High Magic Earth

Chapter 1237: Suspicious

Madison is no longer the fledgling little witch. The rich experience immediately made her realize the strangeness of the surrounding environment, and the illusion was opened.

Just don't know that it was opened by accident. . It was still the deliberate work of the old wizard.

If it is the latter, I am afraid they will face more unknown dangers.

But Madison thinks that the latter is unlikely. After all, for a long time, the old wizard in the portrait has survived in the Magic Congress.

It has already figured out every inch of space here. If you want to harm them, you don't need any trouble at all.

But this is also inconsistent.

Because if the old wizard really survived for so long, it is impossible to give them a wrong spell.

It's really strange.

Having figured out that there was another illusion here, Madison quickly let her mind down, and she stepped forward and turned the tumultuous body with her wand.

Very real, as she remembered.

But this is also the biggest flaw. She hasn't seen Yi Chou in a while. His appearance must have changed, at least not as before.

It seems that this illusion magic is not advanced.

Madison crouched down, poked Yi Chou's head with his wand, and then poked his face with his finger. It was soft and hot.

Shaking her head, Madison threw out some strange thoughts, and she began to look around again.

Just looking at the corpse can find no clue to the magic.

The promenade was still around. No surprise. The people around me no longer knew when it was gone. Madison didn't know if they were also in illusion.

If so, they will become dangerous once the enemies behind them catch up.

I hope the witches will give some help.

Madison is not good at breaking the illusion. She is more violent. If there is no one around, only herself, Madison will definitely choose to increase the number of crushing spells around him.

But unfortunately there are other witches around. Madison is not sure whether this illusion affects their physical position and position. If they use the magic suddenly, it is more likely to hurt their companions by mistake.

After thinking about it, she dropped her wand.

Madison didn't know that there was nothing wrong with her choice, because just as she lowered her wand, the witches around her breathed a sigh of relief.

. . .

"Someone is behind."

Outside the illusion, the witch team is still advancing.

The light in the tunnel flickered, and the light was faint, making it difficult for the witches to recognize the road under their feet.

This is the way along the way. In addition to the lighting in the room is still very good, the magic of lighting in many places has lost its effect.

The torch has long been extinguished, even if it is magic, it has gradually lost its magic power for a long time.

This is not surprising.

There are very few magics that can last so long, even if they are, they are many high-level magic arrays, not lighting magics like this.

Of course, lighting magic does have a special blessing in time, but it is only a few times more than ordinary magic, and it is still not enough to maintain it until now.

Fortunately, the witches are all masters of lighting, just like a torch per person, and the number of people who come down is not very large, so there is no situation of getting lost or falling behind for the time being.

But Joanna is still watching everyone in the team.

Although her sense of presence in the team is not as high as Imogen, and her character seems to be a bit frank, but her experience is also legendary.

Otherwise, he cannot serve as Hogwarts professor of black magic defense.

Although Dumbledore looked old and even somewhat neurotic, he was the most powerful white wizard in the entire Harry Potter world. Never underestimate his wisdom.

Harry Potter is his counter-scale, and he can't let a guy of unknown origin take the post of Professor of Defense of the Dark Arts.

In addition to Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic is also a major aspect of obtaining consent.

First of all, Joanna's age is too young.

She is neither as famous as Lockhart nor as overwhelming as Dumbledore's. She wants to be a professor at least.

Joanna seldom shares her experience with others, but she can't deny her fighting qualities.

This was not even noticed by Madison, only that she was no different from other ordinary witches.

Joanna was walking at the front of the line at this time, and Delia was holding her wand next to her, continually expelling the spells approaching the spell.

It must be said that the magic that those ancient wizards left in the Magic Congress is still very high in their attainments.

Everywhere around is a small floating fish, which looks like a flying dragon from a distance, and its appearance is very similar to the mana floating dragon in World of Warcraft.

Delia is also a loyal player of World of Warcraft. At this moment, she even has the illusion that she and others have traveled to World of Warcraft.

But these floating dragons are not really so-called mana floating dragons.

They are defensive magic circles in the portrait of the old wizard, which can cause people to fall into illusion.

Surrounded by a hidden magic circle, not because of the long time, or the wizards deliberately did it at that time, the magic circle did not only rely on the magic power emitted to attack the enemy, it condensed the magic power into the shape of a creature, and then Attack again.

Although there is no difference in essence, it is a very deep magic transformation.

Unlike the mana floating dragon formed independently in World of Warcraft, the magical condensate of these creature shapes is artificial, because in any case, they will not appear without a magic circle.

Originally, these magic condensates could not be observed, but through the spells given by the old wizards, the witches could capture the existence of these magic condensates and their trajectories to expel them.

Delia is very interested in this interesting magical variant, but unfortunately the time is short, otherwise, she must stop to research.

Joanna leads the way ahead, and she only needs to concentrate on driving out the magic, whether it's the direction or other dangers will be solved by Joanna.

They are moving fast, and the dangerous creature is chasing behind, and none of them dare to relax.

But at this time, Delia suddenly realized that Joanna had stopped.

Frowning, she saw Joanna turn around and then said, "Someone is behind."

Joanna has been paying attention to the team members behind her. The number of witches is not much. Although the surrounding environment is a bit harsh, it is far less harsh than when she led the Auror.

"Precise lineup."

This is the little magic that Joanna learned from a retired old Auror.

Not a profound spell, but it is a very valuable trick.

It allows the wizard to clearly sense the location of each partner. Similarly, once they fall behind or place an order, they will be immediately aware of it.

Joanna noticed a sudden disappearance.

To be precise, she stopped.

Heard that all the witches around stopped their feet.

The surrounding light is not good, half is dark, half is bright, and there is a dim light source with a faint luster near them, besides, it is dark.

Although the witches have mastered the lighting technique, some areas cannot use it.

Especially in many parts of this Congress, the magic is very chaotic, and the use of magic commands to disrupt their existence suddenly, so the witches maintain a small illumination range, which can only illuminate their feet.

I couldn't even see who had disappeared.

But Joanna can.

Although she didn't know who was behind, she could clearly sense the position of that person.

The witches flicked gently to both sides, and Joanna walked back quickly, not much distance away, and found Madison who was spinning around.

"Emma?" Joanna wondered.

Madison's strength is obvious to everyone. Although it is not known how strong her magic is, it is at least much better than the witches around.

The magic circle is not a powerful thing, especially if you know the anti-curse.

Others may have the possibility of a stroke, but it should not be Madison. . Nor would it be her, Joanna couldn't understand.

Joanna's honest character has another advantage, that is, if you don't understand, don't think about it.

She gave up the question decisively, turned to hold the portrait, and asked the old wizard inside, "What is going on, why is she in a phantom."

Joanna saw Madison's problem at a glance, in fact. . There should also be no second reason.

"Don't think that what I gave you is inferior." The old wizard said, "That is a complete anti-curse, you can see it without being affected."

"As for why she has problems... I don't know."

"Magic, there are always many unknowns."

"Now is not a good time for your class." Imogen interrupted the old wizard angrily.

Then she said to Joanna, "There is not much time, we can't stop here, and we don't have time to crack the spell, try to take her away, if not... directly dazed."

Fortunately, this defensive magic only pulls people's thinking into it, instead of replacing the whole person into another unknown space.

Otherwise Madison's sudden disappearance would only make it more troublesome.

Lift the spell?

Just kidding, the witches are really proficient at using spells, and there are even some Aurors like Joanna, but if they are allowed to analyze the principles of magic, I am afraid that they may not be as good as a student who has not graduated from Hogwarts.

After all, they have not experienced systematic magic education.

This defensive magic was left during the most glorious period of magic, not to mention them, I am afraid that even Dumbledore will take a lot of time.

So without thinking about it, Joanna chose the second method.

I stun her, and then walk with her on her back.

But before she could point her wand at Madison, in a whisper, Madison had raised the wand first and then aimed at her.

Joanna was startled, flashed instinctively to the side, and added several defensive spells to herself.

The instantaneous magic surge immediately caused the surrounding magic circle to react, and almost all the floating dragons floating around rushed towards the witches.

Fortunately, Delia responded slowly, waving her wand, just like musicians and batons, knocking them into a burst of air.

She didn't seem to see the two people who were about to touch, and reminded lightly, "No matter what you want to do... it's better to hurry up."

"The magic circle has been triggered."

This is the reason.

The establishment of the magic circle was to resist foreign enemies. Even if there was a counter-curse given by the old wizard, the whole magic circle started to run by itself under the trigger of a large amount of magic power.

Staying in place will only turn everyone into Madison.

Fortunately, at this time Madison had put down his wand.

Seeing this, Joanna did not hesitate, raised her wand and prepared to stun him, but at this time, Delia stopped her again.

"let me try."

Even if stunned Madison can save a lot of time, it is still inconvenient to walk with her. If Delia has a better way, then it is just right.

"Quickly awake."

. . .

Madison is bored.

She didn't know how to get rid of this magic circle, violently damage it, and it might spread to others.

So she. . It was indeed temporarily trapped.

I don't know how long it will take for the transfer.

Madison decided to wait for five minutes, more than five minutes, then presumably the outsiders either did not find themselves left behind, or even found it, there is no way.

In this case, you can only save yourself, but fortunately, the time is far from five minutes.

That is. .

Madison seemed to see some kind of light group, vaguely, floating in front of not far away, she instinctively walked forward along the light, and then slowly reached out and touched.

The next moment, the light suddenly wrapped around her, and when she was awake, Imogen and Joanna and others appeared again.

And the guy named Delia is slowly withdrawing his wand.

"Welcome back." Joanna's tone was cheerful.

Madison looked around, and there was a clear enlightenment in her heart, "Are you all okay?" she asked strangely.

Joanna shrugged, not understanding why everyone was okay, or rather. . Only Madison is in trouble.

"That guy said that the anti-curse will protect all the wizards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, we all feel that I don't know the reason." Then, she raised the portrait in her hand.

Madison frowned, but it didn't show on his face.

All wizards. . Then why would I. .

Because of his special origins, Madison had to think of some other things, but fortunately this matter is not a big problem. The illusion can be easily broken from the outside. Since it has been rid of the illusion, then there is no need to continue. Time wasted.

She nodded, thanked Joanna and Delia, and then put away her wand again.

"I believe we don't have much time to waste. Go ahead."

Others played a round of soy sauce, naturally there was no objection, the old wizard continued to point the way in the portrait, and the witches once again set foot on the road to escape.

Madison lowered her head and seemed to be thinking about the cause of the incident, so she didn't notice the hint of curiosity and surprise flashed in the seemingly honest Joanna's eyes.

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