High Magic Earth

Chapter 1493: Imminent Protagonist

"But... there will be a day..."

Lola, wrapped in green energy, suddenly grinned and smiled.

"After all, there will be a day..."

"You will... see the truth you want..."

During the dialogue, Tiliva has quickly backed away by more than a dozen meters. The power brought by the power armor blessed Tiliva as if there was no weight, and the light fluttered like a feather.

With a hard push on her legs, she already retreated to five or six meters, and at the same time tapped her right foot while retreating, Tiliva crossed a distance of more than ten meters at a flying speed, adjusted her body direction, and was alert As Lola's next move moved closer to the edge of the ruined wall.

There is a corner of a corridor. If there is any accident next, she can easily hide behind the wall. Although this stone wall does not make much sense to her power armor, after all, if you can encounter the planet with plenty of energy Tiliva also had a chance to run back to the spaceship.

But she can still use the complex topography of the cloister and walls to throw away the enemy and avoid it. This method will not be outdated at any time.

Although the ghost agent is strong, it is not invincible. She can't rush in any state with a ghost suit.

At the same time, Lola's mouth began to scream and whine loudly, and at the same time there were silk threads like a cobweb on her face. These black threads continued to spread along her blood vessels, and soon became like blue tendons Bulge.

But unlike blue tendons, these black veins flowed into her blood vessels. The surface of these lines was blood vessels. The thin blood vessels were swollen to a certain degree of whiteness and transparency, revealing a trace of weirdness in the deep black.

"...You will see!"

The roar continued from Lola’s throat, and this swelling was no longer confined to the black veins and blood vessels, and soon spread to her entire face, even the entire body began to swell. It looks like an inflated balloon.

And there are also similar situations with Mr. E and Mr. C. The three inflated bodies are very visually shocking, and Tiliva was somewhat thankful that she was away there for the first time.

This thing looks like it's about to explode, whether it's dirty blood or something. . It's not very disgusting to be sprayed on.

Tiliva is not worried about these people exploding, or the mutation has stronger power or something. Her personal terminal is always detecting threatening targets nearby. If these guys have potential threats, the terminal is already in the first place. A reminder for a while.

The reason for retreating backwards is more an instinct besides avoiding being affected by the explosion.

Even if Tiliva is very confident in her ghost suit, standing still and resisting it is a very stupid thing, although the ghost agent's combat power is even stronger than the average Star Commando. . But still a secret agent unit.

Years of fighting instincts have already made Tiliva a habit.

In case of danger, protecting yourself is your first priority.


Whether it's Lola or the other two, in just a few minutes, they have swelled up to four or five times their original size.

The grim appearance made Tileva's brow furrowed under her visor.

She has seen many disgusting cosmic creatures, and the special planetary environment will often be a lot special. . And very refuted creatures with human aesthetics.

This thing can at least squeeze into the top twenty.

This is already a great honor.

"It's disgusting."

In the future era, although the aesthetics must have changed, the general deviation of preferences will not be great.

Just as humans can never get close to multi-antennary and multi-node creatures, this instinct is written in the deepest genes.

Under the intentional control of Tiliva, the green ghost energy still permeates this small space. Several people in Lola desperately want to break free in the air, but there is no borrowing point before and after, they shake the huge expansion The body and the short limbs that slide disproportionately to the body are as funny as the blown pig.



Mr. E and Mr. E seem to have lost their minds. They roared like wild beasts, struggling to separate in the direction of Tiliva's hiding, and made various powerful threats and intimidations.

Lola's condition seems to be slightly better, but still between the imminent loss of self-thinking and the final stage of stalemate.

Tiliva was still silently observing the development of the situation.

Because at this time she no longer has the full confidence.

All of Tiliva's self-confidence is based on the almost omnipotent phantom energy. This kind of energy that only ghost agents can possess and control can help Tiliva do almost everything.

Even if you get into a hard fight, winning is only a matter of time. There is nothing you can’t do. The difference is only the length of time and the method used.

So even in this strange world, Tiliva did not panic.

This is a very backward world, even behind all the black stars that Tiliva has been to. You must know that the black star has cut off the connection with the Star Federation deliberately, and only rely on the interstellar smuggler’s spacecraft to supplement technology. Of even star-rated smugglers have no contact, and technological faults generally fall behind Star Federation by about one or two hundred years.

But here. . It is not only one or two hundred years behind this world, but also thousands of years. In Tiliva’s eyes, this is simply a primitive world.

Youneng will not face any threats to a group of primitive people.

The emergence of this situation completely interrupted Tiliva's cognition of Youneng, and she realized that it was not just a primitive backward civilization. . It seems to be a civilization that the Star Federation has not recorded and included.

A civilization that has never been included in the Star Federation. . Not many, because almost most civilizations evolved and split from the old federal period, and all have traces.

Even if it was a civilization that was hostile to the old federation at that time, there was not much difference between technology, or it was all technology.

But undiscovered civilizations, or civilizations that have been lost for a long time, are not without, but only a few, and in most cases these civilizations and technologies appear very strange, one of the most dangerous tasks, far more than clearing the Black Star There are many kinds of dangers.

The degree of danger even chases the exploration and exile of high-latitude creatures.

Obviously, this is a branch of civilization that has never been imagined. . magic.

At first, Tiliva didn't pay attention to it, even if she realized it, she thought her secret energy could be completely blocked, but the fact told her the cruel truth.

The failure of Phantom not only means that the world has exposed Diliva's danger and fangs. . It also means that the fact that Youneng can do everything is broken.

The latter is the most important.

But after all, Tiliva is a spy agent with 40 years of experience. Although she is unavoidably surprised, she still observes everything calmly.

After all, she has no way to leave the planet at this time, and panic will only make everything worse.

Keep calm at all times. . This was the first lesson she learned in agent training forty years ago.


The roar is still diffused, and it is getting bigger and bigger. In just a few seconds, the expansion of several people has reached a certain critical point.

The huge system seems to explode in the next moment. .

"Energy coefficient increased."

According to the response from the terminal. . This is indeed the case.

This is an irreversible process, and Tiliva immediately realized this with years of experience, and. . It's about to explode.


Tiliva did not hide behind the wall or even retreat, but quietly watched the first explosion appear.

This unlucky guy is Mr. C. His physique is the worst, and he is the first one who can't hold it.

If at first Tiliva still had confidence to ensure that Youneng could block everything, then now this confidence is obviously gone, but she also did not have a good chance to give up this change.

Because she is confident that even without Youneng's defense, the speed brought by Youneng can still make her avoid everything.

The explosion spread to the entire small underground space in an instant.

Instead of splashing countless blood stains as Tiliva worried, only a little strange black mist diffused with the explosion.

In Tiliva's observation perspective, the whole world seems to be slowed down countless times, the black smoke diffuses, and then the energy can slowly be swallowed down at a very fast speed.

Soon, a large piece of green energy was eroded into black, and even if the remaining power was not reduced, it seemed to be still thinking about the direction of Tiliva's spread.

There is nothing wrong with Tiliva's thinking. Lola can resist the control of Phantom and conceal part of the truth. This special black energy can also fight Phantom.

This is the first time Tiliva has encountered a substance that can counter the energy.

There is not much data collected, so Tiliva did not plan to verify this unknown substance by herself.

The black energy spreads at a very fast speed, but in Tiliva's eyes, it is not fast enough. You can only use it to attack and defend. This is only the most obvious control for it, more, it is in the quiet It can produce other special abilities with various assistance from Warframe.

For example, extreme speed.

Youneng also instantly appeared on the surface of Youneng's armor, something like Yi Chou's cosmic creature Mao Wen seen in the world of the song of ice and fire at night. This kind of light defends against the neon lights and follows the armor. The lines on the surface light up instantly.

In the next moment, Tiliva's pupils under her face mask glowed with a greenish luster, the world slowed down in her eyes, and her speed rose to the extreme in an instant.

It is even faster than the energy spread.

Seeing as if the black energy in this position would diffuse into Tiliva's body at the next moment, Tiliva had disappeared in place.

It reappeared, and has retreated a dozen meters away.


There was another loud noise, as if the balloon burst.

There is still a small part of the phantom energy remaining in that space. . Youneng is equivalent to Tiliva's eyes. Through these remaining energy, Tiliva soon saw that Mr. E was the explosion next.

Lola is still struggling, but with the diffusion of the second black energy, the phantom energy in the space has completely disappeared, replaced by this unknown energy.

The terminal is still in the analysis, and before getting the result, Tiliva does not intend to commit a risk.

She also couldn't observe what was going on inside, she could only wait far away.

But after five or six minutes, Tiliva suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It's too quiet.

Two people have exploded in succession, so the only one left is Lola, there should be three explosions, but. . The third sound did not appear.

Intuition tells Tiliva that it's not that Lola is still fighting. It's quite possible that something unknown and something happened to her in the dark mist.

And most likely, Lola took the opportunity to escape.

When an accident occurs, few enemies will take the opportunity to make the final death stroke. In most cases, they choose to take the opportunity to escape. If it is Tiliva, she will also make the latter choice.

So once you encounter an accident that is not under control. . So most of them are the enemy intends to run away.

This is the experience Tiliva has summed up over the years. After all, few people will be stupid enough to confront the ghost agent.

The black mist was very quiet, so quiet that there was no sound, and these black mists also ceased to diffuse. They floated about five or six meters in front of Tiliva, as if they had their own lives, covering the entire space, and then slowly Wriggled.

They did not dissipate, but they did not continue to spread, which caused Tiliva to frown slightly.

She is more concerned about Lola's situation at this time.

The short knife rattled in her hand, and soon regrouped into a ghost rifle. Tiliva tried to shoot the black mist at the flat muzzle. . But she found that she was swallowed by Black Mist unresponsively, and then she immediately lost control and perception of this phantom energy.

The black mist is still spreading, like a mullet floating in the deep sea, creeping slowly, still in the air.

Tiliva decided not to waste energy. Although she could use the phantom energy to simulate flames and low temperature, she had no patience to try one by one.

She is also not sure whether this is an inert energy and how long it can last, so she decided to wait for half an hour and choose to leave if she still has no chance to enter.

But at the next moment, Tiliva suddenly froze for a moment, and then her eyes fell to the left, the end of her sight that was blocked by the same wall and could not be reached.

"It seems that another guest has arrived."

She whispered to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, Imogen also felt the trouble.


Looking at the black mist that almost cut off the road in front of his eyes, Imokin frowned and pulled out his wand.

"Call God to guard!"

She tried to use a patron saint. . The effect seems to be okay, because the black mist was impacted in the moment when her patron saint rushed in. As her patron saint jumped in the air, the black mist was also torn apart.

After the patron saint disappeared, these black mists began to gather together again, but the speed was obviously much slower, and there was also a lack of a large piece, which seemed a lot sparse.

The guardian curse is effective, but when will such a large black mist be cleared?

After hesitating, Imogen put down his wand. Anyway, there was a lot of underground space. In the past few days, she had already figured out the surrounding routes roughly.

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