High Magic Earth

Chapter 1383: So this 1

It's still very quiet and still here, just like a dead zone.

Mick doesn't seem to care about anything. He looks to burn the whole place to the forefront, but in fact there are not a few simple guys who can become superhero enemies.

His hand was already on the trigger of the flame gun, and in the blink of an eye, he could heat everything he saw in front of him to a high temperature of several thousand degrees.

Needless to say, Snett and others, perhaps only the silly and sweet Lei has the least interest, seeing this mission as an interesting adventure.

But his luck was very good, as if he was kryptonite protector. . It can always turn danger into a disaster, and once things fall on his head, he can always turn a serious crisis into a farce-like comedy.

Sara Lans looked serious.

Her assassin intuitively told her that it was dangerous here, and the dangerous breath in the air almost broke the string in her head.

Her hands touched her **** frequently. . The latter weapons, similar to the whip-throwing steel weapons, are ready to respond to possible crises at any time.

Rip Hunt was very helpless to follow the team at the end, he already asked this group of unconscious guys to hurt their brains.

The self in the comics finally succeeded in turning them into a successful superhero group with strong cohesion. . How did this happen.

These things may just be a few of the interesting clips in the comics, and then several team crises strengthen the feelings of the entire team, but in reality this is not the case.

Every minute in reality is real.

And every minute is difficult, Rip Hunt feels that he is going to be driven crazy by this group of guys who have no sense of team, or before the whole team is formed, he completely gives up on them.

Nice guys, wise scientists, and Professor Stein, who is mostly a passerby, are very close to Riphunt, and then anger is present.

"You seem to be upset." The old professor said intermittently, not stuttering, but his body was exhausted after all, let alone superheroes, even ordinary people.

"Is it because of time?"

Although it is not the first time that Rip Hunt has been trapped in an unknown world at an unknown time node due to an accident in the mission, it is still not possible for those who travel for the first time such as Stein and Sarah. First contact.

This is all very new. . And Dr. Stein really thought the problem was troublesome.

After all, this is time, and the field of time is involved. Even the world of black technology such as dc and Marvel has not been fully resolved.

Barry Allen just restarts from time to time. As for how the principle of the restart button is implemented, he is not clear.

But Rip Hunt doesn't actually worry that they are trapped here. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not the biggest problem.

He was more worried about the group of guys in front of him.

"Hehe." Rip Hunt squeezed out a smile, "I'm troubled by the guys around me."

His voice was not too loud, but it was not too small. The main thing was that he did not intend to avoid other people. Dr. Stein, who had joined him, was choking enough. . After all, strictly speaking, he is also a member of the group of guys around him.

"...Uh, am I included in it?" Dr. Stein is a doctor after all, and sometimes is not euphemistic during the conversation.

Rip Hunter glanced at Dr. Stein. "Of course not." He said.

But obviously Stein obviously didn't believe it.

The black guy next to him, Jackson, saw that his partner was in an awkward situation and seemed to want to come over to play in the round. But at this time, he didn't seem to pay attention, but he actually kept his ears listening to Snet here and suddenly said lazily.

"We... what can make the famous captain feel distressed."

Snaite was not used to Rip Hunt.

In various senses.

Whether it is his purpose of saving the world, noble goals of action, or indecisive plans, it is not in line with Snet’s righteous cause.

Of course, Snet still has some of the most subtle justice in his heart, otherwise he will not stay.

It's just now the last ray of justice. . It seems to gradually dissipate, as he understands what may happen in the future through comics, or the nature of the world.

The multidimensional universe is expansive, but in the past, he was blindfolded by this small place in the center city.

flash. . What is that?

By the way, Barry Allen, right, Snet decided to go back and find a chance to teach him a lesson, of course, he couldn’t kill the Flash, and he couldn’t, because he had just made up his mind about this idea. Flashes from other timelines will flock.

We will completely contain this future event from the source.

Regardless of what happened to the Flash, first of all, the loyal enemy of the Flash, Frozen Captain Snet, has changed substantially from the moment he came into contact with the comics.

Rip Hunt's worry is right, they really do not have a sense of team, because it is very likely. . They will never form a team again.

Snett didn't miss any chance to refute Rip Hunt's face.

"Maybe we disturbed the captain's sense of direction."

Rip Hunt was upset.

It is very common to get lost in time travel, especially when encountering enemies. When the attack is fleeing, any point of attack may knock them off the course.

When he came to Snet, it became his mistake.

But he still suppressed the anger in his heart.

"It's no big problem, wait for us to explore it again, and you will find valuable clues. Gideon will use all the information we have collected. Screen out the content that matches the time database."

Snett didn't want to end like this.

"No big problem?"

He still used that prolonged tone, seemingly uncomfortable.

"Oh... of course you said that when you recruited us."

"But look at what we have encountered, of course, you can always take us to the fore, right?" He seemed to have looked at Rip Hunt before him indifferently.

There is the eye of Agomo.

It is also a source of power for Rip Hunt.

Snett implied that Rip Hunt had no power. In addition to his rich experience, the combat effectiveness was not even much higher than that of an ordinary person. They were beaten up by the other party in several encounters with powerful enemies, including Rui. Pu Hunter included.

Rip Hunt finally couldn't bear the anger in his heart.

"Are you accusing me." He asked lowly.

Others slowed their pace and turned back. They did not understand why the two were in such a place. Such a critical moment quarreled, but carefully the same. . But it is not unreasonable.

"I'm so glad you heard it."

Snett's tone was also bad, "Should I be surprised."

"If you want to continue those stupid careers, you can leave here. This era... an era without monitoring equipment, I think it is very suitable for being the world of you, right."

"What are you guys."

Suddenly, Mick groaned aloud next to him, his flame gun huddled obliquely in front of him, and the plumes of flame slowly escaped from the muzzle.

But this time, Rip Hunt did not choose to give in.

"I used to think you could be heroes."

"but now."

"I think I was wrong."

Rip Hunt did not know why he was so angry, anyway. . He seems to be very dissatisfied. He wants to vent everything in his heart. Perhaps this group of guys is too weak.

The grumpy Mick took a step forward and was about to use a **** to slam on Rip Hunt's face.

Rip was quiet, but he was also ready to fight back. If it was him in the original plot, maybe he might still suffer from the unreasonable rough guy Mick, now he. .

Although there is still not much progress, after all, he received a special training in Strange's magic, that is, in the future time node.

100 times stronger than before.

Although Rip still looks very thin, if Mick underestimates Rip for this reason, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

No matter in the battle with the sadako or the magical woman, Rip Hunt did not show this because his position behind him was awkward and too strong an enemy. . Not enough, Rip can only resist with Agomoto's eyes.

An enemy who is too weak cannot use him at all, either Sarah or others are more suitable candidates.

After all, in addition to Dr. Stark, Banner, and other superheroes, there are probably only the best people.

So the skill that Rip has trained now seems to be useful only when he is in Mick.

If Mick really wants to fight Rip, maybe he will get a very strong surprise, but unfortunately, Snet is still a little sensible after all, although he also feels very uncomfortable, and a sudden emerged from the heart for no reason. 'S anger dominated him, but he still grabbed Mick.

Snett was called the frozen captain not only because the torch and the freezing gun were placed in front of him, but he chose the frozen one, but most of the time, he could maintain absolute calmness.

thing. . Something is wrong.

Snet didn't know what went wrong, but everything in front of him now seemed very strange. He decided to drag Mick and choose to wait and see how it changed. When all the dust had settled, he cleaned up the nasty guy Rip.

But although Snet stopped Mick, there were others.

Mick didn't make a big shot, but Sara, who had remained silent next to her, stepped forward.

"you are wrong?"

"Because you are observing in less than half a month, do you think you are wrong? If so, then you may have really made a very wrong choice."

Sarah's hand was always on the weapon because of alertness. Rip's eyes looked at this, his face slightly tense.

"I used to think you would be an excellent talent."

Sara frowned.

"I am disappointed with you." She said to Rip.

Sarah is a rare all-round talent in the squad. Although it is not clear why Oliver Quinn was dumped, she directly changed from a money-laden woman to a strong woman, but she was indeed not only sturdy and clear-minded from the Assassin League.

What is even more rare is that she has a sense of responsibility. Maybe she was resurrected by Chishui before, but she is unconscious, but as time goes by, she is gradually regaining her justice.

Although she was also very angry about the unbelievable start, Sarah knew that everything would not be smooth, and that she had encountered strong enemies as soon as she entered time travel. .

But at this moment, Sarah still felt a little disappointed.

She didn't expect Ripple to say that.

Even so, she still judged calmly, "You shouldn't be like this." She said to Rip.

"It's not you... as far as I know, you shouldn't say such things, something must have gone wrong."

"Of course." Rip continued, "The problem is you."

Sara was disappointed, but she became more suspicious. Their quarrel seemed a little too abrupt, and Rip seemed a little too excited. It all seemed like that. . Not normal?

"Wait, let's calm down first."

But when Sarah decided to stop all this, she had been doing little transparency, and the black guy Jackson who had no sense of presence in Dr. Bray and Stein suddenly angered.

"Do you know." He said to Rip, using a black rhythm-specific rhythm. "I've actually been watching you for a long time."

"I'm fed up with your fingers, you know, I don't want to be this hero at all."

"In short, I've had enough, I won't do it, let it all end, I go back and leave here, which makes us no longer have to endure each other, is it okay?"

Jackson's remarks were so fast and urgent that Rip didn't even respond.

But by this time, Jackson had shaken his hands and walked back.

Of course, Sarah obviously couldn't let him go, either because of the dangers not yet explored here, or if they were a team in the future.

"Wait." Sarah blocked in front of Jackson.

"Are you stopping me?"

Jackson didn't do anything with Sarah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He had seen Sarah's skill and knew that he was not an opponent, so he turned his head and gestured to Dr. Stein with his eyes.

The fusion of the two will form a fire storm. Some are similar to the fireman in the Magic Four. They can also fly at high speed, throwing their hands to throw fireballs outside, and the fire storm can also change the particle composition of matter, which is reorganization.

After the fusion of the two, it is undoubtedly the most powerful presence in the team.

just. . Every time they need both of them to be together and cooperate with each other, for example. . just now.

Jackson's eyes looked very imposing, but it is a pity that the old man Stein did not cooperate very much, he had passed the young age. . It's far less impulsive.

Faced with Jackson's choice to open a big one, Stein gave Jackson a helpless look and was unimpressed.

"Are you right?" Jackson asked incredulously, "Do you still want to drag me?"

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