High Magic Earth

Chapter 1249: Silently


Madison has never been so serious, as if she was on the stage for the first time. Of course, that time she was only playing a dragon set that didn’t even have lines, hidden behind a ridiculous flower pot, just need to be sharp Just call it.

Although it is a memorable event, it is not a pleasant memory.

Especially for a proud person like Madison.

Personality affects life, not life changes people's personality. Before Madison became the supreme witch, there was an arrogance in her heart, just like she thought she would be a Hollywood star sooner or later.

But so far... this hunch has not been realized, even in another world.

Later, she discovered that she became a witch, even a supreme witch, and so on... Arrogant has always been with her. In fact, Madison is absolutely capable of doing this.

Her magic power is far higher than other people, even without the blessing of the Supreme Witch, she can throw away other witch streets, and the power in the magic world is everything.

Although the situation of the West Coast witches has not improved much, that is the general trend, and it will always get a little better, regardless of personal strength.

But if it is true that fighting alone, after Voldemort, Dumbledore, and the world's lucky Harry Potter all died, there are really few people in the magic world who are Madison's opponents.

She doesn't even need to be serious.

Unlike now, her eyes are full of concentration, except for the darkness in front of her, she can see nothing.

Hearing, touching and smelling seems to have faded from her senses, the surrounding is quiet, the silent Madison can even feel her heartbeat and echo, unparalleled quiet, she feels that everything around her has gone away from her .

Her eyes are only dark, the darkness of nothingness, condensed into a solid, like a black gem, exudes a breath of destruction in beauty.

"Let her go." Madison said word by word.

The surrounding rocks are rising, most of them are falling gravel, and there are a small part of the ground and stone bricks. Under the sweep of Madison's mental power, they rise like an anti-gravity and tremble slightly in the air. .

Ready to go, waiting for Madison to destroy everything in front of him.

The nearby wall is still collapsing, large chunks of rolling stones are falling, the stone walls are shaking, the sky seems to be shaking, but it has nothing to do with Madison. Around her, even the air seems to be still, large and large The small stones were stuck in midair, floating around Madison.

When the power of her Supreme Witch burst out with all her might, the range within 20 meters around her was all shrouded in her mind.

The destruction of the portal is still increasing, but Madison can no longer care about that much.

Her eyes were fixed on the black creature in front, dark, invisible... silently.

"go with!"

Then at the next moment, Madison instinctively pressed his hands forward as if it had touched a certain signal, and the surrounding stones immediately separated from their original positions, and at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, with a roar, the overwhelming emergence floated on Silently ahead.

Wrapped in great power, it seemed to destroy everything in front of me.



The crushed stone was like a bullet. Under the driving force of the mind, it hit the opposite wall fiercely. The large and large pieces of crushed stone scattered into smaller stones, and the small stones scattered towards the sky. Around, there was a crackling sound.


But no real touch came silently.

The black silently has no form, it emits a series of twisted sounds in mid-air, and the entire mist explodes in an instant, revealing countless voids, which just happened to pass all the stones.

It unfolded in the air, like a black sky, and like an old cloth with countless holes, it enveloped the entire tunnel.

While waiting for Madison's attack to come to an end, it reunited again, twisted in mid-air, and then gradually targeted Madison.

Faced with the silentness that is irrational at all, the only way it can respond to an attack is to go back.


The next moment, with countless gravel and dust, silently stretched his body into the entire tunnel as huge, occupying all the space nearby, as if a black torrent rushed to Madison.

Madison stood there and did not dodge, it seemed that there was no reaction, but when the whole silently washed away from Madison, the Madison who remained in place suddenly cracked.

That wasn't the real her. The real Madison had already used the witch's displacement to leave the place, and what remained here was just a stone statue formed by the transforming spell.

But silently did not know this.

Silence without reason also drastically declines in IQ, even relying on instinctive actions most of the time.

When it did not realize what was going on, the fragmented Madison statue changed again, and countless chains emerged from its center, as if it were a large net, intertwined in all directions, it seemed It is imprisoned in silence.


A series of dozens of iron ropes intersect each other, and then pierce the surrounding walls fiercely. In the blink of an eye, a giant net made of steel is formed in the center of the tunnel, dividing the entire tunnel into two places.

But... this time it was still without success.

Silently it seemed like a ray of smoke with no weight and no substance, fluttering through the gap between the iron ropes, and then reunited in another place.

In the face of the silence that you can freely change your shape or even shape, pure physical attacks have no effect at all.

However...Madison is obviously unlikely to make the same mistake a second time.

The iron wire formed by the deforming technique is very complex, like a three-dimensional labyrinth. Of course, it can still be easily passed in front of the silence like smoke, which only takes a few seconds.

But... it was these few seconds.


Madison screamed, and the wand in his hand swung violently. In an instant, the surface of the iron rope began to change scorchingly, like a fire dragon. The hot heat and breath spread along the surface of the iron rope, and extended to all the crossings in an instant. On the chain.

Also in the blink of an eye, the entire web of iron ropes became a **** of flames.

And silently, he was trapped firmly on the ground.


Like a mouse, silently made a sharp and piercing cry, like scratching the glass with claws, it was trapped in a narrow wire gap, surrounded by a burning flame, silently rammed inside, trying to break through , But every time when the flame was just touched, a scorched white smoke was emitted from the whole body.

With a scream, silently, he could only retract it again.

Just because of the difficulty of being silent, Madison did not hesitate at all, and directly chose the most powerful flame in the flame magic, Li Huo curse.

This powerful fire of **** will continue to burn, physical means cannot be extinguished, even magic is difficult to extinguish, and many wizards themselves cannot control its existence.

Seeing that he was trapped silently, Madison let out a sigh of relief.

Physical immunity is indeed a difficult opponent, because wizards have no physical immunity, and they often lose combat power or even die once injured. Madison does not want to drag on with silence.

But... things are not as simple as she thought.

If the simple combination of Li Huo and Transfiguration can trap silently, how could the Magic Congress at that time be completely destroyed by it.

The next moment, silently began to shrink in size, becoming like a thin line like flowing water, accompanied by a ticking sound, like a centipede, suspended in mid-air, slowly swinging forward.

The surrounding Li Huo curse is almost non-existent to its volume.


Madison murmured and began to retreat.

She still underestimated the difficulty of silence, even if there are not many silent attacks, but because of the difficulty of the wizard to kill it, she can already be invincible.

Now Madison realized that if she didn't leave as soon as possible, after Joanna, the next one would be her.

For Joanna, Madison felt strange.

This is a very serious guy, and this kind of seriousness often reminds her of another nasty guy, but unlike that obsessed paranoid, Joanna's heart is still kind.

This kindness has never been compromised.

Although Madison is proud, it is not that there is no distinction between good and evil, and it is precisely because of this kindness that Madison is so contradictory.

She wanted to rescue Joanna, Madison didn't know why.

But... it seems difficult now, even impossible.

Madison didn’t know what happened to the people who were trapped silently. She hadn’t seen such a thing. She even encountered it silently for the first time, but she knew that she was probably not a silent opponent. If you don’t run away, don’t say that Joanna was rescued. I’m afraid even she will fall into it.

Although she was arrogant, she was not brainless. With the entire magic parliament annihilated, it was enough to arouse her vigilance against the silence. After a brief confrontation, she immediately dispelled all her thoughts.

Maybe she can win, but by no means now.

After the silent eruption, in the battle with the wizard, it is often when the loser wins or loses, or even does not win several times at all, otherwise its existence will not be covered up so secretly.

The wizard must have something for silent magic, but Madison hadn't touched it.

And even if they have been in contact, I am afraid it is useless. Some people in the Magic Congress at that time knew that they were even proficient in this kind of magic, but they still lost. In addition to this silence, the black lamp of death is here.

Although Madison didn't realize where the black lamp of death is... but the silence in front of me may not be that simple.

Once again leaving a phantom magic, Madison turned and ran in the other direction.

At this time, most of the body of the evil spirit in the portal has been squeezed out, and Madison dared not look directly at it, but the vibration around him has been much smaller, which is good news.

There are no living witches nearby. Apart from the immobile body, other living witches have long ran deeper into Congress.

No matter where it is, it is always safer than the surroundings of the evil god.

I hope this guy will not target himself, Madison sighed inwardly.

Although there is a suspicion of using other witches as bait in this way... but there is no way. She was not familiar with these people, not to mention that without her, is it silently dangerous?

There was a lot less rubble around, and Madison pondered while avoiding sporadic falling rocks.

Tie Suo has gradually softened due to the loss of her magical support, and turned into a piece of unconnected stone again. The flame of Li Huoxuan fell to the ground, immediately turning the vicinity into a sea of ​​fire.

Naturally, silently came out of trouble again.

It floats in the air and stops moving. The dark surface is condensed with a diamond-like hexahedron like a gemstone. It is constantly spinning, like it is looking for something.

Madison doesn't want to deal with her. In her life rules, the danger is to get as far away as possible.

But sometimes, if you want to stay away from danger, it does not mean that danger will stay away from you.


At the next moment, as if there were some kind of call, there was a strange and familiar name in Madison's ear.


For a while, Madison realized who this was calling.

Emma Roberts, his current identity.

When introducing each other, Madison hadn’t heard anyone else named Emma~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is Madonna a surviving witch? Madison’s eyes looked to the left and right, but he didn’t find a figure, maybe it was hidden in protection Under the spell, Madison released the magic power, and after looking around again, he found that it was still empty.



This ethereal voice did not disappear, still echoing in Madison's ears.

Suddenly, Madison's face stiffened because she thought of a possibility, which is also a classic shot that often appears in movies.

Turning his head slowly, he looked at the diamond-shaped hexahedron in mid-air, and Madison listened.


The next moment, her name appeared again, and the source of the voice... was in silence.

Having determined the source, Madison can better distinguish who the voice really is. If you listen carefully, you will find that it is very similar to Joanna's voice.

She is fine, or...not dead for the time being.


The voice still hovered in her ears, but Madison was hesitant, whether to go or not, because this might be a trap, not necessarily the voice from Joanna, or it might be silent, wanting Lure her over.

But after hesitating again and again, Madison quietly approached the past.

Silently did not seem to find her, and as Madison kept getting closer, she also noticed that the diamond-shaped hexahedron was not as rough as it looked.

It is very large, and it contains a blurry standing figure. Look carefully, it is Joanna.

She is really fine.

But before Madison breathed a sigh of relief, a face suddenly appeared on the surface of the rhombic hexahedron, a face... a face that should not have appeared here.


Madison's eyes suddenly widened. r

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