High Magic Earth

Chapter 1491: This is faith

Tiliva seemed to be looking at Lola indifferently.

Ms. a.

This should be a kind of gaze that sees a lot of life and death. For the indifference to life, it seems that it is not a human being in front of it, but a worthless ant.

Lola had seen it on her instructor, a ninja.

Seth, or the Academy, controls a world, a very low-level world, with few abilities, and the black technology it owns does not exceed Seth’s control.

Assassin Alliance, Ninja Action. . It contains almost all the elements of action movies.

A group of modern ninjas are still active in the hometown of ninjas. These guys even spread their tentacles to New York to chase down their traitors.

In the big cities and capitals of various countries, there is an active group of assassins fighting for faith, or guys fighting for the guidance of the goddess of destiny.

In addition to these more famous plots, there are many unknown plots, most of which fall on individual policemen or individual agents.

Although that world has a low level, no abilities, and no black technology that exceeds the limits of human imagination, it is also very dangerous.

Walking on the street may randomly encounter a policeman, the legendary protagonist detective. You know, encountering such a guy often means trouble.

Bond, the bodyguard of a certain sea, and even the existence of a magical tuxedo.

In these chaotic organizations, the most powerful force is the elite of the global special forces united. They have once practiced in the Amazon. Now. . Then hide the secret base under a desert.

The rise of the special forces Cobra, this should be regarded as the main theme in that low-level world.

After all, it belongs to the official forces, and the power you master cannot be underestimated.

And not only that, these names that can be called out only exist now, and there are many plots that have disappeared because of time.

For example, Gudouza, Causeway Bay. . Very strange pronunciation, when Lola studied for a long time.

This chaotic world where police, gangsters, agents, and terrorists are the main melody is the main world mastered by free people in the institute.

Their base camp is here, and even the main base is mostly here.

Of course, in terms of the positioning of this world, these outsiders should not be considered good people, but more like terrorists.

Fortunately, there is no power in this world, and there are not many black technologies. With the technology plundered from many future worlds, the research institute has hidden its existence very well, even the joint special forces have not discovered them.

Similarly, this world is also the world where Lola and other advance team members are trained.

There is no black technology, no cool to no friend ability, ordinary talents are the main theme of this world, whether it is a hand-washing mercenary, a mutiny agent, or a retired killer, as long as there is money, it is very easy You can invite very good instructors.

The instructors responsible for training the advance team of a team are a group of mercenaries and killers.

Lola was familiar with the eyes of her direct instructor. . He looked at himself like he was looking at a ants. This kind of gaze was not contempt, but numbness and indifference to life.

There are too many people dying in his hands, so much so that they are even more used to eating and drinking, and naturally have no feelings about life.

At this time Tiliva gave Lola such a feeling.

Tiliva's face was shrouded in a sci-fi-style faceplate, but Lola could feel faintly that although the other party seemed alive, there was no ordinary killer's wood and lifelessness, and it seemed that he still had a love of life. attitude.

But under the cover of all this, there is still an endless twilight, as if it were. . An old man on the verge.

"Did you give up."

Tiliva asked slightly curiously.

She looked very curious, but Lola could feel the deep indifference hidden beneath it. Her voice did not fluctuate at all. The so-called curiosity was nothing more than a routine question.

"You... where are you from?"

Lola did not answer Tiliva's question, but asked instead.

Mr. C and Mr. E have completely lost their movements. To be more precise, they are floating in the air not far away, surrounded by large tracts of dark green unknown energy. They are not dead, they just can’t move.

They looked like bugs wrapped in amber. Although they weren't dead, they couldn't move at all, as if time had stopped on them.

Lola couldn't judge what they would do next. . Naturally, I never know what I will do next.

She was a little nervous and frightened, and naturally did not want to give up like this, but Lola also knew that her resistance had no meaning at all.

The difference between the two is too great.

Whether it is technological crushing, or combat skills and physical fitness. . Of course, the latter may also be because the technology is too aware.

But in any case, her chance of resistance is infinitely zero.

Rather than struggling to find out, there is no hope at all. . It's better to accept it this way. Anyway, the worst ending is nothing but death.

Although it was not in the hands of those heretics, the intelligence discovered this time must have been valuable to the institute, and their death was not meaningless.

"A very distant place."

Tiliva also didn't answer Laura's question positively.

"A place far away for you, both in space and time."

"I'm a little better...um?"

Tiliva came to Lola, the power armor exuded a greenish luster, and the arm wrapped in the Youneng easily pierced the passive defense net of Lola's ability. In Lola's unpredictable eyes, light Carry her gently into the air.


The ability to isolate energy makes Tileva slightly stunned, but in front of Youneng, the so-called ability of Lola still seems to be one level lower, because her natural defense is still easily penetrated by Youneng.

"Magic energy defense... is this what you call a power."

Tiliva paused and whispered, but did not continue to question.

She tossed Lola into the energetic gas that had been completely diffused around, like mist and malaria, and then in the next moment, Lola was eaten into the energetic energy as well as Mr. C and Mr. E.

Lola stopped struggling in an instant, and even the expression on her face froze.

But her thinking is still there, and she has not died.

Lola finally knew how Mr. E and Mr. E were floating, and it was not very good.

This seems to be a mixture of weightlessness and sense of restraint. She can still feel her body, but her body seems to be out of her control.

Surrounded by sticky and ubiquitous singular energies, as Lola submerged in the faint light, she suddenly felt these light spots cling to the surface of her skin as if. . Assimilate her.

At the next moment, this stickiness disappeared and Lola felt as if she could move. . She tried to roll her eyes, wanting to see the surroundings clearly, instead of always facing the green energy.

But she soon found in vain that the feeling was just a feeling. She still couldn't control her body, even turning her eyes and looking at other positions was impossible.

"I'm a little curious..."

Tiliva's voice appeared again, appearing behind Lola.

"I'm curious, why do you gather spontaneously and even obey orders."

"Because, according to what I know, once an individual mutates, gains extraordinary power, or something that can override other peers, they will often choose not to obey the rules and fairness set by most peers."

"Instead of choosing the original natural rules...weak meat and strong food."

"This is your situation."

"There are a lot of mutant individuals, and there are a lot of them, but the strange thing is that you did not choose to break away from the rules... But even if you are unable to fight the entire group because of insufficient strength, you should not choose to obey..."

"Unless they are professionally trained, they will remain loyal in this situation."

"But obviously, according to my investigation, you were ordinary people before the mutation."

"You don't have such firm loyalty, will."

Tiliva tilted her head and seemed to be thinking.

"You only fight for yourself."

"Relax, there is nothing wrong with it. Fighting for yourself is the most normal choice. At least among the planets I have contacted, more than 90% of people choose to fight for themselves."

"I'm just curious... what made you make different choices."

Tiliva's voice began to move, moving around Lola. Obviously, she was walking slowly around Lola, and at the next moment, Lola was blocked by the shadow before her unturnable eyes.

The shadow appeared for only a moment, then disappeared again, and Tiliva had passed by in front of her.

"I haven't found a reason for this problem..."

Tiliva still spoke slowly.

"But not long ago, I saw the answer to the question in your eyes."

Her footsteps stopped again in front of Lola. The darkness blocked Lola's sight. From what she saw, she could only see a dark and green power armor.


Tiliva spit out a word in a low voice.

"I am familiar with this kind of thing, and I am not mistaken."

"So... now talk to me carefully."

As a ghost agent, what Tiliva sees is actually far more than ordinary people's imagination, except for many dangers, such as inexplicable threats from the universe, attacks by alien creatures, despair in harsh environments, and more. Is from the examination of human nature.

Agent Ghost is also a member of Agent.

In addition to some very dangerous tasks, a lot of dirty work is also their task. Although Star Federation is very baby ghost agent, it is also because ghost agent can create value that general agents cannot create.

And a little ghost agent lost value. . I'm afraid their status will plummet.

Even Youneng is still very cherished, but at that time, I am afraid that it is not a real star federation baby, but more like an animal in a zoo.

Tiliva naturally took many similar tasks.

The most representative of them is the cleaning and annihilation of Black Star.

Those black planets that belong to the unsupervised and unattended places of the Star Federation often have many incredible things that even challenge the limits of human nature.

Greed, brutality, desire, and negative emotions from the depths of human nature can be completely released once they cannot be effectively restrained and controlled.

In this case, humans are likely to do many extreme, even crazy things.

Tiliva has seen countless tragic things in these black planets, and even far more cruel than the cannibals. Humans without shackles will madly vent their desires. . Create a world that is comparable to hell, even crueler than hell.

This includes faith.

After many planets lost contact with the Star Federation, the upper classes began to rule the planet with faith. After brainwashing for generations or even generations, the entire planet fell into an indescribable frenzy.

In particular, the upper level still retains technology from the Star Federation, and even maintains trade liaison with some black merchants, interstellar pirates, etc. With these technologies, it can create effects comparable to gods.

This reinforces the rule of faith.

Tiliva once infiltrated such a planet. If it wasn't for her that she drove the phantom all the way, and she didn't show her body until the full battle, I'm afraid she couldn't even integrate in one step.

Because the social structure of the entire human race has completely changed. The so-called affection, friendship, affection, all these things do not exist. The common sense cognition is distorted to the extreme here. They can no longer even be called humans, more like human beings. Appearance of animals.

Faith is a terrible thing, far more terrible than simple brutality and tyranny.

Tiliva would like to know what Lola believes in, so that these mutant individuals, after possessing the power beyond the ethnic group and the almost unlimited potential, still maintain their loyalty to the faith, even after the individual gains strength, in In a short time, this kind of loyalty was established for them from scratch.

Sure enough, faith is a very terrible thing.

Even able to control so many mutant individuals. . That must not be a simple thing.

After Tiliva finished the question, she waited quietly for Lola's answer.

In fact, although Lola knew she could not help but tell, and it was no secret, she was still unwilling to tell Tiliva subconsciously.

This is a voluntary and involuntary reason.

But the next moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lola was a little surprised to find that her body, more precisely, her mouth and voice began to be out of her control.


"This is our faith."

Lola used to speak with no different voices and intonations, but Lola's heart was very clear that these things were not what she wanted to say at all, and she didn't even control herself to open her mouth.

It is this unknown energy that surrounds himself that controls her and controls her to make a sound. . She even said what she thought and what she thought.

Tiliva, the creator, was obviously surprised at everything.

Instead, the answer she got from Lola made her more puzzled because. .

"As far as I know, there are indeed many loyal believers in this sect, but certainly not you."

"Why, why do you suddenly believe in the existence of this sect after gaining the power of mutation?"

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