High Magic Earth

Chapter 1432: Timeship is the body


Rip Hunt wanted to enter the treatment cabin, but at this time the severe pain had occupied all his mind, and he had even lost his mobility.

With his hands squeezing his head, Rip Hunt knelt halfway on the ground and groaned in pain.

At the same time, it seemed that the entire control room began to tremble slightly.

In the virtual space, Gideon moves around faster. There is no robot or something like a robotic arm. There is no way to help Riphunt.

After a pause of half a second, a light screen popped out in front of Rip Hunt. Gideon relayed the unidentified energy intrusion to the ship to Rip Hunt, preparing to solve the problem directly from the source.

If Rip Hunt can really solve it.

"That is……"

Resisting the severe pain, Rip Hunt looked at the light curtain in front of him, and the spaceship floated quietly over a seemingly desolate planet by the time of the wave. The space under the spaceship was convenient to the grass. Recently, Rip Hunt can even see the rough rocks clearly.

The data related to the planet is listed next to the light curtain. The energy index is disordered, the temperature is very low, and the oxygen content is almost zero, which is not suitable for the survival of most known organisms.

Looking at the desolation of the planet alone, Rip Hunt felt that there would be no signs of life on it.

But at this time, the planet is constantly emitting unknown energy outwards. The disordered energy index is the source of these energy sources. After pulling the lens closer, Rip took a breath.

"Cough! This..."

As Rip Hunt sees from a distance, the surface of the entire planet is desolate mud, there is no sign of life, but in this mud, it is like blood vessels and veins, following the earth Filled with countless gaps.

There is a faint green light in the cracks, like fireflies in the middle of the night, and aurora on the other side of the stars.

The light is very weak, but it continues to increase as the cracks expand and spread. It looks like the planet itself is composed entirely of energy that emits this light. A huge energy body, the soil is only attached to A little dust on the surface of the energy body.

As the cracks in the soil cracked, the original face of the planet was revealed in the cracks.


Rip Hunt showed a **** expression, but his expression became very ugly and terrible under the severe pain.

This weird energy gave him a very dangerous feeling. The faint green light was like a ghost fire. It didn't look like a good thing. It was very evil.

A miserable green ray of evil energy.

And many places on the surface of the planet are not just crevices and cracks, but there are depressions like lakes. A lot of green light has gathered in these depressions, and it has almost become a substance.

It seems to have its own life, its surface slowly rises and falls.

It is these lake-like energy gathering places that emit a lot of unknown energy. Those energy almost condensed in the air, like the roots of reverse growth, slowly growing along the ground, and then entrenched on the surface of the spaceship.

The spaceship is like a prey that falls into the fishing net. The ubiquitous energy essentially constitutes a large net, which turns into countless tentacles to entangle the spaceship.

Make it impossible to break free.

They seemed to be a little late when they found out. These evil and cruel green energies formed a thin layer of energy on the surface of the spacecraft. The energy penetrated into it and penetrated into the spacecraft. It also affected Rip Hunt.

"Enable energy level defense!"

"Cut it off, hurry! Cut it off!"

The pain was getting stronger and stronger, and a wave of tide was coming up. Rip Hunt thought he was also a tough guy, and there was no torture that could not be sustained, unless the enemy was so despicable that he threatened his family, pain? That's the most trivial thing.

But now Rip Hunt has doubted life.

Because he never thought there was such a pain, such a painful pain, almost unbearable, it was so painful!


But Rip Hunt still resisted the last bit of pain and snarled at Gideon with a hoarse voice.

Unfortunately, it was disappointed to respond to his destiny.

"Sorry Captain, the energy supply is not enough to enable energy protection."

Rip Hunter can’t even pull the corners of his mouth, he has no energy, no energy? Clearly surrounded by unknown energy like a storm, but his last cause of death was because the spacecraft lacked energy?

This is really ironic.

But Rip Hunt was unable to complain anymore, because this was the last thought in his mind.

At the next moment, the sea-like pain flooded him, the self-protection mechanism of the human body was opened, and Rip Hunt directly fell into a deep faint.

At the same time, as Rip Hunt fell, it seemed that the entire control room was centered on him, and an invisible air burst suddenly.

The air wave rolled over, and everything in the control room was abandoned, and then fell gently.

Rip Hunt in a coma didn't realize it.

But inside the spacecraft, Gideon is still watching him.

The posture, Gideon, who lost his captain, also fell into silence. Although these energies also invaded the spacecraft, it did not seem to have any substantial impact on it.

But without Rip Hunt as a communication, Gideon did not have much autonomy, and could only watch everything in the electronic eyes silently.

And soon, with less and less energy, Gideon also entered a low-consumption maintenance state.

"Hibernation is on."

"Estimated maintenance time, the last seventy-three hours."

After Gideon also fell into a semi-sleep state, the spacecraft was completely quiet, and even the slight power sound disappeared. Gideon has turned off the power, leaving only the most basic floating ability to make the spacecraft float. It can be said that the spaceship has actually fallen into a semi-paralyzed state.

According to various calculations, Gideon concluded that the spaceship's chance of being rescued is almost zero. The most important thing is that its reserve energy and all energy sources are strangely almost bottomed out in an instant.

This is fatal for any spaceship.

Especially in the vicinity of a completely unfamiliar planet where no energy can be used for supplementation, this means that we can only passively wait for rescue.

Floating gently by wave.

It is surrounded by rich and tragic green energy, just like the undercurrents in the sea, dragging the spacecraft to slowly shake, from a distance, it looks like a floating insect egg.

Full of evil and unknown luster...

Rip Hunt sat up in a daze,

"If you want to ask how long it has been, Captain."

"Fifteen minutes have passed since you fell into a coma."

Gideon's voice came as scheduled in his ears, which made Rip Hunter relieved. He had to say that sometimes having a companion really made people feel at ease.

Even an artificial intelligence.

Although Gideon also fell into a semi-sleep state, the orders about Rip Hunt have been ranked in the first sequence. As soon as he realized that Rip Hunt was about to wake up, Gideon was reawakened and continued to answer questions for Rip Hunt. Puzzle.

"What exactly is going on."

Rip Hunt’s head was full of doubts, the most important thing was that he didn’t know where to start. He touched his head and touched his thin ribs. The previous pain seemed like an illusion. Now I couldn't feel anything strange.

It doesn't matter how many questions, because Rip Hunt believes that Gideon, the artificial intelligence, can answer everything for it.

Sure enough, Gideon never let it down.

Even if there is not much energy, it still tunes out the light curtain without complaint, and then uses half-explaining and half-replaying the situation of the spacecraft's internal video to fast forward everything before it.

"This energy is unique to this planet."

"I didn't find any relevant records in the database."

"The council never found it here."

"It is impossible to determine where we are, nor what time we are."

They were lost, and again, Rip Hunt was not surprised, because he had heard the bad news from Gideon before he fell into a coma.

It’s not terrible to get lost. The top priority is to figure out what’s going on with this planet, and what are those weird green energy.

Lost in time travel, but as long as the time ship is not broken, they can find the way back sooner or later, but if there is no energy, then they really have to wait to die.

Rip Hunt has not encountered the lack of power of the spacecraft, most of the time the power module is damaged.

The time spaceship is not a spaceship pursuing extreme speed. Its speed is very general, and there are no various energy weapons, so it does not consume much energy.

The Council’s energy technology is sufficient to make the spacecraft’s power module self-sufficient... but now this special situation is probably not encountered by the Council.

And even if it's not to solve the energy problem, Rip Hunt also has to figure out these weird energies.

Otherwise, a sudden pain from time to time could not be tolerated. Now he is not abnormal at all, even as if everything before was just an illusion.

But who knows whether it will appear again.

That kind of pain... It's so painful! Rip Hunt did not want to experience a second time.

"No energy can be resolved? None?"

As a time master, Rip Hunt's expertise is still qualified, and Gideon has considered the things he is also aware of.

How is it possible...all around unknown energy.

"During the period of your coma, I performed an operation with the remaining energy."

Gideon's voice still sounded unhurried.

"The unknown planet below contains an extremely powerful unknown energy source. The energy is radiating outward and the structure is very unstable."

"This unstable energy interferes with everything here, so sorry captain, I can't explore any valuable energy information."

Rip Hunt nodded slightly.

This way the explanation is much more understandable.

According to Gideon, everything originates from the culprit capital below this planet. This strange planet itself is a huge and incomparable energy source, radiating energy outwards all the time.

This energy position disturbs all the energy around, so Gideon compares the data and will not draw any useful information at all.

After all, the problem is still on this planet.

So, what is this?

Rip Hunt stared at the light curtain in midair.

In the light curtain, the desolate planet is exceptionally clear, the dusty surface makes it look like a dead star, the ground is very dark, it is a dim, like a swamp, soaked, and under the soil , It is a green glow spreading like a cobweb.

The light is like a long snake, flashing beneath the ground. The energy pool exposed outside the ground slowly rises and falls, like the heart of this planet.

The entire planet is shrouded in a faint green, and the cracks on the ground are like the veins of the planet. With the energy pool falling, the entire planet looks like it is about to explode.

"This looks really dangerous."

Rip Hunt did not find relevant clues in his memory for a long time. He felt that he should go through the paper materials brought out by the time council.

There are many secret messages not stored on Gideon, but recorded on paper.

The collated information is in his captain's room, and he will arrive at a turn, but at this time, before Rip Hunter put his ideas into action, he suddenly had a lockbox in his hand. .

"So heavy!"

Rip Hunt exclaimed subconsciously, almost not holding the box in his hand.

But the next moment, he realized what the box was.

This is exactly the lockbox where he recorded a lot of clues and intelligence... It should have been placed in the drawer of his captain's room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But how did he suddenly run into his hands.


When I don't understand, I ask the good steward of the spaceship.

"Captain, according to the picture, this box appeared directly in your hand."

But Gideon's answer seemed to be no different from what he saw.

"Appear out of nowhere?"

Rip Hunt was puzzled. He grabbed his head, wondering what was going on, and told Gideon to try and analyze it to see if he could draw any useful conclusions. He opened the code lock and began to look for what might be useful data of.

It is more important to solve the origin of the planet or find a clue.

But a pity... can only disappoint Rip Hunt.

As he quickly searched through a pile of information, he did not find any information about this energy planet with an evil green luster, and during this time, the energy pool on the surface of the planet seemed to start to move again. It seems that the next surge is about to erupt.

"It would be nice if Stein were here."

Rip Hunt couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Professor Martinstein was already proficient in energetics...He is here, and he can get some valuable clues even if he can't directly figure out what is going on here.

It's not like being clueless like yourself.

But once again, it was unexpected for Riphunt that at the moment his thoughts had just appeared, all the sudden changes in his eyes had changed.

The surrounding is no longer the main control room of the wave signal with all the lights off, and the virtual projection of Gideon is no longer in sight. , Professor Stein of the comatose and others.

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