High Magic Earth

Chapter 1376: Gideon working

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

Rip Hunt debuted. . But not many people took care of him. The coffee-colored windbreaker, trousers shirt, and the eye of Agomo on his chest were very neat and tidy.

If it is in peacetime, Rip Hunt may also be full of aura, there is a time traveler should have the momentum, but unfortunately no one has the mind to care about what he is.

Snett, as an IQ value and a fiercely responsible person, is usually an indifferent answer to everything. When Rip Hunt appeared, he didn't even lift his eyelids.

Mick is the same, he has no IQ, his head lacks a string, but he is also looking at the comic in his hand and giggling, for Rip Hunt. . Who is that?

Tomorrow the legendary squad was recruited by Rip Hunt shortly afterwards, and did not experience much running-in, and was hit twice by the magic-shaped woman and Sadako.

Not only did they hit the group of consciously very good superheroes, and even the superheroes with high eyes, but when they recovered, they found that they were selected for the time travel team, not because they were good enough, but because Enough is not good enough to leave no influential deeds in history at all. It is a dispensable person who chooses them. Such repeated blows make them somewhat suspicious of life.

They did read the comics because they knew that they would gradually grow into a real superhero in missions again and again.

But comics are comics after all, which is different from personal experience.

In the comics they knew Rip Hunt, but it was realistic. . Who knows who he is.

Snett also saw that he would sacrifice in a mission in the future. . Sacrifice yourself to save everyone? Snett scorned his lips in disdain, not feeling that it was something he could do.

But the TV series explained that he did this to save Mick, that is, to replace Mick and die.

This is possible.

This idiot. . There will always be a lot of messes, Snett gave Mick a disdainful glance.

But now that he knows it, then this obviously will not happen. It is not that he will not save Mick, but that Snett will not let Mick fall into that kind of danger at all.

If you want to die, this group of unknown time teams will just go. The two of them don’t want to break into the headquarters of the time court.

Some of the time courts described in the story are weak chickens, and three or two big cats can solve them, but in some worlds, the time court is definitely a decisive existence.

As a wise man, the one thing Snett knows best is not to use luck to gamble on his life.

Comics, TV series, movies, and some things are still very valuable.

In fact, Snett's favorite is the period of the villain, that is, the plot that goes around with Reverse Lightning and Malcolm.

Although their two companions were stupid, and at that time their IQs seemed to be out of line, the power of counter-lightning was still very strong, and they were down-to-earth and realizing their dreams.

And it finally succeeded.

Although the so-called Justice Squad did not make an unexpected comeback, but that time was finally unfettered, he was completely doing what he wanted to do.

Snett likes this episode very much, even more so than the plot in the Rogue Gang.

In addition to Mick and Snet, Dr. Stein and Jackson are still immersed in comic books. Dr. Stein is purely caught in his own world, talking about a lot of box theory, butter cat theory, etc. Strange and strange things that I don't understand.

I'm afraid there will be nothing to interrupt him except the fire storm fusion.

Jackson looked up in a hurry. He said hello to Rip Hunt. He seemed to want to share his reading experience with him. Unfortunately, the comic was at a critical moment. . He finally lowered his head excitedly.

Only the nice guy who works part-time as a natural layman is very face-saving. When he saw Rip Hunt, he immediately put away the comics and said in an exaggerated tone.

"Wow, it's cool."

"It's exactly the same as in the comics."

"Old-fashioned windbreaker trousers and shirt, it looks like... No, you are the man in the comics, wow, this feeling is really amazing."

But at this moment Rip Hunt still thinks it's better for Ray not to speak.

Finally, as the only woman in the legendary squad of tomorrow, the first generation of Miss Canary Sara Lans has been playing the role of a drunk from the beginning of the ship, and has never played.

She doesn’t want to worry about the troubles that tomorrow’s legendary squad has encountered, and she doesn’t want to know about the problems Gideon has encountered.

Gideon found abnormal data. Saralans first thought not to deal with and resolve, but to quickly call out Rip Hunt and throw things to him.

After all, he is not the captain, but he is too lazy to manage these things.

Saralens now, and the future is very responsible, busy with the work of the captain every day, I hope to kick Rip Hunter kick away, in fact, in the end she did realize her dream, as expected The Sararans who had become the captain of the horn was too far away.

Without those disciplines, I knew in advance what might happen in the future.

Without running in, whether the Legends of Tomorrow will become a true Legends of Tomorrow is unknown.

Originally, Sara Lans didn't want to care about these things. When he saw the lord Rip Hunt came out, he glanced at him and nodded. He was greeted, and then he collapsed on the bar again and filled himself with a glass of wine again. .

Rip Hunt was speechless.

He also knew that he was in a hurry, and he pulled these people in and did not experience many crises at all. Well, the crises also went through, but that was a real crisis, and the whole party was beaten down.

There is no confidence brought about by the final overturn, so now everyone's heart is not high.


Some embarrassed coughing was considered to cover up his embarrassment. Rip Hunt took a step forward and communicated with Gideon, the main control center of the artificial intelligence ship.

Gideon is artificial intelligence. It calculates the information and analyzes the intelligence. There are almost no errors. And once it is related to the time of the spaceship, Gideon will be particularly serious.

"What went wrong."

Rip Hunt asked quietly.

"I re-analyzed the time, place, and space where the spacecraft is located." Gideon said in a bland and empty voice, regardless of gender.

Gideon paused a little during this period, and Rip Hunt would send a sentence just right, so, then, then next.

No one in this spaceship is more familiar with Gideon than Rip Hunt.

Although Gideon has also appeared in comics, that Gideon is not Gideon. As the most well-known dc smart in the world, Gideon has actually countless counts.

Both low-level intelligence and high-level intelligence are called Gideon. Perhaps in the stories related to the timeline, they are the relationship between the evolution of the past and the future, but most of the time, each Gideon is different.

The most typical is the court of time. Every spaceship has Gideon. They are the master control of the spaceship, but Gideon is different.

Just like different personalities, different incarnations.

Want to treat Gideon in different spaceships in the same way as in a comic story. . Obviously something is not working.

It was Rip Hunt who knew Gideon the best.

"I lost our coordinates, time coordinates, and space coordinates, we are lost."

Faced with Rip Hunt's support, Gideon didn't sell it, and answered directly.

But this answer surprised Rip Hunt.


He almost exclaimed in a low voice, and the unusualness here finally finally attracted the attention of others. They were rarely willing to lift their heads from the comics and look here.

"Why do we lose the coordinates." Rip Hunt surprised.

"I remember you reported our location and time not long ago."

If it is because of some kind of forced transfer that drifts a certain distance in time, it is normal to lose time or space.

At a critical juncture, you can only save yourself. You can jump to that point in time. After all, time is long.

As a time traveler, jumping around seems to have become their instinct.

If when they didn't get into a certain timeline and couldn't figure out the situation, it seemed that the entire timeline was in chaos.

But this is not the case above.

They were neither in danger nor drifting in time, and, as Rip said, Gideon also locked them up at a certain point in the 1870s, not long ago. . They lost it.

It is impossible for Gideon to make such mistakes. Calculating and counting time may not be feasible for human beings, but as Gideon, which is produced exclusively for calculating time, this kind of problem does not exist.

So after froze for a moment, Rip Hunt's first reaction was that someone attacked the spacecraft, and first attacked the spacecraft's automatic control center, Gideon.

"We have enemies?"

Rip was nervous, not blaming him for not being nervous. The enemies he met these times scared him. . The comics also did not write about the battles they encountered, and the enemies are still so powerful.

Hearing Rip's question, everyone else was on alert. Mick and Snart had already touched the ice and fire guns and pulled down the thick goggles.

"No, Captain."

The answer to Rip Hunt was still Gideon's immutable voice.

"I'm just not sure where we are."

Rip twitched his lips and said uncertainly, "How is that possible." He almost subconsciously asked, "I mean... how could this be."

It’s just something that has never happened before, and it matters a lot, because without Gideon’s calculation of time coordinates, they can’t make the next jump.

In other words, they are trapped in this strange and unknown timeline.

Gideon was silent and still seemed to be calculating a lot.

After a while, it replied with the mixed sound quality mixed with a lot of metallic sounds.

"Captain, I tried to recalculate our coordinates and got three uncertain answers."

"carry on."

Rip Hunt will not do anything. Although he is the master of time and the captain of the wave, he does not have any professional skills. The tactics are not excellent. It is far inferior to Snet. The skill is also plain and dull. Finch Sara Lans can beat him several times.

Even when it comes to time travel, it seems to have no effect, because the most critical coordinate is calculated by Gideon. If Gideon can’t figure it out, he has to be blind, meaningless.

Probably the only important place. . That is, he can repair Gideon.

This is probably the reason why he took the position of captain, and also the reason why he can find Qi Legend Squad. .

"The location was unknown in the 1920s, the location was also unknown in the 1970s, and the location was suspected to be in Russia in the 1940s."

"The timeline is very chaotic."

Gideon continued to explain, "I can't calculate valuable information."

"When I found another target for reference, Captain America, his birth time is a sign. When he becomes Captain America completely, we can recalibrate the time, uh... she?"

Rip Hunt did not discern the difference between her and him in the details, because he was wondering the name he heard.

"Captain America?" he wondered.

"Who is this guy."

As a master of time, the captain of the spaceship under the time court ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Rip Hunt still has a little basic common sense, otherwise he will not graduate successfully as a captain.

Although he can't say that the details of events and even the details in history can't be said to be well-known, he knows them well and knows them well.

But he has been quickly recalling from the modern to the earliest Gideon mentioned. . In the eighteenth century, I didn't remember who Captain America was, and even the name was very strange.

It's strange, what is going on today.

Rip Hunt looked at the others and found that they also had a blank face, and obviously had no impression of Captain America.

Since the other party can be called such a title, obviously it should be somewhat unusual. Such people, perhaps ordinary people, may be unknown for various reasons, confidential factors, and historical records, but they will certainly know.

just. .

and many more.

Rip Hunt suddenly thought of something, and he seemed to remember it. . The name has indeed been heard by myself, it does sound familiar, and where it is heard. .


Rip Hunt suddenly blurted out, then took a deep breath.

At the next moment, in the eyes of the people around him, Saralans, who was trying to pick up his gaze after making a mystery, began to remember.

That is the memory of the future of the multidimensional universe in the eyes of Agomo.

Tony Stark. . Spiderman. . Strange. . Captain America. .

found it.

The other party is really important, his name is also very front, but the problem is. .

"That's not our world, nor our timeline." Riphunt asked Gideon.

And Gideon's answer is still equally calm.

"It is now."

It said.

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