High Magic Earth

Chapter 1146: origin

Athena's brutality obviously scared the third attacker, his movements paused, his expression became very dignified and ugly, but in the end he did not choose to flinch. The fastest update

Because he has no choice to flinch.

He has seen the speed of Athena, and he is not confident to escape Athena's pursuit at this distance.

When forward is dead and backward is dead, he bravely chose the former.

The short blade skillfully pulled out a knife flower in his hand, and his body instantly entered a state of attack, like a jaguar before hunting, and the trend was waiting to be launched.

Athena's speed at this time has also dropped significantly compared to the previous one. It seems that her anger has eased after killing two people. This discovery gave the third attacker a chance to fight back, and he was confident. The main reason for counterattack.

Maybe... he thinks Athena is running out of energy.

If this is the case, then his knowledge of Athena is still too shallow, Athena's upper limit is far more than that, and even now, she has not really taken it seriously.

"Dead! Monster!"

This is the first time that Yi Chao, who is wearing soy sauce, has heard these attackers say more than three words. It seems that they are no different from ordinary people. They still have their own emotional thinking and joys and sorrows, not brainwashed. The cannon fodder is only strictly trained and able to control the inner fighting elite.

But they will still be afraid, because Yi Chou has heard his fear from the trembling of the attacker's voice.

Just hearing the word, Athena's anger that had just subsided was rekindled again, and it seemed that this evoked some bad memories of her.

"I hate this word..." she said in a low voice.

The figure shook slightly, Athena stepped out and came directly to the attacker. He didn't want him to react at all. Athena had turned her legs back, and the fierce gang wind hit the attacker with **** breath. Face.

At this moment the time seemed to be slowed down, even visible to the naked eye, and the face of the victim was deformed, sunken, and ugly and weird.

At this moment, the teeth, blood, and minced meat, like the petals falling off the flowers, swayed out all over the sky.


The attacker flew directly in response to the sound, and was kicked into the air by Athena. A large mouth of blood spewed from the victim's mouth, and a large blood mist filled the air.

At the same time, Athena's attack still didn't stop. The ferocious whip leg appeared to be a sonic boom in the air. With a series of explosions, her right leg scratched the road in the air and smashed it again. Hit the back of the attacker.


A dull thump sounded.


Scarlet blood spewed from various parts of the third attacker's body, and his body folded irregularly backwards, like a broken doll.

He was like a falling meteorite. With a huge bang, with a huge potential energy, Athena hit the ground heavily.

It's hard to imagine that this is the sound that a human body can make when it comes into contact with the ground.

Just as birds in flight hit an invisible wall, the attacker presented ninety degrees and landed directly at a weird angle.

A beautiful backflip, Athena landed again.

Her battle skirt set off waves in the air, she was like a proud phoenix, leaving one after another brilliant golden light marks in the air.

The attacker was not saved, but Athena didn't seem to intend to let him go.

At the same time as landing, her right knee was already aimed at the attacker underneath, and the dominating one was directly chopping on him with an imposing momentum.


In an instant, Athena's knee pierced his body, and the smooth and white knee hit the ground directly. Not only did there be no damage, but the pieces smashed on the ground were cracked.

The attacker's body has changed into a strange shape. Athena, which is minced meat and visceral splashes, is all covered with rich blood. It is like to apply a strange layer of dress to reveal the strange Beauty.

Under the repeated blows of Athena, the man's entire body became a large rag doll that seemed to be broken, and blood ran out indiscriminately, dyeing the surrounding three or four meters in scarlet.

Obviously, he could no longer have a chance to survive.

The splattered blood flower was like a petal blooming at the end of hell, spreading along Athena's fair face, she carelessly flicked her long blond hair, and cleaned the unknown minced meat and organs contaminated on it.

From a semi-kneeling position, Athena slowly stood up, her battle skirt converged, and her armor gleamed with gold and scarlet under the dim light.

A fierce and cruel atmosphere spread out. At this moment, Athena really seemed to have turned into a **** resuscitated from the ancients, which was daunting and even terrifying.

"Now that you have forgotten the lesson."

"Then I will help you remember again."

"forever and ever."

"Don't anger a god."

The successive deaths of the companions did not make the attackers fear, but aroused their ferocity even more. In the face of the slowly turning double-edged Athena, they did not fear death, but rushed over at a faster speed. .

Yi Chou can even see their blushing eyes and collapsing green muscles.

"It seems that Athena reacted very much to the word monster." Yi Xiao shook his head behind him. "Is there anything I don't know about it." He asked Lucy.

But there was no answer.

It seems that Lucy said before that she is working hard to deal with Seth's artificial intelligence, and it seems that she has no energy to deal with such boring problems.

Just when Athena was in complete contact with the attackers, the attackers from the other direction also diverted out and came to Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao finally couldn't continue to stand by, and the battle was started at this moment.

Then... the slaughter began.

"You don't think... Finding such a group of vigorous extreme sports enthusiasts will be able to deal with us. This is more like playing. I think it is not as useful as a special force."

Since Lucy said that there is also an artificial intelligence inside seth company, Yi Xiao knows that his actions and others have fallen into the eyes of the other party from the beginning.

So he doesn't need to find any cameras at this time, even if there is nothing around, these attackers are the best delivery path, he said directly.

Yes, even if these attackers are physically fit, they still don't count as anything in Yi Biao's eyes, and they can't even count as fighting, they can only be said to be playing.

But apparently the other party did not intend to give a response. Yi Chou's words were like a rock sinking into the sea without any changes around.

Seeing that the nearest dagger was only half an arm away from him, Yi Chou also shook his head, no longer showing mercy.

Slightly retreating, while avoiding the dagger attack, Yi Chou had already grasped the arm reached by the other side, while the other hand was fisted, hitting the other side's throat fiercely.

In the same way, the opponent will not be a weak man. He has rich combat experience. He has long expected the actions that Yi Chou may make next.

He did not evade and tried his best to resist the power of Yi Chou. The remaining free arm had slipped out of the sleeve sword from an invisible angle, grasped the palm of his hand, and slammed into Yi Chou's kidney.

But Yi Xuan seemed to have expected this for a long time. The hand that grabbed the opponent's arm suddenly exerted force again. The strength did not exceed the limit of humanity, but because he was caught off guard, he directly shuffled the opponent.

The attacker lost his balance and his pupils contracted suddenly, not knowing the situation well, but it was too late.

Yi Xiao twisted his body again, avoiding the sword in his hand like a yoga in India at a wonderful angle, while the palm of his fist spread out, and his neck was severely stuck.

With a double-finger press, standard military martial arts temporarily cut off the blood vessels in his neck for less than two seconds and passed out in a faint for convenience.

Yi arrogantly threw the comatose attacker to the side and stumbled directly at the foot of another attacker on the side.

While she jumped away rashly, Yi Chou strode forward and overturned her to the ground. Her right hand showed a **** action and hit the crest of her fiercely.

After the crackling sound, another attacker collapsed to the ground and could not get up.

At this time, more attackers have been gathered around, but Yi Chou has also completely let go.

He turned around and swayed his legs, vaguely kicking with Tan’s vigorous swinging kick and smashing a female attacker who tried to sneak into him to the ground. The huge power made her fall silent when she landed. I don’t know if it was death or coma. .

At the same time, he didn't look back. The innumerable perception beyond ordinary people made Yi Xiao observe that a stick has swung to the other leg supporting his body while he was not paying attention, trying to disrupt his balance.

He slammed with force, bouncing on one leg, spinning in the air, avoiding the moment of attack, and landing on the ground had already opened the action of Muay Thai.


The stick's next attack was blocked by his arm, and the metal stick hit Yi Yi's arm with a crisp metallic sound.

Yi Xiao's arm is okay, instead, the metal long stick bends an amazing arc at the next moment.


Waiting for the other party to react, Yi Xuan has punched hard in his throat, and Yi Xuan feels that something is cracking at his joints, but he has been too lazy to ignore it.

Immediately after that, he turned around again, and then rushed into the crowd of attackers, fighting freely.

Fists, palms, elbows, no blood, no broken limbs, but Yi Chong's results are no less than Athena next to it, it seems that all parts of the body have become the deadliest weapons, every time Yi Chou's attack, It will always make an attacker lose its fighting power.

No... this may not be a fight, it is more like a unilateral slaughter.

Like a best tactical master, Yi Chou can always use the most suitable moves to give the enemy the most damage from the most suitable angle.

Muay Thai, military martial arts of various countries, Sanda, Jiu-Jitsu, in just a few minutes, Yi Chou has transformed dozens of styles of fighting techniques, and he has perfectly combined these fighting techniques.

Looking at Athena on the side, her battles are not as pleasing to the eye as Yi Chou. If Yi Chou's movements are smooth and without any waste, then Athena's blood is full of violence and cruelty.

The body of Athena’s gods is far from being able to be confronted by humans. The weapons of these attackers cannot even penetrate Athena’s skin. It is difficult for hot weapons to break Athena’s defense, not to mention these cold weapons.

Every time Athena launched an attack, whether it was a fist or a leg swing, it would set off a storm of blood and blood. Athena wrapped in a golden battle skirt and golden armor is like the world's most beautiful meat grinder, where the golden light goes, everywhere All are wreckage and broken limbs.

In the same way, Yi Chou’s actions were not merciless. He almost always dealt with these attackers to defeat the enemy. However, what he pursued was not blind killing, but to knock down the opponent with the fastest speed and the least effort. , Making the opponent lose combat power, so in addition to the dead attackers, a large number of attackers passed out.

The crowd facing the attacker rushed up, and Yi Chou was like a tiger entering the flock. The continuous attacks from all over could not delay his footsteps. As Yi Chong strode the meteor, the back wherever he went, everywhere It is the attacker who lost his fighting power.

"So... are you really not afraid at all, you are not going to give up, is it brainwashed?" Once again grabbed the leg of an attacker with his hands, Yi Chou kicked him out with four feet. After Mi Yuan, he still has spare time to ask the remaining attackers.

Yi Biao's fighting skills and experience are brought to him by the silver tongue~www.wuxiaspot.com~He set himself up as a tactical master, but these experiences and skills need to be run in. The guys in front of him are him The best whetstone.

Coincidentally, Yi Chou did not expect that he would encounter such an enemy, which happened to be what he needed.

In the same way, he did not expect his skills and experience to blend in so quickly, and the ability of the silver tongue was almost free of flaws. These experiences and skills were as if they were innate, just a few minutes, easy to use Very skillful and never see a trace of jerky again, completely taking both of them as their own.

In this way, it is a bit boring to continue facing these enemies.

Skills need to be run in, does not mean that Yi Xuan likes to bully the weak without challenge.

Fortunately, at this time, because the two did not kill continuously, and there was no fatigue, the remaining attackers seemed to have finally shaken. Their attack was not as crazy as before, and began to vaguely show one. The meaning of stock withdrawal.

This also made Yi Chou relieved.

At the same time, as if the two had agreed, Lucy, who had been silent for a long time, also made a sudden sound.

"Sir, after comparing the attack methods, behavioral habits and other factors, I think I found the identity of these attackers."

"What?" Although he had already speculated about it, Yi Chou asked with great interest.

"Assassin Assassins, they come from the Assassin's Creed, only their attack style and movement habits are extremely similar to the surrounding attackers."

Yi Biao was not surprised, but it was very strange, "I remember that it was a game." He emphasized the words of the game.

"The movie was released not long ago." Lucy's voice was still calm. "I have instilled the material of the movie into your memory, maybe you just didn't think about it for a while." (To be continued...)

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