High Magic Earth

Chapter 1465: What should I do when I cut back temporarily

This world, New York.

"We want the truth! We want the truth!"

"God is dead, the end is coming!"

"The present scriptures have been blocked for a full five days. What they found here is completely unknown to us, and the government has never given a positive..."

The hostess stood in front of the video recorder and said quickly in a slightly fierce tone. Like her, there were countless reporters, hosts and even ordinary people who came to watch and join in the lively.

The blockade can indeed keep everyone out of the cash, but even if nothing can be seen near the cordon, it is still packed with dense crowds.

They are just a mere hustle and bustle, of course, there must be a mischievous guy.

It is now fully blocked, even with police and army soldiers everywhere, but there are still countless times more fanatic crowds around.

The number of these people is so huge that even the policemen dare not intervene at random.

"Sir, sir, listen to me, this is God's punishment for us, God has..."

"Freedom! We want the truth!"

"Long live black!"

Through the host's lens, we can see that there is a huge crowd at the rear, and countless slogans and wandering teams are mixed, and the fanatic impact on everything.

These people screamed wildly, scorned all authority with excitement, and smashed the wine bottles and eggs into the inside of the cordon, even the surrounding policemen, like a carnival of death.

It has been nearly a week since the sudden disaster, but everything has not become settled with the end of the matter, but it has intensified.

As the number of deaths that broke out continued to increase, the whole world fell into a restless and restless state.

Every day and even every oblique news broadcast reveals anxiety, and parades and crazy crowds can be seen in the background paper.

Spread like a book.

In fact, the main reason is. ♀There is no time for any blockade, and the monster's huge body cannot be blocked at all.

And it appears directly in the center of New York.

If an alien or a spaceship is found in the Sahara Desert, then nothing is said, just drag it back and hide in Area 51 to ensure that there are no problems.

But this. .

Can Godzilla cover up? Obviously impossible, at most it is to conceal Godzilla's origin.

The same is true for huge ghosts and monsters.

The disaster erupted very suddenly, and the United States simply did not have time to respond, or it did, but it could not be completely blocked.

In the early days of the disaster, various videos were flying around. At this time, blocking and deleting messages on the network was no longer useful.

And the monster's body is comparable to a dozen-story skyscraper, and millions of people nearby have seen it with their own eyes. The blockade has no meaning at all.

Even now, many people still have various videos and evidence in their hands.

Public opinion is flying all over the sky, and the crazy crowd is venting everything, especially New York, where the incident happened. This is not the movie world. The movie will only show the cool battle scenes, and rarely show the desolation after the battle. And miserable.

And more importantly, the kind of human fear of the unknown.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on New York, and panic is fermenting, but the official staff has not given a positive answer, and is always delaying the investigation of the main investigation.

After a few days, this fear and discussion became more intense.

In fact, the United States did not even think about blocking the news. They also urgently discussed how to give a reply, but what troubled them most was that they did not know what was going on.

Everything came too suddenly, did not want the conspiracy mentioned in the movie, the crazy experiments of the scientists, the premeditated alien invasion.

This time, I really took a pot back and was also desperate.

. . .

At the same time, Parliament.

Although it was already late in the night, the guys who had returned early late were still staying in an absolutely safe meeting room. The cigarette butts were already filled with several ashtrays, but the results were still not discussed.


"It makes no sense for us to quarrel like this."

His Excellency the President seemed to be leaning his hands on the table, rubbing his forehead.

"We all know that the times have changed and we will either eliminate others or be eliminated."

"I'm not thinking about concealment here, sitting on the world's best dream, and continuing to treat everything with superficial eyes and conventional means."

"We have only one purpose, grasp, and then grasp."

"Does anyone have any objections?"

In addition to the heads of various departments, there are many consortia and parliamentarians here. During special periods, they must unite a quiet force.

These people may not be the calculation of His Excellency the President, but his strength is not small, at least he can ignore his kind of situation.

What he said is still somewhat useful.


One below whispered.



The others immediately followed, not much, but not much.

only. .

"In fact, we all know this truth."

Someone once again said, "The opportunity is very important, we must unite and catch the veins of the makeup generation."

"But to unite, one of the first problems we need to solve is. ←How should the benefits be distributed."

He pointed out the core issue.

"On this point, I think..."

"No, I think I should..."

The controversy continued, and the issues of interest never ended, as if it would go on indefinitely. His Excellency President rubbed his forehead again, summoned the guard, and whispered a few words.

Even if these councillors, the representatives of the consortium do not know what happened, they know nothing and have nothing, but it does not prevent them from using the current chips to compete for more interests.

Prior to this, only a small number of parliamentarians realized that there seemed to be some supernatural presence in the world. They communicated with the President through small-scale alliances, and finally passed the independent department of General Sorozo.

They plan to covertly study, bring more benefits for themselves, or crack their flag secrets and use them for their own purposes.

But now, the monster that suddenly appeared reveals them to the whole world, embeds all of them, and it is not meaningful to continue to hide. The important thing is how to fight for more benefits for yourself.

And everyone knows that in any case, the United States must take the lead again in this huge turning point.

But this does not hinder, they first clarify the issue of distribution of benefits.

This kind of thing has not happened for the first time, so this wing. . It is estimated to last a long time.

As for how to respond to the outside world, they are naturally familiar with the situation, procrastinating, and appeasing, some of the information disclosed, and then continue to procrastinate and appease.

Basically, the result was already debated at that time.

It does not matter how the outside world reacts, as long as it is stable, what matters is how much its own interests are.

Looking at this group of people, it seems that they will never lose energy. For the little bit of the quarreling person who almost wants to lift the table, the expression of the President is indifferent.

Although he has the highest status, he can't fight for too many interests. The supporters behind him are competing, so he will quietly be a spectator.

Fortunately, the guard who went out soon came back again, and then leaned over to say something to the President.

Sorozo has returned to New York.

Yes, General Sorozo.

That sense of existence is not very high, and even many parliamentarians at the time thought that the plan was totally a fantasy, they were joking, and they were crazy General Soroso.

With such a serious incident erupting, it would be impossible for General Sorozo to stay out of the matter.

Even if their initial purpose was to capture people with supernatural powers on a small scale, to research, or to decipher their secrets.

But in the face of a sudden disaster, General Sorozo seems to be the only person with details.

And the information obtained from fbi and cia, General Sorozo is indeed the first person to respond, and the troops are on the scene.

He must know something.

On the first day of the accident, General Zorzo has been urgently recalled. Everything he knows must be explained to the Parliament in detail. Unfortunately, General Zorzo does not know much.

Even with the investigation, progress is not fast.

but no matter. . The president rubbed his forehead again.

They must all seize the opportunity.

Step by step, step by step.

It seems that it didn't pay much attention to it. As a supernatural supervision plan that is being seen as a money-losing project, it must be paid enough attention.

Because of their existence, they have been exposed to the whole world.

. . .

"That's = ghost worker!"

Paul knocked **** the next line of text on the keyboard, and then went out with anger.

But unfortunately, it was just a ruthless mockery from the opposite keyboard man.

"Silly*, watch more movies."

With the whole world watching, the monster that caused the disaster in New York not long ago is almost unknown.

The major TV stations, news reports and undercurrents in the newspapers are surging, and the heat is intensifying. As a more free and crazy online world, it is surging and setting off a storm.

As an anonymous world, everyone is venting everything crazier than it is in reality.

Because of the emergence of supernatural forces, it is really too big and incredible.

People have had many imaginations, fantasies, or fantasies about the existence of supernatural, but they are only in science fiction and movies.

After all the dust has settled, the cruelty of reality tells people that only technology is the only truth.

But with the appearance of the monster, all the thick cognition was broken.

Everything went crazy.

Like aliens, everyone thinks that aliens must exist, but they also feel that it is very far away from themselves. They still have to go to work and school tomorrow, and they are still looking forward to the weekend.

But who can imagine, in the next moment, aliens suddenly visited the earth.

Their appearance disrupted everything. People were curious about it, but they were also full of fear.

Just like this monster.

Of course, panic is the overwhelming majority of herd mentality, and people who have been baptized with modern information still have a lot of novelty, and even are curious.

Such people occupy the vast majority on the Internet.

Except for those in New York, most people who watched the broadcast later had only shock in their hearts, and no feeling of fear.

Of course, the last section about the evil **** that has appeared has been completely blocked.

Even watching the broadcast and recording, several people vaguely became a little crazy.

In fact, these live broadcasts have caused more than 100,000 crazy events at least globally, and they will lose their sense even if they are not crazy.

This large-scale disaster has affected almost everyone, which is the main cause of widespread panic.

However, with the total ban, few people knew about the existence of evil spirits behind.

The only thing they can shock is the huge green ghost that appeared before.

Paul is one of them.

Others are in Los Angeles, not New York, a city with many disasters and disasters, and the first time the disaster broke out, they were still playing games. There was no need to switch to a certain channel for live broadcast. Fortunately, they escaped the evil spirits. Differential large-scale dementia attacks.

By the time the news broke up, Paul knew it was a little late.

But while watching the replay, Paul thought for the first time that he saw the trailer for Ghostbusters. . Because this big guy is so familiar.

Is this exactly the boss in the reset version last year?

If not all the news from the TV station is covering this news, Paul really thinks this is a non-realistic prank ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why. . Movies will appear in the real world.

This is Paul's question, and it is also the question of most doubters.

The new version of the Ghostbusters as a movie released in Hollywood, even if not many people watched, but also a lot, not to mention the first few are also classics, there are a number of their own loyalty.

Many people recognized the identity of this big monster in the first time. It’s like, it’s almost exactly the same thing that came out of the movie.

Except that it seems more powerful.

This makes one wonder that everything is a prank, especially in many countries outside the United States, for example, a country is happily spitting on the barrage.


#Today's New York is also being destroyed#

#Real world New York is finally destroyed, again#

And all this doesn't seem to be fake. It seems to have swept the world's strange and crazy symptoms, and it seems that it can't do the fake, so it is divided into two kinds of voices.

Like Paul, the paranoid thinks that this big guy came out of the movie, it is the one in the movie, and the other party, thinks that it just looks like the movie flag, human first. ∨ Misrecognize it.

But no matter which side, it seems that all of this is true.

Because this supernatural grand event is really exposed to everyone's eyes, unlike any previous one, either concealed or there is no direct evidence to show.

It is undoubtedly true.

And for humanity, opened the door to another world.

. . .

At the same time, in New York, the ghost incident broke out.

Somewhere on the roof next to the battle ruins, a figure was standing vaguely in the shade of the light.

[Remember URL Three Five Chinese Network]

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