High Magic Earth

Chapter 1304: The title is getting longer and longer

Five people came to the second floor.

The previous battle has almost destroyed the second floor. Although the main battle is not here, ninjas are one of the occupations that do not like to walk through the main entrance. Many ninjas break through the window, and even some guys break through the wall. The entire mess on the second floor was as if damaged by a tornado.

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka does not squint, as if everything has nothing to do with her, it is not what she did at all, and Jebdia is somewhat gloating, and Dive and her little partner Marty are trembling and follow behind everyone, just Like an ordinary high school student, when faced with this kind of thing, he simply panicked and did not know where to put it.

Yi Chou didn't pay attention to these guys, but in his eyes, these people are just good materials that can walk,

Ignoring Jebdia's glorious glory, Yi Chou gently extended a hand.

The tumbling shadow energy is dark and rich. When they converge, it seems that even the light is absorbed by these energies. Jebdia looks at this strange black mist and thinks of the weird situation in the previous scene, which is a little uneasy. Take a step back.

But the next moment, she almost bulged her eyes.

The black smoke did not destroy anything, nor killed anyone. They spread around, gradually covering the broken walls and furniture, and... everything was restored.

Just like going back in time, the walls that collapsed on the floor floated out of thin air, floating backwards one by one, and then reconstructed into a complete and brand new wall, broken furniture, and objects were quickly repaired. Become intact, like a jigsaw, how to destroy it, restore it in reverse.

As if at this moment... time was set back.

Jebdia looked at this scene blankly, and her thinking fell into a stagnation. In fact, at the beginning, she saw Yi Xiao also used language skills to control others, and it was a joy to cleanse her memory. She felt that she had found the same kind.

Later, she discovered that the opponent was not as ordinary as in fighting skills and strength. Although surprised, she was also acceptable.

Then, Jebdia watched as a poker card became a living poker soldier in his hands.

Although her childhood was not so beautiful, she had never seen Alice in Wonderland, but she also knew that this seemed to be more than just technology, which seemed a little...too weird.

At that time, Jebdia's thinking fell into chaos, and at this time, when she saw that Yi Chou seemed to restore time directly, she had to fix everything back, and she fell into a complete incomprehension.

What's wrong with the world?


The face of Yoshioka Nobuko is not right, because all this is beyond her understanding.

"Who the **** are you." She asked the question that almost everyone present was most concerned about.

Yi Xuan still didn't answer, and continued to smile and said, "You will know."

Everything in front of me is recovering, like the playback camera in the movie, the collapsed wall, the broken furniture, the peeling wall skin, or the torn electrical appliance, everything is beginning to become intact, just like It has never been damaged.

"Wow." Marvel, Marvel's little friend, exclaimed in a low voice.

Because after the initial surprise, almost everyone found that the scene in front of him looked really dreamy.

More than just broken things, everything is flowing backwards, even the water drops sprinkled on the ground, slowly floating in the air, and then condensed into one again, the thin flame flowers are flying at a speed that is visible to the naked eye Shrink and change back to what it was before it broke out.

The scene in front of him made Yoshioka Nobuko even more inexplicable, and she temporarily gave up some adventurous thoughts and decided to watch the changes first.

At this time, with the continuous recovery of the surrounding situation, when everything is about to recover, some special existence is also highlighted.

For example... the portrait facing the crowd.

The portrait is empty, except for a closed metal gate, there are no other scenes or characters in the whole picture, and this is not the point, the point is...it is intact.

Everything seems to have been destroyed, but it is still hanging there safely, even if there are no walls behind it.


With the closing of the last brick wall, the second floor of Yi Xiao's small shop was completely repaired. Although I don't know how the agents outside will report this situation, I want to worry about the black bald head no matter what.


Clapped his hands, and as the dark black mist of the shadow energy around him dissipated, Yi Chou bowed slightly, and then made a please gesture to Nobuko Yoshioka.

"Ladies first." He said.

Although Yoshioka Nobuko was stunned and arrogant by her strange ability and did not dare to act rashly, it does not mean that she would give up all the perfect cooperation, not to mention, where to go? It is just a painting in front of me.

Of course, Yoshioka Nobuko already has vague speculation in his mind... but he just can't believe it.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Yi Chou answered with practical actions.

He walked in front of the portrait and waved his hand gently again. A wave appeared on the surface of the portrait, like an invisible water mark. After a moment, the entire portrait came to life, or... the metal door in the painting It became more real, like a real door.

Immediately afterwards, Lucy began to demonstrate to them. She threw Marcia, who was still sleeping, on her shoulders and carried it forward. She stepped forward and directly opened the metal door in the portrait.

At the next moment, in everyone's stunned gaze, the metal door, obviously a painting, was actually opened by Lucy, and the space behind the door was exposed, a world of whiteness.

After a pause, Marcia disappeared with Lucy's figure.

Yoshioka Nobuko instinctively wanted to step back, but just stepped back and hit a back like a piece of iron. She turned her head and looked around. It turned out that Yi Chou did not know when she appeared silently behind her. .

Seeing Yoshioka Nobuko's sight, Yi Xiao smiled, like a shark grinning.

Yoshioka Nobuko took two steps back, that is, only one step away from the gate in the portrait. Her hand rested on the handle of the samurai sword and held her slightly, but after hesitating for two or three seconds, she still let go It came down, and then disappeared into the portrait without looking back.

Obviously, since the resistance has been given up, then don't do useless struggles.

She is not an opponent of this strange guy in front of her, so... she needs a suitable opportunity.

The most troublesome Yoshioka Nobuko walked in obediently, and Jebdia and Dive were naturally defenseless. Instead, when it was Dive's turn, Yi Chou hesitated instead.

After all, this guy and her friends look exactly like an ordinary person in any way. The words of ordinary people... don't make much sense for the God of Creation program.

But after three seconds, Yi Chou drove everyone in like a sheep, because this is after all the superhero Marvel world.

Not to mention that New York is very big, maybe New York in the real world, the two people living in the same city may not be able to meet in a lifetime, but here is different.

It may be a hidden rule unique to the superhero world. Although the number of superheroes and supervillains is very rare for the entire city, the coincidence is that once the protagonist goes out, he stays at home even if he does not go out. , There may be superheroes and supervillains coming home.

Is Yi Chao the protagonist? If it is still in the wizarding world, or some other world, perhaps Yi Chao may not be sure yet.

But here... he can confirm without doubt that even if he is not the protagonist, he is also a member of this world and its special crowd.

After all, as a traverser, his appearance is likely to have been exposed to the eyes of some interested people and higher existence, so he is special.

And this guy called Deve...maybe there are plot lines on him.

In line with the idea that a sheep is also chased, and a group of sheep is also chased, Yi Chou pushed her into the door.

In fact, the reason why there are so many superheroes in Marvel World is because the story originally described them, and all eyes are gathered on them, so it seems that everything is related to these hero villains.

If you change it from the perspective of an ordinary person... maybe except for alien invasions and other big events, few superheroes will appear in the sight of their lives.

At most it is to live in the smell, or live in toys.


As everyone entered the world in the portrait, Yi Chou gently buckled the metal door, and the metal door made a loud noise, just like Hong Zhong Da Lu. At the next moment, the metal door closed, and the picture became a still picture again...

Yi Chao, a magic store that hasn’t been established for a long time, is far from being as simple as it looks on the surface. In any case, this is also one of his strongholds in the Marvel world in the future. In other words, this can be understood as magic. Master's Master Tower.

What is the first consideration of the Master Tower is naturally a safety issue.

The second-floor small house in Yihuo looks very simple, as if a group of ninjas like fish can break through, but if the magical intelligence Lucy serves as the magic center, after really taking over all the magic nodes here, the whole building It will come to life immediately.

Really come alive.

It is not the first time that the magical building with life, Yi Chao, has been built. In fact, the Red Castle is still in the perfect stage. Such a simple magic building is completely a breeze for Yi Chao.

The core defense here is not so easy to break, even if the Hulk comes, I am afraid that it will take a long time to be hammered under the rage, maybe it will see results.

The second is the concealment and the size of the space.

Not to mention the concealment, the size of the space is very important, because magic research is often very dangerous. Not only does it require a wide space when experimenting, but it is best to be another world completely separated from this world, another space .

This will ensure to the greatest extent that magic will not affect the world.

Of the magic shops in Yihuo, there are naturally a few similar places.

If it was Yi Chou before, it might be difficult to release this kind of space magic similar to opening up space. Although he has also done things like space rings, it is essentially the same as the innocent stretch spell.

But now...whether it is the magic power given by the stone slab or the silver tongue itself, it is easy for Yi Chou to complete the space magic.

There are many portraits like gates hidden in the whole magic shop, some of them are obvious. For example, this portrait is directly a gate, and some are very hidden. The one at the bottom of the counter may be the size of a photo frame. In the photos.

Most of the space is empty, only the most commonly used by Yi Huo... there is something in it.

The world behind this gate is one of the laboratories of the God of Creation transformation plan, and the original basement... The basement is also one of the laboratories, but it is the kind that cannot be known by superheroes. The experiments there tend to be dark and Bloody style, those guys who claim to be messengers of justice will definitely not accept it.

Although the metal gate is also a laboratory for the creation of God, it is still within the acceptable range of human beings. In other words, these spaces can also be regarded as covering the real, undetectable basement.

After all, one or two secret locations are enough. www.wuxiaspot.com~ was discovered here, and the basement itself is also protected by illusion magic. No one would think that the basement is the real secret. There is another one. Look.

"Okay, welcome to my world."

As the metal door closed and gradually dissipated into the air, Yi Chou also completely disguised his disguise. He was like a king patrolling his territory, speaking to everyone in a bewitching tone.

Lucy frowned and threw Marcia to the ground with a "slap!", and then spit out mercilessly, "You sound and look like Rocky thumps."

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes and ignored Lucy.

"You must be curious about all this." He continued to say to others, "For example, who am I, what are these strange things."

"Don't worry, because soon...you will also have these powers."

Nobuyoshi Yoshioka watched with cold eyes, she chose to give up resistance, but still retained a bit of awkward arrogance, this is not the warrior spirit, but because of her personality.

In the original plot, Yoshioka Shinko is a very arrogant person. He has the madness that gang members have and the arrogance inherent in Japanese extremes.

If it is replaced with Yoshioka letter, maybe he will not necessarily choose to surrender, but will die with the same choice as Yi Chou.

But even for Yoshioka Nobuko, her inner arrogance and disdain did not decrease at all.

This arrogance does not come from her own force, but from the hand meeting.

The secrets held by the hand meeting.

The kind of power that can bring the dead back to life and transcend death, even death can be conquered. There is nothing else they can't do in this world.

This is the reason why Yoshioka Nobuko and others have always maintained that disdainful attitude. 89

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