High Magic Earth

Chapter 1359: Hi hi claw

"Your identity."

Surrounded by a thick **** atmosphere, Athena's hands are very cruel, unless there is no need, otherwise generally will not leave any mouth work. .

Of course, she can't be determined to be cruel like this. After all, for humans, are insects and ants also objects that can be crushed at will.

To crush an ant, no one seems to think about how cruel the ant's death is.

Although the woman in front of me was embarrassed, it still seemed to retain the last demeanor. Yes, demeanor. Although it is strange to use this word on a woman, she did look very calm.

Even if he was embarrassed, he was still struggling to stand up, facing Yi Chou with a slightly arrogant attitude.

"You can call me the Baroness Strak." she said calmly.

Yi Huo was slightly startled, but did not expect it. . Really this one.

Most superheroes have changed their names after the gender transition, but their surnames have also changed very little. Most people retain their original gender, such as the one in front of them.

Baron Strach, the creator of the fast silver and red witches of the movie, also known as Wolfgang von Strach, of course, here, she is certainly not the Wolfgang von Str. seventy years later. Luck, perhaps her mother, or sister, and the like, as for the Strak family surname as a noble certificate fell on the woman's head. .

Nobles have always had a mess of bad things. Of course, the arrogance of many noble titles in certain worlds is of course very clear.

After World War I in New York, Loki's scepter was lost, and the Hydra, hidden in the SHIELD, secretly licked the bag, and finally fell into the hands of Baron Strak.

He used the power of the soul gem to inspire two man-made mutants, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

But before the great achievements were fully awaited, the Avengers looking for a scepter and others would hit the door. Seventy years ago, they might be able to fight Captain America and kill a whole movie, or in SHIELD Baron Strack, who can work with Colser for a full season in the agent's play, was not surprised. In order to highlight the strength of the Avengers, he took the bento within ten minutes of the opening.

In the same way, Stark, a dead expert who went deep into the enemy's back, left the armor after discovering the other party's secret research institute, leaving only the technology such as cracking passwords, and then the Scarlet Witch took advantage of it.

The Scarlet Witch originally wanted to directly kill the arms dealer who killed her parents, but she saw a fear in Stark's mind.

This fear prompted her to change her mind.

Indulge Stark, he may destroy himself.

The Scarlet Witch left an illusion in Stark's mind, amplifying this fear, Stark saw failure, and saw the death of countless superheroes and friends.

Right in front of him.

Yes, this time they blocked Loki and the Kiritas, but next time, next time, there will always be wins and losses in wars, even if the war between humans is defeated, it will not be a dead country, but the planet In between.

They can only win, not lose.

Before going abroad, we must first settle in. In this case, the star expert Stark launched Ultron, which triggered a series of major events.

Baron Struck said little, but not much, he is also a key node in the future.

Yi Chou had thought about the possibility of Baron Strak when he was guessing the identity of the other party, but did not expect that he actually encountered it here.

At this time, the Baroness Strak may not be the core figure of Hydra. Even Hydra has not really grown up at this time.

Before the Red Skull swept the entire Hydra with ambition, Hydra's main thrust was to greet their god.

That is the alien hive on an unknown planet.

Although they are evil, they are also very low-key and silent. They look forward to dominating the world of the earth directly after returning to their gods.


It wasn't until the Red Skull took power in the Hydra and used his confidante to expand the war that this really pushed the Hydra to the front desk and the predecessor of the SHIELD Board.

Hydra in the movie world. . Not the same level as the monster in the comics.

The Hydra here is still an ancient organization, but their hole cards are a bit shallow. They turned out to be an ancient alien who can't even be considered a first-line hero.

Even though it can infect and control all strangers, it is still a bit unsightly.

Because the alien itself is more than one point away from the mutant, divided by the performance of the movie.

The aliens in the movie are the experimental objects left by the Crees on the earth. After the Crees left, most of the aliens moved to the moon, sitting and watching humans continue to progress in the long time. . As a result, there was no progress in technology itself, and it was even caught up by human latecomers.

A small part of the alien remains on the earth, and the blood of the alien flows among the human beings. The hidden alien blood will not be excited before touching the mist of Terrigan.

These strangers are scattered and will not be exposed to the mist of Terrigan even for a lifetime, thus stimulating the blood.

But in addition to these two. . There is also a stranger.

He is the oldest and the first stranger.


He is a Maya. After experiencing the Cree experiment, he became the first alien. His cells possess endless parasitism, so he can live by occupying the bodies of other creatures to achieve eternal life.

Secondly, at the beginning, he was cultivated by Cree as alien leader, so he could control other aliens by means of cell parasitism.

After the Cree left, strangers feared his presence, so he exiled him to an unknown planet.

In the long time, his admirers gradually developed and formed a society, the only purpose of which was to bring him back from this world.

This is the Hydra.

Even every once in a while, Hydra will send a person to another world. . For him to occupy and survive.

He can be said to be the **** in the hearts of all Hydra seniors.

Of course, not all.

For example, the Baroness Struck in front of him was not his firm believer, and the Red Skull didn't even believe in the existence of the hive.

Although the red skull admires the ancient legends and supernatural powers abnormally, it is the only one who dismissed the legend of the honeycomb circulating inside the Hydra and scoffed.

The red skull turned the legend of the hive into a fiction made by the brainwashing subordinate of Hydra.

Once this idea became the first impression, it took root in his mind, unless the hive was close, I am afraid that the red skull would not believe it.

So in the eyes of many old and traditional Hydra seniors, the red skull is an outright traitor, heresy.

Hydra is not a piece of iron. The red skull is obsessed with supernatural powers. Those ancient myths and legends try to use them to conquer the world. There are also simple people like Baroness Strak who like to study and discover the secrets of supernatural powers.

In the long time, the real traditional Hydra high-rise. . Not much.

After all, for centuries, their gods have not moved, as if they have become true legends. Not only that, they also have to sacrifice one for each generation to go to the unknown door.

If their gods are really so powerful, why don’t they want to come back by themselves, they still need to be saved.

So many Hydra have turned away from their gods.

For example, this guy in front.

"Baroness Strak..." Yi arrogantly whispered.

He carefully looked at the guy in front of him, the Baroness Strak in front of him, with a pure and typical face of a German woman, and although the Baroness Strak name sounded very formal, she was not very old.

It is better to say that she is a German girl than she is a woman.

The characteristics of Western European women are that at the age of sixteen, the whole person is almost mature, and it is a kind of mature with a little greenness, and once it is older, it will quickly age.

In other words, their appearance in the golden age is almost impeccable, but the only drawback is that it looks like a bloom, only for a moment.

The Baroness Struck in front of her is in a golden period of her life.

She wore a casual dress similar to military uniforms. Although she didn’t wear a medal, she could also see that her status was extraordinary. Even though her body was covered with blood stains, the German’s unique personality allowed her to organize her image as much as possible, even rigorously. To the right back to a crooked cufflinks.

Noting Yi Xuan's gaze, the Baroness Struck responded without hesitation, without glaring, no anger, no arrogance, and no flinching, just watching Yi Xuan calmly.


The Baroness Strak opened her mouth slightly, and with a voice that was still immature and crisp, it could create a calm and indifferent atmosphere and try to challenge Yi Chou.

Unfortunately, there was no success.

But Yi Chaoping did not expect that she would have the courage to break the silence first in this situation.

It is worthy of being so young that he won the Hydra, the baron of Baroness Struck, and Yi Xuan could smell the rich **** smell of her without even consulting her memory.

Facing the question of Baroness Strak, Yi Pao paused, then nodded with a smile.

"Hybrid? Who is the other party." Baroness Strak asked again.

"If it's Jewish."

The Baroness Struck was stunned, and then showed a disgusted expression, "I am not that madman, and even invaded his country before the war."

"He almost slaughtered our merchants."

Both of them know who the other is referring to.

After opening the topic, Baroness Struck seemed to be natural, ignoring the corpses and blood flowing around, and easily avoided the topic.

"There may be some misunderstanding between us."

"I don't think so." Yi Huo said amusedly.

The Baroness Strak glanced without a trace at Athena, who was already wearing a golden battle dress, and Fujiang, whose face was painted green.

"I am really sincere and want to reach a cooperative relationship with you."

"Similarly, I still don't think so."

But Baron Struck, who has long been accustomed to the exchange of interests and all kinds of intrigues, does not care about these small setbacks. "I can help you more than you think." She continued unhurriedly.

"You are indeed very powerful and have extraordinary power."

"You can kill these machine gunners or you can kill me, but can you fight the whole world."


"You don't have..."

Gradually, the tone became more intense. The baron Strach, who seemed generous with a hearty voice, suddenly stopped, as if his throat was stuck. The rest of the words could not be said. .

And Yi Biao also seemed to think that the Baroness Struck did not hear clearly. After she paused, she kindly reminded again in a low voice.

"Yes." Yi Xuan said.

"I can fight the whole world."

The Baroness Strak was a little messy. Why didn’t this guy follow the written script? It shouldn’t have been that the other party could easily kill himself as a foreshadowing, and then step by step, using the method of comparison to ask the other party to be able to fight the world. What.

Obviously, there is only one answer to this question, because no matter how powerful personal force can not fight the entire world.

In this way, the Baroness Strak can steal the concept to reduce the strength of the other party’s ability to kill themselves. In fact, this is a language trap. After all, who can fight the entire world, this problem is completely unsolvable.

As a result, I ran into Yi Chao, an unreasonable guy, who said that he was able to resist the power of the whole world and was serious.

The Baroness Strak in front of me kept slandering in my heart, the young face didn’t feel angry, and there was no such thing as bragging~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His thoughts were average, and she shrugged very easily under the staring eyes of the Baroness Struck.

"I have long thought of this day. Among the long time power, I am deliberately enhancing my strength."

"In order to meet someone like you one day and be able to say this sentence."

"In fact, I did not lie, I can fight against a whole world, at least... for this world."

Although the Baroness Strak didn’t understand much of the meaning in Yi Chou’s words, the wisdom of becoming a Hydra at such a young age allowed her to understand many things.

For example, in order to one day be able to say the meaning of this sentence.

The Baroness Struck is a little crazy, how boring this guy is. . Only when it's okay to prepare for such a situation.

Everything in front of her seemed to be somewhat beyond her imagination, and the very steady Baroness Strak who had been acting very slightly seemed anxious at this moment.

Her brain was spinning fast, thinking about what else she could touch the other party, at least. . First fool the guy in front of you.

After she escapes, after launching the power of Hydra, it is not so easy to try to find her again in this world.

At that time, the other party was in the light, and he was in the dark.

as long as. . Can now hold each other.

And when the Baroness Struck racked her brains to continue to think about the reasons, and to analyze who the strange guy was in front of him, I did not expect Yi Chou to speak again, and took the lead in delivering the peaceful olive branch.

"But you are right, you are still useful."

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