High Magic Earth

Chapter 1504: Walk with God (3)

A Midgart. . Can it really reach the level that the other party said?

In this regard, until several of them came to the three horses, the second princess was still quite skeptical. She always felt that this was a lie of the other party.

And the lies she couldn't pierce, as a noble **** of lie, but could not identify the lies of a strange wizard. . Well, it might be more accurate to call the opponent a powerful strange wizard, but what about that, I am a god.

The **** of lies.

Although I had been psychologically prepared for this, Loki still felt very upset again and again.

She found that the wizard glanced sideways at herself, although it was only for a short moment, but still gave her a feeling that the whole person was seen through.

Even anger and shame.

"Always think you are thinking about something very rude."

And the next light words from the other party made the second princess realize that this might not be an illusion.

The other party's feelings are very sharp. Of course, they may not only be keen, but also smart, and so smart that they can even judge the heart and thoughts of people from some changes in the details of the face and eyes.

Sometimes the second princess also likes to use her little cleverness to judge the ideas of others and speculate on their hearts, of course, this is limited to her Asgard family. . Or at present, it is regarded as an Asgard of the same family as the second princess.

Because only a very deep understanding of the other party, it is possible to make a guess like predicting the future, otherwise, even Holmes cannot determine the truth behind it at a glance.

The reasoning is strictly rigorous logical thoughts and a large amount of knowledge. The former is indispensable, and the latter is also indispensable. If Sherlock has not studied medicine, then he cannot judge based on the symptom feedback of the body. At the time of the victim’s death, if he did not carry the map of the whole of London, he would not be able to use a pair of legs to take a short cut to intercept a taxi traveling through the streets of the alley.

Of course, the poor traffic environment of London congestion may also be one of the reasons.

So this kind of speculation and reasoning are mostly suitable for familiar things, familiar people, or familiar scenes. As an Asgard, Princess II is very aware of what changes in her face when she is happy. Naturally, she can also pass similar The details of his face speculate on the inner thoughts of other Asgards.

But if it is not an Asgard, it is a frost giant or a dark elf. . Even the worm race Mick on the planet Saka, their existence is a problem, try to figure out one.

The second princess itself is very proficient in this way of existence, Yi Yi arrogant look, she immediately seemed to feel.

Weird and annoying wizard. . No, a good partner, an honest partner, a reliable partner.

No matter what was in my heart, the second princess immediately reversed her inner thoughts, and by the way, she also put a look of innocence on her face.

"Do not."

She still said in a cold, haughty tone.

"You think too much."

"And I suggest you save a little, after all, your barren brain is not much."

Yi Xiao still smiles very gently, and seems to never get angry, but. .


He said suddenly.

"When I return to Midgart, I will introduce you to an atrium. She is called Brisbane, and she is also a very powerful Midgart. If she is angry, not only the entire Mead Galt will be destroyed by her, and even the entire universe will be threatened."

"The danger is no less than tyrant."

"You don't believe that the atrium has this power, but it doesn't matter, when you see her... you will understand."

"Trust me, you will be happy with her."

Yi Chou's voice was still full of gentleness, but it made the second princess feel a little chill instinctively. It was really strange. She shivered and looked suspiciously at Yi Chou.

Is there anything strange? The suspicious second princess didn't find the reason. After looking around doubtfully again, she decided not to think about it for the time being.

Three horses have been chained to the side gate of Junlin. They are wagging their tails, slamming their horseshoes from time to time, etc. Obviously, the horse training of Westeros cavalry is not strict, at least It will not make the ban prohibit the war horses from making a noise.

The expression of the second princess looked a little disgusted.

Whether it is Yi Chou, Gu Mo, or the Second Princess itself, naturally they can ride horses, and almost all are masters of riding.

Yi Chou is a direct instillation of riding through the silver tongue, similar to sword skills, riding, fighting techniques, and martial arts skills of various genres. It seems to Lucy that it belongs to the scope of miscellaneous knowledge, not like pseudo iron Body remodeling, pseudo-god power charge, and the structure of the designated magic shadow energy, the chains of time backtracking, etc. are so difficult to create.

Therefore, using the silver tongue, almost all the knowledge in a package is passed in, and it is even more convenient than the knowledge download of the Matrix. After all, the silver tongue created is completely suitable for the existence of the clamor, these messy Knowledge is not a complicated and profound mystery, there is no brain capacity requirement, and there will be no sequelae of head pain.

Of course, there are also arrogant spirits and thoughts that are stronger than ordinary people, and although the savior of the Matrix, Neo, is called the savior, it is not much stronger than ordinary people in terms of spirit and thinking.

As for Gu Mo, she is an interstellar soldier and a born warrior with strong adaptability. One of the main characteristics of the interstellar soldier is to be able to adapt to combat in multiple environments.

There are many harsh environments in the universe. It is impossible for every planet and every place to be suitable for human existence. At this time, we can only rely on the interstellar soldiers themselves.

No one can save her if she can't withstand the heat or virus and get injured or die.

And Gu Mo, a natural warrior, is one of the best, just like those steel men who are determined, Gu Mo seems to be born without a home, and never needs a resting place. The whole world is her home, where is it? It can be integrated into very little.

In addition to the dangerous environment, some creatures that are also full of huge threats are also the enemies of the interstellar soldiers. The environment that is very different from the parent star often creates many dangerous and even strange creatures. Most common senses are useless to these creatures. More dangerous than environmental threats.

It is also the most dangerous enemy when interstellar soldiers develop and carry out exploration missions.

So a horse. .

This kind of gentle animal is really nothing in Gu Mo’s eyes. It seems that Yunxing also has very similar creatures. Although Yunxing in the era has long eliminated animals for transportation, Gu Mo has not undergone relevant training at all, but With strong learning ability and physical quality, she still practiced the entire riding skillfully during this time.

Even more than many traditional knights in Westeros.

Otherwise, it is impossible to hold the position of the captain of the gold robe.

Although the golden robe was not a knight but an infantry of the city's garrison army, at this time the monarchy was reconstructed. Many soldiers and officers were moved from the nobles in the nearby small towns and towns, and more or less came from cavalry.

You can’t get in without riding.

And the last princess of Asgard. . Just like Gu Mo, the interstellar soldier, the nine nations in the Nine Realms also have different environments and different conditions. Asgard’s perennial campaigns also require adaptation to multiple environments.

Similarly, whether it's a combat airship or a spaceship, or a variety of strange animals and monsters, Princess Two has also controlled many vehicles.

At least no stranger to animal control.

If she was replaced by her sister Timmel, who had a higher combat instinct, the Asgard Princess did not need to practice at all, and her amazing intuition even allowed her to ride even a dragon.

When fighting, a huge monster suddenly came out to stir up the mess? It's okay, from having never seen this monster at all, from the strange expression on the face to being familiar with every body structure of it, easily grasping its scales and turning it over his back, then trotting all the way to his head with two hammers Not even half a minute is needed.

Princess Asgar's fighting instinct is so amazing, it can be called a monster nemesis.

And not only her, but almost every superhero has more or less such traits. The more giant monsters appear to be weaker in their hands, the more super villains that are very close to ordinary people, the more dangerous.

The danger is basically that there are no hundreds of episodes at all.

And even after a few hundred episodes, I often find a chance to wash it.

It seems that the hands of the giant creatures that are defeated and the tiny superheroes are ordinary in appearance but dangerous to the villain who can destroy the entire universe. Such strong awareness can bring the same shock.

Humans just like these boring things.

And very little attention to cleanliness.

Gu Mo turned on his horse, and Yi Chou also fluttered on the horse's back as if it had slipped up. There was only the second princess. She pointedly rejected the unlucky war horse, and wrapped its entire horse back with some energy. After staying, the snow-white big ao rolled and rode up.

The second princess is elegant, always so elegant and noble.

The male version of Rocky pays great attention to his image, his hair is always meticulous, as if he can never see his hairstyle when he gets up, and his clothes are always spotless, even if he goes through a fierce war, it is not Only a thin layer of dust and blood stains.

He seems to maintain his image at all times.

Although sometimes even maintaining an elegant image, it is often embarrassing to be miserable.

Now that Rocky has become a woman, she naturally values ​​her own image more, and besides, she also carries the habits that other women only value, such as cleanliness, fear of bugs, and fear of snakes. .

Of course, the mighty second princess might not be afraid of these little things, but what is certain is that she probably does not like thunder.

Looking at the action of the second princess, Yi Chou pouted again.

The male version of Rocky’s impression of Yi Chou is too deep, and sometimes it is difficult for him to reverse it. Realizing that the second princess in front of him did not convert the male version of Rocky into a female version, but was originally a female. .

It was awkward to see the second princess who didn't care about feminine movements.

"Tap to tap."

The iron hoof stepped on the cold frozen ground.

The Sleeping Spell curbed those aliens and ghouls, but could not stop the coming of Winter, and in the few months that Yi Chou left, the entire Winter had completely diffused from the northern border. The cold air spread to the King's Landing, and even wrapped it like the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month.

The direction slightly closer to the north border from Junlin, even covered by ice and snow, even if the bare treetops are covered with frost and condensed crystals, this kind of scene like the world of ice and snow is like a fairy tale world. The emerging ice kingdom.

Beautiful but equally dangerous.

Three breathing horses flew in the snow, not fast, but not slow.

"The temperature has dropped sharply recently."

Gu Mo's calm voice came from the air, and the combat suit had its own constant temperature. This combat suit was regarded as the last direction for the interstellar soldiers to protect themselves. Not to mention the constant temperature, most biological viruses and unknown lesions could be defended and fully functional.

"A few days ago, there was only a thin layer of snow on the ground... Now the instep is gone."

The horseshoe is also not passed. If it is not Gu Mo’s terminal that monitors the terrain, otherwise the superb rider would not dare to run the horse in this environment, and he can’t even see the road clearly, it is just to death.

"Winter is more terrible than expected."

"I thought it was this group of indigenous people who exaggerated...but now I also have some doubts that the winter food is not enough."

Gu Moruo pointed.

Winter is not terrible. Although the crops cannot grow, and even the animals have begun to shrink, the spring and winter alternate, and the short winter will pass sooner or later, and the food stored in spring will allow humans to spend a safe time.

But the winter of Westeros is obviously different.

Its wife is too long, not to mention that it cannot prepare enough food, even if it is prepared, it cannot be stored for so long, not to mention the time to wait for the crop to grow again after the winter.

Any extension of the day may result in the death of countless people.

"I will leave you a magic seed when I leave this time."

Yi Chou is not ambiguous.

"The growth cycle is short, the taste is moderate, and the yield is large. The most important thing is that it can be cultivated in winter, and snow water is the nutrient for their growth."

"The only drawback is probably the single taste. I am afraid that you can only eat this thing for a long winter."

"That's better than starving to death."

Gu Mo's expression is obviously a lot more happy~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although she is an interstellar soldier, she also needs food. Of course, she will never starve to death by herself, but the turmoil caused by hunger will also make her live. Very uncomfortable.

No one would like the winter of such a dead body.

Now with Yi's promise, she naturally rested her mind.

As for the magic seed that Yi Chao said. . It doesn't actually exist.

But it doesn’t matter, the silver tongue can solve all problems. Although Lucy is no longer at this time, Lucy is a story written by Yi Chou and then created using the silver tongue. It is not a trouble to create a bag of magic seeds again. .

The distance is really short. In the short time when Gu Mo and Yi Chou exchanged briefly, Yi Chou vaguely saw a snowfield not far in front of him, quietly placed a seemingly spaceship. Metal creation.

Gu Mo also confirmed this guess at the next moment.


She said.

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