"I didn't expect that a fat guy like you with thick eyebrows and big eyes could become the commander-in-chief." The clone was stunned.

Before boarding the Sky Island, Qin Ze had imagined many possibilities.

For example, the core AI rebelled, held the emperor hostage to command the princes, and controlled all humanoid combat weapons.

Or the Sky Island had already fallen, and it became the base camp of the aliens.

He even thought about the idea of humanoid combat weapons occupying the earth.

However, Qin Ze never expected that the Sky Island was not only fine.

And the commander was his good friend, the fat guy who had grown up together.

The fat man in the wheelchair had an unshaven beard, a head full of white hair, and a round body sitting in a wheelchair.

Unlike the eighteen-year-old Qin Ze, the fat man in this world has entered his twilight years and has reached the stage of soaking wolfberries in a cup.

"No one has called me this nickname for many years."

"It really makes people miss it."

The fat man showed a nostalgic look on his face.

"Your voice sounds like someone I know."

"Can you take off the mask and let me see your face?"

Qin Ze slowly took off the mask, with mixed feelings in his heart.

When he saw Qin Ze's face under the mask, even the fat man who had been mentally prepared could not help but be moved.

""Ze...Brother Ze!"

The fat man and his wheelchair flashed in front of Qin Ze in an instant.

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the fat man in this world also awakened the innate ability of teleportation.

The two were seven or eight meters apart just now.

This teleportation distance is even more terrifying than BT.

"They are so similar."

The fat man reached out to touch Qin Ze's face, but the latter stepped back to avoid it.

"BT, you should go and have a rest first."

"I want to have a good chat with my old friend.

BT nodded and left indifferently.

"You probably have a lot of questions for me, right?"

"I am the same, actually."

The fat man controlled the wheelchair and walked to the next room.

Qin Ze followed him.

Pushing the door open, Qin Ze found that this room was the main control room of the space station. There were dozens of screens of various sizes hanging on the walls.

There were also countless buttons and operating switches.

Qin Ze couldn't help asking:"Can you handle all this by yourself?"

The fat man smiled and said:"How is it possible?"

"But I have an assistant."

"Xinghe, give me two bottles of Coke."

After a while, a white robot shaped like a wastebasket slid to the side of the wheelchair.

The fat man opened the lid and took out two bottles of Coke, one of which was handed to Qin Ze.

"I remember you loved drinking this"

"Thank you.

Qin Ze took the Coke.

The wastebasket, having completed its delivery mission, quickly returned to its original route.

"As you can see"

"Xinghe is the master control AI of the Sky Island Space Station"

"I only need to give it verbal instructions to indirectly complete all operations on the space station.

Qin Ze thought:"Where are the other people in the space station? Why can't I see any of them?"

The fat man explained:"The resources of the space station are limited, and the others are in hibernation in the hibernation cabin to save money."

"After all the aliens on the ground are cleared, they will be awakened one by one according to the program and return to the ground to rebuild our home."

Qin Ze drank a sip of ice-cold Kuole and found a chair to sit down.

There is a very large transparent wall in the control room, through which you can see the universe and the stars outside.

Looking at the slowly rotating nebula in the distance, Qin Ze suddenly felt extremely small.

""Can you tell me how the mutants came about?" Qin Ze asked.

The fat man nodded slightly:"Of course, but the story is a bit long."

Qin Ze shrugged:"What I lack the most is time."

The fat man looked at the vast sea of stars and slowly began to tell the story.

"In 2030, the Abyss Tides became more and more frequent, more and more rifts appeared on the Earth, and the speed of the Abyss invasion was gradually accelerating."

"In the constant battles with the beasts, the warriors suffered heavy casualties."

"In order to reduce the death rate of warriors, α reagent was born"

"As we all know, the cells of alien beasts are very strong. Even the lowest level alien beasts are stronger than the lowest level warriors."

"αThe concept of the reagent was born, which directly acts on the cells of the alien beast, causing its cell tissue to collapse."

Qin Ze frowned slightly.

Lin Siyao in the real world is also developing α reagents and has made initial progress.

The alien world is evolving on Earth decades later?

"Unfortunately, after several years of research and practice, the α reagent can only work on F-level alien beasts. Higher-level alien beasts are completely immune to the reagent."

"As a result, the research work on α reagent was completely declared a failure."

"But it wasn't long before Professor Lin Siyao, the chief of the α reagent project, came up with a brilliant idea."

"Since it is impossible to destroy the alien beasts easily, why not try to mass-produce warriors?"

"Soon, a new reagent began to be studied"

"This reagent is taken from exotic animals, and after being screened, it can finally strengthen the cells of ordinary people."

"Even an ordinary person without any blood and energy can become as powerful as a low-level warrior after being injected with this reagent."

"After the injection, the warrior's combat power is further improved"

"This reagent is the reverse α reagent."

The fat man was thirsty and drank a mouthful of happy water.

"Why do I feel this stuff is so hard to drink when I'm older?"

Qin Ze said calmly:"It's normal. Every age has things to do."

The fat man laughed:"You are still the same as before, talking a lot of nonsense."

Then, he continued:"With the reverse α reagent, warriors began to mass produce, we curbed the tides of the abyss again and again, and even began to turn defense into offense"

"The strange beasts are no longer the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of humans, and the abyss that once terrified people has become a trial ground for humans."

"As the number of strange beasts decreases, the tide of the abyss disappears, and the abyss begins to close little by little."

"But not long after, everything changed.

The fat man sighed, with a look of regret and reluctance on his face.

"Due to the continuous advancement of the anti-α reagent, ordinary people can even become high-level warriors after injecting advanced reagents."

"Those martial arts forces and families with resources began to monopolize the α reagents. At the same time, the martial arts university was closed, and the martial arts inheritance was completely cut off."

"If you want to become a warrior, you must join those forces and families and inject the reagents."

Qin Ze was stunned.

It sounds very magical, but it does seem like something that humans can do.

Throughout history, resources are always controlled at the top of the pyramid.

If the real world had not faced the crisis of genocide, martial arts would not have such a complete inheritance.

Qin Ze said:"So what about the mutants?""

Why haven't they appeared yet?

The fat man smiled bitterly:"Although the anti-α reagent is powerful, little do people know that all the gifts of fate have already been secretly marked with a price."

"When the abyss was about to close, those who had been injected with the anti-α reagent began to transform into beasts."

"They became bloodthirsty and violent, and even completely lost their minds."

"The alienated ones...are actually humans themselves."

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