High Magic Earth

Chapter 1472: Witch in action


"Humph, boring."

The emergence of Marcaire brought a step for two people to temporarily put down their disputes and prejudices. Of course, if they want to fight side by side again immediately, and once again explore the magical congress and collaborate with the evil spirit before, it is certainly impossible. It is estimated that it needs to go through a period of break-in again.

Besides, there was not much tacit understanding between the two. It was only because they were more powerful than the other witches that they always joined forces.

Fortunately, the quarrel was at least stopped.

The two stood on the left and right sides of Marcotel. Not only did they look disdainful with similar expressions, but they even crossed their arms in their arms with exactly the same movements, but only one face hummed to the left, one was Right hum.

In the middle, Marcotel's expression was stiff, and mmp was revealed in his smile.

Forget it, let's leave here first.

"By the way, I remember that we also have a pattern, like a black mark..." said Marco Tell.

Madison, the newcomer, didn’t know what pattern, whether she was the Hollywood star, Emma Roberts or something, so Joanna glanced at her, then pulled out her wand and pointed it diagonally toward the sky.

"Seal of the Witch... The image stands out!"


The front end of Joanna's wand seemed to explode, making a popping sound and sputtering countless sparks. These Mars flickered in the air, but not the dazzling gold and the dazzling light, but the charming pink .

When the scattered Mars touched the air, it turned into pink smoke, which condensed on the front of Joanna's wand, just like a pompon growing on her wand.


The condensation of smoke was only a moment, and the next moment, there was another crunch.

Like a ray of meteors in the night, the pink light suddenly blasted out along Joanna's wand, and within half a second, it rushed to the sky, cut through the cold night sky, and rose above the clouds.


The last bang sounds the end of magic.

The pink luster spread out in the sky, like a Christmas firework, and a clatter fell, almost dipping the entire sky with color.

The light merged with the deep night, and turned into the same deep crimson.

The scattered starlight and spots continue to converge and fuse in the air, eventually forming an image of a witch.

The witch outlined by the light spot turned around in mid-air, and then pulled a broom out of the hat, swept the surrounding star spot, and then immediately lifted the leg and wanted to ride it. When he came down, he seemed to have a shy expression, and pressed the corner of the skirt, and then stepped on the broom.

Then the broom made of starlight carried the witch, which was also made of starlight, and flew towards the sky, disappearing into a meteor.

Madison, with his head raised below, didn't realize his mouth was wide open, and finally closed it.

"Who did this?"

She asked Marco Tell.

Marco Tell shrugged innocently, "It's not me anyway."

This guy runs around the world before becoming Maya and entering the source directly. He is a senior donkey. After becoming a natural creature, Maya rarely appears in front of others.

She hadn't even been to the meeting of the Sorceress Sisters a few times, and of course it was impossible to design it by Marco Terre.

Joanna hummed, not speaking.

Seeing this, Madison just pouted, and didn't ask any more.

The pattern of the witch on a broom is not mentioned for the time being. It may be for unobtrusive reasons. The whole magic is made into a situation of magical fireworks. Fireworks are not very common, but they are still relatively common. In most cases, Very few people pay attention.

But as the magic exploded, Madison felt that it was almost impossible to stay unnoticed.

This kind of magical thing can't disguise itself as an ordinary firework.

Fortunately, she soon realized that imprinting magic is not so simple. In addition to the scattered starlight that can condense the pattern and it is also a dynamic pattern, the main function is to hide the spell.

Like Muggle expulsion spells, wizards can see the mark in the sky, but ordinary people can't see it, and even the marks on the video and surveillance are not noticeable after being seen.

It seems that these witches are not as idiot as they thought.

After all, they are not that group of lunatic death eaters, they are not afraid of anything. After the imprint is lifted up, in addition to being able to summon witches, they can also attract enemies. Concealment is the most important thing.




Just a few seconds before the witch's mark disappeared, there was a popping sound like a balloon burst, followed by another sound, and then the popping sound seemed to stop, like a continuous sound Seven or eight times.


Madison heard the voice of the witch named Imogen.

More and more witches saw the phantom appearing after seeing the mark, and soon a group of people gathered around again, including those who had previously entered the underground congress to explore and those who stayed nearby and found that things were not observed in secret.

The witches of New York almost knew the existence of the Sisters of Witches, and even if they did not formally join, everyone knew each other very well.

After all, the circle is only so big, there is no place to hide if you want to hide.

"Did the magic succeed, I saw the mark on the mark."

Madison heard another fascinating voice coming next to her, as if she didn't wake up, but she was full of seriousness. She turned her head to look and saw that it was the young witch named Delia.

In addition to listening to Imogen, there is also the little girl who is going to high school, it is estimated that she is the youngest.

But this girl named Delia knows a lot of magic, and it can even be said that there are many people with magic knowledge here, and the number of spells is more than that of Imogen Joanna and others.

In the underground magic congress, she used some magic, even Madison had not seen it in the books she bought.

It should be some private magic, and the records in the noble collections of the solitary books may even be self-made.

Of course, the last possibility is unlikely.

As they are discussing now.

"Magic? What magic... oh, I know..."

Suddenly asked by Delia, Joanna reacted. She asked the mark of the witch. Has the magic been successfully created?

"not yet."

Joanna shook her head. "All I use is the image."

Delia nodded slightly, seemingly disappointed.

Madison watched with cold eyes.

After Joanna called the witch mark, she was very suspicious of the magic. Obviously, she must have never heard of the spell.

Of course, there are more spells that Madison has not heard, but the problem is that this spell is not just a problem that has not been heard. It should not even exist.

It was specially created by this group of witches, a mark belonging to them.

But this is not an easy task, anyway, it also belongs to the scope of self-made magic, even if it is just a very small magic.

Creating a spell is actually not a simple matter. Don’t look at Voldemort Snape or something. It seems that you can create a dark demon mark without any shadow.

But who was Snape, and who was Voldemort.

The former is one of the few potions masters involved. If he doesn’t look at his bad personality and desperate spy career, he is definitely a master figure in magic talents and accomplishments. Create a few small magic of your own.

God Shadow Wufeng's lethality is high, but in fact it should be regarded as the less magical kind of Harry Potter magic system. After all, there are not many magical changes, just a gap between the enemy.

Dark magic mark, this is a real, complete magic.

It not only forms a mark in the air for a long time, and it can't even be expelled by magic. When the dark mark is lifted, all Death Eaters can sense the existence of the mark and the position of the mark.

There is much more magical knowledge involved in this, which was not an invincible match of the gods.

Even if God Shadow Wufeng looks or is practical, it is stronger than the Dark Mark.

And its creator is Voldemort, not to mention the power of Voldemort, not to mention that he is powerful, talented, clever, and has almost all the advantages.

I am afraid that only the same talented first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald can compare with him. Even when Dumbledore was young, he was probably weaker than Tom.

The old Dumbledore repressed with the old magic wand and the huge magic power after the old age. The Tom who fought this time did not dare to fight back. Perhaps Dumbledore was equally powerful when he was young, but he was far from such an extraordinary talent.

Regardless of evil and justice, just look at the talent of magic.

Such Voldemort can create such original magic as the Dark Mark.

Wizards who can create their own magic and even improve spells, besides happening, are all famous wizards with amazing talents and excellent qualifications.

Want to create spells with a bunch of stupid women. .

It’s not that Madison looked down on them, and I’m afraid it’s just a simple change of the mark of the Dark Mark, which is not what they can do.

Sure enough, this is not a self-made magic.

The video also showed that Madison has heard that there are no useless tricks that can show some patterns and pictures, which are just used by them.

In addition to the appearance of the witch mark, it looks cooler, and the whole is the same.

Whether you can see the call of the witch's mark is entirely fate, you need to look at the sky with your naked eyes, and you can't directly sense it.

The most technical of the witch-marking magic in the whole is probably to integrate the effect of the expulsion spell into it, so that ordinary people cannot find it.

Madison shook his head aside and continued to remain silent, being his own little transparent.

"All right."

Marcel saw that other people's topics were getting more and more biased. Someone had even talked about a delicious take-out shop nearby, so he hurriedly stopped.

"We have to leave here quickly."

"I believe without me saying that you also know how much shock this kind of thing will cause. Don't underestimate the power of those capital bureaucrats."

"Don't forget, we were also a member of the ordinary people not long ago."


It seemed that in order to cooperate with Marco Terre, while her voice was falling, there was a huge propeller noise when the helicopter was spinning in the sky not far away.


And listening carefully, there are obviously more than one helicopter.

The witches looked at each other.

"Separate action."

Joanna stood up and said, "In five minutes, everyone went to find the witches who were still left nearby and would not be disillusioned or comatose, and take them all away."

"Also, the crystalized witches are also taken away, whether or not they die. But be careful, it is best not to touch the crystal with your hands."

"Not sure if there is any unknown danger."

"Five minutes later, we meet at the House of Witch II."

Madison's face showed an unacceptable expression, Witch House No. 2, what a ghost.

But now the witches are messy, let alone pay attention to her expression, even the strange witch Madison, even the witch who is suspected of being a Hollywood star, has no one to find and care about.

In any case, this group of witches used to be ordinary people. Even if they had experience in the world of Harry Potter and lived for a while, they could not be reversed immediately.

Three months, four months, and more. According to the exchange of witches, the longest known time is only seven months into the Harry Potter world. The person is Delia, Joanna. . The stay is only six months.

At this time, I can only learn some magic. As for the mentality, it is difficult to have any major turning point.

Suddenly encountering such a big event has not been completely messed up, it is already the extraordinary power of magic, which has brought these witches with confidence and strength.

"Go away!"

"I withdrew first!"


"Wait, I seem to have seen a crystalized witch when I came, and I have seen her in Parliament a few times before."

"Are there any teams, are there any teams!"

"What team!"


After Joanna's words fell, the witches around were silent for a second or two, and then burst into bursts, the sound of the coax was endless, and from time to time accompanied by the sound of phantom dislocation, one or two figures disappeared in place.

Soon, after half a minute of noisy, the witches around have almost disappeared, whether it is to find a comatose partner or a corpse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or just go to the meeting point and wait, anyway leave here.


The sound of the helicopter is getting closer and closer, and the searchlights are shaking, which can clearly illuminate the ground music below.

Joanna waved her wand, her figure began to become transparent, and then whispered, "I'm going to find a nearby partner who hasn't lost. You go to meet first, and I'll be there soon."

Then, waiting for the reaction of Imogen and others, her figure had disappeared.

So there were Imogen and Delia, as well as Marco and Madison.


Marco Tell said, "Take us away."

Madison and Marco The Magic are not weak, but in fact, Madison does not know the location, and the phantom is also useless. As a Maya, Marco Ther does not like the way of traveling with the phantom.

Just as Imogen is here, just pack and take the three people away.

The woman’s Imogen is a mall strongman, and her magical combat power is far less than that of Joanna, but she is very skilled in phantom transformation, because she knows her strengths and weaknesses, and her escape skills have been Full, there is no pressure to bring three people.

In fact, Imogen has long wanted to leave this place of right and wrong to meet up. Although I am sorry for other companions, it is difficult to help with her medium level, so she did not hesitate to nod.

"it is good."

In the next moment, Marco Ther grabbed Madison's shoulders, and then the other held Imogen. There was a twist in place, and the moment the helicopter's searchlight came, it disappeared.

The dazzling light came straight, but several people had long since disappeared, leaving only a little illusion as if it was a visual deviation, and it was again calm again in the next second.

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