High Magic Earth

Chapter 1365: Where to move

Susanna's eyes were calm.

Under the roar of the burly man who called it the Arctic fox in the mouth of their insider, she, like everyone else, hurried to the place where she stored her equipment.

Yes, their field instructor is the huge guy with a height of two meters and a width of two meters in front of him. I heard that he is a current member of a secret who has not retired. . Originally fighting fiercely on the front line, the results were transferred to train them a group of rookies who can't even be called rookies.

Although he was sturdy, he did not get the nickname Polar Bear, but was called the Arctic Fox.

I heard that the nickname is never wrong, so he is called the Arctic Fox, and there must be some reason.

The specific reason is that Susanna is not clear. She only knows that this guy has a very grumpy temper. It seems that he prefers to kill or enjoy killing on the front line, so he is very dissatisfied when he is transferred to the rear.

It seems that many agents in the previous issues have suffered a lot in his hands and even died several times.

Thanks to that he is not a fighting instructor, otherwise Susanna really doubts whether he will kill them one by one.

Before entering the Red House, Susanna was an active agent in a Russian secret service. . Of course it is not an elite, and even a qualified agent is not even considered as a cannon fodder.

The war is becoming more and more cruel, and it has not completely burned into their homeland, so the soldiers are relatively not lacking, but they are those who go deep into the back, stealing intelligence, information, and everything that can be stolen. Agents are very rare.

And as the war gets more and more intense, the time left for them is getting less and less.

There is even so little time for training. Many young girls are called up and sent out of the country within a few weeks of perfunctory training.

Good luck can deliver some worthless information, but more. . He lost contact directly.

Susanna is the handful of people with good luck.

Not only did she luckily confuse several tasks, she also successfully passed the German small unit combat direction, allowing them to fight a beautiful counterattack.

Although the battle was not big, it was a big victory.

So she was determined to be a natural agent.

under these circumstances. . Their destiny will not be abandoned as cannon fodder, but will be collected and sent to a place that only exists in the legend.

Red house.

If they can get there or out, they will no longer be cannon fodder that can be sacrificed at will, but directly jump into the elite of the elite.

The trump card in the trump card.

But the premise is that they can really survive.

Susanna cleared these useless thoughts, and then followed others to the equipment room. . Well, they are just rookies who have just come here, there is no equipment room at all, just some storage compartments and firearm storage points stacked in the corner of the room.

Although there are still many men here, such as their instructor Arctic Fox and other soldiers, some of their concepts as agents are actually very weak, and there is no cover at all. The group of reserve agents directly began to gather to wear clothing and equipment. .

From afar, it looks like the chaos behind the model walks of the later generations, but the beautiful and beautiful models are not gathered here. . It is a deadly weapon.

The Arctic fox embraces his arms, his thick arms are like two iron arms, his eyes are fixed on this group of women, but he does not have any strange performances, but is indifferent, and spit out numbers from his mouth.

"Fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty...start!"

A minute later, the silent Arctic fox suddenly groaned, and suddenly the soldiers who also stood around with their backs swarmed to isolate the rookie agents from their equipment.

There are still many people who are not neatly dressed, such as lack of warm jackets, cotton caps, even pants, firearms and the like.

But at this time there was no chance to get it, because the guard soldiers of this group of red houses were already holding cold firearms, and they stood in front of them without hesitation.

No one tried to provoke provocation because the **** facts had taught them the truth here.

Makes no sense.

Fortunately, their training pressure is indeed very high, and the demand on the front line is also very tense, so apart from the cruel elimination rate and mortality rate, there is no reason here because they are young women and they are very beautiful. . And what other problems arise.

Of course, there are very few cases, but most soldiers and instructors can restrain themselves.


The heavy iron door was pulled open, and the Arctic fox was headed. A rookie agent behind him began to go silently, and their number was actually not much. . Nothing exceeded the total number of twenty.

In the end, there will be fewer.

The interior of the Red House Base is very large, and the training involved in various aspects is also very rich, even too rich. In addition to combat training related to combat firearms and tactics, there is also latent intelligence collection, investigation and anti-reconnaissance, and the use of women themselves. Advantages, and so on.

And this is not the end. After these hard courses, they still need to spare time to learn dance, vagueness, etiquette and so on.

Although not all courses have to be studied, everyone chooses the last course. . There are also a large number of them. Apart from the hours of sleep, there is no other rest time at all.

The rookie agents moved silently, and along the way they passed more than one classroom, tactical classroom, dance studio music room, shooting range and so on.

The interior of the red house is very soundproof, and it is all single-sided glass. No matter what happens outside, the inside of the house will not know the situation.

No one noticed that their rookie, who had just arrived a few days ago, had already started their first mission.

There is nothing strange even if you notice.

Arctic fox field battles have always been actual battles, and he will even deliberately want to come to the frontline prisoners, send them weapons, and tell them to defeat the group of women in front of you. . Then you will still die.

But until all of you die, your enemy will only be this group of women, it doesn't matter what you want to do.

Whether it's running away, or striving, or. . What other things.

Field lessons always suffer heavy casualties, and death is not the most terrible ending, but it is also limited to the early stage. Under the harsh learning pressure of this high-pressure environment, rookie agents have made rapid progress.

Although the agents in the last issue dropped sharply from 28 to 11 people, it took only less than two months to successfully become the elite and the ace.

This period. . I don't know how much can be left.

The reticent Arctic fox opened the door of the last red house and took this rookie with him, stepping into the icy wind and snow.

And waiting for them in front. . There are more than just two little mice with dessert.

There is also a large group of dinner dishes.

Well-armed prisoners of war

. . .

"Third Squad! What are you stunned, looking for death?!"

With the fierce voice of the Arctic fox coming from the concealed mini walkie-talkie, the originally silent forest seemed to be noisy once again.

But this time, no one was trying to attack, but all lurked quietly, as if the groundhog was like, hiding motionlessly in

Among the woodland and snow packs, it seems that they will not be discovered by the enemies in the distance.

Including Susanna, who has been soy sauced among the crowd.

The atmosphere was strangely silent again, leaving only two strange targets already clearly visible in the forest, and the male among them looked innocently at the dropped sniper rifle warhead. . Seems puzzled.

Hell, Susanna was even more puzzled than him.

What is this guy wearing, why can't he even wear a sniper rifle? Is this true?

And what's even more furious is that this group of **** smashed the sniper rifle out, and there is more than one. Why didn't I find it at the beginning, even looked away.

Susannah silently hid behind a stump, like an old wolf quietly waiting for prey, waiting for the prey to come to the door with the least effort.

The old wolf is already old, it does not have much power and energy, so as long as there is prey. . It is very satisfying.

Susanna is not old, but she is not strong. Both young and aging are the objects of protection in the ethnic group, but the latter are often abandoned.

Because it is young, there is always room for growth and potential, but it is aging. . It has no meaning anymore.

Although Susanna also came from a small city, she was someone who had seen the world, whether she was going to Nizhny Novgorod to study before the war broke out, or she had successfully stolen intelligence on the edge of Erfurt.

This made her very knowledgeable, and is also the leader of this period of agents.

But she is not complacent, or proud, complacent, and revealing herself. Although she has little experience, practice also tells her that such people often live shortly, and low-key is the correct criterion for survival.

So since entering the Red House, she has been very low-key.

This is also necessary to enter a strange environment.

The first is to observe, then adapt, find out the law, and finally. . In order to start getting what you want.

Those idiots who want to show themselves as soon as they come in are either really very powerful, soaring, or. . Most of them have already died in the early training.

Because they are excellent, the most difficult and dangerous tasks are always given priority to them.

People with real potential will be squeezed out of their potential and become stronger, but most people have their own way and die directly under pressure.

This is their ending.

The members of the Red House come from various cities in Russia, the small cities and towns, and even the humble villages. There are white swans from St. Petersburg and stupid girls from the rural town of Suzdal.

Their qualities vary, and there are such powerful guys as Susanna, and some who have survived a mission or two purely by luck and are thrown in as elites.

at least. . Many of them couldn't do such a simple thing as wearing their equipment within a minute after two days after entering the Red House.

Susanna was observing this when she took the equipment before.

The most important need is to protect herself, first to keep warm, then to food, then to defense, so she put on thick clothes and food first. . Because it was a training task, it was not necessary, and the Red House was not prepared. Then she put a light body armor on her.

The effect is almost nothing, but it is better than nothing.

Then she began to choose her equipment.

But look at those idiots.

It seems that people are afraid of picking up good weapons first, and they can't wait to choose a weapon from the beginning, even considering it well, wasting a lot of time without saying, and finally even the clothes are not neatly dressed.

I don't know how many degrees below freezing. . Bare legs and even going out shirtless, they simply can't live in the blizzard for a few minutes.

The Arctic fox will not stop to rescue them, and even did not let them choose to stay at the beginning, or give them a chance to complete the equipment.

Because this kind of idiot is alive.

Rather than let them drag down their teammates or even sell out possible intelligence, let them die directly in the first training.

And the rest of these people. . Susanna took a closer look. Although it can't be considered as an elite, it is by no means a fool.

There were even two people who got sniper rifles, but they didn't find out when they got them!

Damn it.

When he came, the Arctic fox assigned the main task of this operation to capture the other party alive.

Because there are only two people in the other party, the difficulty of the operation is very small.

This requires the rookie agents to be careful.

Be careful of counterattacks and counterattacks.

Of course, the red house is very hidden. There are no obvious roads in the surrounding area. Not only is there no sign on the map, but there are very few paths that people step on. There is a very small Mofang village only a few kilometers away Less than a dozen.

So people who can come here are probably not lost travelers or local residents.

There are only two people in each other, and they have more than 20 people. . So how to allocate is the most important question, and who can grab one or two of them to get the first job is the most critical question.

Susanna didn't expect anyone to be so bold, and even put the sniper rifle directly from the beginning. You know, the Arctic fox clearly said he wanted to catch a live mouth.

But also thanks to this temptation. . Let them discover what seems to be wrong in the other party.

Sure enough, the one who can go here alone is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. The other party must be a very senior agent, otherwise how can it block the bullet, and it must be the latest technological equipment of the enemy country.

Susanna was quite envious, but she also pressed the original plan to try to get credit. Sure enough, before her strength was improved, it was still a low-key and cautious thing.

She squatted quietly behind the stump, revealing her two eyes to observe in secret.

At the same time, the grumpy roar of the Arctic fox came again from the communicator in her ear.

"Number eight and number nine! Who let you shoot! I wrote it down for you this time!"

"Operation has changed, there is a small group of heavily armed German prisoners of war heading towards here, your task is to kill all of them."

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