High Magic Earth

Chapter 1482: Breaking time seems less and less valuable

Ms. a looked around, frowning slightly, and did not have much confidence in this place.

Although advance technology is the most advanced weapon in the source world, it still has great limitations in the face of magic that is completely different from technology.

"Do not."

Ms. a looks apathetic, but she is not a really cold guy.

"Immediately pass the information." She said.

It is a big thing to have a complete magical building under the monster that ravages New York, and its existence has not been discovered by anyone. .

Even the advance team of five of them didn't find out that Ms. a didn't think the ordinary humans above would make any progress.

So in the face of this situation, she felt that it was better to pass the information back first, and she did not have to be arrogant enough to figure out everything herself.


In black, d dazzled his fingers very slyly. Along with his movements, a mobile phone fell out of thin air, and a translucent light screen also wrapped around his fingertips.

Then he turned around smartly again, "...no signal."

Black d shrugged.

Ms. a didn't seem surprised.

There are many ways of magic to cut off the communication lines of technology's external connections. This special magic cannot even be resolved and bypassed by technology.

Even if the progress of science and technology is great, it has no effect, because the two are completely different fields.

The black man c sneered aside, but he was immediately taken back by the black man d.

"Don't think I didn't see it!"

He growled and made a threat.

Ms. A is not surprised at this, but this is not a good time to joke. Justice League and Fulian can fight against each other while blaming each other, because they are all in the first line of superhero ranks.

And a few of them, in addition to weapons and equipment that are very advanced, are not much stronger than other free men in pure power.

At least much worse than a real superhero.

Without much hesitation, Ms. A said again.

"B, you are responsible for passing the message back."

The discovery of this complete magical building is of great significance, far more important than the rush of their team to explore. Even though the manpower is not as rich as expected, it is still much stronger than their only five.

If not worried about what the person who entered before would do anything inside, the five advance team members would not even go deep, but waited for the support of the institute.

So there is no doubt that the news will be sent back.

"I understand."

b has the least sense of presence, but except for Ms. a, the other four people seem to dare not answer at will when he speaks, especially d.

"Be careful."

b is a young man, also dressed in black, with a low hood pressure, but can still be seen as a very young white man.

The face of a typical American young man.

But his eyes were a little strange, and when he looked at Ms. a, he seemed to have a certain determination, like a farewell.

a still frowned, she found this and seemed to realize something, but in the end she said nothing.

Then b nodded his head, turned around and walked back. After coming to the bottom of the deep hole, he made a slight upward jump and jumped up directly.

Following his arm, he seemed to send out some kind of steel cable to hook up, and then the figure quickly disappeared into the ruins.

Ms. A drew her gaze and continued.

"let's go."

. . .

The young b keeps rising in the deep hole.

It only took about half a minute to fall. Almost in a blink of an eye, the five of them fell to the ground. Boots with special devices rarely absorbed kinetic energy and counter-impact force. It turned the collision into nothingness in an instant. , So that he could not feel much shock.

Jumping at a height of more than ten meters is even easier than a few meters.

Because the impact force of the latter has not reached the critical value, the anti-impact force cannot resist too many impacts.

It's just that when it rises, the speed is obviously much slower, not only because of gravity, but also a large part of the reason is that b is only alone at this time.

The steel cables crossed each other and shot directly into the stone walls on both sides of the deep hole, then pulled and shrunk, and took b up.

It's like a technology version of Spider-Man.

And there seems to be some special gravity device attached to his feet. It seems that he can also climb straight on both walls for a short time, so his ascent is not subject to any resistance at all.

After about a minute of climbing, b returned to the ground again.

B's real name is Jordania, a native American.

Joel's life is like most ordinary people, ordinary childhood, ordinary school, ordinary life, and friends around are ordinary.

He is not a football school team star, nor a tyrant or a genius in a certain field. Even the people who trouble him are scarce. Even the school bullies seem to be too lazy to ignore people like him.

No matter whether it is elementary school or high school, Joel is the kind of person who has the least sense of presence on the campus. The background board is used to fill the number of people and will be forgotten in a blink of an eye.

It’s the same when I’m in college. I still have a plain life. Every day there is nothing new. Even the roommates are very ordinary. Even he has no interesting life like him.

Joel even thought that his life would have passed like this.

After graduation, find a very ordinary job, not hungry but not too wealthy, and then there will be a mediocre girlfriend, and then you may get married and spend a quiet time.

But I did not expect that the turning point came suddenly.

Joel sighed and looked around, suddenly feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

At this time, his eyes were completely white, without pupils, and without any variegated white. If it was not very smooth around the orbits, no blue muscles appeared, I thought it was a white eye pupil surgery in an anime.

This is what he gained in the super hero world, the day of the eclipse, able to see through the time and see the eyes of the future.

of course. . This is actually more of a direct, extraordinary sixth and seventh sense.

Joel's eyes can see the future, a part of the very vague future.

On a very plain day in the university, extraordinary things suddenly came, silently packed up the school bag, unnoticed by anyone, and Joel, who was about to leave the classroom, was walking in the corridor and inexplicably entered the source world.

The sky changed from afternoon to evening in an instant, and night covered the campus. Joel found that the roadsides on the campus were changed to very strange instructions, and the campus name was also very strange.

Joel thought for the first time that he should have encountered the so-called campus talk. . Or things like campus horror stories and so on.

Then his second reaction was that his life was no longer ordinary.

But soon, the cold feelings shrouded in the surrounding night, and the dim school, let Joel calm down from this inexplicable excitement.

Not everyone can frankly accept that their expected life suddenly becomes their real life, because the so-called expectations may not be as good as expected.

After the excitement, Joel only left worry and fear.

Because of his life, his life, everything about him is ordinary. . This also shows that Joel is just an ordinary person, no different from other ordinary people.

Faced with unknown dangers, he was equally panicked.

Then Joel wandering wildly found a cheerleader's body.

Joel became more frightened.

The body of Blood* is the opening chapter. This is a typical American horror movie routine!

Ordinary life often represents a person who is a houseman. Joel is not a senior houseman, but it is also a half house. At least movies and TV series are not chased. The usual favorite activities are playing games and earning money from working. Most of them are also invested in games and movie tickets.

Of course, he didn't watch scary movies, whether it was a deadly corner or a forest hut. . The scene in front of me is almost familiar and can no longer be familiar.

Countless third-rate low-cost horror movies are such a start, relying on *points and blood* as selling points, and the face value of the heroines and supporting actresses is also the only profit point of the entire box office. . and many more.

This guy does look familiar.

It doesn't seem to be my own illusion.

In fact, Joel couldn't draw any conclusions from observing the corpse on the ground, because the unlucky cheerleader's entire brain was cut away from his forehead, blood was flowing all over the place, and his beautiful face was blurred.

Joel is not a professional forensic doctor. . He studied finance.

But it is this strange and miserable death method and the surrounding special environment that make Joel feel a little familiar with the unexpected.

It also reminded him of a slightly old, but classic TV series, super hero.

At the beginning of the first season, the villain who was able to deprive others of his superpowers and the undead superpowers cheerleaders were killed on campus.

Claire. . And Sierra. .


At the moment Joel realized, the sharp soprano rang through the night sky, pierced the campus under the night, and accompanied by the sound of multiple scripts running, he kept thinking about his approach.

Joel's heart is not fluctuating. . Even ordinary life is not boring at all.

Yes, the time Joel first traversed was the super hero, and began the beginning of the entire TV series.

In fact, there are dozens of free people who entered the world at the same time as him. In addition to the guys who died halfway in the source world, there are still a dozen people left.

And the current strength of these dozen people is not weak.

Although the source world is in the same world, it also has a parallel world. In other words, like Harry Potter as the basic world, there can also be countless free people to enter the opening time of different super hero worlds.

But this situation is better.

In other words, although a parallel world exists, it is rare to hear a free person enter the parallel world, and most of them are crowded into the same source world.

And as the timeline of the super hero world advances more and more backwards, whether the degree of danger is gradually increasing or the opportunities are gradually decreasing, it means that this source world is becoming more and more difficult.

So, like Joel, who first entered the world, naturally occupies more advantages.

In fact, Joel's situation is indeed the case.

With a scream, he soon met Claire, and then. . The two began to race together.

Although Claire, the undead superpower, will not die, but besides this, she does not have much combat ability. She is not another undead superpower who has lived for hundreds of years, the so-called sword saint, one-handed swordsmanship She has only lived a normal decade or so, what fighting power she can have.

Claire at this time is just an ordinary person, and is an ordinary person with good intentions, naturally it is impossible to see Joel killed by the evil villain Serra behind him.

So he ran with him. . Joel was so confusingly run by Claire all the way.

But Claire is a beautiful **** the cheerleading team, with a lot of physical training, and Joel is just a college dying house, and soon he gradually loses his strength and can't keep up with Claire's speed.

Claire was anxious, but didn't want to give up Joel. Soon, the two were gradually overtaken.

Knowing the plot, Joel estimated that the protagonist Peter was coming, and then rescued Claire. Of course, there was a reason that he really couldn't run, so he let Claire run first and live one by one.

Originally Joel thought Claire could say that you wouldn't run if I didn't run, but after hesitating for a few seconds, Claire gave Joel a hug decisively and threw him in place.

Fortunately, Peter arrived in time, and Joel's affection for Claire was also brushed up, and finally he passed the first contact of the source world with some danger.

The next plot is similar. There is not much oil and water in the super hero world. The most important thing here is these rich super powers, but if there is no copy super power of the protagonist, or the learning of the villain Sierra, these Superpowers can only watch and not eat.

So Joel spent several dangers with the vague influence on the plot, and as the plot progressed, he finally awakened his own superpowers.

See the future.

Among super heroes, there are not many super powers who see the future. Some guys can not only see the future, they can even see a variety of futures, a future where the parallel world intersects, and the future that the future is changed after seeing the future. Then draw it out in oil painting.

More powerful future viewers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can also make the paintings directly into the future.

Joel saw the superpowers of the vague future, and it was actually very common there, eh. . Just like the ordinary and uninspired life of his first half.

But Joel himself was very satisfied, probably because his life was too ordinary and boring, and seeing a different future always allowed him to find a trace of novelty in boredom, and made everything no longer ordinary.

Although it is only a vague future fragment.

And Joel has seen that more and more things are about to happen, and his life will no longer be ordinary.

Sure enough, not long after Joel returned home for the first time, he was directly approached by the institute, and then successfully became a member of the institute.

Of course, he was not a member of the advance team at that time, but it didn't take long. He was also successfully accepted by the advance team and became him now.

In the same way, Joel has long seen this scene vaguely.

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