High Magic Earth

Chapter 1474: I have 1. .

"I have wound medicine."

"I have white moss."

"I have it too!"

"Come here."

This was the first wave of wounded people who were rescued. As several people were put on the table by the floating mantra, noisy noises immediately began to whizz around.

Delia narrowed her eyes while holding a small bottle of sparkling champagne, the atmosphere in the tavern gave her a feeling of being in the game, what hurt medicine, hurt medicine, will you call the team next time? Too.

The witches carried the heaviest wounded to the table with all their hands. . As for the lightly wounded, within a few seconds of bringing them back, their injuries were basically cured by others, but they were still in a coma.

For the witches, the hemostatic potion should be the least valuable thing. The potion material is not expensive, and the difficulty is how to cook it.

The more advanced potions, the harder it is to cook.

Whether it is the brewing process of the potion itself, or the various drug properties of the potion in the preparation process.

The former can also be compensated by careful and careful and a lot of practice, but the latter, there is only a gap in talent, which can not be compensated.

Otherwise, why is the potion master so rare.

The hemostatic potion is a very simple part of the ladder of potions. Except for entry-level potions, basically as long as it is not stupid like Neville Longbottom, it can be successfully brewed.

And this thing has a strange effect on various unexpected effects of non-magic battles. Basically, all witches are equipped with a sufficient amount of hemostatic agent.

Don't worry at all.

The really expensive potions in the magic world are those potions in the true sense, such as spirits and venom potions, which are very magical when they sound.

The more the consequences or scars caused by a certain magic, the more expensive that kind of potion is, the trouble of cooking, the scarce material, and even the recipe is not so easy to get.

On the contrary, in the magic world, like the hemostatic agent, the potion is only for ordinary injuries, and it is not as precious as expected.

But in the world of ordinary people, these things are very easy to use, such as now.


The injuries of other witches have stabilized and have been settled. There are many witches here. Although most of the magic levels are difficult to see, there must be some magic that is good at some direction.

For example, there are more than one person who is good at transforming spells. Some hospital beds are temporarily transformed from wooden tables and wooden chairs and placed in the corner of the bar.

The witch who was most injured was floated among the people. . But seeing her injury, the surrounding atmosphere gradually calmed down, and the witches no longer noisy who has the potion.

She was really hurt.

A reinforced concrete bar penetrated her entire abdomen. The other end of the concrete was originally carrying large pieces of broken walls and ruins, but it had been turned into leaves by magic and was taken down.

It's just this steel bar that runs through her belly, but no one dared to touch it with magic.

The wound is dangerous.

The blood stained her whole person as if she had been taken out of the blood pool. Her face was extremely pale and her breath was so weak that she could hardly detect it. Even the ups and downs of her chest had basically disappeared. The whole person was no doubt dead.

The battle process after the original Evil God exploded took a large part of the time. In addition to the search time, she had at least been in this state for more than half an hour.

She must have treated herself with potions or magic, but the effect is not good, it may be a relationship that cannot be moved. She has not left the place.

Otherwise, she had already been cold by a large amount of blood loss.

Although she is no different from dead at this time.

"How to do.."

The witches whispered.

No one dared to pull out the steel bar indiscriminately. At the moment of removal, the massive hemorrhage caused again would directly kill the other person's life. Now, this state is not only a hemostatic potion that can be solved.

Similar to penetrating wounds, hemostatic potions may not heal quickly.

As the discussion started, time passed again for two or three seconds.

"All let it go."

Then the next moment, the slightly indifferent voice of Marco Tal's calm appeared outside everyone.

The witches spontaneously gave way, and they saw Marcotel holding the classic wooden cane of the Maya white robe wizard and strode in.

Marcotel leaned over and sniffed the wounded witch's face. There was still a breath of life. Although it was much thinner, it did not reach the moment of checkmate.

Immediately thereafter, her wooden wand slammed to the ground, and the white light instantly enveloped the injured witch's body, and a warm breath spread out around him.

Maya's magic favors the so-called light, especially the white robe Maya.

The blood had stopped flowing, and the instant was stopped. Even more than that, the blood stains that were condensed near the wound and outside seemed to start to flow back, as if reintegrating into the body of the injured witch.

Her pale face turned rosy at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In the next moment, Marcotel grabbed the steel bar near the wound, and then yanked it outwards, a burst of blood appeared, and then it was quickly repressed. The greasy penetration of the wound was quickly cured by the light. Healed from the beginning of fusion, although the speed of healing is very slow, but can still see results.

Obviously, the witch's life was saved.

The witches onlookers all breathed a sigh of relief.

No witch is really malicious enough to look forward to the death of his companion. Even if it is not kindness, there is a sense of sadness in the heart.

Seeing the injured witch out of danger, everyone else was relieved.

Marcotel withdrew the magic, the light gradually dissipated, and the gruesome wound still did not heal completely, but it also looked much better than before directly through the abdomen.

At least the blood stopped, and there was no danger to life.

The wounded witch was still pale and her breathing was very weak, but the ups and downs of her chest had stabilized, and the magic of Marcotel could not jump through the rest of the rest period. She could only wait for time to rest.

Others quickly floated the injured witch to a bed not far away and temporarily let her lie down.

Marco Terre, carrying a wooden stick, returned to the bar. The heavy wand patted the table, and then lowered his head to continue drinking.

As Maya, her style is indeed somewhat different from other witches.

Imogen also reunited, and began to continue to contact feelings.



Next, the sound of the air being torn apart continued to sound, more and more wounded people were sent back, and there were some witches whose bodies had been crystallized.

They seem to be dead, and the crystal has crystallized all of them, like a moment of ice.

But the ice may freeze the whole person in an instant. Although it is impossible to breathe, there is a possibility that it is not yet dead, but this crystallization. . Obviously it should be saved.

Even if it is instantaneous crystallization, because there is no low temperature freezing, suffocation has caused internal death.

But this refers to the normal circumstances, everything in the magic world, can not be viewed with common sense.

In addition to these crystalized witches, the rest of the witches have serious injuries. The witches in the tavern can basically be treated, especially trauma and the like.

More serious penetrating the wound, or even tearing off the broken limb, can only make Marco Teal shot.

Although Maya is good at bright magic, but because of the rules of the entire Middle-earth world, the power of magic is not very strong, especially there is no healing magic.

People are injured and die.

This is the rule of the Middle-earth world, and in the presence of Maya.

In the Middle-earth world, Maya does not actually have a strong healing technique, even if it has the power of magic, but the life of that world is still very fragile, even more fragile than some other worlds.

Although Marktel could pull the seriously wounded from the death line, he stopped there.

It is basically impossible to completely heal the wound or supplement the symptoms of blood loss.

And this kind of magic was still researched by Martel after studying the power system of the Harry Potter world in combination with his Maya.

Not Maya's own magical talent.

Soon, a corner of the tavern was filled with wounded people, and there were seven or eight scattered. Apart from the witch who had stayed on the ground when he and Imojin and other people entered the underground magic congress to explore, There are a lot of people who found out that the big ghost appeared and rushed over.

The raging of the Great Ghost and Evil God will inevitably cause a lot of accidents and injuries, especially the level of this group of witches, which is more than self-preserving, but participating in this level of things is inevitably unattractive.

As the wounded gradually increased, a strange smell began to permeate the tavern.

It's like the kind of long-standing in the hospital. The smell of disinfecting water or anti-inflammatory drugs has a strange and stable atmosphere, but it makes people feel shocked.

Like the taste of death.


There was another explosion, and Joanna's phantom appeared in place. She helped a wounded witch, but the injury did not seem so serious.

"Are you all back."

There was a witch next to the injured who brought Joanna back. Joanna sighed in relief and then asked in a low voice.

She seemed to be the latest to return, but the question of whether there are witches outside is beyond statistics.

So Imogen only shook his head, indicating that he could not answer.

Joanna sighed, but soon, she cheered up again.

Although these witches have been in the Harry Potter world for a long time, Joanna also knows that not everyone is excellent.

Most people still have to wander to the point of barely protecting themselves. It is important to know that entering the world of the source does not require too much from a free person except for a task that is not very difficult.

Many people do not like it, or dare not intervene in some plots, even if they are familiar with the plot, they can get a lot of benefits.

Most witches are not blindly chasing power, which should be considered a good thing. . But in fact, it also caused a serious polarization of the witches, and the high is high, and the low is very low.

Such a group of witches can hardly expect them to do anything in front of major events.

The operation of the entire Sisters of Witches depends on Imogen, Joanna is supporting, and there is basically no appearance, and the mascot has more meanings in Marco Terr.

Imogen is better at communicating with people, mainly inside and outside, and is more inclined to manage and fight. . Basically, you can only count on Joanna alone.

Delia’s strength is not bad, there is more reserve of magic knowledge, and it is also a practical school, but this guy does not know the reason, it seems to be more and more close to Luna Lovegood, and he is in a trance every day, It's hard to reassure.

So if Joanna is in a panic at this time, things can only get worse.

She can only force herself to calm down.

Fortunately, this time, she was not alone, but Marco Ter was here, and although the Madison guy was annoying, but his strength was not a fake, the optimistic Joanna quickly reassured her.

Of course, for Madison, more importantly, she came out of the source world, and it is not the first one.

In addition, the creatures that came out of the source world have been identified by Joanna. . It was the huge green ghost that raged in New York before.

It should come from the world of Ghostbusters.

As for the reason, what does the appearance of Madison and the green ghost mean, Joanna is temporarily unknown, and she has no energy and time to think about these things.

The top priority is where the witches should go.


Joanna clapped her palms twice, attracting the witches' attention.

"Sisters," she said.

"The existence of magic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been inevitably exposed."

"I know many people don't want to leave New York, our family, our friends, our lives are here, but we have all watched movies..."

Speaking of this, Joanna paused a little, "I even experienced it myself." It was a cold, cold humor.

Others did not give a smile to the face.

"We all know the evil scientists and ambitions in the movie, who like us, how crazy they are after learning about superpowers, supernatural phenomena, they will try to catch us, unravel us, and get the secret of superpowers ."

"Of course everything is our conjecture, guess, we have no evidence to prove anything, nor can we be sure how these people or others will treat us."

"Is it a superhero or a mutant."

"We don't know."

Then Joanna shrugged, "Of course, I personally feel that we are more like mutants, because we are a group, with a lot of numbers, and superheroes are an example, so it is easy to cause worship effects, but our large number, more likely to cause is Panic rather than chase."

"But in fact, we can't confirm anything before the above."

"Perhaps the government will prefer to cooperate with us. After all, this is a person's society. Even if the person's world is forced and peeped, it will not be a blatant pursuit."

"But this does not prevent us from trying to figure out the other party with the greatest malice."

"So we must do well in advance to deal with it, a retreat after everything is irreversible, and still be able to get away smoothly."

"But what I want to say more is everyone."

"We should go, leave here, leave New York."

"Even farther."

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