High Magic Earth

Chapter 1447: The title is of course Happy New Year!

Yi arrogantly said nothing but just looked at Sarah Lans with a smile.

This put her under pressure.

Sarah on the surface still seemed very free and easy, as if she did not care about her situation, but her heart seemed a little nervous.

As one of the best assassins in the Assassin League. . This happened to her very abnormally.

Sara Lans, from the DC superhero world.

The old lover and former girlfriend of Zhenglian's eighth giant Green Arrow. . But she is now a lara.

There are not too many stories about her. It is the most typical start of a superhero. It is the kind that adds to the people around the true superhero.

Undoubtedly, Green Arrow is one of the protagonists of the dc superhero world. The hero cannot be too lonely, so Sara Lans, who was his ex-girlfriend, embarked on the road of the hero without incident.

The origin of Green Arrow is to go to sea to play, but it is on a desert island. His authentic girlfriend is Sarah's sister at the time, but when she went to sea, she brought Sarah. . That is the little aunt.

The cruise ship crashed and Oliver Quinn disappeared. This is the birth of Green Arrow.

Sarah, who was on the same cruise ship at the time, also fell into the sea.

Oliver, who returned to Starling, Star City, four years later, already thought that Sarah was dead. . But in fact, Sarah was also rescued at that time, and was taken to the Assassin's League, the Assassin's organization led by Lars El Gur.

Rescued, and then trained.

Just like the treasure that must be picked up from the cliff, Americans will probably wake up to any major accidents or accidents, and then find that they are wizards of dry agents.

Sarah Lance is like that.

She found that she seems to be particularly talented in the industry of assassins. After a few years of training, her strength level will be better than those of assassins who have been training for more than ten years. . in all aspects.

Unfortunately, she seems to have awakened some strange attribute in this process, Lala.

She and Lars El Gour's daughter mixed together. After killing and loving all the way, they finally returned to Star City, and then the next story was handed over to the protagonist Green Arrow.

Sarah, as the background and supporting role, appeared gradually lower. . At the end, she even died.

Yes, it is dead.

Fortunately, she is a member of the Assassin League, which has a pool of water on which to survive, the Lazarus Pool.

Through the pool of Lazarus, Sarah Lance was resurrected from death, but she also suffered from the sequelae that everyone who has been resurrected through the pool water of Lazarus, a kind of violent and haemophilia combined Adverse reactions together.

Advocate violence and lose reason.

Fortunately, the protagonist is the protagonist. Those who don’t have a supporting character usually encounter this situation. They knelt in a few words, but Sarah Lance actually carried it down with her false willpower and resisted this. This bloodthirsty instinct has also regained his reason.

Then, unsurprisingly, she withdrew from the Green Arrow team.

She is tired or unsuitable for this business for many reasons.

Sarah Lance's story seems to come to an end here. . In fact, this is the beginning of her story.

Because just a few days before her retirement as a superhero, a man dressed in a big trench coat and dressed like a fanatic of Dr. Mystery came to her.

Rip Hunt, the master of time, drove his wave-riding spaceship.

In addition to Sarah Lance, there are of course the frozen captain and the heatwave duo, atom man and fire storm, as well as the future eagle and eagle male, female fox steel and so on.

Unsurprisingly, under the leadership of Rip Hunt, they will kill and create their own legends, anger von Dar Savage in this world, and then try to use the Lankinus gun to subvert the reality of the reverse lightning, etc. , And also combined with the Flash Superhero Green Girl to fight against the evil enemies of parallel earth and so on.

Unfortunately. . All this went wrong from the beginning.

At first, Rip Hunt looked for Sarah and others, and the reason for the legendary squad of tomorrow was because of Vandal Savage, the old opponents of Eagle and Eagle.

Vandal Savage and Hawk and Hawk are Egyptians of a century BC. Egyptian sacrifices. Because of the love triangle of dog blood and a meteorite fall, their three constitute a strange life connection.

Life is not death, eternal reincarnation.

No matter who of them died, they will soon reincarnate, of course, their memories will not be completely restored from the beginning. . It takes a little awakening.

And if they kill each other, they will also gain the power of the previous life.


Weird ability.

In the era of Sara Lans, Eagle Man and Eagle Girl are the reincarnations of hundreds of centuries. Of course, in Yi Biao's eyes, it doesn't make sense whether they have accumulated thousands or even tens of thousands of reincarnations.

Because the gap between the pseudo-steel body and ordinary people is simply not a quantity that can make up for it.

What's more, these three guys who still only play with a hammer flying up and down, or throwing a flying knife after hundreds of years, have passed for hundreds of years. . There is still no progress.

As a villain, Vandal Savage naturally combined two eagle men and eagle women. . Even if they are dominant in numbers, they still can't fight themselves.

For thousands of years, Vandal Savage has maintained the odds of winning, with zero deaths.

Of course, his biggest method is still only throwing flying knives, and although close combat is also proficient, but not to mention Batman, not even weaker than Larsby.

But as a villain, he will still succeed in the future.

Rip Hunt chose to go back to the past, and the reason for convening the legendary squad of tomorrow is that in the future world, Vandal Savage will be all super heroes. . For example, the old men such as the Flash, Green Arrow, Superman, Batman, etc. died, and then they started a war and finally ruled the entire world.

Rip Hunt's family was also brutally killed by him.

For this reason, Rip Hunt decided to list this future as the wrong timeline and go back to the past, angry with Vandal Savage.

This is the normal plot of tomorrow's legend.

But because of the intervention of Yi Huo. . All this seems to have broken down from the beginning.

Vandal Savage didn't have a chance to do anything in the future. He didn't wait for all the heroes to die, and he was taken back by Yi Chouhu.

It is still lying on the ground cliff below the red castle of Fantasy Island, and is frozen in the crystal coffin, which is one of the highest defense levels of the red castle.

Of course, this guy will be useful in the future, now. . Before it's time, ice first.

Without Vandal Savage, Rip Hunter's family would not die, but he didn't know for what reason he seemed to be exposed to another future.

There is a future where Yi Chou exists, and a future where the Chuangshen plan has succeeded.

Yi Chou is not sure what will happen in the future, but it is not a surprise that it is not a good thing, otherwise they will not go back to the past and stop themselves.

Unfortunately, they chose the wrong opponent.

I’m not the kind of salty fish like Vandal Savage who has only thrown flying knives for centuries, nor is it the unlucky non-chief who counter-lightened. Unsurprisingly, this time the frustrated party became These people like Rip Hunt.

Even before seeing the target, he has been in danger several times.

Of course, Yi Biao didn't know that someone was staring at himself at first, and this time they came straight to themselves. . Yi Biao began to doubt the reason why Rip Hunt appeared here.

He did not appear for no reason, but because of himself.

Rip Hunt though. . But Saralans is still left. From her, Yi Chou should be able to get enough valuable information.

Sara Lans was a little nervous.

She is now in the stage of resurrection from the Lazarus Pool, and has experience in acting with the Green Arrow team, but has not defeated one enemy after another with Rip Hunt's team as in the future.

Her heart is still very confused, wandering between reason and irrationality, bloodthirsty and impulse.

And the pressure that Yi Xao puts on her is really great.

Sara Lans is not stupid. Although she does not see the future like Rip Hunt, and has future memories, as an excellent assassin, she is in no way inferior to an agent.

She knew that she came through time. She didn't know Yi Chou before, but Yi Chou was able to call out her name.

It is normal for people in the future to know people in the past, but people in the past know people in the future. . This has a creepy feeling.

Sarah Lance was silent, and she still appeared lazy on the surface. I was very uncooperative and didn't care, but I was thinking about why Yi Chou would know himself.

what is the reason.

That kind. . The magical power?

Magic is no stranger to Sarah Lans. She has also been in contact before. For example, Constantine, including the Lazarus Pool of the Assassin Alliance, has incredible power.

This is the other party's magic, whether it is to read the mind or read their own memories.

Shalan looked at Yi Chou with Yu Guang while changing his thoughts in his heart, trying to see the answer through Yi Chou's gaze or his look.

But Yi Xiao's expression did not change at all, and the smile kept smiling. . Stiff, as if frozen.

"You are uneasy..."

After a long time, Yi Chou said again.

"This is normal, because the unknown is always frightening."

"You have traveled through time... for whatever reason, but you came with everything you know about the future, your understanding of the future, trying to stop what happened in the past."

"But the result was not smooth, right."

"Your captain has abandoned you, of course, there may be other accidents, but in any case, it is an indisputable fact that your companions and him have escaped... now you are the only one left."

"So, tell me."

Yi Xiao looked at Sarah Lans' eyes.

"tell you what."

Sara Lans still didn't care, and her voice was calm, but if she listened carefully, she would realize that she was not as calm as she seemed.

There was a tremor in her voice.


Yi Xiao said with a smile.

Saralans has more and more doubts in her mind. How does the other party know all this, why does he know it, and what else does he know. .

These problems continue to haunt Saralans, like a bottomless black hole, absorbing her reason and let her defense line collapse a little.

You don’t even need to do anything deliberately, after a while. . She fell into self-denial and complete collapse.

"I do not know anything."

Sarah Lance sighed softly.

"Then talk about what you know."

Yi Biao still smiled, like a demon devouring human soul.

. . .

Standing outside the window, Yi Chou stood side by side with Baroness Strak, watching everything in the room.

Sarah Lance was sitting alone, across a table, she kept mumbling, and sometimes looked up like she was talking to someone on the opposite side.

But there is only air on the opposite side.

It seemed as if she was talking to her as a transparent person.

Magic is another easy trick.

He didn't plan to have a good conversation with Sarah Lans from the beginning, because he knew that these superheroes were all born with anti-interrogation auras and could not ask anything at all without special means.

And he has nothing to threaten.

So it's quicker to go directly to magic.

Sara Lans has a strong willpower and can resist the adverse reactions of the Lazarus Pool, but it is still not enough to see in front of Yi Biao's magic.

If the willpower of a second-rate hero can resist the magic of Yi Chou, then he shouldn't think of slowly penetrating into the world of superheroes, just go back to his little world and have fun in time.

So no surprise, with the cooperation of Yi Noo's illusion and hypnosis, Sarah Lans began to confess her own voice.

As for listening. . Although it was across the room, he could hear it clearly without magic even with Yi He's pseudo-Krypton star's physical sense of hearing.

Also seeing all this was the Baroness Strak.

She was squinting her eyes, carefully watching Sarah Lance in the room beside Yi Chou.

The Baroness Stark could not hear what Sarah Lans said. . But looking at her reaction, it is obviously not the reaction that a normal person should have~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kind of power is just like the one Yi Yi showed to her at first.

"Is this magic?"

She whispered beside Yi Xiao, "It's a fascinating power."

Whether or not they want to, the one thing the nobles must do is to maintain their own circle of friends and deal with other people, which is a required course for every noble.

The Baroness Strak was naturally very good at this.

She has roughly figured out Yi's personality. . Of course, there are some speculations. She is cautious and still completes all the tasks of Yi Chou normally without crossing the line.

But in the power of magic, she couldn't help but make a temptation, because this power is what she craves.

But her careful thinking was nothing to Yi Chou, and her goal did not change at all. Yi Chou said calmly, "It's quite charming."

After a pause, Yi Chou continued again, "Be prepared... I will leave in half an hour."

"This time I will travel to Europe. The time is uncertain. I am optimistic about them, especially the guy who has been iced up. He is very dangerous. No matter what changes, he will contact me as soon as possible."

The Baroness Struck was taken aback for a moment, but unexpectedly Yi Biao just asked a few words and planned to leave so quickly, but she said immediately without any hesitation.

"I see, sir."

Yi Biao nodded and turned to leave. Saralans in the room had fallen asleep in a chair, and when she woke up, she would realize that she had a dream that she couldn't remember.


But after two steps, Yi Chou suddenly turned back.

"Happy New Year, Lord Baroness."

"...You're welcome."

The Baroness Struck gave a polite smile, but she was not sure what Yi Chou was crazy about. . Because it is still a long time before Christmas.

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