High Magic Earth

Chapter 1205: Witch Agents (4)

Madison did not express much surprise at the sudden appearance of people in the portrait.

In fact, when she was holding up her wand and was going to blow up here, besides really planning to blow up here, she also planned to try to see if anyone in the portrait survived.

Obviously, there are survivors in the portrait.

The portraits can be connected to each other. This relationship is somewhat similar to a window in a room. The person in the portrait is in this room.

When he looked out at one of the windows, he was equivalent to this portrait.

At this time, he is not unable to see other windows, as long as he takes a step back later, he can still have a panoramic view of the other windows.

But the things in front of the window are not so clear.

To see something faintly shaking outside the window, if you want to see it more clearly, you need to actually come to the window.

In another portrait.

In other words, when Madison entered them, even if the portraits were hiding far away, they could vaguely see new guests coming out of this window.

But whether these portraits will show up next or not is not necessarily the case.

"You threaten me?"

In the end, the remaining portrait master still showed up, but unfortunately the first sentence he met was a straight threat.

Perhaps this meeting was not what everyone imagined, and the survivors were so happy to see the survivors crying with their heads holding their heads.

Facing the threat of the old portrait, Madison still spoke in a faint tone, and responded with that tasteless tone. It seemed that she was not threatened, but a similarly plain way of asking for advice.

But if people who are familiar with Yi Chou and who know Madison are here, they will find that both have a striking similarity in tone and paragraph ups and downs.

At that time, Yi Chou was also speaking such a plain word, and then directly opened the killing ring at the next moment, almost blood washing the werewolf of the king.

Experience is always one of the noblest wealth of mankind.

This sentence also applies to portraits.

The old man of the wizard clearly noticed the fatal killer hidden in Madison's faint words. As a portrait, he could not be the opponent of a group of wizards, so he quickly and decisively explained.

"No...not a threat."

"I mean, once death comes, it's not just for you, it's the same for me."

"The existence that ruins everything here... hasn't left yet."

"It's still here!"...


Imogen and Joanna were surprised at the same time, the group of witches behind them was also very clever, and almost immediately understood the meaning of the old wizard.

They screamed at the same time, containing incredulity and a touch of fear.

"Hush, shh." The old man of the wizard in the portrait felt like he had exploded a big duck in front of him, and then suddenly burst out of 800 little ducks, scaring him to move the sound of the forbidden sound again and again, "Little Click, click, don’t hear it."

The effect of this sentence is undoubtedly the best. At almost the same time, the witches stopped.

Then the next moment, Madison and Imogen and others frowned.

In fact, before delving into this unknown magic congress building complex, they considered this question. Why was the American Magic Congress abandoned because of the long time, or because of war, or because of something else.

And if it is really a monster that caused all this, then there will be two possibilities, it has left, or is still hovering here.

Everything is unknown, before they enter, they can only see this as a gamble.

It now appears that the goddess of luck does not seem to be on their side.

"What should I do?"

Madison, Joanna and Imogen looked at each other, and they all saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

The worst happened.

They must make a decision as soon as possible.

Should you give up exploring here and quit immediately, or...

"I don't recommend that you leave now." Seemingly what Imokin and others were thinking, the old man of the wizard in the portrait said first.

"That thing is lurking here. If you go back, you might have hit it before you walked out. No one is its opponent."

"You are no exception."

The old man of the wizard could see the depth of the group of wizards in front of him. Except for Joanna and Madison, most people are just ordinary wizards. They can’t talk about elite, and they can’t even reach Auror. To.

With these people, they don't want to resist that thing at all, and even running away is probably impossible.

But in the face of the old man's claims, Imogen spread his hands.

"We just got down shortly," she said. "Even the first magic that trapped us didn't go out."

Imokin, who has gone through the commercial battlefield, will not be scared by an old man in a portrait casually. She immediately caught the loophole in the other party's discourse and found the most critical thing.

Soon after they entered the Magic Congress, they didn't move much distance at all, they were trapped by magic, and began to wander in place.

It's too late to look back now, if you go deeper... maybe you won't be able to look back.

"Oh... boy, I think I understand what you mean." After all, the old man of the wizard in the portrait is mature, and even if he becomes a portrait, the activity of his thinking becomes very low. After a stun, he understood it quickly. The hidden meaning of Imogen.

"But it's a pity," he continued. "There's nothing magically designed to trap you."

"This is not..."

"The Congress is destroyed, everything inside is in ruins, and a lot of magic is in chaos." The old wizard said slowly, in a low tone, "For example, this road..."

"Its original magic is used to stretch the space, making the side hall bigger and can accommodate more people, but now it is integrated with the magic outside the third deliberative hall next to it."

"What the deliberation chamber needs is confidentiality, and its magic keeps the outside world from seeing the real route of the deliberation chamber."

"So when all the magic in the building is in chaos..."

"We are actually going inward along the extended side hall, but the existence of secret magic keeps the same route around us, which makes us mistakenly think that we are turning around in place." Madison took the topic.

"Yes." The old wizard nodded and agreed with her summary. "You are actually very deep. This is not a trap to trap the enemy."

The witches looked at each other.

The magic of the secret route is not difficult to understand, just like a large virtual set, using the disguised scene to hide the real content.

Then guide the people in the set to move forward or turn according to the path shown in the set.

It's just that the setting created by magic is more real than the virtual setting of technology. It can not only deceive the vision, but also create the physical touch, temperature, and smell.

That is to say, they have always been advancing, but because of the existence of this magic, they can't see the other things around them. The narrow corridors are always like a labyrinth of infinite loops.

In fact, because of the existence of this magic, even if there are other forks and exits around, they can't see it, and they can only follow the guidance of the magic.

But whether it is really going forward or not, no one knows this question, I am afraid not even the magic itself.

Because it is no longer the correct route that was originally laid out, as seen, Congress has been abandoned for many years, and a lot of magic has appeared in chaos.

Secret magic is not originally here, so there is no correct route setting. I am afraid that magic is instinctively connecting one entrance after another. Even if it is a dead end in the end, it is entirely possible.

Shaking his head, the old wizard in the portrait whispered, "This is just an unfortunate coincidence."

Madison frowned slightly, and Imokin and others next to him also had their eyebrows closed. In this case, they did not expect it. They did think it was a trap, or some protection spell, Madison even suspected that the portraits were in It is not impossible to avoid them deliberately and watch them step by step.

But I did not expect that the magical Congress was abandoned so thoroughly, all this is a not so wonderful coincidence.

But... this is indeed bad news for them.

Madison thought of the previous scream.

Since they entered the promenade, they have not kept quiet deliberately. Most of them are in a relationship where the atmosphere is too depressive, and instinctively they are not willing to talk.

But the previous scream was absolutely loud enough.

If it is really as the old wizard said, that thing is still here, and the sound can alarm it, then I am afraid it will be alarmed at this time.

It's definitely not a wise choice to turn around and go back without knowing how far away you go.


"Where is the right way?"

Madison raised his wand again and asked calmly.

"Relax the little fellow." The old wizard man scratched his beard and said helplessly, "Are you afraid of a portrait."

But even if he said so, Madison did not really relax.

Don’t believe the advice given by the magic world about things you can’t see where its brain is. In fact, this one is not only common to portraits, but also to wizards.

Although Madison is sometimes stupid, as the supreme witch who leads the entire witch assembly, if someone really treats her as a fool, that person may be the biggest fool.

"Alright alright."

The old man of the wizard saw that Madison had no plans to relax. He reluctantly smoothed his beard. "I am Feliat III. Keep up with my portrait. I will guide you to the right path."

As Madison guessed, the portraits in Congress are the same as Hogwarts, and they are all interconnected.

Filiat III soon entered another blank portrait, and then beckoned to Madison and others in the portrait. Madison clearly saw that the inscription written under this blank portrait was not Philly Att’s name, but Desipru or something, the portrait is a bit broken, and the inscriptions are vaguely seen.

But anyway, it is not a few words of Filiat III.

"Little guys, what are you waiting for?" said the old man.

Imogen looked at Madison with questioning eyes, and Madison nodded after half a second.

Her wand did not drop. If the portrait took them to a dangerous place, the moment when the danger came, it was also the moment when Madison's wand burst into lethal magic.

I believe that the old guy in the portrait has already noticed this and will not joke about his final soul.

With the leader, their speed of progress has not changed much.

The old wizard is just walking through the portraits. There are blank portraits everywhere in the two rows of the corridor. He can easily jump from one portrait to another.

But the witches cannot.

The secrecy magic has not disappeared, the surrounding promenade is still so narrow and rugged, how much can their speed increase when they bow down and crawl forward.

And... why keep moving forward.

"It's coming, it's coming."

Faced with this question, the old wizard's answer is also very simple, "This is the last straight route, and I will take you to other roads out of this distance."

What can the witches do, naturally only continue to follow the portrait.

Fortunately, the old man of the wizard does not look very reliable, like an old liar, but he does something more practical than his appearance.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the witches arrived again, they have come countless times. After leaving the hall, the old wizard finally stopped.

He jumped from the portrait on the left to the blank portrait on the right, and then pointed to the dilapidated wall below the portrait. "Continue further and further away, the first fork is here."


Witches such as Imogen looked at the wall, and the suspicion in their eyes had turned into substance.

"What are you wondering?" Unexpectedly, the old wizard was even more strange than the witches. "Don't tell me you are French girls in Boothparton. Haven't you been on platform nine or three quarters?"

Hearing this explanation, Imogen realized.

Obviously, she hasn't gotten used to the lives of wizards, and she has forgotten that there is such an important plot in the story.

As he walked to the wall, Imogen touched the wall with his hand. Although the old man of the wizard in the portrait said very clearly, this is a wall that can pass through like a platform of nine and three quarters, but the hand is uploaded The solid and cold feeling still makes Imogen very hesitant. If he hits without slowing down, will he hit the head with blood.

Because Congress has been abandoned for so long, the ghost knows whether the magic is good or not.

Of course, there have been no accidents on the nine and three quarters of the platform for decades, but there must be wizards who often maintain it. Although the Ministry of Magic is not very good at criticism, it still manages things.

Almost instinctively, Imogen set his sights on Madison.

Without disappointing her, Madison was not unresponsive. She took a step forward...and raised her wand again.

"Oh my god." Imogen rolled his eyes inwardly. Doesn't she have anything to do except blow up everything in front of her?

This is a violent person who is more reckless than Joanna.

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