High Magic Earth

Chapter 1334: New York today is also ruined

Busy crowds occupy the streets and become one of the most prosperous areas in New York City. Times Square is the most indispensable pedestrian during the day and night.

Tourists from all over the world will take the cross-continental travel as a casual self-driving short-distance Native American, full of vitality are young people of age who have nowhere to vent, as well as working-class people and big capitalists who live in New York.

of course. 〖According to New York, over 90% of the high-rise buildings of the capitalists will not be crowded with the hard-working wage earners.




That's right, they are the culprits that cause traffic jams on the entire road.

Jason walked briskly on a commercial street near Seventh Avenue as usual. Some warm but not so hot sunlight was refracted along the outer glass of the skyscraper like a water mirror, colorful, even with Silky colors fluttered into his eyes.

Jason was very familiar with this road because he had traveled countless times.

At this time of noon every day, he had to run down the 70-story high-rise building of the company and walked four blocks, just to buy his favorite dog* lunch for his boss like a dog*.

Jason couldn’t complain and couldn’t resist.

Who asked him to just walk out of college, even the most basic loan was not paid off.

Although these trivial things are annoying, they are also a rare opportunity for Jason to relax in various heavy chores every day.

His skilled right hand was holding coffee, and the other hand was holding lunch. When he walked quickly, his right hand didn't shake a bit.

Jason whistled, his eyes flicking left and right.

At this time, New York is not too cold, and it is not too hot, between hot and not hot. Of course, even in the cold and severe winter, the lucky guys who do not love beauty show themselves.

So in Times Square. ± Far from being full of certain landscapes of white flowers.

Whether he is silk or not, Jason is not sure. He can be sure that he is absolutely not home, but in terms of popularity. . Well, he had never had a girlfriend in high school and college for several years, and even had few friends.

The only girl who seemed to have a chance was separated after a few days of being unsuitable.

His condition is not bad. Jason not only graduated from a very famous university, but in fact, he is not very different, otherwise he can not find a rare internship without graduation.

Although it’s not like Wall Street, the Times is one of the most prosperous areas in New York and even the world. Being able to get to work is not just a college graduation.

At the time, Jason actually envy those guys who are excellent in performance and excellent in life. Coupled with handsome appearance, they are simply natural winners.

Do not understand.

But it doesn't matter. Although the days of internship are hard now, the future is always bright. As long as you have the money, the girl will be in the dark sooner or later.

Think about the secretary of the dog boss.

Thinking of this, Jason's eyes seemed to have something swaying in steel. He didn't feel a little distracted, but then his eyes were attracted to a girl who had just passed by him.

"Well." Wrong, very good." He whispered a minor key that no one could understand.

Then in the next moment, his shoulders suddenly shrunk to the side, dangerously and dangerously avoiding a guy with a briefcase in a hurry. The guy brushed his shoulders and nearly knocked over the coffee.

But fortunately not.

Yes, this is what Jason calls a rare opportunity to relax.

Times Square always has all kinds of high-quality girls, not even worse than the boss’s secretary, and they come from different countries.

In a short period of more than ten minutes, Jason could have taken a look.

"this is not bad.."

"This is not bad..."

"Huh? Need for it!"

Jason hummed in an uncontrollable noise, and his eyes were very skillfully squinted, always looking away before the other girl noticed. ▲ Yes, I will not be noticed.

Of course, Jason himself would not feel anything wrong with this kind of behavior. He even thought it was an incentive to use these wonderful materials to inspire himself to bring more enthusiasm for a better tomorrow and a better future.

At a brisk pace, Jason is like a dexterous rugby player, walking through the crowd without any foul.

But unfortunately, this relaxation is short-lived after all.

After turning around a street corner again, Jason saw the huge office building where he worked, and the glass door that was not turning downstairs was full of busy people.

This is a busy city, no matter when, it will never lose people.

Taking a deep breath, Jason's eyes fell unconsciously on the girl next to the group of three, um. . Today's last wave.

At the same time, Yu Guang of Jason also noticed that there was another guy with a briefcase on his side hurriedly rubbing to his right. If they did not avoid it, the two would inevitably have a collision.

This collision is naturally harmless to the human body, but Jason holds the coffee in his hand, and a little shaking may spill a large piece.

So he twisted lightly to the side again, hiding the coffee in front of him, avoiding the possible collision.

But at the next moment, Jason's pupil suddenly shrank slightly.

Because he saw, and I don’t know why, that person suddenly stopped, yes # stepped down, in this fast-paced and busy atmosphere of the business center circle, it is like a sudden mental retardation!

It's not that Jason has overreacted, but that the other party's approach is indeed inappropriate.

This is a core circle of shoes that the Times promotes the commercial area. Although it is not Wall Street, the business atmosphere is absolutely strong enough. No matter what time, there are always rushing people, finance, capital, various needs and time competing for time Work is flooding here.

They must speed up.

So although there are no hard and fast rules, the business and work needs are constantly forcing them to accelerate their progress.

Almost very tacitly, most workaholics are twice as fast as ordinary people walking.

This time it suddenly stopped or slowed down. . It is really prone to collision accidents, it is not exaggerated at all, but of course, collisions between people will certainly not be as heavy and fatal as car accidents, but if you are holding coffee and holding a drink, you will definitely be better off the nest.

If you are in a mall, park, or other public honesty, no matter how fast you like to walk, no one else can control you. Even if a person in an emergency encounters a group of slow roadblockers blocking the road, he can only Can secretly be depressed.

After all, it's a public opinion, and you can't ask others what to do.

But here. ♀ is the core of the business, and there are no hard and fast rules, but people who are not hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars up and down in minutes are definitely different from other public authorities.

There has been a tacit understanding, and this tacit agreement is broken, Jason naturally glared at this person.

Time seems to be slowed down.

This is a very wonderful feeling. In fact, human intuition is very sensitive, subconscious, and sixth sense. These things you can't prove its existence but also can't prove its non-existence.

Just like the human understanding of air a long time ago, there is a gas in the air that is invisible, untouchable, and smells without any taste. How can we find it, we can’t even confirm its existence.

Even after the discovery of various oxygen gases, there are still many people who do not want to believe.

Humans are a kind of visual animals. This is one of the reasons. The other is due to the lack of cognitive and insight levels. The world with fast technological advances can laugh at slow technological advances.

So when it comes to a more future world, perhaps there is a perfect and scientific interpretation of the sixth sense and intuition of human beings there.

Jason now has a wonderful hunch, like when the teacher is about to name him in class. ∧ At this time, he always seemed to be able to pre-attach before that few seconds.

he thinks. ∠The teacher seems to want that person to be himself, and then the next time, his name was accurately given by the teacher.

Jason is not sure if this is foreseeing the future, because his premonition and the time for the teacher to call the name are really too short, and he might even suspect that this is just his own illusion.

Of course, he did not think of concentration, trying to predict the future under control. . But the result can only be that he thinks too much.

Although it felt like it was going on, Jason couldn't deceive himself, he didn't have the ability to predict.

It's just a wonderful feeling similar to some kind of intuition.

Now he has this feeling again.

As soon as the man had a meal, Jason felt bad. He intuitively felt that the cup of coffee in his hand would not hail and at least would spill on himself. .

Sure enough, at the next moment, Jason watched his body twist back because of inertia, too late to dodge again and hit the man who suddenly stopped.

The two had a meal at the same time, even if Jason tried his best to balance his hands. . But the coffee still swayed fiercely, and even dragged the base of the tray and crooked towards his body.


Rich black coffee came out, and immediately dyed Jason's white shirt into black and gray coffee, Jason attached despair.

Although he realized it for a moment, he couldn't keep up with the reaction, and only watched the coffee spilling on him.

Almost instinctively, Jason wants to use his other hand to straighten the coffee, and then. .


Jason finally whispered, and the diffuse coffee wet the lunch bag of the other hand, making him look very embarrassed.

Now Jason looked very embarrassed. He held a tray with coffee dripping in his right hand. The coffee cup was poured and turned back and forth on the tray. The other hand carried a lunch bag, trying to stay away from the source of infection. . But in front of him, he had been dyed colorfully with coffee.

Fortunately, the coffee has been a lot colder along the way, otherwise the temperature alone would have made him drink a pot.

But Rao is so. . Jason is still inevitably angry.

First of all, his image at this time should definitely be the most embarrassing scene. . One of them, he was hit by coffee on the way to work, but no one wanted to meet, and he was hit by himself.

The second is that after the coffee is spilled, he must return to buy it again. Even if the other party is willing to compensate, the time will definitely exceed the time limit of the lunch break, although there are clothes to prove that he was in an accident. . But this will only give the dog boss more reasons to find his own things.

Anger was inevitable in his heart, but Jason still didn't make a big shot.

Because who knows who the opposite is. ♀Li is one of the core commercial streets in New York, maybe the other party is a capitalist with a net worth of tens of millions.


But even so, Jason said sharply.

He just thought that you wouldn't keep your eyes out, but then it was a little strange why the other party stopped suddenly, just like walking in a daze on the road.

Because at this moment, Jason suddenly found that this guy beside him seemed to be suddenly in a daze, as if. ♀Anyone in the street was stunned?

Jason was suddenly upset. He turned his head a little stiffly and turned to look behind. . I also saw the scene that made everyone dull.

In the sky. ■ Now the city.

It's New York.

New York was turned over.

. . .

At the same time, Lucy, who was far away in Houston, also wiped out the invisible sweat on his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shook his hand and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Finally caught up."

She sighed, "It's fairly timely."

. . .

Why is New York.

This question? . Jason's head is blank now and he can't answer at all.

But in fact the answer to the question is simple, because above. . In the sky of New York, you can see the twin towers intertwined.

As one of the iconic buildings in New York, even if it is inverted, no one will admit it wrong.

"New York...God?"

"How is this going."

Jason felt that his brain was a bit chaotic. He even suspected that he was dreaming now, New York was flying in the sky, and coffee was all over him.

dream. . Are dreaming. . Everything is dreaming. .

But soon, as a sharp point above became bigger and bigger in Jason's eyes, even more and more clearly, when he saw what it was, he was a little hesitant whether he was dreaming.

It was a car, um, fell from New York above.

Even in a dream, in the face of a car falling from the sky, at least to avoid being smashed to death, so almost without hesitation, Jason turned his head and ran alongside.

But only then did he find that the guy who had hit his coffee before seemed to be frightened, almost seeing the car fall without avoiding it.


Jason yelled, although he was hit with coffee, but he couldn't just watch a person die in front of him.

The roar seemed to awaken the other party, but it was too late. He tried to escape from the side, but he had just taken less than one step. The car that had fallen from the sky had made a loud noise and landed.


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