bone required for the first bone quenching has been tempered.

It also marks the end of the entire The right hand was refined successfully.

Although the fingers would not sparkle like the divine chef Xiao Fugui, Qin Ze could feel the obvious changes.

The sea of qi was the first to be affected, and it expanded several times.

A steady stream of qi and blood poured out from the sea of qi, washing Qin Ze's limbs and bones frantically.

It was like there were a dozen pairs of girls' weak and boneless hands, pinching, kneading and pressing on his body.

Under the repeated flushing of qi and blood, the tendons and veins began to thicken a little bit.

In this way, more qi and blood can pass through in a short time, which is more convenient for bursting out in battle.

A quarter of an hour later.

Qin Ze opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Bang! Bang!

The clones standing on the left and right sides set off two firework tubes, and the colored strips fell on Qin Ze's head and shoulders.

Another clone opened a bottle of champagne and sprayed it everywhere.

"From now on you are a first-level warrior!"

"Will brothers from now on start from level 0.5?"

"Damn it, I was born at the wrong time. I worked so hard to get to level 0.5."

"It's okay, you can rebuild it."

"Do you want to have a party to celebrate?"

"The last memorial service has not yet started."

"Then let's go together"

"Yay, it’s time to have a memorial party!"


More than 40 clones were busy in the living room.

Qin Ze was too lazy to argue with them.

He was hungry after not eating for a day, so he went into the kitchen to make some instant noodles.

After walking out of the kitchen with the instant noodles, Qin Ze found that the atmosphere outside was extremely heavy and weird.

The clones stood in three rows with solemn expressions, with a headshot of Qin Ze in front of them.

"Good evening, dear friends and relatives"

"Today is Qin Ze's memorial service"

"Dozens of brothers used their blood and flesh to exchange for the current breakthrough of the main body"

"Brothers no longer need to open up new land, they are born as level 0.5 warriors"

"This is not because of how generous the entity is, but because we have been here……"

One of the clones was the host, reciting the eulogy prepared in advance with emotion.

The other clones all lowered their heads, looking sad.

Qin Ze leaned against the kitchen door, watching his own memorial service while eating noodles.

How can I put it?

It's amazing to attend your own memorial service.

"This Qinze monument will forever remember everything the deceased did."

"History will not forget, and neither will we."

The clone placed a wooden plaque over 30 centimeters long in front of the"portrait" with the four characters"Qin Ze's Monument" written on it.

"A bow"

"Two bows"

"Three bows"

"The ceremony is over.

The clones all performed the ceremony three times.

The host pushed the portrait and Qin Ze's stele aside, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"The memorial service ends"

"It's party time now!"

The speakers started playing sexy DJ music, the host jumped onto the table and shook his head wildly, and the other clones also started dancing to the music.

For a moment, there was a lot of chaos. How could there be any sadness in the atmosphere?

"It's really crazy."

After finishing his noodles, Qin Ze returned to the room and lay down comfortably.

He had been suppressed for so long since he came here, so he might as well indulge himself.

Now that he has successfully broken through to the first level of warrior, he finally has some self-protection power.

Qin Ze was hesitating whether to go to the alien world immediately.

Not only for the soul beads on the sky island, but also to confirm his guess.

After thinking for a while, Qin Ze decided to develop again.

After breaking through to the first level of warrior, he can produce three clones a day.

It won't be too late to enter the alien world when there are one or two hundred clones.

At that time, he will bring Brother Devourer and the King of Law with him, as they are both about to reach the second level.

With the exciting DJ in the living room, Qin Ze fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Qin Ze went downstairs to have breakfast.

The leave note expired, and he had to report to school today.

"Boss, three trays of steamed dumplings, two bowls of porridge, and a plate of pickled vegetables."

Qin Ze found a corner and sat down.

As he became a formal warrior, his appetite gradually increased.

Even as a warrior, he had to abide by the law of conservation of energy.

The TV on the wall was playing the morning news in Jiangcheng.

"Recently, there have been many missing persons cases in the city, mainly women aged 16 to 30."

"Jiangcheng Police Station has obtained preliminary clues and is working hard to solve the case. At the same time, it reminds women not to go out alone."

"In addition, an arson case occurred in the shantytown last night, causing a large amount of property damage, one death, and no injuries."

"The police initially determined that the murderer was a woman who set the fire because she could not bear to take care of her paralyzed mother at home for many years. The deceased was the murderer's mother."

"The murderer has now escaped, the police station is chasing him, anyone with clues can call……"

The people who came to eat at this time were all elderly people.

They were all angry about the news.

"She is so heartless. I raised her up for nothing."

"How could you have the heart to burn your own mother to death?"

"In ancient times, murdering one's mother would be punished by slow slicing!"

"Damn her!"

"He looked kind in the photo, but I didn't expect him to do such a cruel thing."


Qin Ze was busy showing off his fans, and curiously looked up at the TV, wondering who was so cruel.

When he saw the photo of the murderer on TV, Qin Ze was stunned, and the bun in his mouth fell to the ground.

Because the photo was not someone else, but Ma Yan.

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