High Magic Earth

Chapter 1449: Call 1 title Jun


The engine roared, and at night, the convoy lined up as a long dragon, like a messenger of death coming from hell, dispersing the mist and heading towards this quiet and peaceful town. ...


The first to discover these steel giants was naturally the militia in the town.

After World War II swept across Europe, every country could not be spared. Even in a country like Norway, where many cities and towns joined the army after they were young, the rest of them spontaneously set up militia... to prevent some possible things.

For example now.

"They are coming!"

Seeing the team in the dark night, he ran down from the attic on the second floor, pushed open the door, and went straight to the church in the town in the misty night rain.

"They are coming."

After flying into the church, he pulled the back door tightly, blocking the bolt, and said without lifting his head.

At this time, the elderly priest in the church was also alarmed and slowly walked down the revolving stone stairs.

"They have been here before."

The old priest wore a robe. Although he was old, he was full of energy. He limp and walked down the stairs without saying much.

"This time is different."

The militiaman threw the rifle behind him, breathing heavily, and looked at the old priest in front of him.

This is not the first time the Nazis have come to this town, but because there is no military value here, many times they just passed by or looted, but now... the other party seems to be coming straight here.

He had a hunch that the opponent's goal was here, and he didn't know the reason, it seemed... feeling.

"Let them come."

The old priest still said firmly, "They can't find it."

Then stood one.

At the same time as his words fell, the two felt the ground seemed to start shaking, the earth was shaking, and even the whole temple seemed to be shaking.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding-"

Crusader helmets placed on the table collided with each other, the candlelight was swaying, the chandelier's wire was moaning, and the top of the dim church shrine was constantly falling with small gravel.


The trembling became more and more intense, and then at a moment before the outbreak, the shaking suddenly stopped.

It was like the serenity before the storm.


Then at the next moment, a huge force like a roar of a beast slammed into the gate of the temple. The ancient stone gate crashed out under the roar of metal, and the stones were rolled towards the two people behind the door.

The old priest stumbled back two steps, too late to dodge, but his luck was very good, the gravel did not hit him, but unfortunately the militias' luck was not so good, the cracked gravel hit his head , Instantly planted him to the ground, and immediately the buried gate buried him underneath.

When all the dust had settled, there was a greasy face of a steel crash in the scattered dust, and then it slowly faded away again under the mechanical sound of the winch.

The old priest hurried forward two steps, struggling to remove the small stone bricks above the gravel, exposing the militia below, but the blood had filled his entire head, and there was no rest. ...

In the twilight town, the tank slowly came in. These war weapons exuded a fierce breath, and aimed the cold barrel at the temple in front.

And at the forefront of this team, a very dark luxury sports car turned a corner and slowly stopped.

The six-claw skull logo on the front of the vehicle is like an octopus, which shows the status of the vehicle... and also shows the identity of the owner of the vehicle.



The door was slowly opened, and a tall, slender figure walked down from the vehicle.

First is a high heel, then another.

The dark color is the same as that of the night, even deeper than the night, perfectly blending into the darkness, as if it was an elusive predator in the shadows.

"Da da da."

High heels made a loud noise on the ground.

Obviously, its owner's pace is very strong, the heels of the high-heeled shoes are steady and rapid, and the landing point is not shaken. Even the ground paved with mottled gravel and pebbles will not make her feel offset.

"Tap to tap."

At this time, the soldiers of the Nazi team had already taken a step forward, rushed into the temple with broken steps, several soldiers pushed the old priest to the ground, three rifles pointed at him, and their captain had commanded them to approach the temple. The sarcophagus placed in the center of the hall.

"Open it! Hurry up!"

Their captain growled.

The three soldiers stepped forward immediately. They threw the rifle behind them, then bowed and tried to push the lid of the sarcophagus above the sarcophagus.

But I don't know whether it is because it is too heavy or there are other agencies. The three of them tried their best and did not let them move at all.

"Why can't you find it?"

The captain growled.

This is not the first time they have searched in this town, but there is no clue what the chief has asked them to look for.

This time, their chief decided to do it himself.

"Da da."

The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped. At the next moment, the air seemed to be evacuated, and it fell into a strange tranquility.

Everyone's movements stopped abruptly, and the soldiers stood in squint, because the tall, slender figure did not know when it had appeared in the backlight of the sinking mouth.

The temple fell into silence.

The old priest fell to the ground, his eyes widened to try to see the figure, but unfortunately the light turned against his eyes, and he could only see a black figure.

"Da da da."

Footsteps appeared again.

The high-heeled shoes steadily stepped into a gravel, and the large crushed gravel of the gate did not cause any interference to it. No matter the gap or the angle of inclination, it was as stable as the ground below it.

Black high-heeled shoes with a heel height of more than seven or eight centimeters. The surface of high-heeled boots is also black, shrouded in a black leather jacket.

The owner of the high-heeled shoes slowly descended the gravel-stacked **** and came to the interior of the temple.

"It took me a long time to find here."

"I really have to praise you."

The high heels finally stopped in front of the old priest. The priest looked up... it was a beautiful face mixed with cruelty and arrogance.

"Help him up."

Said the owner of the face.

The old priest was grabbed by the soldiers, and he stood trembling, looking at the strange woman in front of him.

The black leather trench coat, with a peculiar smell of leather, the angle is so high that the incredible high-heeled shoes pulled her close to the height of a head. The original height is very tall, standing with the old priest, it is higher than him. Most of the people are around.

Even compared to the strong soldiers around, this woman is the tallest person in the temple.

The SS big big brim hat was worn on her head, and her long black hair fell on her shoulders. She looked like a good person, but her beautiful face had a cruel smile, and her eyes were full. The vicious look made her exude a cold air.

It directly shows that she is not a kind person.

"I think you are a visionary."

The woman said in a quirky tone with a German local accent.

"We are very similar."

At this time, the old priest had calmed down again. He stared at the woman in front of him, and Shen Sheng said, "We are not like it at all."

"Is it."

"But other people think of something that cannot exist, but you and I think it's science."

The woman tilted her head and looked at the old priest with a look at the prey.

"The thing you are looking for does not exist."

The old priest skillfully stood up again.

"Then why should it be so expensive to hide it."

The woman raised her tone and suddenly interrupted the old priest's words.

Her chin lifted slightly, and she signaled to the side sarcophagus.

After she finished speaking, she no longer responded to the old priest's reaction. She turned around and strode towards the sarcophagus. The big brimmed hat was handed to the soldier next to her, and her long black hair was immediately swayed down.

She pulled the black leather gloves tightly against her skin, making a crackling snap, and then looked down at the junction of the sarcophagus lid and the sarcophagus.

The next moment, she put her hands on the edge of the sarcophagus lid, and then pushed hard.


The sarcophagus cover, which was not pushed by three or four soldiers, easily slipped to the ground under her push, and made a loud buzz. The ground shook again.

The inside of the sarcophagus was exposed.

A corpse that has been transformed into a skull, the area is covered with dust and cobwebs, and a long sword is placed on the skull, but this is not what the woman wants.

Because between the hands of the skeleton, there is also a square transparent crystal.

"The hypercube is Odin's gem."

The woman pulled the crystal out of the skeleton's hands, then took it in her hands and looked at it.

After staring at it for a while, she suddenly turned to face the old priest, letting go of her hand and letting the hypercube fall to the ground.


With the sound of broken glass, the so-called hypercube was instantly shattered into pieces, and fine crystals were scattered all over the place, but the woman did not care.

"This thing should not be hidden," she continued.

"But I think it's close."

She returned to the old priest, leaned close to his face, and looked at the prey again.

"I can not help you."

The old priest said without hesitation.


The woman also responded without hesitation, "But maybe you can help your village."

"There must be your friends there, maybe some children...I don't think you want them to die."

As the woman's voice fell, the tank barrels parked outside the temple began to slowly turn. The war machine aimed its most deadly threat at this small town that had been loomed by the flames of war.

The old priest's beard was trembling. He still didn't speak, but his eyes had betrayed him.

The woman followed the old priest's gaze.

The walls of the temple.

Carved with exquisite pattern reliefs on it, it is a big tree that carries the world and lifts the world.

"Igodra Hill."

The woman walked slowly, and said a strange name in her mouth.

"The tree of the world."

"Guarding wisdom..."

Her eyes fell on the relief, and she carefully looked from top to bottom. Her amazing eyesight instantly let her find the strangeness that might exist on this relief.

"...And fate."

She stared into the eyes of a snake under the world tree, then slowly extended her hand.

Slender fingers lightly pressed the snake's eyes.


With a crisp sound, a dark grid popped up around the relief snake, which was exactly the size of a cube.

The old priest's eyes began to change, with anger, hatred...but more of fear and deep fear of the unknown.

The woman reached out and grabbed the dark grid from the relief wall.

Glancing at the old priest, she took the dark wooden box in her hand.

She slowly opened a gap, and in an instant, the faint blue light burst out of the wooden box, reflected in her eyes, and also seemed to reflect the whole shrine of the whole shrine.

Everyone's eyes widened, and the soldiers all around, including the old priest himself, stared at this blue luster that seemed not to be understood by humans.

"The head of state is still digging in the desert..."

The woman stared at the small wooden box in her hand with an obsessive gaze, as if she saw the most beautiful treasure in the world.

She looked up and glanced at the old priest, and found him equally shocked.

"You have never seen this...right," the woman said.

The old priest guarded the treasure, but he never opened it.

"This is not for mortals." The old priest was still equally shocked, but still warned the woman.

But the woman obviously didn't care~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ or...she is not that stupid.


The woman re-covered the small wooden box, put it in her hand, and then whispered.

"Order to fire."

In the next moment, she had re-accepted the big brimmed hat handed over by the soldiers and buckled it on her head, and then gave an order without hesitation to march outward.

The old priest stared at her with an inexplicable gaze, hatred, fear, or something else that could not be said.


He growled in a low voice, "You can't control that kind of power."

"You will go to hell!"

The sound of artillery had already sounded, and fierce flames rushed to this innocent town. Tonight, no one could escape the shadow of death and blood.

In the roar of the tank and the roar of the machine gun, the woman stopped and turned around, facing the old priest, and responded with a disdainful tone.

"I have seen hell."

She drew out her pistol and did not hesitate.


The old priest fell.

Blood splattered on the Hydera badge on her chest, steel and scarlet, exuding strange cold, she rubbed her jawbone as if fixing something, and then turned around and walked out again,

But at the moment she turned around, a strange voice came again suddenly inside the shrine where she was before.

"You have already seen hell."

"I'm sorry...I have reservations about this."

The woman's dark pupil contracted slightly, and she slowly turned around, staring at where the voice appeared with vigilance, excitement, greed, longing, and even a slight fear.

A black smoke slowly appeared.

It seemed to have been drilled through the cracks in the floor tiles, gathered together in the same place, swirling slowly like a whirlwind, and finally condensed into...a kind of vague figure.

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