High Magic Earth

Chapter 1434: The hero's counterattack is always in the Jedi

Very strange.

If you do not observe carefully, it is difficult to find the abnormalities around, but if you realize the strangeness around you, you will feel that everything in the vicinity is abnormal.

The snow covered the ground, and it was icy all around, but as Rip Hunt carefully observed, he found that everything in his sight seemed static.

The wind is still, the coniferous forest is still, even as if it is alive...it is still.


Seeing Professor Stein's chest not fluctuating, Rip Hunter was startled, but the other people's chests did not seem to have any ups and downs, so this made Rip Hunt not convinced that they were dead.

If only Professor Stein died alone, it may be because his aged body could not be sustained anymore, but Snet, Mick, Sarah and others... they are very strong, even It should not die so easily in the snow for a while.

Especially Sarah Lance, but she soaked the pool of Lazarus, and the woman who crawled out of **** with the help of the pool water did not die so easily.

Rather than believing that everyone is dead, it is better to believe that these changes were caused by their sudden emergence of superpowers.

After being silent for a moment, Rip Hunt found that he could not draw more conclusions when the clues were insufficient, plus he didn't see the wizard's figure, so he decided to save people first.

There is no doubt that the first choice is Professor Stein. Whether it is based on his physical reasons or as a professor in the energy field, he is more able to help Riphunt at this time.

But what to do.

Rip Hunt began to think about it. Although he said that the new superpower was like an extension of his arm, and it was used as a continuation of Ben, but still need to think.

It's like a human using his arm to pick up a building block, but if you want other building blocks not to collapse, you need to think carefully.

Now Rip needs to think about how to get these people out.

"Is that so..."

Rip closed his eyes and tried again to perceive Professor Stein's presence, recalling his appearance and locking his possible unconscious position.

Just like when I took that wood carving before.

Soon, Rip Hunt felt a sink in his hand, a seemingly substantive feeling seemed to fall into his palm, but only a brief moment, the next moment, this feeling disappeared again without a trace.

Gideon didn't give a reminder...this means that Professor Stein is still there and has not been rescued.

What's the reason? Isn't the energy enough?

Feeling the changes in his hands before, Rip Hunt thinks it is very possible, but what should he do and exercise this ability?

Damn, Rip was a little discouraged, not to mention the magic practice on Kama Taj, even if he tried to exercise and master the superpowers in the way of ordinary people, I am afraid it will take a few weeks, and the shortest is several days.

But now he is missing time.

As the owner of a timeship... but lack of time, this sounds ridiculous.

But no matter how ridiculous, Rip now really has no time for two days. Professor Stein and others will not lie in the snow all the time. Maybe they will be transferred or even killed by the wizard in the next moment. .

And even without that wizard, I'm afraid Professor Stein's body can't wait any longer.


Rip Hunt looked distorted.

The cruelest thing is not that there is no hope, but that after giving hope, it falls into despair again.

He closed his eyes tightly, his hands clenched tightly, and made a look of generating electricity with love. He tried to strengthen his strength out of thin air with his thoughts, and accomplish what he could not have done.

Of course... this can not be said to be meaningless, after all, many superheroes of mutated types simply do not know how to improve their abilities, or even cannot improve, enhance combat effectiveness, and rely solely on temporary explosions.

Maybe he suffocated and burst out.


"Ha-ha, ha!"

Rip Hunt groaned frantically, but unfortunately after a few seconds, he knelt down weakly on the ground and gasped.

It's like a classic posture of the protagonist of scrap firewood.

Rip Hunt is indeed a protagonist, but it is not the real protagonist of D World. D World is a huge superhero world. Rip Hunt is here... not yet irreplaceable.

Even the legendary world of tomorrow from which he was born, he is not the only protagonist, but that is a group image world, the entire tomorrow's legendary squad is brought together from other worlds or protagonist, or supporting role.

Want to explode... It's not as simple as thinking about it.


The cold touch on the spaceship floor also made Rip Hunt's heart even lower. Isn't he born to be a hero?

As the master of time, they have long been aware of the data of superheroes active in human history, the Flash, Wonder Woman, and even Superman.

Although the Lord of Time also has a certain amount of force, of course, more of it is reflected in technology, but they never abuse their power and only maintain the safety of the timeline.

But this does not mean that Rip Hunt does not envy those superheroes.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a name in the future. It still seems to be only an optional member, and only a small part of the countless human resistance forces.

"Captain, we seem to be in trouble."

At this moment, Gideon's voice suddenly appeared in Rip Hunt's ear, which surprised him.

Gideon will certainly not be aimless, but what trouble they can have, there seems to be no signs of life here, is it that...

There was a bad hunch in Rip Hunt's heart.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Gideon pulled the light curtain out again, and the light curtain was just outside the spaceship. The faint green energy stirred again on the surface of the planet, forming a vortex, like a fountain, from the ground. The upper spit splashed out.

"Is not it."

Even Rip Hunt felt that his luck was too bad.

Gideon has been analyzing the situation and data here. Although he did not get any valuable information, he also summarized some of the laws.

Gideon suspects that the planet’s energy surge is very long based on the intensity of the energy explosion. It’s bad luck to take the wave and just catch it once when he comes here, but next time, I’m afraid it will be in months, years, or even Ten years later.



Although the wave signal is on the surface of the planet, it does not leave the atmosphere. The sound can still be transmitted. The continuous departure of the earth from the roar comes like a substantial vibration, which makes Rep Hunter really feel the hugeness of this energy.

"Can't you defend?" Rip Hunt asked anxiously.

"Sorry Captain, even if the energy is sufficient, we can't resist the impact of this intensity."

It seemed that Gideon's voice had a trace of despair, and wanted to come across such a bad luck master... It was really unfortunate.

Rip Hunt took a deep breath again.

He was not a person who often gave up and fell into despair, but now it seems that there is no better way. Hope that the wizard left Snette and others to be useful and will not kill them easily.


At the next moment, the once-splendid green energy pool suddenly agitated, the surging energy sprayed out thinly, and spread to the riding wave again in an instant.

It can be observed that the surface of the entire planet is covered with cracks, and the gap is full of these green energy.

Energy is erupting everywhere on the entire planet. In other words, even if you fly to avoid it, you can’t escape it unless you can drive away from the planet completely.

But the energy at this time is not enough to accomplish this.

Rip Hunt sat down on the ground kneeling down, seeming to have completely given up hope.

Then next moment...


Riding the wave signal again towards a lone boat drifting in the sea, the entire spacecraft began to shake violently, Rip grabbed the handrail of the control next to it, so that he did not hit with the other things in the spacecraft. On the wall.

This time the energy impact is stronger than before.

Through the light curtain, Rip Hunter can clearly see that the spaceship is once again impregnated with green light, which is like the most beautiful aurora in the universe.

But the wave signal out of the center point of the light is obviously not so easy.

Hope this pain... wait!

Rip Hunt suddenly froze.

He suddenly realized that the unknown energy shock had erupted, but why the pain did not come as expected...

"Gideon!" Rip Hunt called.

There is no response. Gideon is very unstable under the impact of energy. It takes a lot of energy to communicate normally, but at this time, its energy is not much, so it cannot give a response.

Energy shock is not fake, is it...

Rip Hunt closed his eyes again, opened his hands, and thought of something in his mind. Its position was in the warehouse of the whip spacecraft.

The next moment, Rip Hunt felt a layer in his hand, and the package in his mind had appeared in his hand.

Sure enough, the burst of energy greatly enhanced his ability limit, maybe only temporary, but it was enough!

A light smile finally appeared on Rip Hunt's face. When he suddenly realized that the energy of the two energy bursts was the same, he seemed to feel that his ability might be enhanced.

As for the reason... he doesn't know, but many superheroes in history have done so.

When he was about to fail, he suddenly didn't know where a burst of electrical energy or the power of the sun came out, and then he defeated his opponent with a Jedi counterattack.

Rip Hunt made a temptation in the heart of a try, but did not expect that things were really as he thought.

He didn't laugh up to the sky at this time, it seemed that he wasn't out of luck, but that he was running.

Gideon remained silent, and wondered if he was pleased with his master's divorce from Europe, but Rip Hunter could not care about Gideon anymore.

"Quick, Stein!"

He closed his eyes again, and then outlined the appearance of Professor Stein and the surrounding snowfields. Rip Hunt vowed that this was the first time he had portrayed a man in his mind so quickly.

And still an old man!

But Rip Hunt's sacrifice was fruitful.

Because at the next moment, his open arms sank sharply, "Bang!" With a muffled sound, Rip Hunt hugged the cold Professor Stein directly to the ground.


Rep Hunter coughed twice with a cold air stimulus, and then quickly got up to check Professor Stein's condition.

The surrounding air seemed to have dropped a few degrees, it was brought by Professor Stein, there were snowflakes scattered on the ground, and some small water stains that melted away.

He really saved Professor Stein, even with the coldness of the snowfield.

Regardless of excitement, Rip Hunt placed his finger gently on Professor Stein's nose and felt a slight warmth, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, not dead.

But soon Rip Hunt felt entangled, whether to put Professor Stein in the treatment cabin first, or to continue to rescue Snyder and others.

You need to know that the energy burst time is very short, one after another, maybe it will be over.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Rip Hunt realized that the current practice was a waste of time. He decided to continue to save people. Of course, one of the more important reasons is that he remembered... obviously he did not have enough energy to ride the wave. Start the treatment cabin.

"Next is Mick..."

Silly big Mick can be used as a coolie, maybe he needs to memorize the professor, so at this time Rip Hunt prefers Mick instead of Snet’s thunder against him.


There was another muffled noise, no accident, and Mick's figure fell.

Rip Hunt’s small body can’t catch Mick. He didn’t reach out wisely, but carefully observed how Mick appeared. , I am afraid there is no conclusion.

"The energy...is...decaying, the ship...the captain..."

Gideon's intermittent sound came from Rip Hunt's ear. It was still watching here, and after discovering that the energy exploded from the planet had decayed, he immediately reminded Rip.

Not thinking too much, Rip began to recall Jefferson's appearance. As another member of Fire Storm, he was an integral part of it.


Jefferson also fell, and the snowflakes were scattered, leaving mottled melting water on the deck.

Then Ray...


Then there was the nasty guy Snet...


Finally, Sha...

"Captain, the energy index is abnormal, and clash carefully."

Just as Rip Hunt was preparing to recapture the last member of the legendary squad of tomorrow, Gideon clearly came out of his ear with a clear and consistent reminder.

He instinctively grabbed the handle aside, and at the next moment...


The wave began to shake violently, as if the spacecraft entered the crash mode in an instant, etc... It seems that this is not like, but...

"Captain, the energy impact exceeds the limit, and the spacecraft begins to make a forced landing on the ground. The estimated time of forced landing..."

"... ten, nine, eight... one!"

"Damn it!"

The entire spacecraft has been completely plunged into darkness. In the dim cabin, all the objects were tumbled because of the energy impact of the spacecraft, and were thrown around, hitting the other side from this wall, including the one that just returned Snet et al.

And Rip Hunt only had time to swear, and he could no longer stabilize himself. The whole person flew off and rolled together with the wave.

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