High Magic Earth

Chapter 1497: It's time for the title Jun to play again

"Da da."

Hydera’s base is very large, at least larger than the Red Castle, after all, this is a military base. . It is always bigger than the small castle that Yi Biao used to live in.

There are many soldiers, but Yi Chou did not see the personnel responsible for cleaning and maintenance. . But the ground is still spotless and I don't know how to do it.

The polished floor always has a desire for people to step on and make a loud noise, and Yi Chou did exactly that.

The big walk walked in the corridor, the black robe rolled in the back of Yi Chao, and the cloud rolled at a height of only a few centimeters from the ground.

In his hand was the data compiled by Dr. Zola. . Yi Xiao decided to go back and read it carefully.

These data are not as important as imagined. They are just the initial stage of energy research. After all, even if Dr. Zola looks very respectful on the surface, whether it is forced by strength or other reasons. . But unless controlled by magic, it is impossible to believe so easily.

It takes a while to observe.

Yi Xiao does not want to use magic to control Dr. Zola. Although this kind of deep hypnosis and spiritual hinting magic seems to be very mature, it must be flawed after all.

Especially those involved in this type of experimental research. . It is absolutely necessary that Yi Chou does not want to make changes easily.

It doesn't matter, there is time to observe, it's seventy years.

The experiment submitted to Dr. Zola should be divided into three stages. The first stage is the analysis and research of energy, which can mainly help Yi Xiao better understand magic and energy magic.

Then came the reverse engineering derivation of the Petri dish laboratory. Genetics is Dr. Zola's old business. Of course Yi Xiao will not let him directly contact Winnie, but there are hundreds of brains in the Petri dish. . It is not very simple to waste a few.

In the final stage, if Dr. Zola successfully proved his loyalty, then entering the final stage, his mission will be changed to study superheroes.

It's still the genetics field, but this time. . It is all superheroes, even all human beings.

Of course, with Dr. Zola alone, it should be a bit laborious. There are many cutting-edge talents in Marvel World, even if Marvel World is not enough. . The new human world is biased toward technology and genetic variation, and collecting similar talents is not a simple matter.

Thinking about it like this, Yi Zhou was suddenly stopped by a herder's herald when he turned a corridor.

"Mr. Angomaka."

He feet together, said respectfully.

"The chief has a request."

The leader is naturally the red skull, Josephine Schmidt. After all, the base is still nominally owned by Josephine at this time, and Yi Chou is only her special consultant.

Yi Xiao is not worried about what Josephine does irrationally, as long as he has absolute strength to suppress Sirny, and he needs to let Josephny know this. . Otherwise, Josephine would try to do some small movements back and forth, which would be a waste of time.

In the same way, Josephine will honestly choose to cooperate, or called obedience, until Yi Chou reveals weakness, she will once again set the table on the spot without hesitation.

Yi Chou nodded.

The herald soon led Yi Chou to a quiz field, and then retreated, and left. There was a bang in the quiz field, like the sound of an air mass bursting, which seemed to be vaguely mixed with electric current. The murmur sounds quite sci-fi.

When Yi Biao heard it, he knew that it was the weapon he gave to Josephine, the X2 plasma gun.

It is not the original weapon from the colonial ship Kadra, nor the prototype of the weapon in the wreckage of the iron-blooded spaceship, but the arrogance of the weapons on the two ships as a prototype, reconstructed with a silver tongue.

Magic experiment is very good, but science and technology experiment. .

Fortunately, the silver tongue makes up for this, with some basic scientific and technological theories infused directly into the mind, and then began to build their own firearm performance, and then omitted the steps of machine tool manufacturing or manual knocking. . Write a perfect short story directly, using the silver tongue to create it.

Modify the content of the story, modify the performance of the firearms in the story, and then use the silver tongue to reshape, which gave birth to a new model.

The x2 type is the second version of Yi Xuan's weapon. The Red Castle Lab has reached x8. If a weapon is needed, Yi Xuan will directly use the shadow shuttle door to get the latest model.


Opening the door of the test field, Yi Chou really saw that Josephine was shooting with a gun, destroying targets, and testing the performance and power of the plasma gun.


With half a second of charge, the muzzle of the plasma gun condensed a thick light mass, exuding a faint blue luster, and the current flashed in it. The next moment, the light mass was lased out, as if it were like a substance Usually pushed by huge force, it seems to be a meteor, directly destroying the target a dozen meters away.

The hard target is not penetrated, but it is enveloped by a faint blue light mass. The light mass flows down the top of the target as if it is a liquid, and even if it does not reach for half a second, it melts nothing. Left.

And this shining liquid still fell to the ground until it melted a pothole nearby, which lasted about three or four seconds, and then slowly evaporated.



The plasma gun in Josephine’s hands is the most powerful, with a fast rate of fire and great power, because this is the original version Yi Yi grabbed directly from her from the Red Castle. The test field is very large and is an area of ​​100 square meters A huge shooting range, and in addition to Josephine testing the gun here, there are many researchers wearing white research robes and leading the soldiers to test the gun here.

There are about a dozen plasma guns of various models.

Obviously, in less than a week, Hydera led by Josephine had already copied the prototype of the x2 plasma gun that Yi Xuan handed to her.

Several models have even been improved.

Josephine deserves to be a research talent. . As the head of the new weapons development department under the head of state, Hydera does have two brushes.

Even if it spans two civilizations, weapons whose age exceeds at least a few hundred years can be prevented. Of course, the perfect information that Yi Chou gave them also greatly reduced the time of counterfeiting.

"The power is not big enough."

Hearing the people behind, Josephine said without looking back.

She is still dressed in military uniform and her face is cold, after all, she is still the leader in name, and Yi Chou is just the special consultant she invited. This attitude is not a problem.

On the contrary, if Yi Piao shows the anti-guest as the dominant, then even if Josephine is well aware of Yi Piao's strength, the soldiers below will inevitably have a certain view.

This will cause some unnecessary trouble, so Yi Chou does not care how Josephine does not respect these meaningless little details.

"There is a threat against ordinary soldiers... but it is also difficult to form a force suppression."

"If faced with another me, a super soldier, the threat of these weapons is not great."

"So, the power is not enough."

"If you replace it with a cube of the universe..."

Josephine put the plasma gun in his hand to the adjutant's hand, gestured to retreat left and right, then turned around and said to Yi Chou calmly.

"Power is enough."

Yi Xiao stretched out a finger and shook, and kept smiling.

"You may have a few misunderstandings."

"First of all, these weapons are not used to deal with super soldiers, and secondly... why deal with super soldiers, you always want to use this light weapon."

"Heavier heavy weapons are the right way to deal with super soldiers, especially air suppression. Super soldiers are flexible on the ground, but she can't fly."

"Don't tell me, what chivalry do you care about."

Josephine stared at Yi Chou.

"I also have the Iron Cross, although I don't need that thing at all."

Yi Chou spread his hands and continued.

"Another point, your task is not to defeat the super soldier, but to be defeated by the super soldier."

Josephine's face was a little uglier, and he could almost drip sulfuric acid.

"Repeat history?"

"Then I still need you to do something."

Yi Chou shrugged indifferently.

"We have discussed this question hundreds of times... Believe me, my patience is absolutely beyond your imagination, and I can answer you again."

"The reason is that at least you won't die, you won't be exiled into the void of the universe."

"Seventy years later, when the curtain opened, that was the real stage, and everything really started."

Josephine snorted, and didn't bother about this issue. After all, in the past week, some things had been explained and consensus reached. She only complained routinely.

"The power of this weapon is sufficient."

Yi Chou's eyes swept around.

"So many models... It doesn't make much sense. In the original history, you analyzed the cosmic cube, and the new energy weapons produced are probably such powerful."

"Anyway, it will ultimately fail, there is no need to waste so much energy."

"This is preparation for seventy years."

Josephine said coldly, full of bad intentions.

"Maybe weapons after seventy years will surprise you too."

"Then I will wait and see."

Yi Biao felt that Josephine said something. According to the opportunity, when facing Captain America, she would still fail, and Hydera would be destroyed by the Strategic Science Corps. . But it will not really be destroyed.

Everything is still in accordance with the original history, the last change is only the ending, the Red Skull will be left to the United States team to complete the fatal duel after 70 years.

The history of this period cannot be easily changed, but the US team has been sleeping for seventy years. . It seems that the entire Hydera can't do nothing.

Josephine probably intends to use this time to develop new weapons. Maybe the weapons after seventy years are enough to threaten Yi Chou. .

This is where she has no good intentions.

It is a pity that she still thinks too much. Yi Chou will return to the original time sooner or later, leaving this period of history, but he cannot let the Red Skull lead the Hydra alone to spend seventy years alone.

Seventy years is too long. She will definitely make some moths. Before Yi Biao leaves, Josephine will surely be slumbered. In less than seventy years, don't want to wake up.

But from her forward-looking perspective, Josephine deserves to be a farming expert, and she can never forget the development of her foundation.

Josephine did not get any valuable information from Yi Chao.

Although the war was intensifying and bad things had spread to the heads of state, Yi Chou still told her to continue to wait for the opportunity.

During this period, it is good to study weapons and then support Dr. Zola's research.

As for what to study. . It was the plasma guns Yi Yi gave her, large-scale imitation, and then large-scale equipment. As for the universe cube or something, although it will eventually be handed over to SHIELD, it is now being studied by Yi Noo.

Together with the time gem.

Josephine was doomed to failure. In the original history, she used space gems to research new energy weapons. Although the space gems were intercepted by Yi Xuan, Yi Xuan still handed her weapons beyond this era.

Anyway, it is just to form equipment crushing, whether it is the new energy technology of space gems, or the combination of the Yunxing plasma weapon and the iron-blooded ion gun technology.

Turning away and squinting, Josephine, whose skin and flesh separation is getting worse, turned back to her room.

Sooner or later, the separation of skin and flesh will be resolved for Josephine, after all, with a skull and skull face or something. . It looks really uncomfortable.

But not now, Dr. Zola is more capable than expected. In a week, he has listed at least a dozen common sources of magical energy for Yi Xiao.


Turn the gate, place the thick test materials on the table, and just ready to read carefully, Yi Chou heard footsteps outside the gate again.


The door was opened again, and Athena pushed the door in.

Staring at Athena, Yi Chou frowned slightly.

"You came just right."

Yi Xiao split the experimental data in half and threw it to the other side of the table.

"Dr. Zola is more capable than expected. The original data has been sorted out. I think there is something wrong with it."

"The same energy, the nature of magic and technology analysis is actually different."

"The reason has not been clarified for the time being, but I think once the cause is found...it will be very helpful to us."

"I can't finish it all by yourself. You can help me sort out the remaining half of the data. By the way, help me get a bottle of red wine. It's about eight or two... It's probably not there yet."

Yi Biao said a long paragraph in a breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be clearly seen that Athena who came from the door looked a little bit ashamed, she was startled, as if instinctively refuting.

"I am a god."

Yi Xiao spread his hands.

"I am your father."

Athena froze again, but quickly calmed down, nodded, and then stepped back.

It didn't take long for her to reopen the door and come back, but this time, she had an extra bottle of red wine in her hand.


She naturally took a goblet from the cabinet next to it and placed it on the table, then gently poured the mellow red liquor into it and put it in front of Yi Chou.

"This is the best red wine here."

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