High Magic Earth

Chapter 1441: Stephanie is about to go online

Holding the crowded half-world in his hands, I looked at it, and it was extremely difficult to see the flow inside. Yi Chou shoved it into the shadow space specially prepared for Fujiang with disgust, and then took out a backhand New half world.

The background template is set to the snow field. The snow field in the ice and snow appears under the transparent protective cover of the half world. When it is held in the hands of Yi Chao, it shows a shrinking mini world. You can even see the snowflakes forming out of thin air and then spill down.

"It's better to be faster."

Athena at the door prompted loudly, and kicked back some of Fu Jiang who tried to climb out.

They breed. . Ah no, the rate of division is getting faster and faster.

Fujiang's splitting exploded exponentially. When one, two, ten, or even a dozen, she couldn't see how amazing her splitting speed was. Once she waited for hundreds of thousands, the speed grew completely. . . It was too late to find out at that time.

"I don't want to die!"

"Don't kill me! Kill her! Kill her!"

"Don't fight, to unite, we rush out!"

Most of Fu Jiang are extremely aggressive. They instinctively hostile to everything that is more beautiful than themselves, and want to destroy these things, although they want to have a love relationship. . But more enjoyment of the charm of sentient beings.

The dignified posture and appearance are more of a disguise, and the deepest evil lies deep in the heart.

Very few Fu Jiang would use their brains to think about how they should unite, as for the one above. . Well, they got a traitor.

The rich rivers stood up with shaking, as if they were the most hated enemies of this world, they rushed to their nearest self, regardless of the arrogance standing in the most central position, they directly tore up.

It seems that Yi Chou is not dangerous. . But there are too many of them.

In the blink of an eye, these rich rivers have packed the cellar. At such a growth rate, even no more than half a minute, Yi Chou will no longer have a place to stop.

The densely packed Fu Jiang crowded him, not to mention accidentally wounding. I am afraid that suffocation will soon happen.

Yi Ao's eyes crossed the dense Fujiang head and saw that the gate was being guarded by Athena. Her movements also began to speed up, kicking those Fujiang who tried to escape with a residual image, but the effect was not significant.

Because the number of Fu Jiang has been crowded to the door, even Athena can kick them back. . In the next second, there will be countless Fujiang swarming out.

Upon seeing this, Yi Xiao took a button-like object from his arms and placed it between his fingers. Then he pointed his finger at the gate and ejected it suddenly.


The buttons made an electric sizzle in the air, and the rich Jiang who had made a pot of porridge didn't care about this little thing passing in the air. Even if they saw it, no one would think about what it was.

At the next moment, it burst out a scorching electric current in mid-air, turned into a silver snake, and hurriedly rushed out, rushing directly to the door of the cellar in the distance. The gap is tightly closed.

Athena took a step back.

The technological product of the Yunxing colonial ship, this crashed colonial ship was packaged and moved back by Yi Bao. . Parked in countless valleys behind the high cliffs of Neverland.

It is also one of the mysterious places of Neverland. Although it looks small, it can’t even see the edge for a day. It is easy to suspect that there are space cracks or space storms.

Athena was also present when interpreting this colonial ship that entered the interstellar age, the black technology, Athena was also present.

He is even a genius in this world, but he has not yet reached the level of Stark. This guy can almost be a talent for mechanical technology, otherwise how can he be a full-time Iron Man.

Analyzing this black technology, Yi Biao may not be as good as Athena.

After all, she could be a trailing deity who didn't know what it was from a bicycle, and after a few months, she could catch up with the index that could understand the gamma rays.

Athena, who has seen all the performance and parameters of the electric trap, knows the horror of this thing.

The sizzling current sounded terrifying, but it seemed that the high temperature did not damage the walls around the door.

This is just the reason it is too stable, not because of low energy intensity.

Yunxing is a planet that is very good at electrical energy. It uses electrical energy as a basic energy source. The research on various extended energy sources is also very good, and the most basic electrical energy is even more fascinating by their use.

They don't seem to think that this is an energy source with a low conversion rate. Yi Chou suspects that there may be some special material on the cloud star, or what special conversion methods rely on the planet.

But these things are no longer valid, and even Kai Neng and Gu Mo who stay in the world of the song of ice and fire are not clear.

Sure enough, a big-headed soldier is a big-headed soldier, only knowing to be reckless, nothing will matter.

The area of ​​this power grid seems small, and the current is just a blue light. . But even if Athena touched it easily, she might be hurt.

In other words, it is even comparable to Thor's hammer.

This group of Fu Jiang didn't want to rush out for a while.

"Poop!" "Poop!"

The grid opens instantly, forming a protective layer like a blue light curtain, dividing the inside and outside of the cellar into two worlds.

The sound as if the balloon was pierced continued to sound, it was Fujiang that was burnt by the scorching high temperature in an instant, even if there was no ash left.

Fujiang, which was the closest to the cellar exit, had no time to respond, or did not think about what the light curtain suddenly appeared, and rushed straight up.

Then, no accident, they were directly burnt to gray by the burning current in less than a microsecond.

The light curtain is still very stable, not to mention interception or cutting off, it does not even have a trace of shaking, still tightly intercepted at the gate.

The attack of several Fujiang's collisions is probably not much larger than the drop of a fly.

Of course, Fu Jiang is not a zombie after all, they tore each other to try to kill each other, does not mean that they like to die in vain.

Soon, nearby Fu Jiang realized the danger here and they tried to stay away from this deadly trap. . But it cannot be done.

Because there are too many Fujiang, Fujiang has already been squeezed into the heads of the Fujiang Group. Soon, Fujiang, densely packed in the cellar, pushed the marginal Fujiang to the grid a little bit.

"No no no!"

"Quick stop!"

The unlucky eggs on the edge screamed and their faces were distorted and distorted, and then. . Still, the crowded Fujiang pushed it towards the grid a little bit, and then turned into smoke.

It's like a moth extinguishing a fire.

With the power grid closed, Yi Biao does not need to worry about the Fujiang people running out. Yi Biao likes magic, but it will not give up the convenience of technological means.

"Slay you! Slay you!"

"Who catches my hair!"

The Fujiang people around them are still tossing together and clinging to each other. The number of them is more and more, but the space for Yi Biao to move is less and less. The nearest Fu Jiang even almost poked Yi Yi's eyeball.

The rich rivers all over the place did not make Yi Chou feel a little bit irritating, some were just crowded, noisy and noisy.

Yi Chou didn't want to wait for Fu Jiang to squeeze himself into a meatloaf.


The pure energy luster bloomed in his eyes, a huge magic burst, and Qilang formed a round ball around Yi Chou, instantly sweeping away all the rich rivers around him.

The Fujiang people were shocked by the huge magic power to the air, and when they entered the magic field of Yihuo, they seemed to be frozen in time, staying in place, whether it was rising or falling, they were extremely slow.

So a large gap appeared around Yi Chou.

Even if a new rich river comes in, it will seem to be stuck in thick glue when it comes in, and it will take a few minutes to move.

Of course, the Fujiang people will only grow more and more, and the rate of proliferation will become faster and faster. Even if Yi Chao uses magic power to sweep them around or block the grid, there is still the possibility of them breaking through.

Without any skills and methods, purely relying on the number of piles out, it is also possible that the entire stone cellar was first exploded.

This is also a terrible place for the Fujiang people. When the number reaches its extreme, there is nothing in this world, and they can stop them again.

So before this happens, Yi Chou must get them done.


Amidst the turbulent magical power, Yi Chou gently tapped the surface of the half world, and then whispered a whisper.


The transparent protective cover hanging upside down above the half-world echoed, and at the same time a huge attraction pulled from it crazy.

The surrounding Fujiang people instantly seemed to feel the meteor of gravity. Both the corpses and the living Fujiang began to gather here.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Fu Jiang slammed into the magic protection net and made a muffled sound. At the same time, the space that Yi Chou stiffened with pure magic power immediately made an overwhelming squeak.

In order to avoid being splattered with blood plasma, Yi Xiao immediately opened a gap in the protective net.

Fujiang, which swarmed in, was like water flowing into a toilet bowl. After twisting and rotating, it poured into the half-world along the gap.


"My bones!"

"it hurts!"

Naturally, this way of entry will not be very comfortable. The living Fujiang people screamed in the process, but Yi Chou did not care, because they would die if they were sealed into the half-world.

There is no difference.

The Fujiang tide hovered in the air, spinning, forming a blood-red cloud, but the number was rapidly decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Don't think it seems that dealing with Fu Jiang is a very simple matter.

Fu Jiang is not so easy to seal, because first of all, a carrier like the half world is needed, otherwise no matter where she is exiled, it will indirectly destroy a world.

It's just a matter of time.

Of course, similar to Ancient One, and the levels above Ancient One will almost always use some magic such as dimensional cutting, it is not difficult to open up a dimensional space, but Fujiang is not that simple.

She is like a parasite, living in cancer cells in the world, not just killing everything.

How did the first Fujiang emerge?

Which god-man gave birth to her, no. . The birth of Fu Jiang appeared out of thin air, and it is not sure whether she is something like the negative consciousness of human beings.

But if she appears in a world, then the world will never be able to get rid of her. Even if it is possible to use a certain method to temporarily contain or even eliminate Fu Jiang, she will suddenly appear without any signs in the future.

Renewed monstrous fear.

If it weren't for Yi Tong's silver tongue, I am afraid that her seal would not eradicate the traces of Fu Jiang's existence, and Neverland would suddenly have a Fu Jiang one day. . Then when Yi Chou returned, he found that the entire sea was filled with Fujiang.

Lucy carefully prepared a thin emergency handbook for what might happen to Fujiang, in addition to half the world. . This allows Yi's silver tongue to proceed smoothly.

But Yi Chou was not really sure whether he succeeded, because he just cleaned up all the futile Fujiang into the half-world, and still left a Fujiang outside, so he could not see whether Fujiang's existence was eradicated.

Want to verify this question. . The price is quite high.


The rich rivers screamed, and were drawn in like a spiral by a huge attraction. . There is no sense of disobedience in replacing the lower half world with adventure chess.

This scene almost reproduces the situation in the adventurer's game. Perhaps Lucy used it as a reference when writing this story.

In the distance, Lorna's eyes grew bigger and bigger, almost protruding out of her eyes.

Although there is a light curtain across the floor~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the inside of the room can still be seen clearly, centered on Yi Chou, countless flesh and blood turned into dark red clouds, and was sucked into a small ball like a toilet inside.

Everything that appeared in front of her became more and more strange.

It also made her feel that she might have stepped into a magic cave.

Athena seemed to pay attention to Lorna's expression. She blinked and realized that Lorna might have misunderstood. . But she was too lazy to explain.

According to the original schedule, Yi Chou next returned to World War II to see Captain America. It is best to be able to trigger a series of plots, such as Captain America turned into a true American sweetheart, and then successfully returned to the correct timeline.

Then, Yi Biao may only enter the world where Lorna is located to complete the hourglass task. Before that, let's return to the correct timeline first.

This matter is more important.

So Lorna still needs to live here for a while. . There is no need to rush to explain now, after all, it may be difficult to explain clearly without magic.

Seeing is believing is Fu Jiang's pot. Because of her particularity, all the things they are doing now look really weird, not like a good person at all.

Athena can understand Lona's inner tangle.

Of course, this small problem is not important at all.

In a few breathing rooms, Yi Chou had completely cleaned up the Fujiang people. "K!" The transparent cover of the half-world was covered, and the inside had turned into a scarlet piece, completely covered in flesh and blood.


The electric trapping net was also closed by Yi Chou, and the restored cellar exudes a cold and cold atmosphere, no longer like the **** **** before.

Then Yi Xiao came out of the cellar, with a figure under his arm. . Only the remaining, alive, Fu Jiang who fell into a coma.

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