High Magic Earth

Chapter 1185: Advance team

The appearance of the enemy instantly caused Mr. Feng's heart to fall into the bottom, although it had been expected, but. . The fastest update. No one wants the worst to happen.

I don’t know why these enemies appeared here. It was a premeditated plan, and it was just a coincidence.

In the case of the latter, Mr. Feng felt that although he was out of luck, the matter was not irreparable. The possibility of breaking out was very high. As long as he escaped successfully, the rest was much simpler.

If it is the former... it means that everything you have done is within Lucifer’s expectations. Don’t say what happened after fleeing here, even the success rate of fleeing is infinitely close to zero, because no matter what you do, I am afraid they are dying.

His face was calm, and his heart sank like water.

Mr. Feng controls the screen and presses a few buttons. The Iron Overlord’s weapon system instantly enters the ready state. As long as it does not reach the moment, it can tear everything in front into pieces.

The sound of the Iron Overlord breaking through the ground clearly alarmed everyone. The enemies were rushing towards the sound source quickly. Mr. Feng could see that on the screen, countless light spots approached quickly.

Their speed is very fast, and the distance of 100 meters seems to be only in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, a series of figures appeared around him.

Advance team.

Mr. Feng's heart sank again.

The people who came were all black trench coats. The trench coats were large in style, more like robes, and almost wrapped them all in.

This is the unique dress of the advance team.

As the general head of seth company and the nominal head of the research institute, Mr. Feng knows the advance team very well.

The advance team is the only controlled force among free men. All of them are composed of free men. Although they are called advance teams, in fact, the things these people are responsible for are not related to the concept of advance.

They do everything.

Pioneering a new world is the job of the advance team.

Of course, the sub-worlds of the new human beings can’t communicate with each other, but science has unlimited possibilities. Many worlds have perfected the technology tree of the space door. Although the seth company did not touch this point, the angels touched it. They use related technology to selectively transfer a few free people to certain worlds.

However, even if this is the case, the number of angels that can be passed is very small, and they cannot directly enter the sub-world that has never appeared. It must be after this sub-world has appeared before they have the opportunity to enter.

Still can not specify to enter a sub-world, such as Yi Xuan did not get the coordinates as before silver tongue.

Due to the small number of people and the danger of the world, the casualty rate of this work has been high.

They also hunt down free people, hunt down wizards, take charge of the work of covering up whereabouts, sweeping tails, etc. of free people, maintaining the internal order and operation of the institute, they do everything.

Because the advance team is the only power of the free man.

Free man, as the name implies, refers to the collective name of this group of people who can travel through the world, whether it is the wizarding world of magic, as well as the technology of the new humans, the world of superpowers.

It's not clear how this title originally appeared, but now everyone calls it that way.

And being able to travel through different worlds means having unlimited possibilities. In this case, how could anyone be willing to give up.

The academy and campus are the two major components of free people.

But in fact, it is just a composition. Their core strength is less than a dozen people in total. The free people who joined later only regarded this as a sign of free people gathering, and did not listen to their orders at all.

Among them, Asian free people are the most important. They resisted to obey the orders of the academy and the campus. The reason seems to be that they have been influenced by some novels they have read.

Then came the free people in Europe and the Americas, as well as other regions. They actually adore freedom, preferring to accept employment, rather than being honestly organized.

Of course, there are also some stubborn eyes from the island country that follow the martial arts, and there are some chivalrous guys who have been rescued in the sub-world and chose to repay.

But these people are a minority after all.

Every free man has great potential and strength. They mean fighting power in themselves. They are simply time bombs and cannot be controlled at all.

At this time, the role of the advance team is highlighted because they are the only controlled forces.

The advance team is also the biggest reliance on the existence of the Institute. The free people are reluctant to obey the Institute, which also means that no one else can order them. After all, they are scattered.

There may be some friends and companions who are gathered together, but the number is too small to show strength.

The advance team of never fewer than twenty-five people is a force that cannot be ignored at this time.

The establishment of the advance team was earlier than the time when Mr. Feng took over the institute. He did not know the origin of the advance team, but what is certain is that they were all formed by angel screening.

However, Mr. Feng has noticed that the members of these advance teams have not shown dullness and sluggishness, nor are they like fanatic religious people. They can't see the situation of being brainwashed or controlled by mental powers.

Obviously, the methods used by the angels should be more superb.

The existence of angels is not a secret, but this is only for the core staff of the institute, those free people outside, I am afraid they will not know the truth of the matter until death.

In fact, even Mr. Feng knew only the existence of creatures higher than humans, such as angels, and what purpose they had to do, but he was not clear.

Mr. Feng believes that this should be a group of angels coming from a certain subworld. As for the purpose...may it be to rule humanity or destroy the earth?

Anyway, there are just a few possibilities.

There will be nothing new.

The current advance team, the revolution has reached its third term.

Among them are the reasons for the death of the personnel and the filling of new personnel, as well as the reasons for their equipment and abilities, which have been continuously eliminated and evolved as the new world emerges.

But no matter what, the advance team must keep the number above twenty-five.

In addition to the recruited ordinary mercenaries and veterans, the center of the research institute will have a standing staff of fifteen.

The numbers may sound okay, but if you are facing the whole world, this person can't even count on a good salary.

Most of the power of free people is very strong. They have abilities, superpowers, and good things from different worlds beyond the technology of this era.

Even if the opening world is not wonderful, as long as they don't die, their strength will soon get a rapid leap after the second or third world.

Fortunately, there is no preparation when entering, and there is no preparation when leaving, which limits their strength growth a little bit, otherwise the situation of the new humanity will never be as peaceful as it is now.

There are many veterans of the Academy, and the thermal weapons are also very rich, but in fact, no one can threaten them except those rookies in the first world.

A free man who has experienced a little bit of one or two worlds has no way to face these hot weapons, but at least he has no problem escaping.

No matter which region or world, people, or creatures, running away and saving lives are always instinct in instinct.

But the advance team is different. They are also free men, have supernatural power, and have the equipment and weapons that the research institute provides with all their strength.

The resources that unite the world are obviously more than those of free men fighting alone, which makes the advance team's strength increase a lot again.

If Mr. Feng remembers correctly, the standing equipment of this advance team is the gantz combat uniform, which is what he is wearing at this time.

This is why everyone in the advance team is wearing a big windbreaker.

It wasn't to pretend to force them, or to show that they were an organization, just to conceal the existence of misfitted equipment, weapons, and others.

For most of the world, cloaks and trench coats are universal cover clothes.

Even if they enter other worlds, they do not need to worry about revealing their identity, at least... they will not be exposed in the first place.

The combat uniform of the gantz world can theoretically exert the maximum potential of a person. The serum of the super soldier is also the maximum potential to stimulate the human body, but the former is a transient foreign object effect, and the latter is a permanent existence.

In other words, every member of the advance team here, but from this point of view, is infinitely close to Captain America.

And their strength is obviously more than that. In addition to the gantz combat uniform, they also have abilities. They have also been injected with messy things, gantz weapons, lightsabers, these are all marked configurations.

And Mr. Feng vaguely remembered that not long ago he was taken away by Lucifer, the plan for the replacement of equipment of this advance team member has been brought up.

Maybe it’s all done now.

In addition to the release of a friendly signal to the ordinary people's government, the existence of seth company also requires the concentration of a research site to provide equipment for these advance team members.

Money, resources, and seth companies are not lacking. They have a lot of gold in the world as a backup. What they lack is a stable location.

The sub-worlds cannot communicate with each other, come here... The researchers recruited have no world to put in.

Indeed, it is the best choice to put them in a safe sub-world. Mr. Feng also wants to do this, but they do not have this condition and can only bring them to this world a little bit.

Then seth company was established.

Looking at the members of the advance team that gradually surrounded him, Mr. Feng took a deep breath.

Eight people...not the most, but there are also many.

Mr. Feng thinks that this Iron Overlord armor can beat Captain America, even if it is a magic revision, but if it is eight Captain America.

"The situation is not so good..." he whispered.

"No matter who you are, you have violated Seth's private property, immediately come out of the tin can, then raise your hands and surrender."

While Mr. Feng was thinking, another figure came out of the ruins. Counting that he already had nine people, he had not noticed this person just now.

But listening to the sound, it seems a bit familiar.

Enlarging the screen, Mr. Feng immediately saw the face below clearly, and then he stunned slightly.


He recognized this person because he was a very interesting guy and a free man, but he was not a member of the advance team.

God has never been fair, and since a person was born, so is a free man.

Some free people in the first world have entered a world that is very suitable for novices to develop and safe, and some free people in the first world are very dangerous, and there is nothing valuable.

Tangning belongs to the latter.

He entered the world of zombie wars.

If he is the protagonist of system flow or main flow, then it does not matter to enter this world. As long as he completes the task, there will always be benefits, whether it is something, or points.

Unfortunately, there is no system in the Second World.

Even if he survived with all his efforts, he just survived and saved his life, and he got nothing.

Of course, he saved his life, and he couldn't say he got nothing.

I heard that the second world Tangning experienced was also a zombie world. The classic biochemical crisis, he survived in it for a long time, but did not dare to inject t virus.

He was not a perfect experiment, he was not sure, and he dared not gamble with his own life.

The reason why Mr. Feng heard about Tangning is that he is a rare person who has experienced two worlds. The fighting power is still an ordinary person. At most, he is only a little more experienced in fighting. Among those professional mercenaries and soldiers.

But no one dared to underestimate him. The many stimuli in the end-time mode made him act decisively, and he was unscrupulous.

He always likes to arrange for himself to retreat before taking action, because of his lack of strength, he can only threaten the opponent with his life.

So no one likes to be able to blow himself up without hesitation, and bury a pile of explosives with the enemy who will die with the enemy.

If you don’t go to trouble with him, and you have no communication, you can’t see Tangning.

But obviously, Tang Ning also knows his shortcomings. After the two worlds, his strength is still so weak, so he is very active in the circle of free people.

Active in taking on various tasks, or where something is happening, he has to join in the fun and see if he can find something good in the muddy water to enhance his strength.

The last time Mr. Feng heard his news was that he went to a northeastern city in Asia to see the liveliness of the blood-borne virus outbreak.

I heard that the virus was quickly suppressed, and it did not spread at all. Tangning also had no news.

Mr. Feng thought he was caught by someone... unexpectedly encountered here.

Although all the information about Tangning appears in my mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Mr. Feng did not relax his vigilance.

This feature of grouping things is most clearly expressed in the group of free people. People who can stay together, even if their strengths are different, will definitely not be much different.

Tang Ning can be mixed with a group of advance team members, certainly not only by his identity as a free man. When everyone is a free man, this identity is meaningless.

Unless his strength is finally increased, and the growth is still very large, or he is involved in the advance team in other capacities.

For example...the one on the angel's side.

At the moment of seeing Tangning, Mr. Feng not only did not relax his vigilance, but became more cautious.

And it turns out that there is nothing wrong with his caution.

Because at the next moment, Tang Ning, who seemed to be planning a little communication, smiled and suddenly changed his tone, "Kill him, it's worth nothing." He said to the members of the advance team next to him.

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