High Magic Earth

Chapter 1372: It’s common sense that the secret base is underground

"Three teams! Three teams!"

"Reinforcement on the left!"

"Be careful! To your right!"


"So... this is the red house?"

Appearing in front of Yi Chou is a mediocre Russian manor house. Although it looks gorgeous and magnificent, it is obviously incomparable compared with a truly luxurious villa.

And this... is the passing red house.

It's not that the red house must be luxurious... but it looks too ordinary.

Perhaps this is the original intention of choosing this manor, mediocre, annihilated and among others.

Yi Xuan sighed, or the question was not answered, and there was no answer behind him. Yi Xiao turned his head slightly and saw Susanna standing beside him, and a series of Russian girl agents.

They have a wooden face, neither cooperating nor cooperating, it is purely unresponsive.

Noting Yi Yi's eyes, Susanna's eyelids jumped slightly, but she nodded slowly.

"Yes," she said.

Others still didn't respond much. Only when Susanna responded, she occasionally shook her head slightly up and down. She seemed to want something, but she refrained.

Yes, the battle is over, and now... Yi Chou also got what he wanted.

The battle broke out very suddenly, but it ended very quickly.

After receiving important information from the Arctic fox, all units that could support it, whether it was a post or a militia, were rushed over continuously.

The first group that arrived first took a short rest of three to five minutes, and then gathered a large group of pioneers, and came straight to the rush.

The consequences are also obvious.

Either Yi Chou or Athena can overthrow this army with one hand.

Even Yi Yi does not use magic.

Because of the speed of the two people, they are already in an invincible position. Athena is known for her speed. She was born in the template of the God of War and she has no magic arts, that is, magical magic, and can fly...but only from Orin. Flying a short distance from the Persian mountains to the human world.

Or land.

Her only extraordinary place with humans is about her strength, fighting skills, and speed.

Before Yi Biao did not use the God of Creation plan to strengthen Athena, her speed could directly catch Yi Biao's magic without falling behind. After all, she chased Yi Biao most of New York.

After the creation of the God of Creation project, although her speed is still far inferior to the Flash Barry Allen, but in the eyes of humans is already an uncapable target.

I am afraid that it is very difficult to lock the weapons automatically, and what's more, the weapons during World War II are far from this level.

Not to mention Yi Chou, the speed of the pseudo-god power is even faster than Athena.

They did not use the extraordinary powers that were unacceptable, and even with pure power and speed, they began to completely collapse when these reinforcements were resolved by about a third.

Maybe it was replaced by an official army during World War II, or maybe the two could not solve it so quickly, but unfortunately... this is the hinterland of Russia, it is not easy to get support, or even quickly come over, and you can’t count on it. There is an army hidden.

After all, the war is gradually intensifying at this time, and all countries can’t wait to pile up all their power. How can they still hide power and not use it.

The battle ended quickly.

Whether it's a firearm or a slightly stronger grenade, they can't even lock Yi Chou and Athena, so the consequences naturally need not be mentioned.

It's a one-sided battle.

Sometimes it's extremely fast... indeed it can crush everything.

To the disappointment of the Arctic Foxes, none of the so many people who came to the reinforcements had heavy weapons. The only heavy weapons were probably a few temporary tanks that had not been repaired.

This was provided by a nearby arsenal, and they have accumulated a large number of tanks that can be rescued. These are repaired and have not had time to re-enter the front line.

But the significance is not great.

The tank speed and aiming speed during World War II were much slower than humans.

Human beings can't capture the two people, let alone them.

The Arctic Fox expected that the support might be defeated, but he did not expect it to be so fast. He tried to escape after the battle, but he was directly blocked by Athena.

Instructor of the red house.

Yi Biao didn’t know much about the Red House. The only thing he knew was that there was a Natasha black widow. The purpose of his arrival is to kill the future group in war, not to affect the time too much. Russian female agents took away.

As for the instructors inside...it seems to have little meaning.

Creatures created by the God of Creation program do not need to continue training, and even if needed, it is not something a human can teach.

The Arctic fox saw death in Yi Chou’s eyes,

At the last moment of his life, the brave man of the fighting nation finally showed a fierce side, even though he knew that he could not be the opponent of two monsters, he still rushed up fearlessly.

And the grenade tied around his waist is probably his greatest support.

Although he is not sure whether the homemade cluster grenades will work.

His ending did not surprise him, he failed, and then died, but Yi Chou can be very responsible to tell him that the bundle of clustered grenades still played a certain role, blowing Athena into a disgraced face, even armor They were all stained with smoke and fire.

The angry Athena burst into the chest with several Russian prisoners who laughed at her loudly.

Hmm...Most of the reinforcements who came to support were broken up, some died, and some were captured, still because of the **** timeline, Yi Chou did not want to mass kill, the ghost knows whether the descendants of these people will be born An important big man.

Athena's indiscriminate killing, even not taking humans as life at all, finally made Yi Chou feel strange.

Indeed, the gods regard humans as ants, and Yi Chou often does this, but he does not do so.

Of course, you can deceive yourself and tell yourself that the boots will not deliberately get along with the ants, but in any case, Yi Chou did not kill because of the unhappy mood.

On the contrary, even if you meet those very annoying guys, Yi Chou just uses magic to teach them some lessons. Of course, it is too much and will still lose their lives.

Re-accommodate the soul energy in the body of Yi Chao... Although it is not the beginning of a complete soul, Yi Chao is getting closer and closer to having complete feelings and emotions.

A normal person will not do this unless he has a natural anti-social personality.

Even compared to Yi Chou, Athena is more like a lunatic without emotion.

Even if the gods regard human beings as ants... she seems to be too much against ants, just like a child, and enjoys crushing ants every day.

Yi Xiao felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but now there is not much time to consider this issue.

After returning to the original timeline, Yi Huo will re-examine Athena and Sadako and others... to see if it is the unknown impact of the plan.

High latitude energy is really a very dangerous thing.

After the death of the Arctic fox, things seemed to come to an end. Yi Chou generously released all the captives and then returned to the Red House with this group of agents.

As for whether this group of people will call for more support... Anyway, when the support arrives, Yi Chou will be gone long ago.

The target red house is naturally impossible to sit still. There is also a part of it in the reinforcements. Many agents are dispatched, but some still remain in the red house base.

Yi Xiao did not intend to take them all, nor could they take them away, so those who can take them away need to be carefully considered and observed, and there may not be many.

When he went back, Yi Biao did not specifically bring Athena back with a sniper with a black gun and a cold gun. It was a Russian chick with burgundy hair.

Also a member of the Red House.

And it's very close to graduation.

She and Arctic Fox are also responsible for this mission, and also supervise whether these agents have any small actions, so she has a sniper rifle...and shot the rookie agent who tried to retreat without hesitation.

She has long burgundy hair, and when she first saw Yi Nao, she thought she was not a black widow, but after careful observation and inquiry of her name, Yi Nao realized that she was not Natasha through name magic. .

It has nothing to do with Natasha in the future.

The Red House will undergo sterilization surgery, no agents will leave behind, and naturally she cannot be Natasha's mother.

It's just similar.

After all, Natasha is also a typical Russian woman. Her face shape is not limited in Russia. There are many similarities but few are more beautiful than her.

Unlike Natasha, this guy's skill can only be passed, but the marksmanship is accurate.

At first, both Yi Xuan and Lucy thought that there were several snipers hiding in the forest, but in fact, she was the only one who could make Yi Xuan make a misjudgment. She was already proud.

So there was nothing to discuss, Yi Bao directly packed her into the dungeon of the Red Castle.

Next, he took the rest of the agents and returned to the Red House all the way...

The door of the red house was closed tightly, and the large searchlights on the ground kept shining on the ground, patrolling back and forth, and Yi Biao and others came to see clearly.

But no attacks appeared.

Obviously, they are more aware of what is happening outside, and have no idea of ​​fighting Yi Chou at all. At this time, the agents of the red house are either transferred through secret passages, or they intend to defend according to the manor. How long can they drag on.

Yi Chou didn't feel that there were creatures moving on the ground, the former could be eliminated, then only the latter would be left.

"Open it."

Athena flicked her lips in frustration, then strode to the iron gate and kicked it out.


It's just a Russian manor, and its gate defense is certainly not very strong. Under the collision of Athena's divine power, it flew out in a direct rotation, cutting off countless walls and street lights all the way in half.

Then Yi Biao strode in.

Golden ropes appeared in his hands...Similar to Gu Yi's often used signboard skills, one end of the rope was held by Yi Chou, and the other end tied all the rookie agents' wrists together.

They strung together... this is why there was no attempt to escape.

The rope in hand looked like it was composed of light beams, which was completely beyond their understanding, and it was not clear how to untie it, so no one tried to find it uncomfortable.

"Bang! Bang!"

Sporadic gunfire sounded in the dark, still a sniper rifle, I don't know from which direction to go, the bullet hit Yi Yi's body like a mosquito bite and died.

Of course, after discovering that Yi Chou didn’t seem to be afraid of sniper rifles, someone soon turned to aim at Athena. Athena’s original defense was not strong enough. In the original history of the world of God of War, Almost left behind by the Titans. tripe.

But that’s the Titan’s leftover creature, which is not comparable to human beings. Although human cold weapons still have little effect on her, hot weapons may still be a certain threat, but after the creation of God, this danger will no longer exist. .

It's just that she is far from Yi Chao's patience. After being attacked, she immediately wants to rush out.

Fortunately, Yi Chou stopped her killing.

The Red House is very important. In addition to training the future black widow Natasha, after the Hydra infiltrates Russia, I am afraid that it has also received many resources from the Red House, so that various experiments can be successfully carried out in Russia, such as the Winter Soldier.

Their current behavior can already be directly related to the future, and Yi Biao will naturally not let Athena take the risk of treating everyone as a ants.

With Susanna as a guide ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yi Huo quickly found the real entrance to the red house, a secret elevator leading to the underground.

"That's it." Susana whispered.

There were not many people in the manor. Although there were sporadic gunshots, the people soon disappeared after the gunshots. There must be some secret passage.

So naturally, there are other spaces here.

Susanna finally took Yi Chou to a study and stopped in front of a shelf in the study.


And Yi Xiao looked at the left and right, and quickly took out a book from it, and gently pressed the button on the side of the shelf near the wall.

However, with the sound of the door opening, the bookshelf shook twice and then stopped again.

"I did not lie to you."

Susana said for the first time.

Yi Xuan didn't feel Susanna was lying, then it was... The door was locked from the inside, which is normal. After all, the people inside wouldn't be waiting for the enemy to be silly.

The gate outside the manor is very thin. It is not as much a defense as the mansion’s indispensable facade. But here, the heavy alloy gate obviously uses some rare metal, which is definitely the strongest level during World War II.

Although Yi Huo stopped a speeding off-road vehicle with his bare hands, the people who wanted to come inside thought that he could not forcefully break through the door with brute force.

After all, blocking cars and breaking doors are completely two concepts, and the latter needs more power... it will be several times the former.



The so-called alloy gate did not stop Yi Chou for more than three seconds. With a huge deformed metal slamming into the wall, the entire entrance gate has been completely destroyed.

The group of people in the base probably didn't really understand what the intelligence sent back in front meant.

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