High Magic Earth

Chapter 1329: The boss must be staged


Gu Yi's power is great.

Because Yi Xiao knows how much his power is. Although he restrained his power, the potential possessed by the pseudo-steel body can almost lift the earth.

One-tenth of the power, Gu Yi actually carried it down.

He always thought that Gu Yi was a dexterous type, looking at the skills and positioning heroes.

The invisible explosion caused a tremendous shock. This is not a metaphor. In this mirror world, anything can be converted into a specific meaning.

When Yi Chou's walking stick collided with Gu Yi's magic, the rolling vibration directly lifted the ground, as if the waves were already two people's hearts, from low to high, and then spread out one after another.

Including the playing cards, the mage of Karma Taj and the rear Coleson were all affected. They were thrown high into the sky by the ground, and they seemed to be falling down the next moment.

But at this time, with Gu Yi as the heart, the platform under her feet suddenly lifted up, directly making up the difference in height and using this force, she bounced back Yi Yi back.

Yi Xiao fell back to the platform to stand still again, at the same time, others also landed one after another.

The platform as a whole was raised to a height of at least five meters, so the actual distance they fell was actually less than half a meter, and no one was injured.

Gu Yi also held two fan-shaped lusters in a breezy, magical weapon standing on the spot. It seemed that the previous fight had no effect on her.

It is strange that she should not have such a powerful force.

Gu Yibiao knows that Gu Yi's power is mainly magic. Her use of space can be said to be fascinating, but she has never heard of how high her power is.

Fortunately, Karma Taj is a group of melee mages. Their advantage lies not in strength, but in the combination of magic and melee.

At the next moment, under the direction of Yi Huo, the group of poker soldiers behind him was led by Ai Li ribbons, posing a neat formation after the shuffle, trotting along the edge of the platform to bypass Gu Yi, and fluttering towards the mage behind her go with.

Although Yi Xiao intends to single out with Gu Yi. . But did not say not to let poker hands.

At the first sight, Gu didn't even look back. At the next moment, she suddenly raised her foot, and then gently stepped forward.


The reason why the world of mirrors is called the world of mirrors is because it is composed of most spaces folded, flipped, even overlapped and broken and reorganized. It is very fragile and has many loopholes.

Here are countless small spaces gathered, composed, and then formed, because the spaces overlap and merge and fold, often appear to have a mirror effect.

And not only that, to break the surrounding space abruptly, you will also hear the sound like a broken mirror, very crisp.

So it is called the world of mirrors.

And now, as Gu Yiyi stepped on, the whole platform suddenly lifted waves again, as if the air waves were substantive, and the visible air waves spread out from Gu Yi's feet against the ground, lifting the bricks of the platform two or three meters high. .

In a blink of an eye, half the platform was plowed again.

The playing cards were attacked by the air waves and they were unstable, and the whole team was twisted and twisted. Only two Alice did not fall to the ground.

Colson and May, who were affected by the pond fish again in the rear, were even rolled by the waves and nearly fell below the platform.

Coulson's heart collapsed, and he was firm in the idea of ​​finding an opportunity to hurry up.

Gu Yi's hand ae looks good, but it can only clear the field and clear the mobs, which has little effect on Yi Chou.

Facing the bricks rising from the ground, Yi Xuan put his cane to his feet, and suddenly, the invisible protection formed a semi-circular protective cover in front of Yi Xiao, separating the bricks to the two sides, without hurting easy. Nothing.

In these few seconds of storm, Yixiao Station's abnormal stability.

Not only that, but within a few seconds of the storm, Yi Chou took another big leap, and directly posted it to a distance of less than two meters from Gu Yi.


Gu Yi didn't seem to be surprised by Yi's behavior. He even raised his hand first and resisted Yi's attack with two discs.

At the next moment, both of them gave up the powerful attack at the same time, or a fast and precise single attack.

"Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang!"

As a copy of Batman's fighting skills, there are even many Batman worlds that are not in the real world, and the world of martial arts and fighting skills that are unique to other worlds such as Song of Ice and Fire. His close combat ability is absolutely super hero. It is one of the best.

At this moment, Yi Chou's cane turned in at least four directions, respectively, from five very flexible, and perfectly connected positions that were difficult to resist, launched an attack on Gu Yi.

But what followed was that Gu Yi gently waved the two discs, turned around, squatted, and then jumped, as if dancing, all blocking Yi's attack.

And she even has time to fight back.


Yi Xiao crossed the scepter in front of him, blocking the sharp disk cut by Gu Yi.

Splashing Mars, unlike Yi Xiao's magical composition of familiar magic, made him feel a little strange.

At the next moment, Gu Yi pushed the disc down, and then the reaction force lifted into the air, kicking his feet fiercely on Yi Chou's shoulder, and then. . Yi Chou hasn't moved.

Instead, Gu Yi stepped back two steps, stabilised his body again, and put on a shape.

Although it is not clear how Gu Yi blocked the power of Yi Kou's pseudo-Kryptonians, the body of the pseudo-Kryptonians could not be faked.

"Your body is unexpectedly strong." Gu Yi seemed to say very well. "Are you really a mage?"

"I should ask you this sentence." Yi Huo shrugged somewhat helplessly.

Of course Gu Yi wouldn't answer, she smiled, and then flicked her hand again, the golden-orange disc opened, and this time even the surrounding platform and the ground turned.

Obviously, when the temptation is over, both of them are ready to move.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiao's walking stick suddenly turned back, blocking Gu Yi's half hand from the portal, but before Yi Xiao's walking stick was retracted, Gu Yi standing at the same place turned the other round. Pan out of hand, straight to the face of the clamor.

Then Yi Chao was very indifferent. . Grab the disc directly in the air with the other hand.

"You probably forgot what you just said." Yi Huo said, "Does the time bother you?"

Squeezing the disc at hand, Gu Yi immediately reshaped one with magic, then jumped backwards, and the whole person disappeared in a golden portal instantly.

As Yi Xiao knows, Gu Yi's most outstanding strength is the mastery of space. In the world of mirrors, no one is more familiar with this world.

There was almost no pause, and a small portal appeared not far away from Yi Chou's eyes.

Looking at the size of the portal, I also know that it will not be Gu Yi, and two discs will fly out of the door. This attack will naturally not pose a threat to Yi Chou, but he just avoided him sideways. At the same time, the air behind him suddenly appeared a crystalline wriggling, changing from an invisible gas to a tangible entity.

Mirror wall.

Yi Biao raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the disc disappeared silently into the mirror wall, and then at the next moment, the mirror wall spat out four discs again, and the previous speed was faster.

"Wow! Wow! Ka!"

Along with a crisp sound, the air in all places on the left and right under Yi Chou was crystallized. After four discs were submerged in and out of the mirror wall, they instantly became at least ten.

Doubling is undoubtedly a very terrible algorithm, Yi Chao even doesn't even need to count, it is very clear that after a few seconds, the entire space will be filled with sharp disk magic.

The next moment, the cane spun wildly in his hand, almost forming a storm.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

With the sound of the sky breaking, the discs were twisted into pieces by Yi Xiao, but this was obviously meaningless, so without any hesitation, Yi Xiao directly smashed the nearest mirror and pierced it.

But at the same time, Gu Yi's figure disappeared silently on Yi Fang's side.

Along with a portal, some kind of ruinous atmosphere was pressed down from the bottom.

This breath. . Some danger, Yi Xuan frowned, and then the shadow energy diffused out.


Like a burst of mist, Yi Chou's body suddenly turned into a mass of invisible smoke and dissipated in place, and then re-condensed already a few meters away.

"You are still.."

Yi Biao's words were not finished yet, and Gu Yi's portal appeared again behind him.

As if she had expected Yi Chou to appear here, Gu Yi did not leave the previous portal at all, but stepped here in one step.

In fact, she has already experienced this battle twice. Using the gem of time, she retraced the time. Finally, after two times, she found a flaw in Yi Chou's battle.

Using this flaw, she can directly determine the outcome.

Like all previous battles and all previous enemies.

Gu Yi's hands glowed with green luster, reflecting each other with golden orange discs, with a breath of destruction that could shake the space.

This breath is exactly the kind of danger Yi Chou feels.

The body of the pseudo-Krypton star is harder than Gu Yi expected, but when dealing with the invading creatures from the multidimensional universe, Gu Yi did not encounter similar situations.

A creature with a body strength comparable to the planet, the universe can catch a lot.

The solution is not magic, but the use of space.

Even the hardest creatures, when the body is cut in half by space and all the internal organs are destroyed, will also fall into death.

Gu Yi's attack at this time is not an ordinary attack, but in the replacement of space. Once touched by her, Yi Xiao will have at least half of his body popped out of the mirror world and split into two.

But the next moment. . Facing the sudden surprise of Gu Yi, Yi Chou also seemed to have expected, suddenly turned around, and before the contraction of Gu Yi's pupils, he pushed the cane against her throat one step in advance.

"You shouldn't think... Only you have the memory of the previous two time cycles."

. . .

The scene fell into some kind of silence.

In fact, the fight between the two seems to be long, but it is also very short. Except that Gu Yi and Yi Chou seem to have taken a big move each at the beginning, the other two are in a small range.

It's dazzling, but it's no different from fighting in the street, but both people can teleport, and the weapons in their hands will glow.

When I didn't even think about what was going on, the battle was over.

However, although Gu Yi was resisted by Yi Chou's throat, the whole person still did not panic. . It is not her that is being threatened.

"You shouldn't tell me, you will not die today when you see it." After thinking about it, Yi Huo suddenly burst out.

Gu Yi is indeed more imaginable than Yi Yao. At least Yi Yao originally wanted to simply fight close to her body to defeat her. It was impossible for her to finally push Yi Shadow's shadow energy out and had to switch positions.

Otherwise, Yi Chong could indeed be divided into this space.

However, Gu Yi made a mistake. She thought that she used the time gem to replace the time. It was a pity that although she could replace the time, she couldn't wash Yi's memory.

No matter how many times the time has changed, Yi Yao's memory flows down like a river and never stops.

Like Gu Yi, Yi Chou also retains memories.

So when Gu Yi tried to attack him from behind, Yi Biao knew long ago.

The method of ancient unanimous victory became a fatal flaw, at this moment only.


Motoly in the back called first.

As Gu Yi's number one fan, Molly never thought that Gu Yi would lose, or that she thought Gu Yi could always solve the crises facing the earth, even if it was a momentary loss. . As said now.

Of course, you should worry, or you will worry.

But then, Motoly saw the green luster that was faintly blooming in front of Gu Yi. As a resident mage of the Karma Taj Temple, Motoli is no doubt familiar with this luster.

"Ego motorcycle eye..."

Modoli's tone was somewhat doubtful.

She remembered that she seemed to have seen another strange person before the Eye of Agomo. .

"What you see is not necessarily what you see." As Gu Yi, who can observe the time, of course knows that Motoly and others have experienced a illusion before finding this place. She even knows what is in the illusion.

Seeing Motoly in doubt, she spoke softly.

Supreme Master is worthy of the Supreme Master, even in the face of the threat of death, Gu Yi's voice is still very calm.

Unfortunately. . Motoly still seemed puzzled.

Even Yi Chou can't stand it anymore.

"You have all escaped from the illusion, why don't you understand that Agomoto's eyes are not lost, just illusion."

Yi Chao is somewhat helpless, Gu Yi is very strong, but her apprentices are a pity. .

"And you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Supreme Master Gu Yi, you don’t really think I don’t dare to kill you."

"You can't see me in the future timeline, that is, you can't see anything related to me. You don't know if I killed you at this moment."

"Time is useless to me, so... I don't worry about the consequences of disrupting the timeline at all."

"Kill you, I don't have much burden."

Gu Yi's face again showed a plain smile, and then whispered, "Time... is it really useless for you."

At the next moment, Yi Chou seemed to feel back suddenly. Under his gaze, a small platform held Gu Yi slowly and then landed on the ground.

"Meet again, Angomaka." She said with a smile.

Yi Yi took a deep breath.

"I hate time." Search this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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