High Magic Earth

Chapter 1115: Countdown (3)

No matter how Rowan cursed Miltans, it is clear that Miltans' self-destruction can produce an unknown virus that cannot be changed.

Of course, Rowan can choose not to believe, or he can think that the so-called unknown virus is just a lie.

But he did not dare to gamble, or that he had no right to make this choice.

The person who can make a choice is not him. ...

"The one that produced the unknown virus."


Three hundred kilometers outside of New York, the conversation between Rowan and Miltans was conveyed literally into a building 200 feet deep underground.

One of General Sorozo's temporary strongholds, although said to be for temporary use, can also be called a secret base.

Rowan cut off the communication equipment at the request of Miltans, but it didn't work, because Miltans only knew that Rowan was the chief commander of the operation, and his communicator connected others.

Miltans was not clear. Rowan still reported to General Sorozor at all times, because both of them pointed their guns at each other, and Miltans could not search Rowan for a moment.

And because this action is so important, it is so important that General Sorozo must track it all the way, so there is a more secret communication channel on Rowan's body, which will feed back everything in real time.

Looking at the assault squad led by Josie and Chadley on the big screen, General Sorozor was silent, and even it seemed that even the commander of the operation, Rowan, was threatened by his life without getting his attention.

No one in the entire base came to disturb him, and he was busy with his own affairs.

Only Sorozor’s adjutant stood behind him and kept connecting to private communications to handle these calls from different departments for General Sorozor.

After a moment, the lieutenant stepped forward.

"General, Your Excellency the President called to tell you to end the battle in New York as soon as possible. He said...This is New York, the most prosperous city in the United States, and postcards from the United States! Not your battlefield!"

"And you better have a reason."

The adjutant apparently knew General Soroso's instincts and did not care about the issue of respect, and learned the tone of the president's tone.

"Tell him that I will do it as soon as possible." General Sorzo responded simply, "And... there is no need to worry about scapegoating."

There are too many unrest factors. Just find one and you can fool it, and even use it to guide the anger of the citizens in another direction.

This is a favorite method of politicians.

"General, Your Excellency Speaker said..."

"Tell him I have no time."

Obviously, General Sorozo's temper is not as gentle as he looks on the surface. He has a good attitude and patience when facing the President and those members of Congress who can support him.

And in the face of those guys who are not with them, then the other party is the Speaker of the Senate, and Sorozor has no patience, and he is too lazy to take care of it.

The adjutant nodded his head, and he was not surprised to deal with Sorozor. He knew his sir quickly. After responding quickly to all things, he ignored the roars or complaints of all parties, cut off the phone cleanly, and then honestly Stayed beside General Sorozo, as if nothing had happened, as if it had not just been a call from the Speaker of the Senate.

The situation on the big screen still hasn’t changed much. Josie under the siege of the assault squad is at risk, but he always seems to use his last effort to resist the storm of bullets in all directions, because the squad’s combat goal is not for Taking Josie's life, it also seems to be a bit handicapped.

The iron armor curse actually has no advantage over the bullet. This spell is very easy to rebound magic, and the magical light burst that constantly bursts looks like the nebula looks very elegant.

But the bullets that are physically attacked are a bit difficult and awkward.

Although the tinkering bullet hit Josie’s body, although it could not hurt her, but she also hurt, think about Miltons’ close range of shots that directly stunned a special team member, although the assault team distance Josie is far away, but they use assault rifles.

Josie doubted that her whole body was already bluish.

Moreover, the iron armor curse does not well resist the power of bullets. Perhaps the torso and other parts can withstand it, but the fragile limbs such as the head and limbs, even if it is resisted by the iron armor curse, there is a danger of fainting and fractures when being hit by the bullet. .

So now Josie uses a new method.

She was probably inspired by the stand device that prevented her from leaving. She used a magic similar to electromagnetism to surround her. Any bullets approaching here would lose their sense of direction and return.

Of course, her manipulation of magic energy is not as skillful as Yi Biao, and she does not even have the concept of so-called magic energy.

It is exactly like the powerful wizards of Dumbledore. With the growth of strength, they forcibly touched the realm of magic energy.

Although she is not clear about the magic energy and does not understand its meaning, she has already touched it, and she can gradually explore the next path in her application.

Unfortunately, this still does not give her an advantage.

Because she couldn't escape, the only way to wait for her sooner or later was to run out of magic.

But looking at the adjutants glued to each other at the top of the screen, he couldn't help but feel anxious. After all, he was just urged by the president to let them end the battle quickly.

Although it has been entangled for nearly ten minutes, but now it seems that even if there are more than ten minutes, the operation may not be completed successfully.

The adjutant knew that General Sorozuo attached importance to this operation, and there were definitely more than one commando ambushing the special task force ambushing around.

"General, do you want to... send some more people."

This can be seen when the three helicopters are in place just after the arrest operation.

"Adding staff..." Sorozor whispered, "We are trying to catch the target alive, not kill it."

The adjutant didn't talk much. He clearly knew who was the commander here. He silently backed away, watching the big screen with his eyes.

"It looks like she won't be able to hold it for long." The adjutant said softly.

Obviously, he was still very loyal to General Sorozor. He did not want to be held accountable by the President because the battle was dragged on for too long, nor did he want to violate the order to add additional staff. reason.

So the poor adjutant can only pray that Josie can't hold on.

The adjutant's whisper did not avoid General Sorozor. Hearing the complaint of his deputy, Sorozor turned around, "Do you think she is really as good as it looks on the surface, do you think she is really at the end of the crossbow?"

I don’t know if the person who holds the secret likes to speak in this tone. At this moment, General Sorozo, Nick Fury, possesses two consecutive thoughts and asks the poor adjutant around him.

"...Isn't it..." The adjutant's tone dropped a few points at once, and he all hesitated with a little self-confidence, "She does look..."

"You think we are staring at her, really just to test whether the solidification position is effective, so you just found a target casually?"

Without waiting for the adjutant to answer, General Zorozo shook his head and handed a folder that he had been holding to the adjutant behind him.

As his most trusted left-handed and right-handed arm, the adjutant naturally knows the good news that the solidification stand device was successfully produced not long ago. Although this device is still rough, not small and concealed, it can use the mixed position to interfere with the wizard's phantom shift. Shaped effect.

Of course, it's just those researchers who say that, because there is no wizard who can phantom shift, they can't test it on the ground.

In fact, there was only one captured wizard in the entire base.

But this wizard will not be illusory, so there is no real test. The entire solidification position production process relies on the method of simulation data used by the researchers at the base.

That is to say, deduction and brain supplementation can't prove whether it has any effect at all.

Otherwise, why is it a mixed position, because they are not sure whether it is the magnetic field or the gravitational field or any other position can interfere with the wizard's magic.

Fortunately, the solidification position has worked.

However, it is clear that General Sorozo’s aim at Josie is not just to test the curing position device. I am afraid that the real reason is only known to him, and even the most trusted left and right deputies do not know.

But before the plan starts, maybe the secret is a secret after all, and it needs to continue to be hidden, but the plan has been started. Such a huge plan, Sorozor can't play alone, and always needs other people's help.

Then it’s pointless to keep hiding, it’s time to let your deputy know something.

"Look." Soroso said to the adjutant.

Soroso's adjutant didn't have so many messy thoughts, and after taking over the folder, he looked generously.

It was only the first sentence that almost made the lieutenant jump.

"Former hacker group'Fire of Freedom' member, Josie Verata."

"No! It's...impossible..." the adjutant said in surprise, incoherently.

"The reason why the target entered the fire of the hacker organization is a group of interest in the university. Josie's mechanical talent attracted the organization's attention. The two have the same idea. After graduation, he officially joined the fire of freedom and participated in the code 0812. Of cyber attacks."

Because Josie's information was investigated long ago, it was completely different from the copy that Sorozor gave to the adjutant. There was no similarity except for the same name, even the surname.

Josie’s information is clearly placed in front of them, and not only did Miltans investigate during the mission, the intelligence personnel in the base also investigated it, and even the adjutant himself personally investigated the other party’s intelligence.

To be as foolproof as possible.

Josie Hamilton was born in an unknown town in the Chicago countryside. Her junior high school, high school, and entire youth career were clearly investigated by them.

Then came university. She came to New York and entered university life. Her grades were not bad, and there were no particularly close friends and lovers in her life.

If the earlier data can be faked, this series of data cannot be faked, because she is going to college and has countless certified physical evidence to testify.

Whether it is the person who went to investigate, or the information displayed on the network and the database, it is clearly told that the adjutant Qiao Qian is now attending university, did not graduate from university, let alone join a hidden hacker organization, codename He never heard the action of 0812.

But this information was given to him by his chief, and General Sorozo will not be so boring to hold a fake information everywhere.

And if this information is true...

The adjutant felt that he was a little confused, and even shuddered. The network and database could be faked, and the personnel responsible for investigating intelligence could be bought.

But the fact that Josie went to college... can also be personally confirmed. Is it that so many people, such a large range, even himself, have been bought up?

General Sorozo's words did not stop.

“Josie Verata’s birth was recorded in a welfare orphanage in a Hispanic community in Chicago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ her mother abandoned her here the day after she gave birth, and then left herself. "

"At the age of four, she was adopted by a Hispanic family, the details are unknown."

"Later I only knew that when she was fifteen, she came to New York with enough money and found a school for herself."

"She has a very strong talent in machinery. She used a two-day self-study time to change an ordinary car to a level enough to participate in professional racing without much practical experience."

"Of course, it's still a bit short of F1, but that's almost the same."

"At university, she chose the mechanical-related majors for no surprises, and because of this talent, she attracted the attention of hacker organizations for freedom."

"Following is the record she left in the operation code 0812, but only this sentence, the relevant information is not lost, but because she was not valued at that time."

"This is all the information I have investigated."


Sure enough, Sorzo's words shocked his adjutant and made him speechless. He couldn't even speak, or he didn't know how to describe all this.

"This is impossible." Half a day later, the adjutant said such a sentence.

"The information I found is true and corresponding, and the information in your hands is fake." General Sorozor said in a very determined tone.

As the most faithful left and right hand of General Sorozor, the adjutant naturally chose to believe him, and after a little hesitation, he immediately accepted the message brought by Sorozor.

But accepting to accept, the question is still to breed, and is very huge.

"Okay, but, but how is she..."

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