High Magic Earth

Chapter 1129: Plunge

Yi Chou is not a murderous man. Although there are definitely many people dying in his hands, it is ridiculous that this sentence is a truth. The fastest update

Active killing and passive killing are two different things. Homicide and insensitivity to killing are two different things. And most importantly, this is the main criterion for distinguishing whether a person is a murderer.

Of course, some people think that whether it is passive or active, the murder is a fact that cannot be misunderstood and covered up.

Killing is sin.

The real hero is like Batman, even if the means are more intense, he still adheres to the last bottom line.

But in the same way, whether to kill or not to kill, the laws and rules are all set by people. The rules do not necessarily mean absolutely correct. When all this is set aside, there are actually many different paths.

These distances are far away from Yi Chou. He is neither a hero nor hesitant to kill.

In the past few years, because of the lack of his soul, he did not respond to such a thing at all. Fortunately, he has changed a lot now. The judgment of whether to kill or not to kill Yi is very simple.

Except for some guys who have to die, in most cases now he follows the principle of not killing, because magic can give him more means to achieve his purpose.

Not just death.

So the luck of these security guards is really good.

Seeing Yi Biao's vocal reminder, Athena would naturally not give up her hand. Her view of humans is very similar to the original Yi Biao. In the classic motto of a certain god, it is boots and ants.

Will the boots care about the ants under their feet? No, will the boots avoid the ants? Of course, this is just the way to do it.

As the goddess of war, Athena may not have the highest fighting power, and may have some counsel in the face of Yi Chou, but it is absolutely handy to deal with these mortals.

These people couldn't even see her movements.

"Boom! Boom!"

With a muffled sound, the surrounding crowd flew out one after another like a sandbag. The difference was that the sandbag was able to swing back, and these security guards fell to the ground and basically lost their fighting power.

Of course, they did not die, and Athena was still very sure of her power control.

And the shadows that are brought up are not Athena’s true avatars. In theory, the gods certainly need some spells, but the world of the God of War seems to be excluded. The Greek gods on the Olympus mountain, except for With a strong power and high sensitivity and high defense, only fighting skills are left.

It seems that there is no place higher than human beings after a thousand years.

The magic is not lost by them, and the high defense is only relatively speaking. In the face of the Titans in the movie, Athena is still broken on the spot.

Athena, who was born as a template for the God of War, naturally did not get any better. She did not have a height of more than three meters and no iconic magic. If it was not for Athena's flight and movement speed, it was not human. What is the difference between her and the super soldier.

Of course, with the silver tongue, then the magic will be given to Athena sooner or later, but recently the time is a little tight, just completed the first stage of finishing, even the hundred ghosts are not completely liberated, how can there be time to pile Athena directly To the full body.

The plan always comes step by step.

Since the afterimage is not a divine art, then there is only one possibility left. This is the physical phenomenon that Athena left in mid-air because of its ultra-high moving speed.

In fact, in the eyes of the guards on duty, they could not capture the figure of Athena at all.

They could only hear the muffled muffled noise, a few golden rays of light flashed in their eyes, and then the person flew out and lost consciousness.

One second, or two seconds?

There is only a moment of short duration.

Probably only Yi Chou can capture Athena's movement.

Both Athena's strength and speed have improved a lot compared with the previous fights with Yi Biao in New York. At that time, Yi Biao faced Athena's physical qualities and could not do anything except use magic defense or fight back. reaction.

This is not surprising, because Yi Huo is a wizard, not a super soldier or a reformer.

But now it is different. Yi Chou still embarks on the old path of transformation, but the difference is that he uses magic to transform himself, a safe and effective infinite magic with almost no upper limit.

Silver tongue.

Under the reshaping of the silver tongue, Yi Chou's eyes were integrated into a special magic, which can adjust its response to the outside world, for example, it can capture things that exceed the speed of sound, and it can also capture the slowness like a turtle. exist.

After all, if the former does not rely on instinctive reactions, I am afraid that even the mental response is not as fast as the speed of sound.

In addition to this, the reason why Yi Chou can keep up with Athena is also because of the black lightning around him at this time, which can be inferred from the shape of these flocculent lightning, it should have some contact with the Flash Barry Allen.

Black's magical power, or black's super speed, is a special transformation of Yi Chao.

It can be said that he was fed up with the speed of those speeders, and in the first time Lucy developed Yi Chou's ideas, he thought of a plan for speeders.

Use the same super speed.

Of course, in order to let the super speed act on yourself, instead of re-reading the Flash with a silver tongue, the story must make some cuts, which are more in line with their existing settings. In this way, in order to maintain the story logic and Completeness, there is not much room for choice.

Even with Lucy's picking and picking, Yi Chou is still not as fast as Barry Allen.

Even Barry Allen in the worst state would have to slow down.

But it's enough, know that the Flash is the fastest hero, even Superman of the same period may not be as fast as him.

Even if it is a bit slower than Barry, Yi Chou still cannot catch the light in the eyes of ordinary people.

Moreover, he has improved his speed, and Yi Biao will not be too disadvantaged when facing those who are speeding. The gap between humans and cars is so great that it can never catch up, which is desperate.

The speed difference between bicycle and car is also very big, but it is finally promising.

At least Yi Chou now has enough time to reflect, which is enough for his magic.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Along with the last series of silent attacks, the last few duty personnel who tried to counterattack were flew out, Athena's figure suddenly fell to the ground, the golden battle skirt was spinning in the air, and then stopped instantly.

To deal with these guys, she does not even need to draw out her weapon sickle.

Solved, Athena perfectly explained the meaning of her heart with a finished expression.


Entering the mission phase, Yi Chou once again returned to the usual indifferent mode. He nodded gently, then looked up at a corner diagonally above.

An intact monitor, which survived the explosion, is passing everything back here.

Yi Chou discovered it long ago, but he didn't mean to destroy it.

Because he didn’t plan to cover his body at all, and there were monitors in front of him that didn’t even know how much. Even destroying one wouldn’t help, and if Yi Chou didn’t want his tracks to be seen by others, there wouldn’t be any need for such a big fan at first Came in.

Perhaps it's not only the wizard's magic that is good at sneaking in, but it's absolutely impossible for the wizard to rush in like Yi Chou's style, but a new human body in terms of physical strengthening.

This will block many unnecessary sights for the wizarding community.

At this time, as Yi Xiao looked up at the monitor, the security supervisor on the other side of the monitor immediately became cold and sweating. Obviously, he already knew that the other party had found himself...

Since the news that two external unidentified intruders appeared at the explosion site came, the security chief rushed to the monitoring room for the first time and had to have first-hand information within the first time.

Tonight, these messy things have made him a little bit overwhelmed, and perhaps catching the culprit before the police came can relieve him of his responsibilities.

Then he saw a few flashes of light on the screen, and all the security personnel did not wake up, leaving only the two intruders, a man and a woman.


This is the first thought that comes out of the safety supervisor's heart.

As the security director of seth company, although he has no right to enter the underground facilities and is only responsible for all the safety on the ground, it is still enough to let him know enough information.

This world is not only ordinary humans, but also the existence of abilities, but it has only appeared in the past few years, so the safety director is very suspicious that it was induced by some kind of technology or genetic engineering.

And the company Seth where he belongs is obviously related to abilities, perhaps researching abilities, or maybe the emergence of fundamental abilities is caused by seth.

But his authority is not enough, he can only know this, and the rest depends on his brain.

Life in Seth is very plain. After all, this is the present world, not the New York in the movie, and there will not be so many freaked out guys doing destruction every day.

Even robbers are robbing banks, not seth, a technology company.

Perhaps every time Seth has all new technologies and new products, some unwilling stupid thieves may sneak in, but unfortunately, apart from the initial seth company released two incomplete advanced technology plans, and then thoroughly When there was no movement, it seemed to be dormant.

But even so, the security director read a lot of comics, especially Marvel and D.

One is because of boredom. As a former seal team member, his daily life has nothing more than to exercise and maintain himself at a relatively peak situation. After all, many military literacy has been in his early years. Cultivated.

The other one is because he firmly believes that he will run into a guy like ability someday.

This is his instinct. In the battlefield that year, this instinct saved him more than once.

Maybe it’s okay to meet a guy who can only throw fireballs and light a fire, but if he encounters a stronger one, as shown in the comics, the strength of the super villain is a solution for ordinary people. Despair.

And now, the security director has discovered that he seems to have encountered the most difficult type of ability.

Super speed...

"Alert! Be careful..."

The security supervisor's thoughts just lingered in his mind for a moment, and then he roared.

He has no doubt that the other party is coming towards himself and can find himself, because the basement is at the rear passage of the security center. It can be said that if you want to enter the third basement through the normal channel, you must pass this corridor, that is, Near your own office and monitoring center.

A normal building will certainly not make the security center very far away from the critical protection location, unless there is a last resort.

And why are they so sure that the other party can find themselves...

With the speed shown in the monitoring, a few seconds, I am afraid that they will be able to relocate the entire seth company building.

But the safety chief still underestimated the speed of a speeder.

When he hadn't vomited the next time, Yi Chou had taken Athena with him and panned to him in front of him. He bluntly blocked the second half of his speech and stuck it in his throat.

"You don't need to be alert because it doesn't make sense at all." Yi Xuan said in a voice with a sense of overlap.

At this time, the image of Yi Chou is similar to the inverse lightning in the Flash. His body vibrated at a very high frequency, making people unclear about his appearance, and only seeing a lingering afterimage in place, And a pair of silver-white eyes.

But the difference is that Yi Biao's vibration frequency is far lower than that of the real speeder, and the lightning is black.

This speed can only be used to bluff ordinary people. I am afraid that it will meet the original version of Barry. If the speed alone, it will be slow, even the shadow of the other party will not be seen.

And these guys who happened to be in front of him are ordinary people~www.wuxiaspot.com~this..."

The safety supervisor swallowed her saliva and seemed to be ready to say something, but Yi Huo didn't listen to his nagging thoughts. It was a waste of time to be entangled with these guys who could not even count the cannon fodder.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

At the next moment, I saw Yi Mengmeng leaving Athena, and the whole person turned into a black lightning, pulling out one black thread after another in front of the crowd on duty.

In the next instant, in a blink of an eye, Yi Chou once again returned to his original position.


But with the sound of a series of heavy objects falling to the ground, everyone has fallen to the ground at the same time. Yi Xuan just used a super speed to get a hand knife on his neck, enough for them to sleep for most of the day.

The last crunch was the bullet fired by the fastest security guard.

Although these security personnel were not equipped with firearms at the beginning, only rubber short sticks and stun guns, they were equipped with weapons to the most important security center of the entire company. After all, social factors are different.

But even if this guy's reaction was quick, the first one shot, the gunshots came slowly after Yi Chou knocked everyone down.

Even Yi Biao can capture the movement of the bullet and intercept it halfway.

After all, Yi Biao's speed is just a bit faster than the bullet. Just this point, it is just enough to easily remove the bullets one by one from the still air.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

The bullet fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and made a crisp noise.

At the next moment, Yi Chou had ignored the crowd who had fallen to the ground, and once again took Athena to the end of the corridor.

Seth's underground space is the real goal of his trip.

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