"Wuhu~Master is coming out!"

"Come and take a look at your father’s jade feet. Is he?"

"Ok, everyone’s eyes are on me!"

"Tata Open——"


The plastic bags were removed.

Fourteen women turned into fourteen cross-dressing men wearing various animal masks.

Several men in black were about to get hard.

Suddenly, they all withered.


One of the men in black was kicked unconscious by Qin Ze before he could even yell.

The other clones were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins, and they were out of control. A few bodyguards were simply not enough for them to handle.

They were all dealt with in no time.

"Looking for someone."

At this time, Qin Ze and others were in a luxuriously decorated suite.

The clones looked around and found no one else here.

Everyone quietly left the room and searched everywhere.

After walking around, Qin Ze found that this place was not ordinary.

The decoration of the whole floor was very high-end.

The elevator had access control and it was impossible to leave without a password.

There were more than 20 rooms on this floor.

There was an extremely beautiful girl in each room.

But their situation was not very good.

They were being tortured by perverts.

Qin Ze was anxious. He searched the whole floor but did not find Ma Yan.

At this time, a waiter appeared at the corner, and Qin Ze pulled him into the empty room.

"Where are all the girls who arrived this morning?"

The waiter was terrified and answered tremblingly:"Still...still in the training room."

"Where is the training room?"

"There is a statue at the end of the corridor. Twist its head to open the secret door to the training room."

"What to train?"

"They will be fine now. They have to go through training before serving the VIPs, and then dedicate everything to the VIPs."

Qin Ze slapped the waiter unconscious, and hurried over with the King of Dharma and Brother Devourer.

At the end of the corridor, Qin Ze found the statue the waiter mentioned.

A Venus with broken arms.

Click - twisting the head of Venus, a secret door on the wall slowly opened.

The corridor was covered with elegant red carpets, and orange warm lights were hung on the walls.

A woman's low sobbing could be heard faintly from the end of the corridor.

Bang -

Qin Ze kicked open the door at the end of the corridor.

Behind the door was a spacious room.

The first thing that came into view was three large beds.

The cabinets on the wall were filled with various Various small props.

Five women sat on one of the beds, hugging each other, trembling.

Their clothes were intact and they were still wearing their own clothes.

But their faces were full of fear, and they covered their mouths tightly and dared not make a sound.

On the ground on the right side of the room, two men and one woman fell in a pool of blood.

The chests of the corpses were completely hollowed out, and the intestines were scattered all over the ground.

Next to one of the male corpses, a woman was burying her face in his body and feasting on him.

In the quiet room, the chewing sound kept echoing.

Looking at the familiar back, Qin Ze took off his mask and called softly

""Sister Ma Yan?"

The figure paused.

She slowly stood up and turned to look at Qin Ze.

It was indeed Ma Yan, but not the Ma Yan in Qin Ze's impression.

At this time, one of Ma Yan's eyes turned scarlet, and her clothes were all soaked in blood. She was still chewing a piece of meat she had just bitten off.


Mayan was stunned

"I am Qin Ze, I am Qin Ze!"

"Woo woo woo——"

Ma Yan cried, two lines of blood and tears slid down from the corners of his eyes

"I...what's wrong with me?"

"What am I doing?"

"Qin Ze, I killed someone!"

"Woohoo... I really didn't mean to kill them……"

"I don't know why I became like this……"

Ma Yan threw herself into Qin Ze's arms and burst into tears.

The redness in her right eye was fading away.

Qin Ze sighed and patted her back gently.

"Go home, I'll take you home."

Hearing the word"home", Ma Yan's body trembled.

She raised her head, looked at Qin Ze with tears in her eyes, and shook her head.

"No home anymore!"

"Woo woo woo.....I have no home anymore!"

"Fire... Mom is dead!"

Qin Ze was a little angry.

He didn't know how to comfort Ma Yan.

He didn't know why things turned out like this.

Warrior, damn it!

"It will be fine"

"It will definitely get better."

Qin Ze said in a deep voice

"Oh it's you"

"I was wondering who was so bold as to come to my Fenglou to cause trouble."

He Guang led a dozen security guards into the training room, and a second-level warrior followed them.


"Kill my trainer, and none of you will survive today!"

Looking at the three bodies on the ground, He Guang's eyes were about to spit fire.

"My brother told me not to cause you any trouble."

"You brought it to my door today."

"Then we will settle the old and new accounts together!"

He Guang waved his hand, and the security guards behind him rushed forward.

The clones were not vegetarians either, and immediately attacked head-on.

Qin Ze comforted Ma Yan:"Wait for me for five minutes, and we will go home together."

Ma Yan was just crying, and bloody tears kept flowing.

Qin Ze let out a long breath, and an extremely violent breath was released.

"I'll leave that guy to you."

Qin Ze looked at the second-level warrior and said to the King of Law and Brother Swallow.

The King of Law had already started a solo with the second-level warrior.

Brother Swallow was originally cleaning up the trash, and he came forward to help after hearing this.

He Guang took off the tie around his neck.

"Qin Ze, you have become my inner demon"

"Every night I dream of you, dream of tearing you into pieces"

"Today, my dream finally came true!"

Boom -

He Guang raised his arms, and the aura of a second-level warrior burst out.

It seemed that he had just broken through not long ago. He Guang's aura of a second-level warrior was very unstable, up and down.

Qin Ze instantly released a layer of reverse fate technique, and swept his whip kick towards He Guang's head.

He Guang raised his left arm to block it, and his right hand was like a tiger digging out the heart.

Zila - a thunderbolt shot out from Qin Ze's chest.

He Guang was caught off guard and hit accurately.

He staggered back a few steps, feeling numbness in his hands and feet

"A person with a gifted ability?!"

A flash of surprise flashed in He Guang's eyes.

A person with a gifted ability is too terrifying when he grows up.

This kid must not be left alive.

Qin Ze condensed all the attributes of his avatar.

In an instant, his aura was close to that of a level 2 warrior.

While He Guang's paralysis was still not over, Qin Ze quickly approached him.

His fists fell madly on He Guang's head like rain on banana leaves.

He Guang retreated step by step, and became more and more frightened.

He found that even if he became a level 2 warrior, he was no match for Qin Ze.

This young man was really too terrifying.

""Old Wang, save me!"

He Guang shouted.

However, the second-level warrior was already too busy to take care of He Guang.

"Qin Ze, you can't kill me"

"Do you think I did this alone?"

"How can it be!"

"If you kill me, they won't let you go!"

He Guang blocked the attack while trying to persuade them to stop.

Qin Ze had no expression on his face, and his face was full of murderous intent.

"Don't worry, they will go down one by one to accompany you."

Qin Ze raised his right hand, and thunder gathered on it.

Now is the time for judgment!

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